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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
module L = Logging
module F = Format
(** Element of a loc trace *)
type loc_trace_elem = {
lt_level : int; (** nesting level of procedure calls *)
lt_loc : Location.t; (** source location at the current step in the trace *)
lt_description : string; (** description of the current step in the trace *)
lt_node_tags : (string * string) list (** tags describing the node at the current location *)
let make_trace_element lt_level lt_loc lt_description lt_node_tags =
{ lt_level; lt_loc; lt_description; lt_node_tags }
(** Trace of locations *)
type loc_trace = loc_trace_elem list
(** Data associated to a specific error *)
type err_data =
(int * int) * int * Location.t * L.ml_loc option * loc_trace *
Exceptions.err_class * Exceptions.exception_visibility
let compare_err_data
(_, _, loc1, _, _, _, _)
(_, _, loc2, _, _, _, _) =
| loc1 loc2
module ErrDataSet = (* set err_data with no repeated loc *)
type t = err_data
let compare = compare_err_data
(** Hash table to implement error logs *)
module ErrLogHash = struct
module Key = struct
type t = Exceptions.err_kind * bool * Localise.t * Localise.error_desc * string
[@@deriving compare]
let hash (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, _) =
Hashtbl.hash (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, Localise.error_desc_hash desc)
let equal
(ekind1, in_footprint1, err_name1, desc1, _)
(ekind2, in_footprint2, err_name2, desc2, _) =
(ekind1, in_footprint1, err_name1) = (ekind2, in_footprint2, err_name2) &&
Localise.error_desc_equal desc1 desc2
include Hashtbl.Make (Key)
(** Type of the error log, to be reset once per function.
Map err_kind, fotprint / re - execution flag, error name,
error description, severity, to set of err_data. *)
type t = ErrDataSet.t ErrLogHash.t
let compare x y =
let bindings x = ErrLogHash.fold (fun k d l -> (k, d) :: l) x [] in
[%compare: (ErrLogHash.Key.t * ErrDataSet.t) list] (bindings x) (bindings y)
(** Empty error log *)
let empty () = ErrLogHash.create 13
(** type of the function to be passed to iter *)
type iter_fun =
(int * int) ->
Location.t ->
L.ml_loc option ->
Exceptions.err_kind ->
bool ->
Localise.t -> Localise.error_desc -> string ->
loc_trace ->
Exceptions.err_class ->
Exceptions.exception_visibility ->
(** Apply f to nodes and error names *)
let iter (f: iter_fun) (err_log: t) =
ErrLogHash.iter (fun (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, severity) set ->
(fun (node_id_key, _, loc, ml_loc_opt, ltr, eclass, visibility) ->
node_id_key loc ml_loc_opt ekind in_footprint err_name
desc severity ltr eclass visibility)
(** Return the number of elements in the error log which satisfy [filter] *)
let size filter (err_log: t) =
let count = ref 0 in
ErrLogHash.iter (fun (ekind, in_footprint, _, _, _) eds ->
if filter ekind in_footprint then count := !count + (ErrDataSet.cardinal eds)) err_log;
(** Print errors from error log *)
let pp_errors fmt (errlog : t) =
let f (ekind, _, ename, _, _) _ =
if ekind == Exceptions.Kerror then
F.fprintf fmt "%a@ " Localise.pp ename in
ErrLogHash.iter f errlog
(** Print warnings from error log *)
let pp_warnings fmt (errlog : t) =
let f (ekind, _, ename, desc, _) _ =
if ekind == Exceptions.Kwarning then
F.fprintf fmt "%a %a@ " Localise.pp ename Localise.pp_error_desc desc in
ErrLogHash.iter f errlog
(** Print an error log in html format *)
let pp_html source path_to_root fmt (errlog: t) =
let pp_eds fmt eds =
let pp_nodeid_session_loc
fmt ((nodeid, _), session, loc, _, _, _, _) =
Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link source path_to_root fmt (nodeid, session, loc.Location.line) in
ErrDataSet.iter (pp_nodeid_session_loc fmt) eds in
let f do_fp ek (ekind, infp, err_name, desc, _) eds =
if ekind == ek && do_fp == infp
F.fprintf fmt "<br>%a %a %a"
Localise.pp err_name
Localise.pp_error_desc desc
pp_eds eds in
F.fprintf fmt "%aERRORS DURING FOOTPRINT@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f true Exceptions.Kerror) errlog;
F.fprintf fmt "%aERRORS DURING RE-EXECUTION@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f false Exceptions.Kerror) errlog;
F.fprintf fmt "%aWARNINGS DURING FOOTPRINT@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f true Exceptions.Kwarning) errlog;
F.fprintf fmt "%aWARNINGS DURING RE-EXECUTION@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f false Exceptions.Kwarning) errlog;
F.fprintf fmt "%aINFOS DURING FOOTPRINT@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f true Exceptions.Kinfo) errlog;
F.fprintf fmt "%aINFOS DURING RE-EXECUTION@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ();
ErrLogHash.iter (f false Exceptions.Kinfo) errlog
(* I use string in case we want to display a different name to the user*)
let severity_to_str severity = match severity with
| Exceptions.High -> "HIGH"
| Exceptions.Medium -> "MEDIUM"
| Exceptions.Low -> "LOW"
(** Add an error description to the error log unless there is
one already at the same node + session; return true if added *)
let add_issue tbl (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, severity) (eds: ErrDataSet.t) : bool =
let current_eds = ErrLogHash.find tbl (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, severity) in
if ErrDataSet.subset eds current_eds then false
ErrLogHash.replace tbl
(ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, severity)
(ErrDataSet.union eds current_eds);
with Not_found ->
ErrLogHash.add tbl (ekind, in_footprint, err_name, desc, severity) eds;
(** Update an old error log with a new one *)
let update errlog_old errlog_new =
(fun (ekind, infp, s, desc, severity) l ->
ignore (add_issue errlog_old (ekind, infp, s, desc, severity) l)) errlog_new
let log_issue _ekind err_log loc node_id_key session ltr exn =
let err_name, desc, ml_loc_opt, visibility, severity, force_kind, eclass =
Exceptions.recognize_exception exn in
let ekind = match force_kind with
| Some ekind -> ekind
| _ -> _ekind in
let hide_java_loc_zero = (* hide java errors at location zero unless in -developer_mode *)
Config.developer_mode = false &&
!Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
loc.Location.line = 0 in
let hide_memory_error =
match Localise.error_desc_get_bucket desc with
| Some bucket when bucket = Mleak_buckets.ml_bucket_unknown_origin ->
not Mleak_buckets.should_raise_leak_unknown_origin
| _ -> false in
let log_it =
visibility == Exceptions.Exn_user ||
(Config.developer_mode && visibility == Exceptions.Exn_developer) in
if log_it && not hide_java_loc_zero && not hide_memory_error then begin
let added =
add_issue err_log
(ekind, !Config.footprint, err_name, desc, severity_to_str severity)
(node_id_key, session, loc, ml_loc_opt, ltr, eclass, visibility)) in
let should_print_now =
match exn with
| Exceptions.Internal_error _ -> true
| _ -> added in
let print_now () =
let ex_name, desc, ml_loc_opt, _, _, _, _ = Exceptions.recognize_exception exn in
L.err "@\n%a@\n@?" (Exceptions.pp_err node_id_key loc ekind ex_name desc ml_loc_opt) ();
if _ekind <> Exceptions.Kerror then begin
let warn_str =
let pp fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a"
(Localise.to_string err_name)
Localise.pp_error_desc desc in
F.asprintf "%t" pp in
let d = match ekind with
| Exceptions.Kerror -> L.d_error
| Exceptions.Kwarning -> L.d_warning
| Exceptions.Kinfo | Exceptions.Kadvice -> L.d_info in
d warn_str; L.d_ln();
end in
if should_print_now then print_now ()
type err_log = t
(** Global per-file error table *)
module Err_table = struct
type t = err_log
let create = empty
let count_err err_table err_name locs =
ignore (add_issue err_table err_name locs)
let table_size filter (err_table: t) =
size filter err_table
let pp_stats_footprint ekind fmt (err_table: err_log) =
let err_name_map = ref String.Map.empty in (* map error name to count *)
let count_err (err_name: Localise.t) n =
let err_string = Localise.to_string err_name in
let count = try String.Map.find_exn !err_name_map err_string with Not_found -> 0 in
err_name_map := String.Map.add ~key:err_string ~data:(count + n) !err_name_map in
let count (ekind', in_footprint, err_name, _, _) eds =
if ekind = ekind' && in_footprint then count_err err_name (ErrDataSet.cardinal eds) in
ErrLogHash.iter count err_table;
let pp ~key:err_string ~data:count = F.fprintf fmt " %s:%d" err_string count in
String.Map.iteri ~f:pp !err_name_map
module LocMap =
type t = ErrDataSet.elt
let compare = compare_err_data
let print_err_table_details fmt err_table =
let map_err_fp = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_err_re = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_warn_fp = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_warn_re = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_info = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_advice = ref LocMap.empty in
let add_err nslm (ekind , in_fp, err_name, desc, _) =
let map = match in_fp, ekind with
| true, Exceptions.Kerror -> map_err_fp
| false, Exceptions.Kerror -> map_err_re
| true, Exceptions.Kwarning -> map_warn_fp
| false, Exceptions.Kwarning -> map_warn_re
| _, Exceptions.Kinfo -> map_info
| _, Exceptions.Kadvice -> map_advice in
let err_list = LocMap.find nslm !map in
map := LocMap.add nslm ((err_name, desc) :: err_list) !map
with Not_found ->
map := LocMap.add nslm [(err_name, desc)] !map in
let f err_name eds =
ErrDataSet.iter (fun loc -> add_err loc err_name) eds in
ErrLogHash.iter f err_table;
let pp ekind (nodeidkey, _, loc, ml_loc_opt, _, _, _) fmt err_names =
IList.iter (fun (err_name, desc) ->
Exceptions.pp_err nodeidkey loc ekind err_name desc ml_loc_opt fmt ()) err_names in
F.fprintf fmt "@.Detailed errors during footprint phase:@.";
LocMap.iter (fun nslm err_names ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp Exceptions.Kerror nslm) err_names) !map_err_fp;
F.fprintf fmt "@.Detailed errors during re-execution phase:@.";
LocMap.iter (fun nslm err_names ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp Exceptions.Kerror nslm) err_names) !map_err_re;
F.fprintf fmt "@.Detailed warnings during footprint phase:@.";
LocMap.iter (fun nslm err_names ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp Exceptions.Kwarning nslm) err_names) !map_warn_fp;
F.fprintf fmt "@.Detailed warnings during re-execution phase:@.";
LocMap.iter (fun nslm err_names ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp Exceptions.Kwarning nslm) err_names) !map_warn_re
type err_table = Err_table.t
(** Create an error table *)
let create_err_table = Err_table.create
(** Print an error log and add it to the global per-file table *)
let extend_table err_table err_log =
ErrLogHash.iter (Err_table.count_err err_table) err_log
(** Size of the global per-file error table for the footprint phase *)
let err_table_size_footprint ekind =
let filter ekind' in_footprint = ekind = ekind' && in_footprint in
Err_table.table_size filter
(** Print stats for the global per-file error table *)
let pp_err_table_stats ekind = Err_table.pp_stats_footprint ekind
(** Print details of the global per-file error table *)
let print_err_table_details =