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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
module Arithmetic = PulseArithmetic
type t =
| AccessToInvalidAddress of Diagnostic.access_to_invalid_address
| ReadUninitializedValue of Diagnostic.read_uninitialized_value
[@@deriving equal, yojson_of]
let to_diagnostic = function
| AccessToInvalidAddress access_to_invalid_address ->
Diagnostic.AccessToInvalidAddress access_to_invalid_address
| ReadUninitializedValue read_uninitialized_value ->
Diagnostic.ReadUninitializedValue read_uninitialized_value
let add_call call_and_loc = function
| AccessToInvalidAddress access ->
AccessToInvalidAddress {access with calling_context= call_and_loc :: access.calling_context}
| ReadUninitializedValue read ->
ReadUninitializedValue {read with calling_context= call_and_loc :: read.calling_context}
let should_report (astate : AbductiveDomain.summary) =
Arithmetic.has_no_assumptions (astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
(* require a summary because we don't want to stop reporting because some non-abducible condition is
not true as calling context cannot possibly influence such conditions *)
let should_report_diagnostic (astate : AbductiveDomain.summary) (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
match diagnostic with
| MemoryLeak _ | StackVariableAddressEscape _ ->
(* these issues are reported regardless of the calling context, not sure if that's the right
decision yet *)
| AccessToInvalidAddress diag ->
if should_report astate then `ReportNow else `DelayReport (AccessToInvalidAddress diag)
| ReadUninitializedValue diag ->
if should_report astate then `ReportNow else `DelayReport (ReadUninitializedValue diag)