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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PolyVariantEqual
open Javalib_pack
module L = Logging
(** version of Javalib.get_class that does not spam stderr *)
let javalib_get_class = Utils.suppress_stderr2 Javalib.get_class
let models_specs_filenames = ref String.Set.empty
let models_jar = ref ""
let collect_specs_filenames jar_filename =
let zip_channel = Zip.open_in jar_filename in
let collect set e =
let filename = e.Zip.filename in
if not (Filename.check_suffix filename Config.specs_files_suffix) then set
let proc_filename = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename filename) in
String.Set.add set proc_filename
models_specs_filenames :=
List.fold ~f:collect ~init:!models_specs_filenames (Zip.entries zip_channel) ;
Zip.close_in zip_channel
let add_models jar_filename =
models_jar := jar_filename ;
if Sys.file_exists !models_jar = `Yes then collect_specs_filenames jar_filename
else L.(die InternalError) "Java model file not found"
let is_model procname = String.Set.mem !models_specs_filenames (Typ.Procname.to_filename procname)
let split_classpath cp = Str.split (Str.regexp JFile.sep) cp
let append_path classpath path =
let full_path = Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root:Config.project_root path in
if Sys.file_exists full_path = `Yes then
if Int.equal (String.length classpath) 0 then full_path else classpath ^ JFile.sep ^ full_path
else (
L.debug Capture Medium "Path %s not found" full_path ;
classpath )
type file_entry = Singleton of SourceFile.t | Duplicate of (string * SourceFile.t) list
type t = string * file_entry String.Map.t * JBasics.ClassSet.t
(* Open the source file and search for the package declaration.
Only the case where the package is declared in a single line is supported *)
let read_package_declaration source_file =
let path = SourceFile.to_abs_path source_file in
let file_in = In_channel.create path in
let remove_trailing_semicolon = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ";") "" in
let empty_package = "" in
let rec loop () =
let line = remove_trailing_semicolon (In_channel.input_line_exn file_in) in
match Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") line with
| [] ->
loop ()
| [hd; package] when String.equal hd "package" ->
| _ ->
loop ()
with End_of_file -> In_channel.close file_in ; empty_package
loop ()
let add_source_file path map =
let convert_to_absolute p =
if Filename.is_relative p then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) p else p
let basename = Filename.basename path in
let entry =
let current_source_file = SourceFile.from_abs_path (convert_to_absolute path) in
match String.Map.find_exn map basename with
| Singleton previous_source_file ->
(* Another source file with the same base name has been found.
Reading the package from the source file to resolve the ambiguity
only happens in this case *)
let previous_package = read_package_declaration previous_source_file
and current_package = read_package_declaration current_source_file in
let source_list =
[(current_package, current_source_file); (previous_package, previous_source_file)]
Duplicate source_list
| Duplicate previous_source_files ->
(* Two or more source file with the same base name have been found *)
let current_package = read_package_declaration current_source_file in
Duplicate ((current_package, current_source_file) :: previous_source_files)
| Not_found_s _ | Caml.Not_found ->
(* Most common case: there is no conflict with the base name of the source file *)
Singleton current_source_file
String.Map.set ~key:basename ~data:entry map
let add_root_path path roots = String.Set.add roots path
let load_from_verbose_output javac_verbose_out =
let file_in = In_channel.create javac_verbose_out in
let class_filename_re =
(* the unreadable regexp below captures 3 possible forms:
1. [wrote DirectoryFileObject[/path/to/classes_out:path/to/]], leaves `path/to/` in match group 2
2. [wrote RegularFileObject[path/to/]], leaves `path/to/` in match group 5
3. [wrote SimpleFileObject[path/to/]], also leaves `path/to/` in match group 5 *)
"\\[wrote \
let source_filename_re =
Str.regexp "\\[parsing started \\(Regular\\|Simple\\)FileObject\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]"
let classpath_re = Str.regexp "\\[search path for class files: \\(.*\\)\\]" in
let rec loop paths roots sources classes =
let line = In_channel.input_line_exn file_in in
if Str.string_match class_filename_re line 0 then
let path =
try Str.matched_group 5 line with Caml.Not_found ->
(* either matched group 5 is found, or matched group 2 is found, see doc for [class_filename_re] above *)
Config.javac_classes_out ^/ Str.matched_group 2 line
let cn, root_info = Javalib.extract_class_name_from_file path in
let root_dir =
if String.equal root_info "" then Filename.current_dir_name else root_info
loop paths (add_root_path root_dir roots) sources (JBasics.ClassSet.add cn classes)
else if Str.string_match source_filename_re line 0 then
let path = Str.matched_group 2 line in
loop paths roots (add_source_file path sources) classes
else if Str.string_match classpath_re line 0 then
let classpath = Str.matched_group 1 line in
let parsed_paths = String.split ~on:',' classpath in
loop parsed_paths roots sources classes
else (* skip this line *)
loop paths roots sources classes
| JBasics.Class_structure_error _ | Invalid_argument _ ->
loop paths roots sources classes
| End_of_file ->
In_channel.close file_in ;
let classpath = List.fold ~f:append_path ~init:"" (String.Set.elements roots @ paths) in
(classpath, sources, classes)
loop [] String.Set.empty String.Map.empty JBasics.ClassSet.empty
let classname_of_class_filename class_filename =
JBasics.make_cn ( ~f:(function '/' -> '.' | c -> c) class_filename)
let extract_classnames classnames jar_filename =
let file_in = Zip.open_in jar_filename in
let collect classes entry =
let class_filename = entry.Zip.filename in
match Filename.split_extension class_filename with
| basename, Some "class" ->
classname_of_class_filename basename :: classes
| _ ->
let classnames_after = List.fold ~f:collect ~init:classnames (Zip.entries file_in) in
Zip.close_in file_in ; classnames_after
let collect_classnames start_classmap jar_filename =
~f:(fun map cn -> JBasics.ClassSet.add cn map)
(extract_classnames [] jar_filename)
let search_classes path =
let add_class roots classes class_filename =
let cn, root_dir = Javalib.extract_class_name_from_file class_filename in
(add_root_path root_dir roots, JBasics.ClassSet.add cn classes)
(fun accu p ->
let paths, classes = accu in
if Filename.check_suffix p "class" then add_class paths classes p
else if Filename.check_suffix p "jar" then
(add_root_path p paths, collect_classnames classes p)
else accu )
(String.Set.empty, JBasics.ClassSet.empty) path
let search_sources () =
let initial_map =
List.fold ~f:(fun map path -> add_source_file path map) ~init:String.Map.empty Config.sources
match Config.sourcepath with
| None ->
| Some sourcepath ->
(fun map p -> if Filename.check_suffix p "java" then add_source_file p map else map)
initial_map sourcepath
let load_from_arguments classes_out_path =
let roots, classes = search_classes classes_out_path in
let split cp_option = Option.value_map ~f:split_classpath ~default:[] cp_option in
let combine path_list classpath =
List.fold ~f:append_path ~init:classpath (List.rev path_list)
let classpath =
combine (split Config.classpath) "" |> combine (String.Set.elements roots)
|> combine (split Config.bootclasspath)
(classpath, search_sources (), classes)
type callee_status = Translated | Missing of JBasics.class_name * JBasics.method_signature
type classmap = JCode.jcode Javalib.interface_or_class JBasics.ClassMap.t
type classpath = {path: string; channel: Javalib.class_path}
type program =
{ classpath: classpath
; models: classmap
; mutable classmap: classmap
; callees: callee_status Typ.Procname.Hash.t }
let get_classmap program = program.classmap
let get_classpath_channel program =
let get_models program = program.models
let add_class cn jclass program =
program.classmap <- JBasics.ClassMap.add cn jclass program.classmap
let set_callee_translated program pname =
Typ.Procname.Hash.replace program.callees pname Translated
let add_missing_callee program pname cn ms =
if not (Typ.Procname.Hash.mem program.callees pname) then
Typ.Procname.Hash.add program.callees pname (Missing (cn, ms))
let iter_missing_callees program ~f =
let select proc_name = function Translated -> () | Missing (cn, ms) -> f proc_name cn ms in
Typ.Procname.Hash.iter select program.callees
let cleanup program = Javalib.close_class_path
let lookup_node cn program =
try Some (JBasics.ClassMap.find cn (get_classmap program)) with Caml.Not_found ->
let jclass = javalib_get_class (get_classpath_channel program) cn in
add_class cn jclass program ; Some jclass
| JBasics.No_class_found _ ->
(* TODO T28155039 Figure out when and what to log *)
| (JBasics.Class_structure_error _ | Invalid_argument _) as exn ->
L.internal_error "ERROR: %s@." (Exn.to_string exn) ;
let collect_classes start_classmap jar_filename =
let classpath = Javalib.class_path jar_filename in
let collect classmap cn =
try JBasics.ClassMap.add cn (javalib_get_class classpath cn) classmap
with JBasics.Class_structure_error _ -> classmap
let classmap = List.fold ~f:collect ~init:start_classmap (extract_classnames [] jar_filename) in
Javalib.close_class_path classpath ;
let load_program classpath classes =
L.(debug Capture Medium) "loading program ... %!" ;
let models =
if String.equal !models_jar "" then JBasics.ClassMap.empty
else collect_classes JBasics.ClassMap.empty !models_jar
let program =
{ classpath= {path= classpath; channel= Javalib.class_path classpath}
; models
; classmap= JBasics.ClassMap.empty
; callees= Typ.Procname.Hash.create 128 }
JBasics.ClassSet.iter (fun cn -> ignore (lookup_node cn program)) classes ;
L.(debug Capture Medium) "done@." ;