* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(* Proofs about llvm to llair translation *)
open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse lcsymtacs;
open listTheory arithmeticTheory pred_setTheory finite_mapTheory wordsTheory integer_wordTheory;
open optionTheory rich_listTheory pathTheory alistTheory pairTheory sumTheory;
open settingsTheory miscTheory memory_modelTheory;
open llvmTheory llvm_propTheory llvm_ssaTheory llairTheory llair_propTheory llvm_to_llairTheory;
new_theory "llvm_to_llair_prop";
set_grammar_ancestry ["llvm", "llair", "llair_prop", "llvm_to_llair", "llvm_ssa"];
numLib.prefer_num ();
Theorem prog_ok_terminator_last:
∀prog d f.
prog_ok prog ∧
alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d
every (λ(l,b). ∀i. i < length b.body ∧ classify_instr (el i b.body) = Term ⇒ Suc i = length b.body) d.blocks
rw [prog_ok_def] >> rpt (first_x_assum drule) >>
rw [] >> fs [EVERY_MEM] >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
`alookup d.blocks l = Some b` by metis_tac [ALOOKUP_ALL_DISTINCT_MEM] >>
last_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
`Suc i < length b.body` by decide_tac >> fs [] >>
`terminator (el i b.body)`
by (
Cases_on `el i b.body` >> fs [terminator_def, classify_instr_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [terminator_def, classify_instr_def]) >>
`~mem (el i b.body) (front b.body)` by metis_tac [] >>
metis_tac [mem_el_front]
Definition untranslate_reg_def:
untranslate_reg (Var_name x t) = Reg x
Definition not_exp_def:
not_exp x regs_to_keep ⇔
(∀r t. x ≠ Exp r t) ∨ (∃r t. x = Exp r t ∧ r ∈ regs_to_keep)
Definition good_emap_def:
good_emap f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ⇔
f = ip.f ⇒
(∀r t inst.
get_instr prog ip (Inl inst) ∧ classify_instr inst = Exp r t ∧ r ∉ regs_to_keep
flookup emap r = Some (translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap inst)) ∧
(∀inst phis.
(get_instr prog ip (Inl inst) ∧ not_exp (classify_instr inst) regs_to_keep ∨
get_instr prog ip (Inr phis))
∀rt. rt ∈ assigns prog ip ⇒
flookup emap (fst rt) = Some (Var (translate_reg (fst rt) (snd rt)) F)) ∧
(* for each r |-> e mapping in emap, each register e is dominated by an
* assignment to that register for the entire live range of r *)
(∀r e r'. flookup emap r = Some e ∧ r ∈ live prog ip ∧ r' ∈ exp_uses e ⇒
∃ip2. untranslate_reg r' ∈ image fst (assigns prog ip2) ∧ dominates prog ip2 ip)
Theorem good_emap_header_unchanged:
∀f prog r gmap emap phis land from l.
good_emap f prog r gmap emap ∧
get_instr prog <| f := f; b := l; i := Phi_ip from |> (Inr (from, phis))
emap |++ header_to_emap_upd (Head phis land) = emap
rw [good_emap_def] >>
irule fupdate_list_elim >> simp [header_to_emap_upd_def, MEM_MAP, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rpt gen_tac >> CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `<|f := f; b := l; i := Phi_ip from|>` mp_tac) >>
rw [] >> res_tac >>
rename1 `flookup _ r1 = Some (Var (translate_reg r1 ty) _)` >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `(r1,ty)` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then irule >>
rw [assigns_cases, IN_DEF] >> disj2_tac >>
qexists_tac `from` >> qexists_tac `phis` >> rw [LIST_TO_SET_MAP] >>
metis_tac [phi_assigns_def]
Theorem fupdate_elim_lookup:
∀k v f. flookup f k = Some v ⇒ f |+ (k,v) = f
rw [FLOOKUP_DEF] >> metis_tac [FUPDATE_ELIM]
Theorem good_emap_translate_unchanged_lem:
∀f prog gmap emap regs_to_keep bl bs emap' l i d j.
good_emap (Fn f) prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks l = Some bl ∧
j ≤ length bl.body ∧
translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) i) gmap emap regs_to_keep (drop j bl.body) = (bs,emap')
emap = emap'
Induct_on `length bl.body - j` >>
rw []
>- (
`length bl.body = j` by decide_tac >>
rw [] >> fs [DROP_LENGTH_NIL, translate_instrs_def]) >>
first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`bl`, `j + 1`] mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
rpt (disch_then drule) >>
`j < length bl.body` by decide_tac >>
fs [DROP_EL_CONS, translate_instrs_def] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
TRY (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >> disch_then irule >>
rw [] >> fs [inc_label_def]
>- (
`emap |+ (r,Var (translate_reg r t) F) = emap` suffices_by metis_tac [] >>
irule fupdate_elim_lookup >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `<| f := Fn f; b := l; i := Offset j |>` mp_tac) >>
rw [get_instr_cases, not_exp_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `(r,t)` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then irule >> simp [assigns_cases, IN_DEF] >>
disj1_tac >> qexists_tac `el j bl.body` >>
rw [get_instr_cases] >>
Cases_on `el j bl.body` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def])
>- (
`emap |+ (r,translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap (el j bl.body)) = emap`
suffices_by metis_tac [] >>
irule fupdate_elim_lookup >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `<| f := Fn f; b := l; i := Offset j |>` mp_tac) >>
rw [get_instr_cases, not_exp_def])
>- (
`extend_emap_non_exp emap (el j bl.body) = emap` suffices_by metis_tac [] >>
Cases_on `el j bl.body` >> rw [extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
irule fupdate_elim_lookup >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `<| f := Fn f; b := l; i := Offset j |>` mp_tac) >>
rw [get_instr_cases, not_exp_def] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `translate_reg _ t'` >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `(r,t')` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then irule >> simp [assigns_cases, IN_DEF] >>
disj1_tac >> qexists_tac `el j bl.body` >>
rw [get_instr_cases] >>
fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def])
>- (
`extend_emap_non_exp emap (el j bl.body) = emap` suffices_by metis_tac [] >>
Cases_on `el j bl.body` >> rw [extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
irule fupdate_elim_lookup >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `<| f := Fn f; b := l; i := Offset j |>` mp_tac) >>
rw [get_instr_cases, not_exp_def] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `translate_reg _ t'` >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `(r,t')` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then irule >> simp [assigns_cases, IN_DEF] >>
disj1_tac >> qexists_tac `el j bl.body` >>
rw [get_instr_cases] >>
fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def])
Theorem good_emap_translate_unchanged:
∀f prog gmap emap regs_to_keep bl bs emap' l i d.
good_emap (Fn f) prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks l = Some bl ∧
translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) i) gmap emap regs_to_keep bl.body = (bs,emap')
emap = emap'
metis_tac [good_emap_translate_unchanged_lem, DECIDE ``!x. 0 ≤ length x``, DROP_0]
Definition instrs_live_def:
(instrs_live [] = ({}, {})) ∧
(instrs_live (i::is) =
let (gen, kill) = instrs_live is in
(instr_uses i ∪ (gen DIFF image fst (instr_assigns i)),
(image fst (instr_assigns i) ∪ (kill DIFF instr_uses i))))
Theorem instrs_kill_subset_assigns:
snd (instrs_live is) ⊆ bigunion (image (λi. image fst (instr_assigns i)) (set is))
Induct_on `is` >> rw [instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
Theorem instrs_gen_subset_uses:
fst (instrs_live is) ⊆ bigunion (image instr_uses (set is))
Induct_on `is` >> rw [instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
Theorem instrs_subset_assigns_subset_kill_gen:
bigunion (image (λi. image fst (instr_assigns i)) (set is)) ⊆
snd (instrs_live is) ∪ fst (instrs_live is)
Induct_on `is` >> rw [instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >> fs [SUBSET_DEF] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem use_assign_in_gen_kill:
∀n is r.
n < length is ∧ (r ∈ image fst (instr_assigns (el n is)) ∨ r ∈ instr_uses (el n is))
r ∈ fst (instrs_live is) ∨ r ∈ snd (instrs_live is)
Induct_on `n` >> rw [] >> Cases_on `is` >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
rw [instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [FST, SND, pair_CASES]
Definition header_uses_def:
(header_uses (Head phis land) =
bigunion { phi_uses from_l p | from_l,p | mem p phis }) ∧
(header_uses Entry = {})
Definition header_assigns_def:
(header_assigns (Head phis land) = set (map (fst o phi_assigns) phis)) ∧
(header_assigns Entry = {})
Definition linear_live_def:
(linear_live [] = {}) ∧
(linear_live (b::bs) =
let (gen,kill) = instrs_live b.body in
header_uses b.h ∪ (gen ∪ (linear_live bs DIFF kill) DIFF header_assigns b.h))
Definition block_uses_def:
block_uses b =
bigunion { phi_uses from_l p | from_l,land,phis,p | b.h = Head phis land ∧ mem p phis } ∪
bigunion (image instr_uses (set b.body))
Definition block_assigns_def:
block_assigns b =
{ fst (phi_assigns p) | land,p,phis | b.h = Head phis land ∧ mem p phis } ∪
bigunion (image (λi. image fst (instr_assigns i)) (set b.body))
Theorem instrs_live_uses:
∀is r.
r ∈ fst (instrs_live is)
∃i. i < length is ∧ r ∈ instr_uses (el i is) ∧
∀j. j < i ⇒ r ∉ instr_uses (el j is) ∧ r ∉ image fst (instr_assigns (el j is))
Induct >> rw [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> fs []
>- (qexists_tac `0` >> rw []) >>
rename1 `(i1::is)` >>
Cases_on `r ∈ instr_uses i1`
>- (qexists_tac `0` >> rw []) >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `Suc i` >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `j` >> fs []
Definition bip_less_def:
(bip_less (Phi_ip _) (Offset _) ⇔ T) ∧
(bip_less (Offset m) (Offset n) ⇔ m < n) ∧
(bip_less _ _ ⇔ F)
Definition linear_pc_less_def:
linear_pc_less = $< LEX bip_less
Inductive lpc_get_instr:
(∀i idx bs.
i < length bs ∧
idx < length (el i bs).body
lpc_get_instr bs (i, Offset idx) (Inl (el idx (el i bs).body))) ∧
(∀i from_l phis bs landing.
i < length bs ∧
(el i bs).h = Head phis landing
lpc_get_instr bs (i, Phi_ip from_l) (Inr (from_l, phis)))
Inductive lpc_assigns:
(∀bs ip i r.
lpc_get_instr bs ip (Inl i) ∧
r ∈ instr_assigns i
lpc_assigns bs ip r) ∧
(∀bs ip from_l phis r.
lpc_get_instr bs ip (Inr (from_l, phis)) ∧
r ∈ set (map phi_assigns phis)
lpc_assigns bs ip r)
Inductive lpc_uses:
(∀bs ip i r.
lpc_get_instr bs ip (Inl i) ∧
r ∈ instr_uses i
lpc_uses bs ip r) ∧
(∀bs ip from_l phis r.
lpc_get_instr bs ip (Inr (from_l, phis)) ∧
r ∈ BIGUNION (set (map (phi_uses from_l) phis))
lpc_uses bs ip r)
Theorem lpc_get_instr_cons:
∀b bs i bip.
lpc_get_instr (b::bs) (i + 1, bip) = lpc_get_instr bs (i, bip)
rw [lpc_get_instr_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, EL_CONS] >>
`PRE (i + 1) = i` by decide_tac >>
rw [ADD1]
Theorem lpc_uses_cons:
∀b bs i bip.
lpc_uses (b::bs) (i + 1, bip) = lpc_uses bs (i, bip)
rw [lpc_uses_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, lpc_get_instr_cons]
Theorem lpc_uses_0_head:
∀b bs. header_uses b.h = bigunion { lpc_uses (b::bs) (0, Phi_ip from_l) | from_l | T}
rw [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
Cases_on `b.h` >> rw [header_uses_def, MEM_MAP, PULL_EXISTS]
>- metis_tac [] >>
eq_tac >> rw []
>- (
qexists_tac `(\x'. ∃y. x' ∈ phi_uses from_l y ∧ mem y l)` >>
qexists_tac `from_l` >>
rw [] >>
metis_tac []) >>
metis_tac []
Theorem lpc_uses_0_body:
∀b bs. lpc_uses (b::bs) (0, Offset n) ⊆ fst (instrs_live b.body) ∪ snd (instrs_live b.body)
fs [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
metis_tac [use_assign_in_gen_kill, IN_DEF]
Theorem lpc_assigns_cons:
∀b bs i bip.
lpc_assigns (b::bs) (i + 1, bip) = lpc_assigns bs (i, bip)
rw [lpc_assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, lpc_get_instr_cons]
Theorem lpc_assigns_0_head:
∀b bs from_l.
image fst (lpc_assigns (b::bs) (0, Phi_ip from_l)) = header_assigns b.h
rw [EXTENSION, Once IN_DEF] >>
rw [lpc_assigns_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
Cases_on `b.h` >> rw [header_assigns_def, MEM_MAP] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem lpc_assigns_0_body:
∀b bs. image fst (lpc_assigns (b::bs) (0, Offset n)) ⊆ fst (instrs_live b.body) ∪ snd (instrs_live b.body)
fs [lpc_assigns_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
drule use_assign_in_gen_kill >>
rw [] >>
metis_tac [IN_DEF]
Theorem linear_live_uses:
∀bs r. r ∈ linear_live bs ⇒
∃lip. r ∈ lpc_uses bs lip ∧
∀lip2. linear_pc_less lip2 lip ⇒ r ∉ lpc_uses bs lip2 ∧ r ∉ image fst (lpc_assigns bs lip2)
Induct >> rw [linear_live_def] >>
rename1 `header_uses b.h` >>
Cases_on `r ∈ header_uses b.h`
>- (
fs [header_uses_def] >> pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `b.h` >> fs [header_uses_def] >>
qexists_tac `(0, Phi_ip from_l)` >> fs [header_uses_def] >>
>- (
simp [IN_DEF] >>
rw [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rw [MEM_MAP] >> metis_tac [])
>- (
gen_tac >> simp [linear_pc_less_def, LEX_DEF] >>
pairarg_tac >> simp [bip_less_def])) >>
pairarg_tac >> Cases_on `r ∈ gen` >> fs []
>- (
`r ∈ fst (instrs_live b.body)` by metis_tac [FST] >>
drule instrs_live_uses >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `(0, Offset i)` >>
>- (
simp [IN_DEF] >>
rw [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rw [MEM_MAP] >> metis_tac [])
>- (
gen_tac >> strip_tac >>
PairCases_on `lip2` >> fs [linear_pc_less_def, LEX_DEF_THM] >>
Cases_on `lip21` >> fs [bip_less_def]
>- (
Cases_on `b.h` >> fs [header_assigns_def, header_uses_def] >>
simp [IN_DEF] >>
rw [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_assigns_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
fs [MEM_MAP] >>
metis_tac [FST])
>- (
first_x_assum drule >>
simp [IN_DEF] >>
rw [lpc_uses_cases, lpc_assigns_cases, lpc_get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rw [IN_DEF])))
>- (
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
PairCases_on `lip` >>
qexists_tac `lip0+1,lip1` >> simp [IN_DEF] >>
>- fs [lpc_uses_cons, IN_DEF] >>
gen_tac >> disch_tac >>
PairCases_on `lip2` >>
Cases_on `lip20` >> fs [ADD1]
>- (
Cases_on `lip21`
>- (
rename1 `Phi_ip from_l` >>
`r ∉ bigunion {lpc_uses (b::bs) (0,Phi_ip from_l) | from_l | T} ∧
r ∉ image fst (lpc_assigns (b::bs) (0,Phi_ip from_l))`
by metis_tac [lpc_assigns_0_head, lpc_uses_0_head] >>
fs [IN_DEF] >> metis_tac [])
>- (
`r ∉ image fst (lpc_assigns (b::bs) (0,Offset n)) ∧
r ∉ lpc_uses (b::bs) (0,Offset n)`
by metis_tac [IN_UNION, lpc_assigns_0_body, lpc_uses_0_body, FST, SND, SUBSET_DEF] >>
fs [IN_DEF]))
>- (
`linear_pc_less (n, lip21) (lip0, lip1)` by fs [linear_pc_less_def, LEX_DEF] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
rw [lpc_uses_cons, lpc_assigns_cons] >> fs [IN_DEF]))
Definition dominator_ordered_def:
dominator_ordered p ⇔
∀f d lip1 r.
alookup p (Fn f) = Some d ∧
r ∈ lpc_uses (map snd d.blocks) lip1
∃lip2. linear_pc_less lip2 lip1 ∧ r ∈ image fst (lpc_assigns (map snd d.blocks) lip2)
Theorem dominator_ordered_linear_live:
∀p f d.
dominator_ordered p ∧
alookup p (Fn f) = Some d
linear_live (map snd d.blocks) = {}
rw [dominator_ordered_def] >> first_x_assum drule >> rw [EXTENSION] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >> drule linear_live_uses >> rw [] >>
metis_tac []
Definition similar_emap_def:
similar_emap live emap1 emap2 ⇔
DRESTRICT emap1 live = DRESTRICT emap2 live
Theorem similar_emap_sym:
∀s emap1 emap2. similar_emap s emap1 emap2 ⇔ similar_emap s emap2 emap1
rw [similar_emap_def] >> metis_tac []
Theorem similar_emap_subset:
∀s1 s2 emap1 emap2.
similar_emap s1 emap1 emap2 ∧
s2 ⊆ s1
similar_emap s2 emap1 emap2
rw [similar_emap_def, SUBSET_DEF, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >> rw [] >>
last_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> rw []
Theorem extend_similar_emap:
∀s emap1 emap2 s2 l.
similar_emap s emap1 emap2 ∧
set (map fst l) = s2
similar_emap (s ∪ s2) (emap1 |++ l) (emap2 |++ l)
rw [similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >>
rw []
>- (first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> rw [flookup_fupdate_list]) >>
rw [flookup_fupdate_list] >>
CASE_TAC >> fs [ALOOKUP_NONE, MEM_MAP] >> rfs [] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem similar_emap_lemma:
∀s emap1 emap2 l.
similar_emap s emap1 emap2
similar_emap s (emap1 |++ l) (emap2 |++ l)
rw [similar_emap_def]
Theorem similar_emap_diff:
∀s emap1 emap2 l s2.
similar_emap (s DIFF s2) emap1 emap2 ∧
s2 = set (map fst l)
similar_emap s (emap1 |++ l) (emap2 |++ l)
rw [similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >>
rw [flookup_fupdate_list] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >> fs [ALOOKUP_NONE, MEM_MAP] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem extend_similar_emap2:
∀inst is emap1 emap2 reg t e.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
instr_assigns inst = {(reg, t)}
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is)) (emap1 |+ (reg,e)) (emap2 |+ (reg,e))
rw [similar_emap_def, instrs_live_def, DRESTRICT_FUPDATE, fmap_eq_flookup,
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> fs []
Theorem extend_similar_emap3:
∀inst emap1 emap2 reg t e.
similar_emap {reg} (emap1 |+ (reg,e)) (emap2 |+ (reg,e))
rw [similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_UPDATE, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT]
Theorem extend_similar_emap4:
∀inst emap1 emap2 is.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
classify_instr inst = Non_exp
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is)) (extend_emap_non_exp emap1 inst) (extend_emap_non_exp emap2 inst)
rw [similar_emap_def, instrs_live_def, DRESTRICT_FUPDATE, fmap_eq_flookup,
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `inst` >>
rw [extend_emap_non_exp_def, FLOOKUP_UPDATE] >>
fs [instr_assigns_def, instr_uses_def, classify_instr_def] >> rw [] >>
fs [] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def]
Theorem similar_emap_union:
∀s1 s2 emap1 emap2.
similar_emap (s1 ∪ s2) emap1 emap2 ⇔
similar_emap s1 emap1 emap2 ∧ similar_emap s2 emap1 emap2
rw [similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem similar_emap_insert:
∀s1 s2 emap1 emap2.
similar_emap (s1 INSERT s2) emap1 emap2 ⇔
similar_emap {s1} emap1 emap2 ∧ similar_emap s2 emap1 emap2
rw [similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem similar_emap_translate_arg:
∀gmap emap1 a s emap2.
similar_emap s emap1 emap2 ∧
arg_to_regs a ⊆ s
translate_arg gmap emap1 a = translate_arg gmap emap2 a
Cases_on `a` >> rw [translate_arg_def] >>
fs [arg_to_regs_def, similar_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `r` mp_tac) >> rw []
Theorem similar_emap_translate_instr_to_exp:
∀gmap emap1 inst is emap2 r t.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
classify_instr inst = Exp r t
translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap1 inst = translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap2 inst
ho_match_mp_tac translate_instr_to_exp_ind >>
rw [translate_instr_to_exp_def, classify_instr_def, instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [instr_uses_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
drule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
TRY (disch_then irule) >>
rw [SUBSET_DEF] >>
(* TODO: unimplemented instructions *)
Theorem similar_emap_translate_instr_to_inst:
∀gmap emap1 inst is emap2 r t.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
classify_instr inst = Non_exp
translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap1 inst = translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap2 inst
ho_match_mp_tac translate_instr_to_inst_ind >>
rw [translate_instr_to_inst_def, classify_instr_def, instrs_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [instr_uses_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
drule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
TRY (disch_then irule) >>
rw [SUBSET_DEF] >>
(* TODO: unimplemented instructions *)
Theorem similar_emap_translate_instr_to_term:
∀inst l gmap emap1 is emap2 r t.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
classify_instr inst = Term
translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap1 inst = translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap2 inst
ho_match_mp_tac classify_instr_ind >>
rw [translate_instr_to_term_def, classify_instr_def, instrs_live_def,
>- ( (* TODO: unimplemented Ret *)
>- (
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
irule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
pairarg_tac >>
fs [similar_emap_union, SUBSET_DEF] >>
metis_tac [])
>- ( (* TODO: unimplemented Unreachable *)
>- (
irule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
pairarg_tac >>
fs [similar_emap_union, SUBSET_DEF] >>
metis_tac [])
>- ( (* TODO: unimplemented Throw *)
Theorem similar_emap_translate_call:
∀inst gmap emap1 is emap2 ret exret.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live (inst::is))) emap1 emap2 ∧
classify_instr inst = Call
translate_call gmap emap1 ret exret inst = translate_call gmap emap2 ret exret inst
ho_match_mp_tac classify_instr_ind >>
rw [translate_call_def, classify_instr_def, instrs_live_def, instr_uses_def,
instr_assigns_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [similar_emap_union]
>- (
irule LIST_EQ >> rw [EL_MAP] >>
rename1 `el x l` >> Cases_on `el x l` >> fs [] >>
irule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
qexists_tac `bigunion (set (map (arg_to_regs ∘ snd) l))` >>
metis_tac [EL_MEM, SND])
>- ( (* TODO: unimplemented Invoke *)
Theorem translate_header_similar_emap:
∀f from l gmap emap1 emap2 h.
similar_emap (header_uses h) emap1 emap2 ∧
(l = None ⇔ h = Entry)
translate_header f from l gmap emap1 h = translate_header f from l gmap emap2 h ∧
similar_emap (header_uses h ∪ header_assigns h)
(emap1 |++ header_to_emap_upd h)
(emap2 |++ header_to_emap_upd h)
rw [] >> Cases_on `h` >>
rw [translate_header_def] >> fs [header_uses_def, header_assigns_def] >>
rw [header_to_emap_upd_def, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
`?l2. l = Some l2` by metis_tac [option_nchotomy] >>
rw [translate_header_def]
>- (
rw [LIST_EQ_REWRITE, EL_MAP, generate_move_block_def] >>
rename1 `build_move_for_lab _ _ _ (el i phis)` >>
Cases_on `el i phis` >> rw [build_move_for_lab_def] >> CASE_TAC >>
drule similar_emap_translate_arg >>
disch_then irule >>
qexists_tac `el x from` >>
qexists_tac `el i phis` >> rw [phi_uses_def] >>
metis_tac [EL_MEM])
>- (
irule extend_similar_emap >> rw [] >>
pop_assum kall_tac >>
Induct_on `l'` >> rw [EXTENSION] >>
eq_tac >> rw [phi_assigns_def])
Theorem extend_emap_non_exp_assigns:
∀inst r t emap.
instr_assigns inst = {(r,t)} ∧
(classify_instr inst = Non_exp ∨ classify_instr inst = Call ∨ classify_instr inst = Term) ⇒
extend_emap_non_exp emap inst = emap |+ (r,Var (translate_reg r t) F)
ho_match_mp_tac instr_assigns_ind >>
rw [instr_assigns_def, extend_emap_non_exp_def, classify_instr_def]
Theorem extend_emap_non_exp_no_assigns:
∀inst emap.
(∀r t. instr_assigns inst ≠ {(r,t)}) ∧
classify_instr inst = Non_exp ⇒
extend_emap_non_exp emap inst = emap ∧
instr_assigns inst = {}
ho_match_mp_tac instr_assigns_ind >>
rw [instr_assigns_def, extend_emap_non_exp_def, classify_instr_def]
Theorem translate_instrs_similar_emap:
∀f l gmap emap1 emap2 regs_to_keep is i.
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is)) emap1 emap2 ∧
(∀i. i < length is ∧ classify_instr (el i is) = Term ⇒ Suc i = length is)
(λ(b1, emap1') (b2, emap2').
b1 = b2 ∧
set (map fst l) = bigunion (set (map (image fst) (map instr_assigns is))) ∧
emap1' = emap1 |++ l ∧ emap2' = emap2 |++ l ∧
similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is) ∪ set (map fst l)) emap1' emap2')
(translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) i) gmap emap1 regs_to_keep is)
(translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) i) gmap emap2 regs_to_keep is)
Induct_on `is` >> rw [translate_instrs_def]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
ntac 2 (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >>
rename1 `classify_instr inst` >>
Cases_on `classify_instr inst` >> fs []
>- (
rename1 `reg ∈ regs_to_keep` >>
`instr_assigns inst = {(reg, t)}`
by (
Cases_on `inst` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def]) >>
Cases_on `reg ∈ regs_to_keep` >> fs []
>- (
ntac 2 (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >> rpt var_eq_tac >>
fs [] >>
`similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is))
(emap1 |+ (reg,Var (translate_reg reg t) F))
(emap2 |+ (reg,Var (translate_reg reg t) F))`
by (
irule extend_similar_emap2 >>
qexists_tac `inst` >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `inst` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def]) >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `l`, `gmap`, `regs_to_keep`, `i`] mp_tac) >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_translate_instr_to_exp] >>
qexists_tac `(reg,Var (translate_reg reg t) F) :: l'` >> rw []
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
fs [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [similar_emap_union] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
simp [Once similar_emap_insert] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [extend_similar_emap3, similar_emap_lemma])
>- (
drule similar_emap_translate_instr_to_exp >> simp [] >>
disch_then (qspec_then `gmap` mp_tac) >>
disch_tac >> fs [] >>
`similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is))
(emap1 |+ (reg,translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap2 inst))
(emap2 |+ (reg,translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap2 inst))`
by (irule extend_similar_emap2 >> qexists_tac `inst` >> rw []) >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `l`, `gmap`, `regs_to_keep`, `i`] mp_tac) >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `(reg,translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap2 inst) :: l'` >> rw []
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
fs [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [similar_emap_union] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
simp [Once similar_emap_insert] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [extend_similar_emap3, similar_emap_lemma]))
>- (
ntac 2 (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >> rpt var_eq_tac >>
drule extend_similar_emap4 >> simp [] >> disch_tac >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `l`, `gmap`, `regs_to_keep`, `i`] mp_tac) >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_translate_instr_to_inst] >>
Cases_on `∃r t. instr_assigns inst = {(r,t)}` >> fs []
>- (
drule extend_emap_non_exp_assigns >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `(r,Var (translate_reg r t) F) :: l'` >> rw []
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
fs [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [similar_emap_union] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
simp [Once similar_emap_insert] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [extend_similar_emap3, similar_emap_lemma])
>- (
drule extend_emap_non_exp_no_assigns >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `l'` >> rw [] >>
fs [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [similar_emap_union] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM]))
>- (
rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_translate_instr_to_term] >>
`instr_assigns inst = {}`
by (
Cases_on `inst` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def]) >>
`is = []`
by (first_x_assum (qspec_then `0` mp_tac) >> simp []) >>
>- (
ntac 2 (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >> rpt var_eq_tac >> fs [] >>
`?r t. instr_assigns inst = {(r,t)}`
by (
Cases_on `inst` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def]) >>
drule extend_emap_non_exp_assigns >> simp [] >>
disch_tac >> fs [] >>
`similar_emap (fst (instrs_live is))
(emap1 |+ (r,Var (translate_reg r t) F))
(emap2 |+ (r,Var (translate_reg r t) F))`
by metis_tac [extend_similar_emap2] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `l`, `gmap`, `regs_to_keep`, `i + 1`] mp_tac) >>
fs [inc_label_def] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_translate_call] >>
qexists_tac `(r,Var (translate_reg r t) F) :: l'` >> rw []
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
fs [instrs_live_def] >> pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [similar_emap_union] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- metis_tac [similar_emap_lemma, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
simp [Once similar_emap_insert] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [extend_similar_emap3, similar_emap_lemma])
Theorem header_to_emap_upd_fst:
set (map fst (header_to_emap_upd b.h)) =
{fst (phi_assigns p) | (land,p,phis) | b.h = Head phis land ∧ mem p phis}
rw [EXTENSION] >> eq_tac >> rw [MEM_MAP]
>- (
Cases_on `b.h` >> fs [header_to_emap_upd_def, MEM_MAP] >> rw [] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [phi_assigns_def, FST])
>- (
rw [header_to_emap_upd_def, MEM_MAP, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `p` >> rw [] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [phi_assigns_def])
Theorem header_to_emap_upd_fst2:
!b. header_assigns b.h = set (map fst (header_to_emap_upd b.h))
Cases_on `b.h` >> rw [header_assigns_def, header_to_emap_upd_def] >>
eq_tac >> rw []
>- (Cases_on `y` >> rw [phi_assigns_def] >> qexists_tac `Phi r t l'` >> rw [])
>- (CASE_TAC >> rw [] >> metis_tac [phi_assigns_def, FST])
Theorem translate_block_emap_restr_live:
∀emap1 emap2 b f gmap r x l.
similar_emap (linear_live [b]) emap1 emap2 ∧
(l = None ⇔ b.h = Entry) ∧
(∀i. i < length b.body ∧ classify_instr (el i b.body) = Term ⇒ Suc i = length b.body)
(λ(b1, emap1') (b2, emap2').
b1 = b2 ∧
set (map fst l) = block_assigns b ∧
emap1' = emap1 |++ l ∧ emap2' = emap2 |++ l ∧
similar_emap (linear_live [b] ∪ block_assigns b) emap1' emap2')
(translate_block f gmap emap1 r x (l,b))
(translate_block f gmap emap2 r x (l,b))
rw [translate_block_def] >>
rpt (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >>
`similar_emap (header_uses b.h) emap1 emap2`
by (
fs [similar_emap_def, linear_live_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_DRESTRICT, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rw [] >> last_x_assum (qspec_then `x'` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs []) >>
drule translate_header_similar_emap >>
disch_then drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `THE (alookup x l)`, `gmap`] mp_tac) >>
strip_tac >>
`similar_emap (fst (instrs_live b.body))
(emap1 |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h)
(emap2 |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h)`
by (
fs [linear_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [similar_emap_union] >>
irule similar_emap_diff >>
metis_tac [header_to_emap_upd_fst2]) >>
drule translate_instrs_similar_emap >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `l`, `gmap`, `r`, `0`] mp_tac) >>
rpt (pairarg_tac >> simp []) >>
rw [] >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `header_to_emap_upd b.h ++ l'` >> simp [] >>
>- (
rw [block_assigns_def] >>
rw [GSYM header_to_emap_upd_fst] >>
metis_tac []) >>
irule extend_similar_emap >> rw [block_assigns_def]
Theorem translate_blocks_emap_restr_live:
∀emap1 emap2 blocks f gmap r x.
similar_emap (linear_live (map snd blocks)) emap1 emap2 ∧
every (\(l,b). l = None ⇔ b.h = Entry) blocks ∧
every (\(l,b). (∀i. i < length b.body ∧ classify_instr (el i b.body) = Term ⇒ Suc i = length b.body))
translate_blocks f gmap emap1 r x blocks = translate_blocks f gmap emap2 r x blocks
Induct_on `blocks` >> rw [translate_blocks_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `translate_block _ _ _ _ _ _ = _` mp_tac >>
rename1 `translate_block _ _ _ _ _ p = (b3, emap3)` >>
rw [] >>
rename1 `translate_block _ _ _ _ _ p = (b4, emap4)` >>
disj1_tac >> qexists_tac `[]` >>
simp [] >>
`?l b. p = (l,b)` by metis_tac [pair_CASES] >> fs [] >>
`similar_emap (linear_live [b]) emap1 emap2`
by (
fs [linear_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [similar_emap_union, union_diff]) >>
drule translate_block_emap_restr_live >>
disch_then drule >>
simp [] >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `gmap`, `r`, `x`] mp_tac) >>
pairarg_tac >> simp [] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum irule >>
fs [linear_live_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [similar_emap_union, union_diff, block_assigns_def] >>
fs [GSYM header_to_emap_upd_fst, GSYM header_to_emap_upd_fst2] >>
irule similar_emap_diff >> rw [DIFF_UNION] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `similar_emap (_ DIFF _ DIFF a)` >>
`kill ⊆ a` by metis_tac [instrs_kill_subset_assigns, SND] >>
ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [similar_emap_sym] >>
irule similar_emap_subset >>
qexists_tac `linear_live (map snd blocks) DIFF kill DIFF header_assigns b.h` >>
fs [SUBSET_DEF] >> metis_tac []
Theorem alookup_translate_prog:
∀prog f d.
alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d
alookup (translate_prog prog).functions f = Some (translate_def f d (get_gmap prog))
rw [translate_prog_def] >>
qspec_tac (`get_gmap prog:glob_var |-> ty`, `gmap`) >>
Induct_on `prog` >>
rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >> Cases_on `fname` >> fs [dest_fn_def]
Triviality dest_label_11:
dest_label x = dest_label y ⇔ x = y
Cases_on `x` >> Cases_on `y` >> rw [dest_label_def]
Theorem alookup_translate_instrs_mov:
∀l gmap emap r is bs emap' f from to.
translate_instrs l gmap emap r is = (bs, emap') ∧
(∀f from to. l ≠ Mov_name f from to)
alookup bs (Mov_name f from to) = None
Induct_on `is` >> rw [translate_instrs_def] >> rw [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
TRY pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ bs1` >>
`bs1 = [] ∨ ∃x y bs2. bs1 = (x,y)::bs2` by metis_tac [list_CASES, pair_CASES] >>
fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> Cases_on `l` >> fs [inc_label_def] >>
rw [] >> metis_tac [NOT_SOME_NONE])
>- (first_x_assum drule >> Cases_on `l` >> fs [inc_label_def])
>- (
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ bs1` >>
`bs1 = [] ∨ ∃x y bs2. bs1 = (x,y)::bs2` by metis_tac [list_CASES, pair_CASES] >>
fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> Cases_on `l` >> fs [inc_label_def] >>
rw [] >> metis_tac [NOT_SOME_NONE])
>- (first_x_assum drule >> Cases_on `l` >> fs [inc_label_def])
Theorem alookup_translate_header_mov:
∀gmap r f emap to_l from_l x to_l' from_ls h.
(to_l' = None ⇒ h = Entry) ∧
alookup (translate_header f from_ls to_l' gmap emap h)
(Mov_name f (option_map dest_label from_l) to_l) = Some x
to_l' = Some (Lab to_l)
rw [] >>
Cases_on `to_l'` >> Cases_on `h` >> fs [translate_header_def] >>
drule ALOOKUP_MEM >> simp [MEM_MAP] >>
rw [] >>
Cases_on `x'` >> fs [dest_label_def]
Triviality lab_dest_lab[simp]:
Lab (dest_label l) = l
Cases_on `l` >> rw [dest_label_def]
Theorem alookup_translate_header:
∀f to_l gmap emap phis l from_l edges from_ls.
(mem (Some (Lab to_l), from_ls) edges ∧ mem from_l from_ls)
alookup (translate_header f from_ls (Some (Lab to_l)) gmap emap (Head phis l)) (Mov_name f (option_map dest_label from_l) to_l) ≠ None
rw [translate_header_def, ALOOKUP_NONE, MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF,
MEM_MAP, PULL_EXISTS, dest_label_def, MEM_FLAT] >>
Cases_on `from_l` >> fs [] >> rw [PULL_EXISTS] >>
metis_tac []
Theorem mem_get_from_ls:
∀to_l blocks from_l.
mem from_l (get_from_ls to_l blocks) ⇔
∃b. mem (from_l, b) blocks ∧ mem to_l (map Some (instr_to_labs (last b.body)))
ho_match_mp_tac get_from_ls_ind >> rw [get_from_ls_def] >> metis_tac []
Theorem alookup_translate_blocks_mov:
∀blocks to_l f gmap regs_to_keep edges from_l phis block emap prog.
good_emap (Fn f) prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
(∀l b. mem (l, b) blocks ⇒ ∃d. alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d ∧ alookup d.blocks l = Some b) ∧
mem (Some (Lab to_l)) (map fst blocks) ∧
(∃from_ls. alookup edges (Some (Lab to_l)) = Some from_ls ∧ mem from_l from_ls) ∧
every (\b. (snd b).h = Entry ⇔ fst b = None) blocks ∧
alookup blocks (Some (Lab to_l)) = Some block ∧ (∃l. block.h = Head phis l)
(translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges blocks)
(Mov_name f (option_map dest_label from_l) to_l) =
Some (generate_move_block f gmap emap phis from_l (Lab to_l))
Induct_on `blocks` >> rw [translate_blocks_def] >>
rename1 `alookup (bloc::blocks) (Some _) = Some _` >>
`∃l bl. bloc = (l,bl)` by metis_tac [pair_CASES] >>
fs [] >> rw [translate_block_def]
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs []
>- metis_tac [alookup_translate_header, ALOOKUP_MEM]
>- metis_tac [label_distinct, alookup_translate_instrs_mov, NOT_NONE_SOME] >>
fs [translate_header_def, alookup_some, MAP_EQ_APPEND] >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `from_l` >> Cases_on `l_from` >> fs [] >>
metis_tac [dest_label_11]) >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs []
>- metis_tac [alookup_translate_header, ALOOKUP_MEM]
>- metis_tac [label_distinct, alookup_translate_instrs_mov, NOT_NONE_SOME] >>
fs [translate_header_def, alookup_some, MAP_EQ_APPEND] >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `from_l` >> Cases_on `l_from` >> fs [] >>
metis_tac [dest_label_11]) >>
first_x_assum drule >> simp [PULL_EXISTS] >>
rpt (disch_then drule) >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs []
>- (
`emap |++ header_to_emap_upd bl.h = emap`
by (
Cases_on `bl.h`
>- rw [header_to_emap_upd_def, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
first_assum (qspecl_then [`l'`, `bl`] assume_tac) >> fs [] >>
rename1 `bl.h = Head phis1 land` >>
`get_instr prog <| f := Fn f; b := l'; i := Phi_ip from_l |>
(Inr (from_l, phis1))`
by rw [get_instr_cases] >>
metis_tac [good_emap_header_unchanged]) >>
`emap' = emap` by metis_tac [good_emap_translate_unchanged] >>
metis_tac [label_distinct, alookup_translate_instrs_mov, NOT_NONE_SOME]) >>
rw [] >>
metis_tac [label_distinct, alookup_translate_instrs_mov, NOT_NONE_SOME, alookup_translate_header_mov]
Theorem get_block_translate_prog_mov:
∀prog f from_l to_l d b block phis d emap.
prog_ok prog ∧
dominator_ordered prog ∧
good_emap (Fn f) prog (get_regs_to_keep d) (get_gmap prog) emap ∧
alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks from_l = Some b ∧
mem (Lab to_l) (instr_to_labs (last b.body)) ∧
alookup d.blocks (Some (Lab to_l)) = Some block ∧ (∃l. block.h = Head phis l)
get_block (translate_prog prog)
(Mov_name f (option_map dest_label from_l) to_l)
(generate_move_block f (get_gmap prog) emap phis from_l (Lab to_l))
rw [get_block_cases, label_to_fname_def] >>
drule alookup_translate_prog >>
rw [] >> rw [translate_def_def] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `translate_blocks a1 b1 _ c1 d1 e1` >>
`translate_blocks a1 b1 fempty c1 d1 e1 = translate_blocks a1 b1 emap c1 d1 e1`
by (
irule translate_blocks_emap_restr_live >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw []
>- metis_tac [prog_ok_terminator_last]
>- (
fs [prog_ok_def] >> fs [EVERY_MEM] >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >> metis_tac [FST, SND])
>- metis_tac [dominator_ordered_linear_live, similar_emap_def, DRESTRICT_IS_FEMPTY]) >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw [] >>
irule alookup_translate_blocks_mov >> rw []
>- (
drule ALOOKUP_MEM >> rw [mem_get_from_ls, MEM_MAP] >>
imp_res_tac ALOOKUP_MEM >>
metis_tac [])
>- (fs [prog_ok_def] >> res_tac >> fs [EVERY_MEM])
>- (
imp_res_tac ALOOKUP_MEM >>
fs [MEM_MAP] >>
metis_tac [FST])
>- metis_tac [ALOOKUP_ALL_DISTINCT_MEM, prog_ok_def]
Theorem alookup_translate_header_lab:
(l = None ⇒ h = Entry)
alookup (translate_header f from_ls l gmap emap h) (translate_label f l' i) = None
Cases_on `l` >> Cases_on `h` >> fs [translate_header_def] >>
Cases_on `l'` >> fs [translate_label_def, ALOOKUP_NONE, MEM_MAP] >>
rw [dest_label_def] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `x'` >> fs [translate_label_def]
Theorem alookup_translate_instrs_lab:
∀f l' i j gmap emap regs_to_keep b bs emap' l x.
translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l') i) gmap emap regs_to_keep b = (bs,emap') ∧
alookup bs (translate_label f l j) = Some x
l = l'
Induct_on `b` >> rw [translate_instrs_def] >> fs [] >>
rename1 `classify_instr ins` >>
Cases_on `classify_instr ins` >> fs []
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `r ∈ regs_to_keep` >> fs []
>- (
first_x_assum drule >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (bl::_)` >>
Cases_on `bl` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rename1 `lab = translate_label _ _ _` >>
Cases_on `lab = translate_label f l j` >> fs [] >> metis_tac []) >>
metis_tac [])
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (bl::_)` >>
Cases_on `bl` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rename1 `lab = translate_label _ _ _` >>
Cases_on `lab = translate_label f l j` >> fs [] >> metis_tac [])
>- (
rw [] >> fs [ALOOKUP_def] >>
Cases_on `l` >> Cases_on `l'` >> fs [translate_label_def] >>
rename1 `translate_label _ (Some lname)` >>
Cases_on `lname` >> fs [translate_label_def] >> rw [])
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >> fs [ALOOKUP_def] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
rw []
>- (
Cases_on `l` >> fs [inc_label_def, translate_label_def] >>
rename1 `translate_label _ (Some lb)` >>
Cases_on `lb` >> fs [inc_label_def, translate_label_def]) >>
fs [inc_label_def] >>
metis_tac [])
Triviality every_front:
∀P x y. y ≠ [] ∧ every P (front (x::y)) ⇒ every P (front y)
Induct_on `y` >> rw []
Theorem translate_instrs_first_lab:
∀dest_label l gmap emap regs_to_keep b bs emap l' b' emap'.
translate_instrs l gmap emap regs_to_keep b = ((l',b')::bs,emap')
l = l'
Induct_on `b` >> rw [translate_instrs_def] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
TRY pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
TRY (Cases_on `bs'`) >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
TRY (Cases_on `h'`) >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
metis_tac []
Triviality lab_translate_label:
∀f l j f' l' j'.
Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) j = translate_label f' l' j'
f = f' ∧ l = l' ∧ j = j'
rw [] >> Cases_on `l` >> Cases_on `l'` >> fs [translate_label_def] >>
Cases_on `x` >> fs [translate_label_def, dest_label_def] >>
Cases_on `x'` >> fs [translate_label_def, dest_label_def]
Definition num_calls_def:
num_calls is = length (filter is_call is)
Theorem alookup_translate_instrs:
∀f l i j gmap emap regs_to_keep b bs emap' l x.
b ≠ [] ∧
terminator (last b) ∧
every (λi. ¬terminator i) (front b) ∧
i ≤ num_calls b ∧
translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) j) gmap emap regs_to_keep b = (bs,emap')
alookup bs (translate_label f l (i + j))
Some (snd (el i (fst (translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) j)
gmap emap regs_to_keep b))))
Induct_on `b` >> rw [translate_instrs_def, num_calls_def] >>
rename1 `classify_instr instr`
>- (
Cases_on `instr` >> fs [is_call_def, classify_instr_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
fs [lab_translate_label]
>- (
`i = 0` by fs [] >>
rw [] >> fs [] >>
qexists_tac `emap` >> rw []) >>
`b ≠ []` by (Cases_on `b` >> fs [terminator_def]) >>
fs [LAST_DEF, inc_label_def] >>
`0 < i` by fs [] >>
`i - 1 ≤ num_calls b` by fs [num_calls_def] >>
drule every_front >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
rw [] >>
rw [EL_CONS, PRE_SUB1]) >>
Cases_on `classify_instr instr` >> fs [LAST_DEF]
>- (
`b ≠ []`
by (
Cases_on `b = []` >> Cases_on `instr` >> fs [is_call_def, classify_instr_def] >>
rw [] >> fs [terminator_def]) >>
fs [num_calls_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
drule every_front >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `r ∉ regs_to_keep` >> fs []
>- metis_tac [] >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (i1::is)` >>
Cases_on `i1` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rw [] >> fs [] >>
drule translate_instrs_first_lab >> rw [] >>
fs [lab_translate_label]
>- (`i = 0` by fs [] >> rw []) >>
`0 < i` by fs [] >>
rw [EL_CONS])
>- (
`b ≠ []`
by (
Cases_on `b = []` >> Cases_on `instr` >> fs [is_call_def, classify_instr_def] >>
rw [] >> fs [terminator_def]) >>
fs [num_calls_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
rw [] >>
drule every_front >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (i1::is)` >>
Cases_on `i1` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rw [] >> fs [] >>
drule translate_instrs_first_lab >> rw [] >>
fs [lab_translate_label]
>- (`i = 0` by fs [] >> rw []) >>
`0 < i` by fs [] >>
rw [EL_CONS])
>- (
`b = []`
by (
Cases_on `b` >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `instr` >> fs [terminator_def, classify_instr_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def]) >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [lab_translate_label])
>- (
`b = []`
by (
Cases_on `b` >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `instr` >> fs [is_call_def, terminator_def, classify_instr_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def]) >>
rw [] >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `l` >> fs [translate_label_def] >>
Cases_on `x` >> fs [translate_label_def, dest_label_def])
Triviality classify_instr_lem:
(∀i. (terminator i ∨ is_call i) ⇔ classify_instr i = Term ∨ classify_instr i = Call)
strip_tac >> Cases_on `i` >> rw [terminator_def, classify_instr_def, is_call_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> rw [classify_instr_def]
Theorem translate_instrs_not_empty:
∀l gmap emap regs b.
b ≠ [] ∧ terminator (last b) ⇒
∀emap2. translate_instrs l gmap emap regs b ≠ ([], emap2)
Induct_on `b` >> rw [translate_instrs_def] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >> TRY pairarg_tac >> fs []
>- (
Cases_on `bs` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
Cases_on `b` >> fs []
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (b::bs)` >>
Cases_on `b` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def]) >>
Cases_on `b` >> fs []
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct] >>
Cases_on `bs` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def]
>- metis_tac [] >>
rename1 `add_to_first_block _ (b::bs)` >>
Cases_on `b` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def]
Theorem translate_instrs_emap:
∀l gmap emap regs b bs emap'.
translate_instrs l gmap emap regs b = (bs, emap')
∃emap''. emap' = emap |++ emap''
Induct_on `b` >> rw [translate_instrs_def]
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
rename1 `classify_instr i` >> Cases_on `classify_instr i` >> fs [] >>
TRY pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (
Cases_on `r ∈ regs` >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >> metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]) >>
Cases_on `i` >> fs [translate_instr_to_exp_def, classify_instr_def] >>
rw [] >>
metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM])
>- (
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `i` >> rw [extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM])
>- metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM]
>- (
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `i` >> rw [extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [FUPDATE_LIST_THM])
Theorem alookup_translate_blocks:
∀blocks l f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges b i prog.
b.body ≠ [] ∧
terminator (last b.body) ∧
every (λi. ¬terminator i) (front b.body) ∧
every (\b. (snd b).h = Entry ⇔ fst b = None) blocks ∧
alookup blocks l = Some b ∧
i ≤ num_calls b.body ∧
good_emap (Fn f) prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
(∀l b. mem (l, b) blocks ⇒ ∃d. alookup prog (Fn f) = Some d ∧ alookup d.blocks l = Some b)
alookup (translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges blocks) (translate_label f l i)
Some (snd (el i (fst (translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) 0)
gmap emap regs_to_keep b.body))))
ho_match_mp_tac ALOOKUP_ind >> simp [translate_blocks_def] >>
rpt strip_tac >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [ALOOKUP_APPEND] >>
rename1 `(if l' = l then _ else _) = Some _` >>
Cases_on `l = l'` >> fs [translate_block_def] >> rw []
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >> fs [ALOOKUP_APPEND] >>
`l = None ⇒ b.h = Entry` by metis_tac [] >>
rfs [alookup_translate_header_lab] >>
imp_res_tac alookup_translate_instrs >>
fs [] >> rw [] >> rfs [] >>
`emap |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h = emap`
by (
drule good_emap_header_unchanged >>
Cases_on `b.h` >> fs [header_to_emap_upd_def, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
disch_then irule >> rw [get_instr_cases] >>
metis_tac []) >>
>- (
pairarg_tac >> fs [ALOOKUP_APPEND] >> rw [] >>
rename1 `header_to_emap_upd b1.h` >>
`emap |++ header_to_emap_upd b1.h = emap`
by (
drule good_emap_header_unchanged >>
Cases_on `b1.h` >> fs [header_to_emap_upd_def, FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
disch_then irule >> rw [get_instr_cases] >>
metis_tac []) >>
rename1 `alookup (translate_header _ _ _ _ _ bloc.h)` >>
`l' = None ⇒ bloc.h = Entry` by metis_tac [] >>
fs [alookup_translate_header_lab] >>
Cases_on `alookup bs (translate_label f l i)` >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (
`emap = emap'`
by (
drule good_emap_translate_unchanged >>
disch_then irule >>
first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`l'`, `bloc`] mp_tac) >>
rw [] >>
metis_tac []) >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`f`, `gmap`, `emap`, `regs_to_keep`, `edges`, `prog`] mp_tac) >>
rw [])
>- metis_tac [alookup_translate_instrs_lab])
Definition translate_trace_def:
(translate_trace gmap Tau = Tau) ∧
(translate_trace gmap Error = Error) ∧
(translate_trace gmap (Exit i) = (Exit i)) ∧
(translate_trace gmap (W gv bytes) = W (translate_glob_var gmap gv) bytes)
Inductive v_rel:
(∀w. v_rel (FlatV (PtrV w)) (FlatV (IntV (w2i w) llair$pointer_size))) ∧
(∀w. v_rel (FlatV (W1V w)) (FlatV (IntV (w2i w) 1))) ∧
(∀w. v_rel (FlatV (W8V w)) (FlatV (IntV (w2i w) 8))) ∧
(∀w. v_rel (FlatV (W32V w)) (FlatV (IntV (w2i w) 32))) ∧
(∀w. v_rel (FlatV (W64V w)) (FlatV (IntV (w2i w) 64))) ∧
(∀vs1 vs2.
list_rel v_rel vs1 vs2
v_rel (AggV vs1) (AggV vs2))
Definition take_to_call_def:
(take_to_call [] = []) ∧
(take_to_call (i::is) =
if terminator i ∨ is_call i then [i] else i :: take_to_call is)
Inductive pc_rel:
(* LLVM side points to a normal instruction *)
(∀prog emap ip bp d b idx b' prev_i gmap (*rest*).
(* Both are valid pointers to blocks in the same function *)
dest_fn ip.f = label_to_fname bp ∧
alookup prog ip.f = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks ip.b = Some b ∧
ip.i = Offset idx ∧
idx < length b.body ∧
get_block (translate_prog prog) bp b' ∧
(* The LLVM side is at the start of a block, or immediately following a
* call, which will also start a new block in llair *)
(idx ≠ 0 ⇒ get_instr prog (ip with i := Offset (idx - 1)) (Inl prev_i) ∧
is_call prev_i) ∧
(bp, b')::rest =
fst (translate_instrs (translate_label (dest_fn ip.f) ip.b (num_calls (take idx b.body)))
gmap emap (get_regs_to_keep d) (take_to_call (drop idx b.body)))
pc_rel prog gmap emap ip bp) ∧
(* If the LLVM side points to phi instructions, the llair side
* should point to a block generated from them *)
(∀prog gmap emap ip from_l phis to_l bp.
bp = Mov_name (dest_fn ip.f) (option_map dest_label from_l) to_l ∧
get_instr prog ip (Inr (from_l, phis)) ∧
ip.b = Some (Lab to_l) ∧
(* We should have just jumped here from block from_l *)
(∃d b. alookup prog ip.f = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks from_l = Some b ∧
ip.b ∈ set (map Some (instr_to_labs (last b.body)))) (*∧
get_block (translate_prog prog) bp
(generate_move_block (dest_fn ip.f) gmap emap phis from_l (Lab to_l)) *)
pc_rel prog gmap emap ip bp)
(* Define when an LLVM state is related to a llair one.
* Parameterised on a map for locals relating LLVM registers to llair
* expressions that compute the value in that register. This corresponds to part
* of the translation's state.
Definition emap_invariant_def:
emap_invariant prog emap s s' r =
∃v v' e.
v_rel v.value v' ∧
flookup s.locals r = Some v ∧
flookup emap r = Some e ∧ eval_exp s' e v'
Definition local_state_rel_def:
local_state_rel prog emap s s' ⇔
(* Live LLVM registers are mapped and have a related value in the emap
* (after evaluating) *)
(∀r. r ∈ live prog s.ip ⇒ emap_invariant prog emap s s' r)
Definition globals_rel_def:
globals_rel gmap gl gl' ⇔
BIJ (translate_glob_var gmap) (fdom gl) (fdom gl') ∧
∀k. k ∈ fdom gl ⇒
nfits (w2n (snd (gl ' k))) llair$pointer_size ∧
w2n (snd (gl ' k)) = gl' ' (translate_glob_var gmap k)
Definition mem_state_rel_def:
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap (s:llvm$state) (s':llair$state) ⇔
local_state_rel prog emap s s' ∧
reachable prog s.ip ∧
globals_rel gmap s.globals s'.glob_addrs ∧
heap_ok s.heap ∧
erase_tags s.heap = s'.heap ∧
s.status = s'.status
(* Define when an LLVM state is related to a llair one
* Parameterised on a map for locals relating LLVM registers to llair
* expressions that compute the value in that register. This corresponds to part
* of the translation's state.
Definition state_rel_def:
state_rel prog gmap emap (s:llvm$state) (s':llair$state) ⇔
(s.status = Partial ⇒ pc_rel prog gmap emap s.ip s'.bp) ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s'
Theorem mem_state_ignore_bp[simp]:
∀prog gmap emap s s' b.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s (s' with bp := b) ⇔
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s'
rw [local_state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def] >> eq_tac >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
`eval_exp (s' with bp := b) e v' ⇔ eval_exp s' e v'`
by (irule eval_exp_ignores >> rw []) >>
metis_tac []
Triviality lemma:
((s:llair$state) with status := Complete code).locals = s.locals ∧
((s:llair$state) with status := Complete code).glob_addrs = s.glob_addrs
rw []
Theorem mem_state_rel_exited:
∀prog gmap emap s s' code.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s'
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap (s with status := Complete code) (s' with status := Complete code)
rw [mem_state_rel_def, local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def] >>
metis_tac [eval_exp_ignores, lemma]
Theorem mem_state_rel_no_update:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' v res_v r i i'.
assigns prog s1.ip = {} ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
i ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap (s1 with ip := i) s1'
rw [mem_state_rel_def, local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def]
>- (
first_x_assum (qspec_then `r` mp_tac) >> simp [Once live_gen_kill, PULL_EXISTS] >>
metis_tac [next_ips_same_func])
>- metis_tac [next_ips_reachable]
Theorem exp_assigns_sing:
∀inst prog ip r t.
get_instr prog ip (Inl inst) ∧ classify_instr inst = Exp r t ⇒ assigns prog ip = {(r,t)}
rw [get_instr_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, assigns_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
Cases_on `el idx b.body` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> fs [classify_instr_def, instr_assigns_def]
Theorem mem_state_rel_update:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' regs_to_keep v res_v r e i inst.
good_emap s1.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
get_instr prog s1.ip (Inl inst) ∧
classify_instr inst = Exp r t ∧
r ∉ regs_to_keep ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
eval_exp s1' (translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap inst) res_v ∧
v_rel v.value res_v ∧
i ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap
(s1 with <|ip := i; locals := s1.locals |+ (r, v) |>)
rw [mem_state_rel_def, local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def, good_emap_def]
>- (
>- (
HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `s1.ip` mp_tac) >> simp [] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`r`, `t`, `inst`] mp_tac) >> rw []) >>
`i.f = s1.ip.f` by metis_tac [next_ips_same_func] >> simp [] >>
first_x_assum irule >>
simp [Once live_gen_kill, PULL_EXISTS, METIS_PROVE [] ``x ∨ y ⇔ (~y ⇒ x)``] >>
drule exp_assigns_sing >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [exp_assigns_sing])
>- metis_tac [next_ips_reachable]
Theorem emap_inv_updates_keep_same_ip1:
∀prog emap ip s s' vs res_vs rtys r t.
list_rel v_rel (map (\v. v.value) vs) res_vs ∧
length rtys = length vs ∧
(r,t) ∈ set rtys ∧
all_distinct (map fst rtys) ∧
flookup emap r = Some (Var (translate_reg r t) F)
emap_invariant prog emap
(s with locals := s.locals |++ zip (map fst rtys, vs))
(s' with locals := s'.locals |++ zip (map (\(r,ty). translate_reg r ty) rtys, res_vs))
rw [emap_invariant_def, flookup_fupdate_list] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw []
>- (
fs [ALOOKUP_NONE, MAP_REVERSE] >> rfs [MAP_ZIP] >> fs [MEM_MAP] >>
metis_tac [FST]) >>
rename [`alookup (reverse (zip _)) _ = Some v`] >>
fs [Once MEM_SPLIT_APPEND_last] >>
fs [alookup_some, MAP_EQ_APPEND, reverse_eq_append] >> rw [] >>
rfs [zip_eq_append] >> rw [] >> rw [] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `reverse _ ++ _ = zip _` (mp_tac o GSYM) >> rw [zip_eq_append] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
rename [`[_] = zip (x,y)`] >>
Cases_on `x` >> Cases_on `y` >> fs [] >>
rw [] >> fs [LIST_REL_SPLIT1] >> rw [] >>
HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> rw [] >>
rw [Once eval_exp_cases, flookup_fupdate_list] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `reverse (zip (a, b))` >>
`length a = length b`
by (
rw [Abbr `a`, Abbr `b`] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [] >> fs [alookup_some, reverse_eq_append]
>- (fs [ALOOKUP_NONE] >> rfs [MAP_REVERSE, MAP_ZIP] >> fs [Abbr `a`]) >>
rfs [zip_eq_append] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >>
rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `reverse _ ++ _ = zip _` (mp_tac o GSYM) >> rw [zip_eq_append] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
rename [`[_] = zip (a,b)`] >>
Cases_on `a` >> Cases_on `b` >> fs [] >>
rw [] >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
fs [ALOOKUP_NONE] >> fs [] >>
rev_full_simp_tac pure_ss [SWAP_REVERSE_SYM] >>
rw [] >> fs [MAP_REVERSE] >> rfs [MAP_ZIP] >>
fs [MIN_DEF] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [] >>
rfs [] >> rw [] >>
fs [MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF, LAMBDA_PROD] >>
rename [`map fst l1 ++ [_] ++ map fst l2 = l3 ++ [_] ++ l4`,
`map _ l1 ++ [translate_reg _ _] ++ _ = l5 ++ _ ++ l6`,
`l7 ++ [v1:llair$flat_v reg_v] ++ l8 = l9 ++ [v2] ++ l10`] >>
`map fst l1 = l3 ∧ map fst l2 = l4`
by (
irule append_split_last >>
qexists_tac `h` >> rw [MEM_MAP] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
`all_distinct (map fst l1 ++ [fst y] ++ map fst l2)` by metis_tac [] >>
metis_tac [FST, pair_CASES]) >>
`length l2 = length l6` suffices_by metis_tac [append_split_eq, LIST_REL_LENGTH, LENGTH_MAP] >>
rename1 `translate_reg r t` >>
`~mem (translate_reg r t) (map (λ(r,ty). translate_reg r ty) l2)`
by (
rw [MEM_MAP] >> pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
rename1 `translate_reg r1 t1 = translate_reg r2 t2` >>
Cases_on `r1` >> Cases_on `r2` >> rw [translate_reg_def] >>
metis_tac [MEM_MAP, FST]) >>
metis_tac [append_split_last, LENGTH_MAP]
Theorem emap_inv_updates_keep_same_ip2:
∀prog emap s s' vs res_vs rtys r regs_to_keep gmap.
is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
r ∈ live prog s.ip ∧
assigns prog s.ip = set rtys ∧
emap_invariant prog emap s s' r ∧
list_rel v_rel (map (\v. v.value) vs) res_vs ∧
length rtys = length vs ∧
reachable prog s.ip ∧
¬mem r (map fst rtys)
emap_invariant prog emap
(s with locals := s.locals |++ zip (map fst rtys, vs))
(s' with locals := s'.locals |++ zip (map (\(r,ty). translate_reg r ty) rtys, res_vs))
rw [emap_invariant_def, alistTheory.flookup_fupdate_list] >> rw [] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw []
>- (
qexists_tac `v'` >> rw [] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `eval_exp s_upd _ _` >>
`DRESTRICT s_upd.locals (exp_uses e) = DRESTRICT s'.locals (exp_uses e) ∧
s_upd.glob_addrs = s'.glob_addrs`
suffices_by metis_tac [eval_exp_ignores_unused] >>
rw [Abbr `s_upd`] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `_ |++ l = _` >>
`l = []` suffices_by rw [FUPDATE_LIST_THM] >>
rw [Abbr `l`, FILTER_EQ_NIL, LAMBDA_PROD] >>
`(λ(p1,p2:llair$flat_v reg_v). p1 ∉ exp_uses e) = (\x. fst x ∉ exp_uses e)`
by (rw [EXTENSION, IN_DEF] >> pairarg_tac >> rw []) >>
`length rtys = length res_vs` by metis_tac [LIST_REL_LENGTH, LENGTH_MAP] >>
rw [every_zip_fst, EVERY_MAP] >> rw [LAMBDA_PROD] >>
rw [EVERY_EL] >> pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
qmatch_goalsub_rename_tac `translate_reg r1 ty1 ∉ exp_uses _` >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `s.ip` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> simp [] >>
disch_then (qspec_then `translate_reg r1 ty1` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
`ip2 = s.ip`
by (
fs [is_ssa_def, EXTENSION, IN_DEF] >>
Cases_on `r1` >> fs [translate_reg_def, untranslate_reg_def] >>
rename1 `Reg reg = fst regty` >>
Cases_on `regty` >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
`assigns prog s.ip (Reg reg, ty1)`
suffices_by metis_tac [reachable_dominates_same_func, FST] >>
metis_tac [EL_MEM, IN_DEF]) >>
metis_tac [dominates_irrefl]) >>
drule ALOOKUP_MEM >> rw [MEM_MAP, MEM_ZIP] >>
Theorem local_state_rel_next_ip:
∀prog emap ip2 s s'.
local_state_rel prog emap s s' ∧
ip2 ∈ next_ips prog s.ip ∧
(∀r. r ∈ assigns prog s.ip ⇒ emap_invariant prog emap s s' (fst r))
local_state_rel prog emap (s with ip := ip2) s'
rw [local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def] >>
Cases_on `r ∈ live prog s.ip` >> fs [] >>
pop_assum mp_tac >> simp [Once live_gen_kill, PULL_EXISTS] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `ip2` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
ntac 3 HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum irule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [next_ips_same_func]
Theorem local_state_rel_updates_keep:
∀rtys prog emap s s' vs res_vs i regs_to_keep gmap.
is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
all_distinct (map fst rtys) ∧
set rtys = assigns prog s.ip ∧
(¬∃inst r t. get_instr prog s.ip (Inl inst) ∧ classify_instr inst = Exp r t ∧ r ∉ regs_to_keep) ∧
local_state_rel prog emap s s' ∧
length vs = length rtys ∧
list_rel v_rel (map (\v. v.value) vs) res_vs ∧
i ∈ next_ips prog s.ip ∧
reachable prog s.ip
local_state_rel prog emap
(s with <| ip := i; locals := s.locals |++ zip (map fst rtys, vs) |>)
(s' with locals := s'.locals |++ zip (map (\(r,ty). translate_reg r ty) rtys, res_vs))
rw [] >> irule local_state_rel_next_ip >>
fs [local_state_rel_def] >> rw []
>- (
irule emap_inv_updates_keep_same_ip1 >> rw [] >>
fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `s.ip` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `snd r` >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum irule >> rw [] >>
fs [assigns_cases, IN_DEF, not_exp_def] >>
metis_tac []) >>
Cases_on `mem r (map fst rtys)`
>- (
irule emap_inv_updates_keep_same_ip1 >> rw [] >>
`∃t. (r,t) ∈ set rtys` by (fs [MEM_MAP] >> metis_tac [FST, pair_CASES]) >>
rfs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `s.ip` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
`(∃inst. get_instr prog s.ip (Inl inst)) ∨ (∃phis. get_instr prog s.ip (Inr phis))`
by (fs [IN_DEF, assigns_cases] >> metis_tac []) >>
metis_tac [FST, PAIR_EQ, SND,not_exp_def])
>- (
irule emap_inv_updates_keep_same_ip2 >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [])
Theorem local_state_rel_update_keep:
∀prog emap s s' v res_v r i ty regs_to_keep gmap.
is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
assigns prog s.ip = {(r,ty)} ∧
(¬∃inst r t. get_instr prog s.ip (Inl inst) ∧ classify_instr inst = Exp r t ∧ r ∉ regs_to_keep) ∧
local_state_rel prog emap s s' ∧
v_rel v.value res_v ∧
reachable prog s.ip ∧
i ∈ next_ips prog s.ip
local_state_rel prog emap
(s with <| ip := i; locals := s.locals |+ (r, v) |>)
(s' with locals := s'.locals |+ (translate_reg r ty, res_v))
rw [] >>
drule local_state_rel_updates_keep >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`[(r,ty)]`, `emap`, `s`, `s'`] mp_tac) >>
simp [] >> disch_then drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`[v]`, `[res_v]`] mp_tac) >>
simp [] >> disch_then drule >>
Theorem mem_state_rel_update_keep:
∀prog gmap emap s s' v res_v r ty i inst regs_to_keep.
is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
assigns prog s.ip = {(r,ty)} ∧
(¬∃inst r t. get_instr prog s.ip (Inl inst) ∧ classify_instr inst = Exp r t ∧ r ∉ regs_to_keep) ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
v_rel v.value res_v ∧
reachable prog s.ip ∧
i ∈ next_ips prog s.ip
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap
(s with <| ip := i; locals := s.locals |+ (r, v) |>)
(s' with locals := s'.locals |+ (translate_reg r ty, res_v))
rw [mem_state_rel_def]
>- (
irule local_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [get_instr_func, INL_11, instr_class_11, instr_class_distinct,
>- metis_tac [next_ips_reachable]
Triviality lemma:
((s:llair$state) with heap := h).locals = s.locals ∧
((s:llair$state) with heap := h).glob_addrs = s.glob_addrs
rw []
Theorem mem_state_rel_heap_update:
∀prog gmap emap s s' h h'.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
heap_ok h ∧
erase_tags h = erase_tags h'
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap (s with heap := h) (s' with heap := h')
rw [mem_state_rel_def, erase_tags_def, local_state_rel_def] >>
rw [heap_component_equality] >>
fs [fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_o_f] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> rw [] >>
fs [emap_invariant_def]
>- metis_tac [eval_exp_ignores, lemma]
>- metis_tac [eval_exp_ignores, lemma] >>
Cases_on `x'` >> Cases_on `x''` >> fs []
Theorem v_rel_bytes:
∀v v'. v_rel v v' ⇒ llvm_value_to_bytes v = llair_value_to_bytes v'
ho_match_mp_tac v_rel_ind >>
rw [v_rel_cases, llvm_value_to_bytes_def, llair_value_to_bytes_def] >>
rw [value_to_bytes_def, llvmTheory.unconvert_value_def, w2n_i2n,
llairTheory.unconvert_value_def, llairTheory.pointer_size_def,
llvmTheory.pointer_size_def] >>
pop_assum mp_tac >>
qid_spec_tac `vs1` >>
Induct_on `vs2` >> rw [] >> rw []
Theorem bytes_v_rel_lem:
(∀f s bs t.
f = (λn t w. convert_value t w) ∧
s = type_to_shape t ∧
first_class_type t
(quotient_pair$### v_rel $=)
(bytes_to_value f s bs)
(bytes_to_value (λn t w. convert_value t w) (type_to_shape (translate_ty t)) bs)) ∧
(∀f n s bs t.
f = (λn t w. convert_value t w) ∧
s = type_to_shape t ∧
first_class_type t
(quotient_pair$### (list_rel v_rel) $=)
(read_array f n s bs)
(read_array (λn t w. convert_value t w) n (type_to_shape (translate_ty t)) bs)) ∧
(∀f ss bs ts.
f = (λn t w. convert_value t w) ∧
ss = map type_to_shape ts ∧
every first_class_type ts
(quotient_pair$### (list_rel v_rel) $=)
(read_str f ss bs)
(read_str (λn t w. convert_value t w) (map (type_to_shape o translate_ty) ts) bs))
ho_match_mp_tac bytes_to_value_ind >>
rw [llvmTheory.type_to_shape_def, translate_ty_def, type_to_shape_def,
sizeof_def, llvmTheory.sizeof_def, bytes_to_value_def, pointer_size_def,
convert_value_def, llvmTheory.convert_value_def, quotient_pairTheory.PAIR_REL]
>- (
Cases_on `t'` >>
fs [llvmTheory.type_to_shape_def, llvmTheory.sizeof_def, llvmTheory.first_class_type_def] >>
TRY (Cases_on `s`) >>
rw [llvmTheory.sizeof_def, le_read_num_def, translate_size_def,
convert_value_def, llvmTheory.convert_value_def, translate_ty_def,
type_to_shape_def, bytes_to_value_def, sizeof_def, llvmTheory.sizeof_def] >>
simp [v_rel_cases] >> rw [word_0_w2i, w2i_1] >>
fs [pointer_size_def, llvmTheory.pointer_size_def] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `l2n 256 l` >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `n2i n dim` >>
`n < 2 ** dim`
by (
qspecl_then [`l`, `256`] mp_tac numposrepTheory.l2n_lt >>
rw [] >>
`256 ** length l ≤ 2 ** dim` suffices_by decide_tac >>
`256 = 2 ** 8` by rw [] >>
full_simp_tac bool_ss [] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw []) >>
metis_tac [w2i_n2w, dimword_def, dimindex_8, dimindex_32, dimindex_64])
>- (
Cases_on `t` >>
fs [llvmTheory.type_to_shape_def, llvmTheory.sizeof_def, llvmTheory.first_class_type_def] >>
rw [PAIR_MAP] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [type_to_shape_def, translate_ty_def, bytes_to_value_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `t'` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
simp [v_rel_cases] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [])
>- (
Cases_on `t` >>
fs [llvmTheory.type_to_shape_def, llvmTheory.sizeof_def, llvmTheory.first_class_type_def] >>
rw [PAIR_MAP] >>
fs [type_to_shape_def, translate_ty_def, bytes_to_value_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [PAIR_MAP] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `l` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
simp [v_rel_cases] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [MAP_MAP_o] >> rw [] >> fs [ETA_THM])
>- (
rpt (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `t` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `t` mp_tac) >> rw [])
>- (
Cases_on `ts` >> fs [bytes_to_value_def] >>
rpt (pairarg_tac >> fs []) >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `h` mp_tac) >> simp [] >> strip_tac >>
fs [] >> rfs [] >> fs [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `t` mp_tac) >> simp [] >> strip_tac >>
fs [MAP_MAP_o] >> rw [])
Theorem bytes_v_rel:
∀t bs.
first_class_type t ⇒
v_rel (fst (bytes_to_llvm_value t bs))
(fst (bytes_to_llair_value (translate_ty t) bs))
rw [bytes_to_llvm_value_def, bytes_to_llair_value_def] >>
qspecl_then [`bs`, `t`] mp_tac (CONJUNCT1 (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] bytes_v_rel_lem)) >>
rw [quotient_pairTheory.PAIR_REL] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs []
Triviality n2i_lem:
∀n. nfits n llair$pointer_size ⇒
n2i n llair$pointer_size = IntV (w2i (n2w n : word64)) llair$pointer_size
rw [pointer_size_def] >>
`2 ** 64 = dimword (:64)` by rw [dimword_64] >>
full_simp_tac bool_ss [nfits_def] >>
drule w2i_n2w >> rw []
Theorem translate_constant_correct_lem:
(∀c s prog gmap emap s' v.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
eval_const s.globals c v
∃v'. eval_exp s' (translate_const gmap c) v' ∧ v_rel v v') ∧
(∀(cs : (ty # const) list) s prog gmap emap s' vs.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
list_rel (eval_const s.globals o snd) cs vs
∃v'. list_rel (eval_exp s') (map (translate_const gmap o snd) cs) v' ∧ list_rel v_rel vs v') ∧
(∀(tc : ty # const) s prog gmap emap s' v.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
eval_const s.globals (snd tc) v
∃v'. eval_exp s' (translate_const gmap (snd tc)) v' ∧ v_rel v v')
ho_match_mp_tac const_induction >> rw [translate_const_def] >>
pop_assum mp_tac >> simp [Once eval_const_cases]
>- (
rw [Once eval_exp_cases] >>
simp [Once eval_const_cases, translate_size_def, v_rel_cases] >>
metis_tac [truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i, dimindex_1, dimindex_8, dimindex_32, dimindex_64])
>- (
rw [Once eval_exp_cases] >>
simp [v_rel_cases, PULL_EXISTS, MAP_MAP_o] >>
fs [combinTheory.o_DEF, LAMBDA_PROD] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then irule >>
fs [LIST_REL_EL_EQN] >> rw [] >> rfs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
simp [EL_MAP] >>
Cases_on `el n cs` >> simp [])
>- (
rw [Once eval_exp_cases] >>
simp [v_rel_cases, PULL_EXISTS, MAP_MAP_o] >>
fs [combinTheory.o_DEF, LAMBDA_PROD] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then irule >>
fs [LIST_REL_EL_EQN] >> rw [] >> rfs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
simp [EL_MAP] >>
Cases_on `el n cs` >> simp [])
(* TODO: unimplemented GEP stuff *)
>- cheat
>- (
rw [Once eval_exp_cases] >> simp [v_rel_cases] >>
fs [mem_state_rel_def, globals_rel_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `g` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `w2n w` >> rw [] >> fs [FLOOKUP_DEF]
>- (
rfs [] >>
qpat_x_assum `w2n _ = _` (mp_tac o GSYM) >> rw [] >>
simp [n2i_lem])
>- metis_tac []
Theorem translate_constant_correct:
∀c s prog gmap emap s' g v.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
eval_const s.globals c v
∃v'. eval_exp s' (translate_const gmap c) v' ∧ v_rel v v'
metis_tac [translate_constant_correct_lem]
Theorem translate_const_no_reg[simp]:
∀gmap c. r ∉ exp_uses (translate_const gmap c)
ho_match_mp_tac translate_const_ind >>
rw [translate_const_def, exp_uses_def, MEM_MAP, METIS_PROVE [] ``x ∨ y ⇔ (~x ⇒ y)``]
>- (pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> metis_tac [])
>- (pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> metis_tac [])
(* TODO: unimplemented GEP stuff *)
>- cheat
Theorem translate_arg_correct:
∀s a v prog gmap emap s'.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
eval s a v ∧
arg_to_regs a ⊆ live prog s.ip
∃v'. eval_exp s' (translate_arg gmap emap a) v' ∧ v_rel v.value v'
Cases_on `a` >> rw [eval_cases, translate_arg_def] >> rw []
>- metis_tac [translate_constant_correct] >>
CASE_TAC >> fs [PULL_EXISTS, mem_state_rel_def, local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def, arg_to_regs_def] >>
res_tac >> rfs [] >> metis_tac [eval_exp_ignores]
Theorem is_allocated_mem_state_rel:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1'.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1'
(∀i. is_allocated i s1.heap ⇔ is_allocated i s1'.heap)
rw [mem_state_rel_def, is_allocated_def, erase_tags_def] >>
pop_assum mp_tac >> pop_assum (mp_tac o GSYM) >> rw []
Theorem restricted_i2w_11:
∀i (w:'a word). INT_MIN (:'a) ≤ i ∧ i ≤ INT_MAX (:'a) ⇒ (i2w i : 'a word) = i2w (w2i w) ⇒ i = w2i w
rw [i2w_def]
>- (
Cases_on `n2w (Num (-i)) = INT_MINw` >>
rw [w2i_neg, w2i_INT_MINw] >>
fs [word_L_def] >>
`∃j. 0 ≤ j ∧ i = -j` by intLib.COOPER_TAC >>
rw [] >>
fs [] >>
`INT_MIN (:'a) < dimword (:'a)` by metis_tac [INT_MIN_LT_DIMWORD] >>
`Num j MOD dimword (:'a) = Num j`
by (irule LESS_MOD >> intLib.COOPER_TAC) >>
fs []
>- intLib.COOPER_TAC
>- (
`Num j < INT_MIN (:'a)` by intLib.COOPER_TAC >>
fs [w2i_n2w_pos, integerTheory.INT_OF_NUM]))
>- (
fs [GSYM INT_MAX, INT_MAX_def] >>
`Num i < INT_MIN (:'a)` by intLib.COOPER_TAC >>
rw [w2i_n2w_pos, integerTheory.INT_OF_NUM] >>
Theorem translate_sub_correct:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' nsw nuw ty v1 v1' v2 v2' e2' e1' result.
do_sub nuw nsw v1 v2 ty = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v1.value v1' ∧
eval_exp s1' e2' v2' ∧
v_rel v2.value v2'
eval_exp s1' (Sub (translate_ty ty) e1' e2') v3' ∧
v_rel result.value v3'
rw [] >>
simp [Once eval_exp_cases] >>
fs [do_sub_def] >> rw [] >>
rfs [v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC >> fs [PULL_EXISTS, translate_ty_def, translate_size_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
fs [PAIR_MAP, wordsTheory.FST_ADD_WITH_CARRY] >>
rw [] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `w2i (-1w * w1 + w2)` >>
qexists_tac `w2i w2` >> qexists_tac `w2i w1` >> simp [] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw []
>- (
irule restricted_i2w_11 >> simp [word_sub_i2w] >>
`dimindex (:1) = 1` by rw [] >>
drule truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i >>
rw [word_sub_i2w] >>
metis_tac [w2i_ge, w2i_le, SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MIN (:1)``,
SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MAX (:1)``])
>- (
irule restricted_i2w_11 >> simp [word_sub_i2w] >>
`dimindex (:8) = 8` by rw [] >>
drule truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i >>
rw [word_sub_i2w] >>
metis_tac [w2i_ge, w2i_le, SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MIN (:8)``,
SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MAX (:8)``])
>- (
irule restricted_i2w_11 >> simp [word_sub_i2w] >>
`dimindex (:32) = 32` by rw [] >>
drule truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i >>
rw [word_sub_i2w] >>
metis_tac [w2i_ge, w2i_le, SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MIN (:32)``,
SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MAX (:32)``])
>- (
irule restricted_i2w_11 >> simp [word_sub_i2w] >>
`dimindex (:64) = 64` by rw [] >>
drule truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i >>
rw [word_sub_i2w] >>
metis_tac [w2i_ge, w2i_le, SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MIN (:64)``,
SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [] ``INT_MAX (:64)``])
Theorem translate_extract_correct:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' a v v1' e1' cs vs ns result.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
list_rel (eval_const s1.globals) cs vs ∧
map signed_v_to_num vs = map Some ns ∧
extract_value v ns = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v v1'
eval_exp s1' (foldl (λe c. Select e (translate_const gmap c)) e1' cs) v2' ∧
v_rel result v2'
Induct_on `cs` >> rw [] >> rfs [] >> fs [extract_value_def]
>- metis_tac [] >>
first_x_assum irule >>
Cases_on `ns` >> fs [] >>
qmatch_goalsub_rename_tac `translate_const gmap c` >>
qmatch_assum_rename_tac `eval_const _ _ v3` >>
`∃v2'. eval_exp s1' (translate_const gmap c) v2' ∧ v_rel v3 v2'`
by metis_tac [translate_constant_correct] >>
Cases_on `v` >> fs [extract_value_def] >>
qpat_x_assum `v_rel (AggV _) _` mp_tac >>
simp [Once v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >>
simp [Once eval_exp_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qmatch_assum_rename_tac `_ = map Some is` >>
Cases_on `v3` >> fs [signed_v_to_num_def, signed_v_to_int_def] >> rw [] >>
`∃i. v2' = FlatV i` by fs [v_rel_cases] >> fs [] >>
qmatch_assum_rename_tac `option_join _ = Some x` >>
`∃size. i = IntV (&x) size` suffices_by metis_tac [] >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `v_rel _ _` mp_tac >>
simp [v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >> fs [signed_v_to_int_def] >> rw [] >>
Theorem translate_update_correct:
∀prog gmap emap s1 s1' a v1 v1' v2 v2' e2 e2' e1' cs vs ns result.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
list_rel (eval_const s1.globals) cs vs ∧
map signed_v_to_num vs = map Some ns ∧
insert_value v1 v2 ns = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v1 v1' ∧
eval_exp s1' e2' v2' ∧
v_rel v2 v2'
eval_exp s1' (translate_updatevalue gmap e1' e2' cs) v3' ∧
v_rel result v3'
Induct_on `cs` >> rw [] >> rfs [] >> fs [insert_value_def, translate_updatevalue_def]
>- metis_tac [] >>
simp [Once eval_exp_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
Cases_on `ns` >> fs [] >>
Cases_on `v1` >> fs [insert_value_def] >>
rename [`insert_value (el x _) _ ns`] >>
Cases_on `insert_value (el x l) v2 ns` >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `v_rel (AggV _) _` mp_tac >> simp [Once v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >>
simp [v_rel_cases] >>
qmatch_goalsub_rename_tac `translate_const gmap c` >>
qexists_tac `vs2` >> simp [] >>
qmatch_assum_rename_tac `eval_const _ _ v3` >>
`∃v4'. eval_exp s1' (translate_const gmap c) v4' ∧ v_rel v3 v4'`
by metis_tac [translate_constant_correct] >>
`∃idx_size. v4' = FlatV (IntV (&x) idx_size)`
by (
pop_assum mp_tac >> simp [Once v_rel_cases] >>
rw [] >> fs [signed_v_to_num_def, signed_v_to_int_def] >>
intLib.COOPER_TAC) >>
first_x_assum drule >>
disch_then drule >>
disch_then drule >>
disch_then drule >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`el x vs2`, `v2'`, `e2'`, `Select e1' (translate_const gmap c)`] mp_tac) >>
simp [Once eval_exp_cases] >>
val sizes = [``:1``, ``:8``, ``:32``, ``:64``];
val trunc_thms =
LIST_CONJ (map (fn x => SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] (INST_TYPE [``:'a`` |-> x] truncate_2comp_i2w_w2i))
val signed2unsigned_thms =
LIST_CONJ (map (fn x => SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] (INST_TYPE [``:'a`` |-> x] (GSYM w2n_signed2unsigned)))
Definition good_cast_def:
(good_cast Trunc (FlatV (IntV i size)) from_bits to_t ⇔
from_bits = size ∧ llair$sizeof_bits to_t < from_bits) ∧
(good_cast Zext (FlatV (IntV i size)) from_bits to_t ⇔
from_bits = size ∧ from_bits < sizeof_bits to_t) ∧
(good_cast Sext (FlatV (IntV i size)) from_bits to_t ⇔
from_bits = size ∧ from_bits < sizeof_bits to_t) ∧
(good_cast Ptrtoint _ _ _ ⇔ T) ∧
(good_cast Inttoptr _ _ _ ⇔ T)
Theorem translate_cast_correct:
∀prog gmap emap s1' cop from_bits to_ty v1 v1' e1' result.
do_cast cop v1.value to_ty = Some result ∧
eval_exp s1' e1' v1' ∧
v_rel v1.value v1' ∧
good_cast cop v1' from_bits (translate_ty to_ty)
eval_exp s1' ((if (cop = Zext) then Unsigned else Signed)
(if cop = Trunc then sizeof_bits (translate_ty to_ty) else from_bits)
e1' (translate_ty to_ty)) v3' ∧
v_rel result v3'
rw [] >> simp [Once eval_exp_cases, PULL_EXISTS, Once v_rel_cases]
>- ( (* Zext *)
fs [do_cast_def, OPTION_JOIN_EQ_SOME, unsigned_v_to_num_some, w64_cast_some,
translate_ty_def, sizeof_bits_def, translate_size_def] >>
rw [] >>
rfs [v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >>
qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `eval_exp _ _ (FlatV (IntV i s))` >>
qexists_tac `i` >> qexists_tac `s` >> rw [] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >>
fs [good_cast_def, translate_ty_def, sizeof_bits_def, translate_size_def] >>
rw [trunc_thms, signed2unsigned_thms] >>
rw [GSYM w2w_def, w2w_w2w, WORD_ALL_BITS] >>
rw [w2i_w2w_expand])
>- ( (* Trunc *)
fs [do_cast_def] >> rw [] >>
fs [OPTION_JOIN_EQ_SOME, w64_cast_some, unsigned_v_to_num_some,
signed_v_to_int_some, mk_ptr_some] >>
rw [sizeof_bits_def, translate_ty_def, translate_size_def] >>
rfs [] >> fs [v_rel_cases] >>
rw [] >>
qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `eval_exp _ _ (FlatV (IntV i s))` >>
qexists_tac `s` >> qexists_tac `i` >> rw [] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >>
fs [good_cast_def, translate_ty_def, sizeof_bits_def, translate_size_def] >>
rw [w2w_n2w, GSYM w2w_def, trunc_thms, pointer_size_def] >>
rw [i2w_w2i_extend, WORD_w2w_OVER_MUL] >>
rw [w2w_w2w, WORD_ALL_BITS, word_bits_w2w] >>
rw [word_mul_def]) >>
Cases_on `cop` >> fs [] >> rw []
>- ( (* Sext *)
fs [do_cast_def] >> rw [] >>
fs [OPTION_JOIN_EQ_SOME, w64_cast_some, unsigned_v_to_num_some,
signed_v_to_int_some, mk_ptr_some] >>
rw [sizeof_bits_def, translate_ty_def, translate_size_def] >>
rfs [] >> fs [v_rel_cases] >>
rw [] >>
qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `eval_exp _ _ (FlatV (IntV i s))` >>
qexists_tac `s` >> qexists_tac `i` >> rw [] >>
unabbrev_all_tac >>
fs [good_cast_def, translate_ty_def, sizeof_bits_def, translate_size_def] >>
rw [trunc_thms, w2w_i2w] >>
irule (GSYM w2i_i2w)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:1) ∧ INT_MIN (:1) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:1) ∧ INT_MIN (:1) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:1) ∧ INT_MIN (:1) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:8) ∧ INT_MIN (:8) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:8) ∧ INT_MIN (:8) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC)
>- (
`w2i w ≤ INT_MAX (:32) ∧ INT_MIN (:32) ≤ w2i w` by metis_tac [w2i_le, w2i_ge] >>
fs [] >> intLib.COOPER_TAC))
(* TODO: pointer to int and int to pointer casts *)
>> cheat
Theorem prog_ok_nonterm:
∀prog i ip.
prog_ok prog ∧ get_instr prog ip (Inl i) ∧ ¬terminator i ⇒ inc_pc ip ∈ next_ips prog ip
rw [next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
`terminator (last b.body) ∧ b.body ≠ []` by metis_tac [prog_ok_def] >>
Cases_on `length b.body = idx + 1`
>- (
drule LAST_EL >>
rw [] >> fs [DECIDE ``PRE (x + 1) = x``]) >>
Cases_on `el idx b.body` >>
fs [instr_next_ips_def, terminator_def] >>
rw [EXISTS_OR_THM, inc_pc_def, inc_bip_def]
Theorem const_idx_uses[simp]:
∀cs gmap e.
exp_uses (foldl (λe c. Select e (translate_const gmap c)) e cs) = exp_uses e
Induct_on `cs` >> rw [exp_uses_def] >> rw [EXTENSION]
Theorem exp_uses_trans_upd_val[simp]:
∀cs gmap e1 e2. exp_uses (translate_updatevalue gmap e1 e2 cs) =
(if cs = [] then {} else exp_uses e1) ∪ exp_uses e2
Induct_on `cs` >> rw [exp_uses_def, translate_updatevalue_def] >>
metis_tac []
(* TODO: identify some lemmas to cut down on the duplicated proof in the very
* similar cases *)
Theorem translate_instr_to_exp_correct:
∀gmap emap instr r t s1 s1' s2 prog l regs_to_keep.
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
classify_instr instr = Exp r t ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
get_instr prog s1.ip (Inl instr) ∧
step_instr prog s1 instr l s2 ⇒
∃pv s2'.
l = Tau ∧
s2.ip = inc_pc s1.ip ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s2 s2' ∧
(r ∉ regs_to_keep ⇒ s1' = s2') ∧
(r ∈ regs_to_keep ⇒
step_inst s1' (Move [(translate_reg r t, translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap instr)]) Tau s2')
recInduct translate_instr_to_exp_ind >>
simp [translate_instr_to_exp_def, classify_instr_def] >>
>- ( (* Sub *)
rw [step_instr_cases, get_instr_cases, update_result_def] >>
qpat_x_assum `Sub _ _ _ _ _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`bigunion (image arg_to_regs {a1; a2}) ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [Once live_gen_kill, SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def] >>
metis_tac []) >>
fs [] >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
drule translate_sub_correct >>
simp [] >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`s1'`, `v'`, `v''`] mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
rename1 `eval_exp _ (Sub _ _ _) res_v` >>
rename1 `r ∈ _` >>
simp [inc_pc_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
`assigns prog s1.ip = {(r,ty)}`
by rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def] >>
`reachable prog s1.ip` by fs [mem_state_rel_def] >>
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
ntac 3 (disch_then drule) >>
simp [terminator_def, next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, inc_pc_def]) >>
Cases_on `r ∉ regs_to_keep` >> rw []
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw []
>- (
fs [get_instr_cases, classify_instr_def, translate_instr_to_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [])
>- metis_tac [])
>- (
simp [step_inst_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `res_v` >> rw [] >>
rw [update_results_def, GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `regs_to_keep` >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
drule exp_assigns_sing >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [])) >>
>- ( (* Extractvalue *)
rw [step_instr_cases, get_instr_cases, update_result_def] >>
qpat_x_assum `Extractvalue _ _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`arg_to_regs a ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [Once live_gen_kill, SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def]) >>
drule translate_extract_correct >> rpt (disch_then drule) >>
drule translate_arg_correct >> disch_then drule >>
simp [] >> strip_tac >>
disch_then drule >> simp [] >> rw [] >>
rename1 `eval_exp _ (foldl _ _ _) res_v` >>
rw [inc_pc_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
rename1 `r ∈ _` >>
`assigns prog s1.ip = {(r,THE (extract_type t (map cidx_to_num cs)))}`
by rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def] >>
`reachable prog s1.ip` by fs [mem_state_rel_def] >>
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
ntac 3 (disch_then drule) >>
simp [terminator_def, next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, inc_pc_def]) >>
Cases_on `r ∈ regs_to_keep` >> rw []
>- (
simp [step_inst_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `res_v` >> rw [] >>
rw [update_results_def, GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `regs_to_keep` >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
drule exp_assigns_sing >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [])
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw []
>- (
fs [get_instr_cases, classify_instr_def, translate_instr_to_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [])
>- metis_tac [])) >>
>- ( (* Updatevalue *)
rw [step_instr_cases, get_instr_cases, update_result_def] >>
qpat_x_assum `Insertvalue _ _ _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`arg_to_regs a1 ⊆ live prog s1.ip ∧
arg_to_regs a2 ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [live_gen_kill] >>
simp [SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def]) >>
drule translate_update_correct >> rpt (disch_then drule) >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
simp [] >> strip_tac >> strip_tac >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`v'`, `v''`] mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
rw [] >>
rename1 `eval_exp _ (translate_updatevalue _ _ _ _) res_v` >>
rw [inc_pc_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
rename1 `r ∈ _` >>
`assigns prog s1.ip = {(r,t1)}`
by rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def] >>
`reachable prog s1.ip` by fs [mem_state_rel_def] >>
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
ntac 3 (disch_then drule) >>
simp [terminator_def, next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, inc_pc_def]) >>
Cases_on `r ∈ regs_to_keep` >> rw []
>- (
simp [step_inst_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `res_v` >> rw [] >>
rw [update_results_def, GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `regs_to_keep` >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
drule exp_assigns_sing >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [])
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw []
>- (
fs [get_instr_cases, classify_instr_def, translate_instr_to_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [])
>- metis_tac [])) >>
>- ( (* Cast *)
simp [step_instr_cases, get_instr_cases, update_result_def] >>
rpt strip_tac >>
qpat_x_assum `Cast _ _ _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`arg_to_regs a1 ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [Once live_gen_kill, SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def] >>
metis_tac []) >>
fs [] >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> strip_tac >>
drule translate_cast_correct >> ntac 2 (disch_then drule) >>
simp [] >>
disch_then (qspec_then `sizeof_bits (translate_ty t1)` mp_tac) >>
(* TODO: prog_ok should enforce that the type is consistent *)
>- cheat >>
strip_tac >>
rename1 `eval_exp _ _ res_v` >>
simp [inc_pc_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
rename1 `r ∈ _` >>
`assigns prog s1.ip = {(r,t)}`
by rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def] >>
`reachable prog s1.ip` by fs [mem_state_rel_def] >>
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
drule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
ntac 3 (disch_then drule) >>
simp [terminator_def, next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, inc_pc_def]) >>
Cases_on `r ∈ regs_to_keep` >> simp []
>- (
simp [step_inst_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `res_v` >> rw [] >>
fs [] >>
rw [update_results_def, GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `regs_to_keep` >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
drule exp_assigns_sing >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [])
>- (
irule mem_state_rel_update >> rw []
>- (
fs [get_instr_cases, classify_instr_def, translate_instr_to_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [])
>- metis_tac [])) >>
(* TODO: unimplemented instruction translations *)
Triviality eval_exp_help:
(s1 with heap := h).locals = s1.locals
rw []
Theorem translate_instr_to_inst_correct:
∀gmap emap instr r t s1 s1' s2 prog l regs_to_keep.
classify_instr instr = Non_exp ∧
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
get_instr prog s1.ip (Inl instr) ∧
step_instr prog s1 instr l s2
∃pv s2'.
s2.ip = inc_pc s1.ip ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s2 s2' ∧
step_inst s1' (translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap instr) (translate_trace gmap l) s2'
rw [step_instr_cases] >>
fs [classify_instr_def, translate_instr_to_inst_def]
>- ( (* Load *)
fs [step_inst_cases, get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qpat_x_assum `Load _ _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`arg_to_regs a1 ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [Once live_gen_kill, SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def] >>
metis_tac []) >>
fs [] >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `v_rel (FlatV _) _` mp_tac >> simp [Once v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >>
`∃n. r = Reg n` by (Cases_on `r` >> metis_tac []) >>
qexists_tac `n` >> qexists_tac `translate_ty t` >>
HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `freeable` >> rw [translate_trace_def]
>- rw [inc_pc_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def, update_result_def]
>- (
simp [GSYM translate_reg_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def, update_result_def,
update_results_def, GSYM FUPDATE_EQ_FUPDATE_LIST,
extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
irule mem_state_rel_update_keep >>
rw []
>- rw [assigns_cases, IN_DEF, EXTENSION, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def]
>- (
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) = inc_pc s1.ip` by rw [inc_pc_def] >>
simp [] >> irule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, terminator_def])
>- metis_tac [next_ips_reachable, mem_state_rel_def]
>- (
fs [w2n_i2n, pointer_size_def, mem_state_rel_def] >>
metis_tac [bytes_v_rel, get_bytes_erase_tags])
>- (
qexists_tac `regs_to_keep` >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [get_instr_cases] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
rfs [classify_instr_def]))
>- rw [translate_reg_def]
>- (
fs [w2n_i2n, pointer_size_def, mem_state_rel_def] >>
metis_tac [is_allocated_erase_tags]))
>- ( (* Store *)
fs [step_inst_cases, get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qpat_x_assum `Store _ _ = el _ _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >>
`bigunion (image arg_to_regs {a1; a2}) ⊆ live prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [Once live_gen_kill, SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases,
instr_uses_def] >>
metis_tac []) >>
fs [] >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >>
first_x_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac translate_arg_correct) >>
disch_then drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `v_rel (FlatV _) _` mp_tac >> simp [Once v_rel_cases] >> rw [] >>
drule v_rel_bytes >> rw [] >>
fs [w2n_i2n, pointer_size_def] >>
HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `freeable` >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `v'` >> rw []
>- rw [llvmTheory.inc_pc_def, inc_pc_def]
>- (
simp [llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
irule mem_state_rel_no_update >> rw []
>- rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF, get_instr_cases, instr_assigns_def]
>- (
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip (Offset idx) = inc_pc s1.ip` by rw [inc_pc_def] >>
simp [] >> irule prog_ok_nonterm >>
simp [get_instr_cases, terminator_def]) >>
irule mem_state_rel_heap_update >>
rw [set_bytes_unchanged, erase_tags_set_bytes] >>
fs [mem_state_rel_def, extend_emap_non_exp_def] >>
metis_tac [set_bytes_heap_ok])
>- (
fs [mem_state_rel_def] >>
fs [is_allocated_def, heap_component_equality, erase_tags_def] >>
metis_tac [])
>- (
fs [get_obs_cases, llvmTheory.get_obs_cases] >> rw [translate_trace_def] >>
fs [mem_state_rel_def, globals_rel_def]
>- (
first_x_assum drule >> rw []
>- metis_tac [BIJ_DEF, SURJ_DEF] >>
pop_assum (mp_tac o GSYM) >> rw [w2n_i2n])
>- (
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
`i2n (IntV (w2i w) (dimindex (:64))) = w2n w` by metis_tac [w2n_i2n, dimindex_64] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
fs [METIS_PROVE [] ``~x ∨ y ⇔ (x ⇒ y)``] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [pair_CASES, SND])))
Theorem classify_instr_term_call:
∀i. (classify_instr i = Term ⇒ terminator i) ∧
(classify_instr i = Call ⇒ is_call i ∨ terminator i)
Cases >> rw [classify_instr_def, is_call_def, terminator_def] >>
Cases_on `p` >> rw [classify_instr_def]
Definition untranslate_glob_var_def:
untranslate_glob_var (Var_name n ty) = Glob_var n
Definition untranslate_trace_def:
(untranslate_trace Tau = Tau) ∧
(untranslate_trace Error = Error) ∧
(untranslate_trace (Exit i) = (Exit i)) ∧
(untranslate_trace (W gv bytes) = W (untranslate_glob_var gv) bytes)
Theorem un_translate_glob_inv:
∀x t. untranslate_glob_var (translate_glob_var gmap x) = x
Cases_on `x` >> rw [translate_glob_var_def] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [untranslate_glob_var_def]
Theorem un_translate_trace_inv:
∀x. untranslate_trace (translate_trace gmap x) = x
Cases >> rw [translate_trace_def, untranslate_trace_def] >>
metis_tac [un_translate_glob_inv]
Theorem take_to_call_lem:
∀i idx body.
idx < length body ∧ el idx body = i ∧ ¬terminator i ∧ ¬is_call i ⇒
take_to_call (drop idx body) = i :: take_to_call (drop (idx + 1) body)
Induct_on `idx` >> rw []
>- (Cases_on `body` >> fs [take_to_call_def] >> rw []) >>
Cases_on `body` >> fs [] >>
simp [ADD1]
Theorem inc_translate_label:
∀f l x. inc_label (translate_label f l x) = translate_label f l (x + 1)
rw [] >> Cases_on `l` >> rw [translate_label_def, inc_label_def] >>
Cases_on `x'` >> rw [translate_label_def, inc_label_def]
Theorem translate_instrs_correct1:
∀prog s1 tr s2.
multi_step prog s1 tr s2 ⇒
∀s1' regs_to_keep b' gmap emap d b idx rest l.
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
alookup prog s1.ip.f = Some d ∧
alookup d.blocks s1.ip.b = Some b ∧
s1.ip.i = Offset idx ∧
(l,b')::rest =
fst (translate_instrs (translate_label (dest_fn s1.ip.f) s1.ip.b (num_calls (take idx b.body)))
gmap emap regs_to_keep (take_to_call (drop idx b.body)))
∃s2' tr'.
step_block (translate_prog prog) s1' b'.cmnd b'.term tr' s2' ∧
filter ($≠ Tau) tr' = filter ($≠ Tau) (map (translate_trace gmap) tr) ∧
state_rel prog gmap emap s2 s2'
ho_match_mp_tac multi_step_ind >> rw_tac std_ss []
>- (
fs [last_step_cases]
>- ( (* Phi (not handled here) *)
fs [get_instr_cases])
>- ( (* Terminator *)
`(∃code. l = Exit code) ∨ l = Tau `
by (
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases] >>
`i' = i''` by metis_tac [get_instr_func, INL_11] >>
fs [step_instr_cases] >> rfs [terminator_def]) >>
fs [get_instr_cases, translate_trace_def] >> rw [] >>
`el idx b.body = el 0 (drop idx b.body)` by rw [EL_DROP] >>
fs [] >>
Cases_on `drop idx b.body` >> fs [DROP_NIL] >> rw []
>- ( (* Exit *)
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases, get_instr_cases, step_instr_cases,
translate_instrs_def, take_to_call_def, classify_instr_def,
translate_instr_to_term_def, translate_instr_to_inst_def,
llvmTheory.get_obs_cases] >>
simp [Once step_block_cases, step_term_cases, PULL_EXISTS, step_inst_cases] >>
drule translate_arg_correct >>
disch_then drule >> impl_tac
>- (
`get_instr prog s1.ip (Inl (Exit a))` by rw [get_instr_cases] >>
drule get_instr_live >>
simp [uses_cases, SUBSET_DEF, IN_DEF, PULL_EXISTS] >>
rw [] >> first_x_assum irule >>
disj1_tac >>
metis_tac [instr_uses_def]) >>
rw [] >>
qexists_tac `s1' with status := Complete code` >>
qexists_tac `[Exit code]` >>
rw []
>- (
rfs [translate_instrs_def, classify_instr_def] >>
rw [translate_instr_to_term_def] >>
fs [v_rel_cases] >> fs [signed_v_to_int_def] >> metis_tac []) >>
rw [state_rel_def] >>
metis_tac [mem_state_rel_exited]) >>
fs [take_to_call_def] >>
rfs [] >>
fs [translate_instrs_def] >>
Cases_on `el idx b.body` >> fs [terminator_def, classify_instr_def, translate_trace_def] >> rw []
>- ( (* Ret *)
>- ( (* Br *)
simp [translate_instr_to_term_def, Once step_block_cases] >>
simp [step_term_cases, PULL_EXISTS, RIGHT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >>
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases] >>
drule get_instr_live >> disch_tac >>
drule translate_arg_correct >>
fs [step_instr_cases] >> fs [] >>
TRY (fs [get_instr_cases] >> NO_TAC) >>
`a = a'` by fs [get_instr_cases] >>
disch_then drule >>
>- (
fs [SUBSET_DEF, IN_DEF] >> rfs [uses_cases, get_instr_cases, instr_uses_def] >>
fs [IN_DEF]) >>
disch_tac >> fs [] >>
fs [v_rel_cases, GSYM PULL_EXISTS] >>
GEN_EXISTS_TAC "idx'" `w2i tf` >> simp [GSYM PULL_EXISTS] >> conj_tac
>- metis_tac [] >>
rename1 `el _ _ = Br e lab1 lab2` >>
qpat_abbrev_tac `target = if tf = 0w then l2 else l1` >>
`last b.body = Br e l1 l2 ∧
<|f := s1.ip.f; b := Some target; i := Phi_ip s1.ip.b|> ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
fs [prog_ok_def, get_instr_cases] >>
last_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >>
strip_tac >> conj_asm1_tac
>- (
`Br a l1 l2 ∈ set (front (b.body))`
by (
`mem (Br a l1 l2) (front b.body ++ [last b.body])`
by metis_tac [EL_MEM, APPEND_FRONT_LAST] >>
fs [] >> metis_tac []) >>
fs [EVERY_MEM] >> first_x_assum drule >> rw [terminator_def])
>- (
rw [next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, assigns_cases] >>
disj1_tac >>
qexists_tac `Br a l1 l2` >>
rw [instr_next_ips_def, Abbr `target`] >>
fs [get_instr_cases, instr_to_labs_def] >>
metis_tac [blockHeader_nchotomy])) >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `state_rel _ _ _ _ (_ with bp := target')` >>
rw [state_rel_def]
>- (
fs [get_instr_cases] >>
`every (λlab. ∃b phis landing. alookup d.blocks (Some lab) = Some b ∧ b.h = Head phis landing)
(instr_to_labs (last b.body))`
by (fs [prog_ok_def, EVERY_MEM] >> metis_tac []) >>
rfs [instr_to_labs_def] >>
rw [Once pc_rel_cases, get_instr_cases, get_block_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
fs [GSYM PULL_EXISTS, Abbr `target`] >>
rw [MEM_MAP, instr_to_labs_def] >>
`s1.ip.b = option_map Lab l' ∧ dest_fn s1.ip.f = f`
by (
Cases_on `s1.ip.b` >>
fs [translate_label_def] >>
Cases_on `x` >>
fs [translate_label_def]) >>
rw [OPTION_MAP_COMPOSE, combinTheory.o_DEF, dest_label_def, Abbr
`target'`, word_0_w2i, METIS_PROVE [w2i_eq_0] ``∀w. 0 = w2i w ⇔ w = 0w``] >>
TRY (Cases_on `l'` >> rw [] >> NO_TAC))
>- (
fs [mem_state_rel_def, local_state_rel_def, emap_invariant_def] >> rw []
>- (
qpat_x_assum `∀r. r ∈ live _ _ ⇒ P r` mp_tac >>
simp [Once live_gen_kill] >> disch_then (qspec_then `r` mp_tac) >>
impl_tac >> rw [] >>
disj1_tac >>
qexists_tac `<|f := s1.ip.f; b := Some target; i := Phi_ip s1.ip.b|>` >>
rw [] >>
rw [IN_DEF, assigns_cases] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
imp_res_tac get_instr_func >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
fs [instr_assigns_def])
>- (
fs [reachable_def] >>
qexists_tac `path ++ [<|f := s1.ip.f; b := Some target; i := Phi_ip s1.ip.b|>]` >>
rw_tac std_ss [good_path_append, GSYM APPEND] >> rw [] >>
rw [Once good_path_cases] >> fs [next_ips_cases, IN_DEF] >>
metis_tac [])))
>- ( (* Invoke *)
>- ( (* Unreachable *)
>- ( (* Exit *)
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases, get_instr_cases, step_instr_cases])
>- ( (* Throw *)
>- ( (* Call *)
>- ( (* Stuck *)
rw [translate_trace_def] >>
(* TODO: need to know that stuck LLVM instructions translate to stuck
* llair instructions. This will follow from knowing that when a llair
* instruction takes a step, the LLVM source can take the same step, ie,
* the backward direction of the proof. *)
>- ( (* Middle of the block *)
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases] >> TRY (fs [get_instr_cases] >> NO_TAC) >>
`i' = i` by metis_tac [get_instr_func, INL_11] >> fs [] >>
rename [`step_instr _ _ _ _ s2`, `state_rel _ _ _ s3 _`,
`mem_state_rel _ _ _ s1 s1'`] >>
Cases_on `∃r t. classify_instr i = Exp r t` >> fs []
>- ( (* instructions that compile to expressions *)
drule translate_instr_to_exp_correct >>
ntac 6 (disch_then drule) >>
rw [] >> fs [translate_trace_def] >>
`reachable prog (inc_pc s1.ip)`
by metis_tac [prog_ok_nonterm, next_ips_reachable, mem_state_rel_def] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
simp [inc_pc_def, inc_bip_def] >>
disch_then drule >>
`take_to_call (drop idx b.body) = i :: take_to_call (drop (idx + 1) b.body)`
by (
irule take_to_call_lem >> simp [] >>
fs [get_instr_cases]) >>
`num_calls (take (idx + 1) b.body) = num_calls (take idx b.body)`
by (fs [get_instr_cases] >> rw [num_calls_def, TAKE_EL_SNOC, FILTER_SNOC]) >>
fs [translate_instrs_def, inc_translate_label] >>
Cases_on `r ∉ regs_to_keep` >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (
`emap = emap |+ (r,translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap i)`
by (
fs [good_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_UPDATE] >>
rw [] >> metis_tac []) >>
metis_tac []) >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> rw [] >>
`emap |+ (r,Var (translate_reg r t) F) = emap`
by (
fs [good_emap_def, fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_UPDATE] >>
rw [] >>
`(r,t) ∈ assigns prog s1.ip`
by (
drule exp_assigns_sing >>
disch_then drule >>
rw []) >>
metis_tac [FST, SND, not_exp_def]) >>
fs [] >>
rename1 `translate_instrs _ _ _ _ _ = (bs, emap1)` >>
Cases_on `bs` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rename1 `translate_instrs _ _ _ _ _ = (b1::bs, _)` >>
Cases_on `b1` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> rw [] >>
rename1 `state_rel prog gmap emap3 s3 s3'` >>
qexists_tac `s3'` >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `Tau::tr'` >> rw [] >>
simp [Once step_block_cases] >>
metis_tac [])
>- ( (* Non-expression instructions *)
Cases_on `classify_instr i` >> fs [classify_instr_term_call]
>- (
drule translate_instr_to_inst_correct >>
ntac 6 (disch_then drule) >>
strip_tac >> fs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> simp [inc_pc_def, inc_bip_def] >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`regs_to_keep`] mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
strip_tac >>
`take_to_call (drop idx b.body) = i :: take_to_call (drop (idx + 1) b.body)`
by (
irule take_to_call_lem >> simp [] >>
fs [get_instr_cases]) >>
`num_calls (take (idx + 1) b.body) = num_calls (take idx b.body)`
by (fs [get_instr_cases] >> rw [num_calls_def, TAKE_EL_SNOC, FILTER_SNOC]) >>
fs [translate_instrs_def, inc_translate_label] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
`extend_emap_non_exp emap i = emap`
by (
Cases_on `∀r t. instr_assigns i ≠ {(r,t)}`
>- metis_tac [extend_emap_non_exp_no_assigns] >>
fs [] >>
drule extend_emap_non_exp_assigns >>
rw [] >> fs [good_emap_def] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `s1.ip` mp_tac) >> rw [] >>
last_x_assum (qspec_then `i` mp_tac) >>
simp [not_exp_def] >>
disch_then (qspec_then `(r,t)` mp_tac) >>
>- (
fs [IN_DEF, assigns_cases, EXTENSION] >>
metis_tac []) >>
rw [fmap_eq_flookup, FLOOKUP_UPDATE] >> rw [] >> rw []) >>
fs [] >>
rename1 `translate_instrs _ _ _ _ _ = (bs, emap1)` >>
Cases_on `bs` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >>
rename1 `translate_instrs _ _ _ _ _ = (b1::bs, _)` >>
Cases_on `b1` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def] >> fs [] >>
rw [] >>
rename1 `state_rel prog gmap emap3 s3 s3'` >>
qexists_tac `s3'` >> simp [] >>
qexists_tac `translate_trace gmap l::tr'` >> rw [] >>
simp [Once step_block_cases]
>- (disj2_tac >> qexists_tac `s2'` >> rw [])
>- (disj2_tac >> qexists_tac `s2'` >> rw [])
>- metis_tac [])
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_term_call]))
Theorem do_phi_vals:
∀prog gmap emap from_l s s' phis updates.
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s s' ∧
list_rel (do_phi from_l s) phis updates ∧
BIGUNION (set (map (phi_uses from_l) phis)) ⊆ live prog s.ip
∃es vs.
list_rel v_rel (map (λx. (snd x).value) updates) vs ∧
list_rel (eval_exp s') es vs ∧
map fst updates = map fst (map phi_assigns phis) ∧
map (λx. case x of Phi r t largs =>
case option_map (λarg. translate_arg gmap emap arg) (alookup largs from_l) of
None => (translate_reg r t,Nondet)
| Some e => (translate_reg r t,e))
= map2 (\p. λe. case p of Phi r t largs => (translate_reg r t, e)) phis es
Induct_on `phis` >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [PULL_EXISTS] >>
Cases_on `h` >> fs [do_phi_cases] >>
drule translate_arg_correct >>
disch_then drule >>
>- (fs [phi_uses_def] >> rfs []) >>
rw [PULL_EXISTS, phi_assigns_def] >> metis_tac []
Triviality case_phi_lift:
∀f g. f (case x of Phi x y z => g x y z) = case x of Phi x y z => f (g x y z)
Cases_on `x` >> rw []
Triviality id2:
(λ(v,r). (v,r)) = I
rw [FUN_EQ_THM] >> Cases_on `x` >> rw []
Theorem build_phi_block_correct_helper[local]:
∀phis es.
map (λx. case x of
Phi r t largs =>
case option_map (λarg. translate_arg gmap emap arg) (alookup largs from_l) of
None => (translate_reg r t,Nondet)
| Some e => (translate_reg r t,e)) phis =
map2 (λp e. case p of Phi r t largs => (translate_reg r t,e)) phis es ∧
length phis = length es
es = map (λx. case x of Phi r t largs =>
case option_map (λarg. translate_arg gmap emap arg) (alookup largs from_l) of
None => Nondet
| Some e => e)
Induct >> rw [] >> Cases_on `es` >> fs [] >>
CASE_TAC >> fs [] >> CASE_TAC >> fs []
Theorem build_phi_block_correct:
∀prog s1 s1' to_l from_l phis updates f gmap emap entry bloc regs_to_keep.
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog regs_to_keep gmap emap ∧
get_instr prog s1.ip (Inr (from_l,phis)) ∧
list_rel (do_phi from_l s1) phis updates ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
BIGUNION (set (map (phi_uses from_l) phis)) ⊆ live prog s1.ip ∧
bloc = generate_move_block f gmap emap phis from_l to_l
s2'.bp = translate_label f (Some to_l) 0 ∧
step_block (translate_prog prog) s1' bloc.cmnd bloc.term [Tau; Tau] s2' ∧
mem_state_rel prog gmap emap
(inc_pc (s1 with locals := s1.locals |++ updates)) s2'
rw [translate_header_def, generate_move_block_def] >>
rw [Once step_block_cases] >>
rw [Once step_block_cases] >>
rw [step_term_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
simp [Once eval_exp_cases, truncate_2comp_def] >>
drule do_phi_vals >> ntac 2 (disch_then drule) >>
rw [] >> drule build_phi_block_correct_helper >>
pop_assum kall_tac >>
`length phis = length es` by metis_tac [LENGTH_MAP, LIST_REL_LENGTH] >>
disch_then drule >>
rw [] >> fs [LIST_REL_MAP1, combinTheory.o_DEF, case_phi_lift] >>
simp [step_inst_cases, PULL_EXISTS] >>
qexists_tac `0` >> qexists_tac `vs` >> rw []
>- (
simp [LIST_REL_MAP1, combinTheory.o_DEF] >> fs [LIST_REL_EL_EQN] >>
rw [] >>
first_x_assum (qspec_then `n` mp_tac) >> simp [] >>
CASE_TAC >> simp [] >> CASE_TAC >> simp [build_move_for_lab_def] >>
CASE_TAC >> simp [] >> fs []) >>
fs [header_to_emap_upd_def] >>
simp [llvmTheory.inc_pc_def, update_results_def] >>
`s1.ip with i := inc_bip s1.ip.i ∈ next_ips prog s1.ip`
by (
simp [next_ips_cases, IN_DEF, inc_pc_def] >> disj2_tac >>
qexists_tac `from_l` >> qexists_tac `phis` >>
fs [get_instr_cases, EXISTS_OR_THM, inc_bip_def, prog_ok_def] >>
res_tac >> Cases_on `b.body` >> fs []) >>
fs [mem_state_rel_def] >> rw []
>- (
first_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac local_state_rel_updates_keep) >>
rpt (disch_then (fn x => first_assum (mp_then.mp_then mp_then.Any mp_tac x))) >>
(qspecl_then [`map (λ(x:phi). case x of Phi r t _ => (r,t)) phis`,
`map snd updates`, `vs`] mp_tac) >>
simp [] >> impl_tac >> rw [id2]
>- (
fs [prog_ok_def] >>
first_x_assum drule >>
simp [MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF] >>
`(λp. case p of Phi r v1 v2 => r) = (λx. fst (case x of Phi r t v2 => (r,t)))`
by (rw [FUN_EQ_THM] >> CASE_TAC >> rw []) >>
rw [])
>- (
rw [EXTENSION, IN_DEF, assigns_cases] >> eq_tac >> rw [] >> fs [LIST_TO_SET_MAP]
>- (
disj2_tac >> qexists_tac `from_l` >> qexists_tac `phis` >> rw [] >>
HINT_EXISTS_TAC >> CASE_TAC >> rw [phi_assigns_def])
>- metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct]
>- (
rw [] >> rename1 `mem x1 phis1` >>
qexists_tac `x1` >> Cases_on `x1` >> rw [phi_assigns_def] >>
metis_tac [get_instr_func, INR_11, PAIR_EQ]))
>- (
rw [assigns_cases, EXTENSION, IN_DEF] >>
metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct, INR_11, PAIR_EQ])
>- metis_tac [LENGTH_MAP]
>- rw [LIST_REL_MAP1, combinTheory.o_DEF] >>
`map fst (map (λx. case x of Phi r t v2 => (r,t)) phis) =
map fst (map phi_assigns phis)`
by (rw [LIST_EQ_REWRITE, EL_MAP] >> CASE_TAC >> rw [phi_assigns_def]) >>
fs [MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF, case_phi_lift] >>
`zip (map (λx. fst (phi_assigns x)) phis, map snd updates) = updates`
by (
qpat_x_assum `map fst _ = map (λx. fst (phi_assigns x)) _` mp_tac >>
`length phis = length updates` by metis_tac [LIST_REL_LENGTH] >>
rename1 `_ = el n updates` >>
first_x_assum drule >>
Cases_on `el n updates` >> rw []) >>
`(λx. case x of Phi r t v2 => translate_reg r t) = (λx. fst (build_move_for_lab gmap emap from_l x))`
by (
rw [FUN_EQ_THM] >>
CASE_TAC >> rw [build_move_for_lab_def] >> CASE_TAC >> rw []) >>
fs [])
>- (irule next_ips_reachable >> qexists_tac `s1.ip` >> rw [])
Theorem translate_instrs_take_to_call:
∀l gmap emap regs body.
body ≠ [] ∧ terminator (last body) ⇒
fst (translate_instrs l gmap emap regs (take_to_call body)) =
[HD (fst (translate_instrs l gmap emap regs body))]
Induct_on `body` >> rw [translate_instrs_def, take_to_call_def] >>
rename1 `classify_instr inst` >> Cases_on `classify_instr inst` >> fs [] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >> fs []
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- (
Cases_on `body` >> fs []
>- rw [translate_instrs_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [])
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
>- (
Cases_on `body` >> fs []
>- rw [translate_instrs_def] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [])
>- (
`body ≠ []` by (Cases_on `body` >> fs []) >>
fs [LAST_DEF] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
`bs = [HD bs']` by metis_tac [FST] >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs []
>- metis_tac [translate_instrs_not_empty] >>
Cases_on `h` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def])
>- (
`body ≠ []` by (Cases_on `body` >> fs []) >>
fs [LAST_DEF] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [])
>- (
`body ≠ []` by (Cases_on `body` >> fs []) >>
fs [LAST_DEF] >>
pairarg_tac >> fs [] >> pairarg_tac >> fs [] >>
`bs = [HD bs']` by metis_tac [FST] >>
Cases_on `bs'` >> fs []
>- metis_tac [translate_instrs_not_empty] >>
Cases_on `h` >> fs [add_to_first_block_def])
>- metis_tac [classify_instr_lem, instr_class_distinct]
Theorem multi_step_to_step_block:
∀prog emap s1 tr s2 s1'.
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧
dominator_ordered prog ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog (get_regs_to_keep (THE (alookup prog s1.ip.f))) (get_gmap prog) emap ∧
multi_step prog s1 tr s2 ∧
s1.status = Partial ∧
state_rel prog (get_gmap prog) emap s1 s1'
∃s2' b tr'.
get_block (translate_prog prog) s1'.bp b ∧
step_block (translate_prog prog) s1' b.cmnd b.term tr' s2' ∧
filter ($≠ Tau) tr' = filter ($≠ Tau) (map (translate_trace (get_gmap prog)) tr) ∧
state_rel prog (get_gmap prog) emap s2 s2'
rw [] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> simp [Once state_rel_def] >> rw [Once pc_rel_cases]
>- (
(* Non-phi instruction *)
drule translate_instrs_correct1 >> simp [] >>
disch_then drule >>
disch_then drule >>
rfs [] >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
rename1 `step_block _ s1' b1.cmnd b1.term tr1 s2'` >>
qexists_tac `s2'` >> qexists_tac `b1` >> qexists_tac `tr1` >> simp []) >>
(* Phi instruction *)
reverse (fs [Once multi_step_cases])
>- metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct] >>
qpat_x_assum `last_step _ _ _ _` mp_tac >>
simp [last_step_cases] >> strip_tac
>- (
fs [llvmTheory.step_cases]
>- metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct] >>
fs [translate_trace_def] >> rw [] >>
`(from_l', phis') = (from_l, phis) ∧ x = (from_l, phis)` by metis_tac [get_instr_func, INR_11] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
rfs [MEM_MAP] >>
Cases_on `s1.ip.f` >> fs [dest_fn_def] >>
(* Probably ok*)
drule get_block_translate_prog_mov >> rpt (disch_then drule) >> rw [PULL_EXISTS] >>
`∃block l. alookup d.blocks (Some (Lab to_l)) = Some block ∧ block.h = Head phis l`
by (
fs [prog_ok_def, EVERY_MEM] >>
last_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
rw [] >>
fs [get_instr_cases] >>
rfs [] >> rw [] >> fs []) >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `get_block _ _ bloc` >>
GEN_EXISTS_TAC "b" `bloc` >>
rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `_ = Fn _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >> fs [] >>
drule build_phi_block_correct >> rpt (disch_then drule) >>
simp [Abbr `bloc`] >>
disch_then (qspecl_then [`Lab to_l`, `s`] mp_tac) >>
simp [] >>
>- (
drule get_instr_live >> rw [SUBSET_DEF, uses_cases, IN_DEF] >>
first_x_assum irule >> disj2_tac >> metis_tac []) >>
rw [] >>
qexists_tac `s2'` >>
>- (qexists_tac `[Tau; Tau]` >> rw []) >>
fs [state_rel_def] >> rw [] >>
fs [llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
fs [pc_rel_cases, get_instr_cases, PULL_EXISTS, translate_label_def,
dest_fn_def, inc_bip_def, label_to_fname_def] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >> fs [get_block_cases, PULL_EXISTS, label_to_fname_def] >>
rfs [] >> rw [] >>
qpat_x_assum `Fn _ = _` (assume_tac o GSYM) >> fs [] >>
drule alookup_translate_prog >> rw [] >>
rw [GSYM PULL_EXISTS, dest_fn_def]
>- (fs [prog_ok_def] >> res_tac >> fs [] >> Cases_on `b'.body` >> fs []) >>
rw [PULL_EXISTS, translate_def_def] >>
`b'.body ≠ [] ∧ terminator (last b'.body) ∧
every (λi. ¬terminator i) (front b'.body) ∧
every (λb. (snd b).h = Entry ⇔ fst b = None) d.blocks ∧
0 ≤ num_calls b'.body`
by (
fs [prog_ok_def] >> res_tac >> fs [] >>
fs [EVERY_MEM]) >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `translate_blocks f gmap _ regs edg _` >>
`translate_blocks f gmap fempty regs edg d.blocks = translate_blocks f gmap emap regs edg d.blocks`
by (
irule translate_blocks_emap_restr_live >>
unabbrev_all_tac >> rw []
>- metis_tac [prog_ok_terminator_last]
>- (
fs [prog_ok_def] >> fs [EVERY_MEM] >> rw [] >>
pairarg_tac >> rw [] >> metis_tac [FST, SND])
>- metis_tac [dominator_ordered_linear_live, similar_emap_def, DRESTRICT_IS_FEMPTY]) >>
rw [] >>
drule alookup_translate_blocks >> rpt (disch_then drule) >>
>- metis_tac [ALOOKUP_ALL_DISTINCT_MEM, prog_ok_def] >>
simp [translate_label_def] >>
rw [] >> rw [dest_label_def, num_calls_def] >>
rw [translate_instrs_take_to_call] >>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `_ = HD (fst (translate_instrs a1 b1 c1 d1 e1))` >>
Cases_on `translate_instrs a1 b1 c1 d1 e1` >> rw [] >>
rename1 `_ = HD bl` >> Cases_on `bl` >> rw []
>- metis_tac [translate_instrs_not_empty, classify_instr_lem] >>
rename1 `(_,_) = bl` >> Cases_on `bl` >> rw [] >>
metis_tac [translate_instrs_first_lab])
>- metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct]
>- metis_tac [get_instr_func, sum_distinct]
>- (
(* TODO: LLVM "eval" gets stuck *)
Theorem step_block_to_multi_step:
∀prog s1 s1' tr s2' b.
state_rel prog gmap emap s1 s1' ∧
get_block (translate_prog prog) s1'.bp b ∧
step_block (translate_prog prog) s1' b.cmnd b.term tr s2'
multi_step prog s1 (map untranslate_trace tr) s2 ∧
state_rel prog gmap emap s2 s2'
(* TODO, LLVM can simulate llair direction *)
Theorem trans_trace_not_tau:
∀types. ($≠ Tau) ∘ translate_trace types = ($≠ Tau)
rw [FUN_EQ_THM] >> eq_tac >> rw [translate_trace_def] >>
TRY (Cases_on `y`) >> fs [translate_trace_def]
Theorem untrans_trace_not_tau:
∀types. ($≠ Tau) ∘ untranslate_trace = ($≠ Tau)
rw [FUN_EQ_THM] >> eq_tac >> rw [untranslate_trace_def] >>
TRY (Cases_on `y`) >> fs [untranslate_trace_def]
Theorem translate_prog_correct_lem1:
okpath (multi_step prog) path ∧ finite path
∀emap s1'.
prog_ok prog ∧
is_ssa prog ∧
dominator_ordered prog ∧
good_emap (first path).ip.f prog (get_regs_to_keep (THE (alookup prog (first path).ip.f))) (get_gmap prog) emap ∧
state_rel prog (get_gmap prog) emap (first path) s1'
finite path' ∧
okpath (step (translate_prog prog)) path' ∧
first path' = s1' ∧
LMAP (filter ($≠ Tau)) (labels path') =
LMAP (map (translate_trace (get_gmap prog)) o filter ($≠ Tau)) (labels path) ∧
state_rel prog (get_gmap prog) emap (last path) (last path')
ho_match_mp_tac finite_okpath_ind >> rw []
>- (qexists_tac `stopped_at s1'` >> rw [] >> metis_tac []) >>
fs [] >>
rename1 `state_rel _ _ _ s1 s1'` >>
Cases_on `s1.status ≠ Partial`
>- fs [Once multi_step_cases, llvmTheory.step_cases, last_step_cases] >>
fs [] >>
drule multi_step_to_step_block >> simp [] >>
rpt (disch_then drule) >> rw [] >>
(* TODO: this won't be true once calls are added *)
`s1.ip.f = (first path).ip.f` by cheat >>
fs [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `pcons s1' tr' path'` >> rw [] >>
rw [FILTER_MAP, combinTheory.o_DEF, trans_trace_not_tau] >>
simp [step_cases] >> qexists_tac `b` >> simp [] >>
qpat_x_assum `state_rel _ _ _ _ s1'` mp_tac >>
rw [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def]
Theorem translate_prog_correct_lem2:
okpath (step (translate_prog prog)) path' ∧ finite path'
prog_ok prog ∧
state_rel prog gmap emap s1 (first path')
finite path ∧
okpath (multi_step prog) path ∧
first path = s1 ∧
labels path = LMAP (map untranslate_trace) (labels path') ∧
state_rel prog gmap emap (last path) (last path')
ho_match_mp_tac finite_okpath_ind >> rw []
>- (qexists_tac `stopped_at s1` >> rw []) >>
fs [step_cases] >>
drule step_block_to_multi_step >> ntac 2 (disch_then drule) >> rw [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `pcons s1 (map untranslate_trace r) path` >> rw []
Theorem translate_global_var_11:
okpath (step (translate_prog prog)) path ∧ finite path
∀x t1 bytes t2 l.
labels path = fromList l ∧
MEM (W (Var_name x t1) bytes) (flat l) ∧
MEM (W (Var_name x t2) bytes) (flat l)
t1 = t2
(* TODO, LLVM can simulate llair direction *)
Theorem prefix_take_filter_lemma:
∀l lsub.
lsub ≼ l
filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) lsub =
take (length (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) lsub)) (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) l)
Induct_on `lsub` >> rw [] >>
Cases_on `l` >> fs [] >> rw []
Theorem multi_step_lab_label:
∀prog s1 ls s2.
multi_step prog s1 ls s2 ⇒ s2.status ≠ Partial
∃ls'. (∃i. ls = ls' ++ [Exit i]) ∨ ls = ls' ++ [Error]
ho_match_mp_tac multi_step_ind >> rw [] >> fs [] >>
fs [last_step_cases, llvmTheory.step_cases, step_instr_cases,
update_result_def, llvmTheory.inc_pc_def] >>
rw [] >> fs []
Theorem prefix_filter_len_eq:
∀l1 l2 x.
l1 ≼ l2 ++ [x] ∧
length (filter P l1) = length (filter P (l2 ++ [x])) ∧
P x
l1 = l2 ++ [x]
Induct_on `l1` >> rw [FILTER_APPEND] >>
Cases_on `l2` >> fs [] >> rw [] >> rfs [ADD1] >>
first_x_assum irule >> rw [FILTER_APPEND]
Theorem translate_prog_correct:
∀prog s1 s1' emap.
prog_ok prog ∧ is_ssa prog ∧ dominator_ordered prog ∧
good_emap s1.ip.f prog (get_regs_to_keep (THE (alookup prog s1.ip.f))) (get_gmap prog) emap ∧
state_rel prog (get_gmap prog) emap s1 s1'
multi_step_sem prog s1 = image (I ## map untranslate_trace) (sem (translate_prog prog) s1')
rw [sem_def, multi_step_sem_def, EXTENSION] >> eq_tac >> rw []
>- (
drule translate_prog_correct_lem1 >> simp [] >>
rpt (disch_then drule) >> rw [EXISTS_PROD] >>
PairCases_on `x` >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `map (translate_trace (get_gmap prog)) x1` >> rw []
>- rw [MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF, un_translate_trace_inv] >>
qexists_tac `path'` >> rw [] >>
fs [IN_DEF, observation_prefixes_cases, toList_some] >> rw [] >>
`∃labs. labels path' = fromList labs`
by (
fs [GSYM finite_labels] >>
imp_res_tac llistTheory.LFINITE_toList >>
fs [toList_some]) >>
fs [] >>
rfs [lmap_fromList, combinTheory.o_DEF, MAP_MAP_o] >>
>- fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def]
>- fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def] >>
rename [`labels path' = fromList l'`, `labels path = fromList l`,
`state_rel _ _ _ (last path) (last path')`, `lsub ≼ flat l`] >>
Cases_on `lsub = flat l` >> fs []
>- (
qexists_tac `flat l'` >>
rw [FILTER_FLAT, MAP_FLAT, MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF] >>
fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def]) >>
`filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) (flat l') = map (translate_trace (get_gmap prog)) (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) (flat l))`
by rw [FILTER_FLAT, MAP_FLAT, MAP_MAP_o, combinTheory.o_DEF, FILTER_MAP] >>
qexists_tac `take_prop ($≠ Tau) (length (filter ($≠ Tau) lsub)) (flat l')` >>
rw [] >> rw [GSYM MAP_TAKE]
>- metis_tac [prefix_take_filter_lemma] >>
CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >>
`(last path).status = (last path').status` by fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def] >>
drule take_prop_eq >> strip_tac >>
`length (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) (flat l')) = length (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) (flat l))`
by rw [] >>
fs [] >> drule filter_is_prefix >>
disch_then (qspec_then `$≠ Tau` assume_tac) >>
drule IS_PREFIX_LENGTH >> strip_tac >> fs [] >>
`length (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) lsub) = length (filter (λy. Tau ≠ y) (flat l))` by rw [] >>
fs [] >> rw [] >>
qspec_then `path` assume_tac finite_path_end_cases >> rfs [] >> fs [] >> rw []
>- (`l = []` by metis_tac [llistTheory.fromList_EQ_LNIL] >> fs [] >> rfs []) >>
rfs [labels_plink] >>
rename1 `LAPPEND (labels path) [|last_l'|] = _` >>
`toList (LAPPEND (labels path) [|last_l'|]) = Some l` by metis_tac [llistTheory.from_toList] >>
drule llistTheory.toList_LAPPEND_APPEND >> strip_tac >>
fs [llistTheory.toList_THM] >> rw [] >>
drule multi_step_lab_label >> strip_tac >> rfs [] >> fs [] >>
drule prefix_filter_len_eq >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `$≠ Tau` >> rw [])
>- (
fs [toList_some] >>
drule translate_prog_correct_lem2 >> simp [] >>
disch_then drule >> rw [] >>
qexists_tac `path'` >> rw [] >>
fs [IN_DEF, observation_prefixes_cases, toList_some] >> rw [] >>
rfs [lmap_fromList] >>
simp [GSYM MAP_FLAT, FILTER_MAP, untrans_trace_not_tau]
>- fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def]
>- fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def] >>
qexists_tac `map untranslate_trace l2'` >>
simp [GSYM MAP_FLAT, FILTER_MAP, untrans_trace_not_tau] >>
`INJ untranslate_trace (set l2' ∪ set (flat l2)) UNIV`
by (
drule is_prefix_subset >> rw [SUBSET_DEF] >>
`set l2' ∪ set (flat l2) = set (flat l2)` by (rw [EXTENSION] >> metis_tac []) >>
simp [] >>
simp [INJ_DEF] >> rpt gen_tac >>
Cases_on `x` >> Cases_on `y` >> simp [untranslate_trace_def] >>
Cases_on `a` >> Cases_on `a'` >> simp [untranslate_glob_var_def] >>
metis_tac [translate_global_var_11]) >>
fs [INJ_MAP_EQ_IFF, inj_map_prefix_iff] >> rw [] >>
fs [state_rel_def, mem_state_rel_def])
export_theory ();