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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module BasicCost = CostDomain.BasicCost
open BufferOverrunUtils.ModelEnv
let unit_cost_model _model_env ~ret:_ _inferbo_mem =
let cost_of_exp exp ~degree_kind ~of_function {integer_type_widths; location} ~ret:_ inferbo_mem =
let itv =
BufferOverrunSemantics.eval integer_type_widths exp inferbo_mem
|> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind ~of_function location
let linear = cost_of_exp ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear
let log = cost_of_exp ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Log
let modeled ~of_function {pname; location} ~ret:(_, ret_typ) _ : BasicCost.t =
let callsite = CallSite.make pname location in
let path = Symb.SymbolPath.of_callsite ~ret_typ callsite in
let itv = Itv.of_modeled_path path in
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear ~of_function location
module BoundsOf (Container : CostUtils.S) = struct
let of_length exp {location} ~ret:_ mem ~of_function ~degree_kind =
let itv = Container.length exp mem |> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv in
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind ~of_function location
let linear_length = of_length ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear
let logarithmic_length = of_length ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Log
let n_log_n_length exp env ~ret mem ~of_function =
let log_n = logarithmic_length exp ~of_function env mem ~ret in
let n = linear_length exp ~of_function env mem ~ret in
BasicCost.mult n log_n
module JavaString = struct
let substring_aux ~begin_idx ~end_v {integer_type_widths; location} inferbo_mem =
let begin_v = BufferOverrunSemantics.eval integer_type_widths begin_idx inferbo_mem in
let itv =
Itv.minus (BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv end_v) (BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv begin_v)
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear ~of_function:"String.substring"
let substring exp begin_idx model_env ~ret:_ inferbo_mem =
substring_aux ~begin_idx
~end_v:(BufferOverrunModels.JavaString.get_length model_env exp inferbo_mem)
model_env inferbo_mem
let substring_no_end begin_idx end_idx ({integer_type_widths} as model_env) ~ret:_ inferbo_mem =
substring_aux ~begin_idx
~end_v:(BufferOverrunSemantics.eval integer_type_widths end_idx inferbo_mem)
model_env inferbo_mem
(** O(|m|) where m is the given string and |.| is the length function *)
let indexOf_char exp ({location} as model_env) ~ret:_ inferbo_mem =
let itv = CostUtils.string_len_range_itv model_env exp ~from:None inferbo_mem in
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear ~of_function:"String.indexOf"
(** O(|m|-|n|) where m is the given string and n is the index to start searching from *)
let indexOf_char_starting_from exp start_exp ({integer_type_widths; location} as model_env) ~ret:_
inferbo_mem =
let itv =
CostUtils.string_len_range_itv model_env exp
~from:(Some (start_exp, integer_type_widths))
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear ~of_function:"String.indexOf"
(** O(|m|.|n|) where m and n are the given strings *)
let indexOf_str exp index_exp ({location} as model_env) ~ret:_ inferbo_mem =
let itv =
BufferOverrunModels.JavaString.get_length model_env exp inferbo_mem
|> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv
let index_itv =
BufferOverrunModels.JavaString.get_length model_env index_exp inferbo_mem
|> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.get_itv
let n =
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear ~of_function:"String.indexOf"
let m =
CostUtils.of_itv ~itv:index_itv ~degree_kind:Polynomials.DegreeKind.Linear
~of_function:"String.indexOf" location
BasicCost.mult n m
module BoundsOfCollection = BoundsOf (CostUtils.Collection)
module BoundsOfArray = BoundsOf (CostUtils.Array)
module ImmutableSet = struct
let construct = linear ~of_function:"ImmutableSet.construct"
let choose_table_size = log ~of_function:"ImmutableSet.chooseTableSize"
module Call = struct
let dispatch : (Tenv.t, CostUtils.model) BufferOverrunModels.ModeledCall.dispatcher =
let open BufferOverrunModels.ModeledCall in
let int_typ = (Typ.Tint Typ.IInt) in
let dispatcher =
[ +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "sort" $ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.n_log_n_length ~of_function:"Collections.sort"
; +PatternMatch.implements_list &:: "sort" $ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.n_log_n_length ~of_function:"List.sort"
; +PatternMatch.implements_arrays &:: "sort" $ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfArray.n_log_n_length ~of_function:"Arrays.sort"
; +PatternMatch.implements_list &:: "contains" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"List.contains"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "binarySearch" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.logarithmic_length ~of_function:"Collections.binarySearch"
; +PatternMatch.implements_arrays &:: "binarySearch" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfArray.logarithmic_length ~of_function:"Arrays.binarySearch"
; +PatternMatch.implements_arrays &:: "copyOf" <>$ any_arg $+ capt_exp
$+...$--> linear ~of_function:"Arrays.copyOf"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "copy" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.copy"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "fill" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.fill"
; +PatternMatch.implements_arrays &:: "fill" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfArray.linear_length ~of_function:"Arrays.fill"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "reverse" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.reverse"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "max" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.max"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "min" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.min"
; +PatternMatch.implements_collections
&:: "shuffle" <>$ capt_exp
$+...$--> BoundsOfCollection.linear_length ~of_function:"Collections.shuffle"
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "String"
&:: "substring" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $--> JavaString.substring
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "String"
&:: "indexOf" <>$ capt_exp
$+ capt_exp_of_typ (+PatternMatch.implements_lang "String")
$--> JavaString.indexOf_str
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "String"
&:: "indexOf" <>$ capt_exp $+ any_arg_of_prim_typ int_typ $+ capt_exp
$--> JavaString.indexOf_char_starting_from
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "String"
&:: "indexOf" <>$ capt_exp $+ any_arg_of_prim_typ int_typ $--> JavaString.indexOf_char
; +PatternMatch.implements_lang "String"
&:: "substring"
$ any_arg_of_typ (+PatternMatch.implements_lang "String")
$+ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $--> JavaString.substring_no_end
; +PatternMatch.implements_inject "Provider"
&:: "get"
<>--> modeled ~of_function:"Provider.get"
; +PatternMatch.implements_xmob_utils "IntHashMap" &:: "<init>" <>--> unit_cost_model
; +PatternMatch.implements_xmob_utils "IntHashMap" &:: "getElement" <>--> unit_cost_model
; +PatternMatch.implements_xmob_utils "IntHashMap" &:: "put" <>--> unit_cost_model
; +PatternMatch.implements_xmob_utils "IntHashMap" &:: "remove" <>--> unit_cost_model
; +PatternMatch.implements_google "common.collect.ImmutableSet"
&:: "chooseTableSize" <>$ capt_exp $+...$--> ImmutableSet.choose_table_size
; +PatternMatch.implements_google "common.collect.ImmutableSet"
&:: "construct" <>$ capt_exp_of_prim_typ int_typ $+...$--> ImmutableSet.construct
; +PatternMatch.implements_google "common.collect.ImmutableSet"
&:: "construct" <>$ any_arg $+ capt_exp_of_prim_typ int_typ
$+...$--> ImmutableSet.construct ]
merge_dispatchers dispatcher FbCostModels.Call.dispatch