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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
(** Top-level driver that orchestrates build system integration, frontends, and backend *)
(** as the Config.fail_on_bug flag mandates, exit with error when an issue is reported *)
let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
let issues_json = DB.Results_dir.(path_to_filename Abs_root ["report.json"]) in
match read_file (DB.filename_to_string issues_json) with
| Some lines ->
let issues = Jsonbug_j.report_of_string @@ String.concat "" lines in
if issues <> [] then exit Config.fail_on_issue_exit_code
| None -> ()
let () =
let infer_py = Config.lib_dir // "python" // "" in
let build_cmd = IList.rev in
let in_buck_mode = match build_cmd with "buck" :: _ -> true | _ -> false in
let args_py =
Array.of_list (
infer_py ::
Config.anon_args @
(if not Config.absolute_paths then [] else
["--absolute-paths"]) @
(match Config.analyzer with None -> [] | Some a ->
IList.assoc (=) a ( (fun (n,a) -> (a,n)) Config.string_to_analyzer)]) @
(match Config.blacklist with
| Some s when in_buck_mode -> ["--blacklist-regex"; s]
| _ -> []) @
(if not Config.create_harness then [] else
["--android-harness"]) @
(if not Config.buck then [] else
["--buck"]) @
(match Config.java_jar_compiler with None -> [] | Some p ->
["--java-jar-compiler"; p]) @
(match IList.rev Config.buck_build_args with
| args when in_buck_mode ->
| (fun arg -> ["--Xbuck"; "'" ^ arg ^ "'"]) args |> IList.flatten
| _ -> []) @
(if not Config.continue_capture then [] else
["--continue"]) @
(if not Config.debug_mode then [] else
["--debug"]) @
(if not Config.debug_exceptions then [] else
["--debug-exceptions"]) @
(if Config.filtering then [] else
["--no-filtering"]) @
(if not Config.flavors || not in_buck_mode then [] else
["--use-flavors"]) @
(if Option.is_none Config.use_compilation_database || not in_buck_mode then [] else
["--use-compilation-database"]) @
"-j" :: (string_of_int ::
"-l" :: (string_of_float Config.load_average) ::
(if not Config.pmd_xml then [] else
["--pmd-xml"]) @
(if not Config.reactive_mode then [] else
["--reactive"]) @
"--out" :: Config.results_dir ::
(match Config.project_root with None -> [] | Some pr ->
["--project_root"; pr]) @
(match Config.xcode_developer_dir with None -> [] | Some d ->
["--xcode-developer-dir"; d]) @
(if = [] then [] else
("--" :: build_cmd))
) in
let pid = Unix.create_process args_py.(0) args_py Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr in
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
let exit_code = match status with
| Unix.WEXITED i -> i
| _ -> 1 in
if exit_code = Config.infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code then
(* swallow argument parsing error *)
Config.print_usage_exit ();
if exit_code <> 0 then (
prerr_endline ("Failed to execute: " ^ (String.concat " " (Array.to_list args_py))) ;
exit exit_code
if Config.is_originator then (
if Config.analyzer = Some Config.Crashcontext then
Crashcontext.crashcontext_epilogue ~in_buck_mode;
if Config.fail_on_bug then
fail_on_issue_epilogue ();