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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module InvariantVars = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Var)
module LoopNodes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Procdesc.Node)
(** Map loop header node -> all nodes in the loop *)
module LoopHeadToLoopNodes = Procdesc.NodeMap
let is_defined_outside loop_nodes reaching_defs var =
ReachingDefs.ReachingDefsMap.find_opt var reaching_defs
|> ~f:(fun def_nodes -> LoopNodes.inter def_nodes loop_nodes |> LoopNodes.is_empty)
|> Option.value ~default:true
(* check if the def of var is unique and satisfies function f_exp *)
let is_def_unique_and_satisfy var (loop_nodes: LoopNodes.t) f_exp =
(* Use O(1) is_singleton check *)
(* tedious parameter wrangling to make IContainer's fold interface happy *)
~fold:(fun s ~init ~f -> LoopNodes.fold (fun acc x -> f x acc) s init)
&& LoopNodes.for_all
(fun node ->
Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node
|> Instrs.exists ~f:(function
| Sil.Load (id, exp_rhs, _, _) when Var.equal (Var.of_id id) var && f_exp exp_rhs ->
| Sil.Store (exp_lhs, _, exp_rhs, _)
when Exp.equal exp_lhs (Var.to_exp var) && f_exp exp_rhs ->
true (* function calls are ignored at the moment *)
| _ ->
false ) )
let is_exp_invariant inv_vars loop_nodes reaching_defs exp =
Var.get_all_vars_in_exp exp
|> Sequence.for_all ~f:(fun var ->
InvariantVars.mem var inv_vars || is_defined_outside loop_nodes reaching_defs var )
let get_vars_in_loop loop_nodes =
(fun node acc ->
Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node
|> Instrs.fold
~f:(fun acc instr ->
match instr with
| Sil.Load (id, exp_rhs, _, _) ->
Var.get_all_vars_in_exp exp_rhs
|> Sequence.fold
~init:(InvariantVars.add (Var.of_id id) acc)
~f:(fun acc var -> InvariantVars.add var acc)
| Sil.Store (exp_lhs, _, exp_rhs, _) ->
Var.get_all_vars_in_exp exp_rhs
|> Sequence.append (Var.get_all_vars_in_exp exp_lhs)
|> Sequence.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc var -> InvariantVars.add var acc)
(* function calls are ignored at the moment *)
| _ ->
acc )
~init:acc )
loop_nodes InvariantVars.empty
(* A variable is invariant if
- its reaching definition is outside of the loop
- o.w. its definition is constant or invariant itself *)
let get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes =
let process_var_once var inv_vars =
(* if a variable is marked invariant once, it can't be invalidated
(i.e. invariance is monotonic) *)
if InvariantVars.mem var inv_vars then (inv_vars, false)
let loop_head_id = Procdesc.Node.get_id loop_head in
ReachingDefs.Analyzer.extract_post loop_head_id reaching_defs_invariant_map
|> ~f:(fun reaching_defs ->
ReachingDefs.ReachingDefsMap.find_opt var reaching_defs
|> ~f:(fun def_nodes ->
let in_loop_defs = LoopNodes.inter loop_nodes def_nodes in
(* reaching definition is outside of the loop *)
if LoopNodes.is_empty in_loop_defs then (InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true)
else if
(* its definition is unique and invariant *)
is_def_unique_and_satisfy var in_loop_defs
(is_exp_invariant inv_vars loop_nodes reaching_defs)
then (InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true)
else (inv_vars, false) )
|> Option.value (* if a var is not declared, it must be invariant *)
~default:(InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true) )
|> Option.value ~default:(inv_vars, false)
let vars_in_loop = get_vars_in_loop loop_nodes in
(* until there are no changes to inv_vars, keep repeatedly
processing all the variables that occur in the loop nodes *)
let rec find_fixpoint inv_vars =
let inv_vars', modified =
(fun var (inv_vars, is_mod) ->
let inv_vars', is_mod' = process_var_once var inv_vars in
(inv_vars', is_mod || is_mod') )
vars_in_loop (inv_vars, false)
if modified then find_fixpoint inv_vars' else inv_vars'
find_fixpoint InvariantVars.empty
(** Map loop head -> invariant vars in loop *)
module LoopHeadToInvVars = Procdesc.NodeMap
let get_loop_inv_var_map reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes =
(fun loop_head loop_nodes inv_map ->
let inv_vars_in_loop =
get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n>>> loop head: %a --> inv vars: %a @\n" Procdesc.Node.pp loop_head InvariantVars.pp
inv_vars_in_loop ;
LoopHeadToInvVars.add loop_head inv_vars_in_loop inv_map )
loop_head_to_loop_nodes LoopHeadToInvVars.empty