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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Definition and parsing of command line arguments *)
open! IStd
type exe = Analyze | Clang | Interactive | Print | Toplevel
(** Association list of executable (base)names to their [exe]s. *)
val exes : (string * exe) list
val exe_name : exe -> string
val frontend_exes: exe list
(** The [mk_*] functions declare command line options, while [parse] parses then according to the
declared options.
The arguments of the declaration functions are largely treated uniformly:
- [long] declares the option [--long]
- [short] declares the option [-short] as an alias
- [deprecated] declares the option [-key] as an alias, for each [key] in [deprecated]
- [default] specifies the default value
- [default_to_string] is used to document the default value
- [f] specifies a transformation to be performed on the parsed value before setting the config
- [symbols] is an association list sometimes used in place of [f]
- [exes] declares that the option should be included in the external documentation (--help) for
each [exe] in [exes], otherwise it appears only in --help-full
- [meta] is a meta-variable naming the parsed value for documentation purposes
- a documentation string
type 'a t =
?deprecated:string list -> long:string -> ?short:string ->
?exes:exe list -> ?meta:string -> string ->
(** [mk_set variable value] defines a command line option which sets [variable] to [value]. *)
val mk_set : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit t
val mk_option :
?default:'a option -> ?default_to_string:('a option -> string) -> f:(string -> 'a option) ->
'a option ref t
(** [mk_bool long short doc] defines a [bool ref] set by the command line flag [--long] (and
[-short]), and cleared by the flag [--no-long] (and [-nshort]). If [long] already has a "no-",
or [short] nas an "n", prefix, then the existing prefixes will instead be removed. The default
value is [false] unless overridden by [~default:true]. The [doc] string will be prefixed with
either "Activates:" or "Deactivates:", so should be phrased accordingly. *)
val mk_bool : ?deprecated_no:string list -> ?default:bool -> ?f:(bool -> bool) -> bool ref t
(** [mk_bool_group children not_children] behaves as [mk_bool] with the addition that all the
[children] are also set and the [no_children] are unset. A child can be unset by including
"--no-child" later in the arguments. *)
val mk_bool_group :
?deprecated_no:string list -> ?default:bool -> (bool ref list -> bool ref list -> bool ref) t
val mk_int : default:int -> int ref t
val mk_int_opt : ?default:int -> int option ref t
val mk_float : default:float -> float ref t
val mk_float_opt : ?default:float -> float option ref t
val mk_string : default:string -> ?f:(string -> string) -> string ref t
val mk_string_opt : ?default:string -> ?f:(string -> string) -> string option ref t
(** [mk_string_list] defines a [string list ref], initialized to [[]] unless overridden by
[~default]. Each argument of an occurrence of the option will be prepended to the list, so the
final value will be in the reverse order they appeared on the command line. *)
val mk_string_list :
?default:string list -> ?f:(string -> string) -> string list ref t
(** like [mk_string] but will resolve the string into an absolute path so that children processes
agree on the absolute path that the option represents *)
val mk_path : default:string -> string ref t
(** analogous of [mk_string_opt] with the extra feature of [mk_path] *)
val mk_path_opt : ?default:string -> string option ref t
(** analogous of [mk_string_list] with the extra feature of [mk_path] *)
val mk_path_list : ?default:string list -> string list ref t
(** [mk_symbol long symbols] defines a command line flag [--long <symbol>] where [(<symbol>,_)] is
an element of [symbols]. *)
val mk_symbol : default:'a -> symbols:(string * 'a) list -> 'a ref t
(** [mk_symbol_opt] is similar to [mk_symbol] but defaults to [None]. *)
val mk_symbol_opt : symbols:(string * 'a) list -> 'a option ref t
(** [mk_symbol_seq long symbols] defines a command line flag [--long <symbol sequence>] where
[<symbol sequence>] is a comma-separated sequence of [<symbol>]s such that [(<symbol>,_)] is an
element of [symbols]. *)
val mk_symbol_seq : ?default:'a list -> symbols:(string * 'a) list -> 'a list ref t
val mk_set_from_json : default:'a -> default_to_string:('a -> string)
-> f:(Yojson.Basic.json -> 'a) -> 'a ref t
val mk_json : Yojson.Basic.json ref t
(** [mk_anon ()] defines a [string list ref] of the anonymous command line arguments, in the reverse
order they appeared on the command line. *)
val mk_anon :
unit ->
string list ref
(** [mk_rest doc] defines a [string list ref] of the command line arguments following ["--"], in the
reverse order they appeared on the command line. For example, calling [mk_rest] and parsing
[exe -opt1 -opt2 -- arg1 arg2] will result in the returned ref containing [arg2; arg1]. *)
val mk_rest :
?exes:exe list -> string ->
string list ref
(** [mk_subcommand doc command_to_speclist] defines a [string list ref] of the command line
arguments following ["--"], in the reverse order they appeared on the command line. For
example, calling [mk_subcommand] and parsing [exe -opt1 -opt2 -- arg1 arg2] will result in the
returned ref containing [arg2; arg1]. Additionally, the first arg following ["--"] is passed to
[command_to_speclist] to obtain a list of argument action specifications used when parsing the
remaining arguments. *)
val mk_subcommand :
?exes:exe list -> string ->
(string -> (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list) ->
string list ref
(** environment variable use to pass arguments from parent to child processes *)
val args_env_var : string
(** separator of argv elements when encoded into environment variables *)
val env_var_sep : char
(** [extend_env_args args] appends [args] to those passed via [args_env_var] *)
val extend_env_args : string list -> unit
(** [parse env_var exe_usage exe] parses command line arguments as specified by preceding calls to
the [mk_*] functions, and returns a function that prints the usage message and help text then
exits. [exe] is used to construct the help message appropriate for that executable. The decoded
values of the inferconfig file [config_file], if provided, and of the environment variable
[env_var] are prepended to [Sys.argv] before parsing. Therefore arguments passed on the command
line supersede those specified in the environment variable, which themselves supersede those
passed via the config file. WARNING: An argument will be interpreted as many times as it
appears in all of the config file, the environment variable, and the command line. The [env_var]
is set to the full set of options parsed. If [incomplete] is set, unknown options are ignored,
and [env_var] is not set. If [accept_unknown] is set, unknown options are treated the same as
anonymous arguments. *)
val parse : ?incomplete:bool -> ?accept_unknown:bool -> ?config_file:string ->
exe -> (exe -> Arg.usage_msg) -> (int -> 'a)