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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type violation = {base: Nullability.t; overridden: Nullability.t} [@@deriving compare]
type type_role = Param | Ret
let is_whitelisted_violation ~subtype ~supertype =
match (subtype, supertype) with
| Nullability.DeclaredNonnull, Nullability.Nonnull ->
(* It is a violation that we are currently willing to ignore because
it is hard to obey in practice.
It might lead to unsoundness issues, so this might be reconsidered.
| _ ->
let check type_role ~base ~overridden =
let subtype, supertype =
match type_role with
| Ret ->
(* covariance for ret *)
(overridden, base)
| Param ->
(* contravariance for param *)
(base, overridden)
(Nullability.is_subtype ~subtype ~supertype || is_whitelisted_violation ~subtype ~supertype)
~error:{base; overridden}
type violation_type =
| InconsistentParam of {param_description: string; param_position: int}
| InconsistentReturn
[@@deriving compare]
let violation_description _ violation_type ~base_proc_name ~overridden_proc_name =
let module MF = MarkupFormatter in
let nullable_annotation = "@Nullable" in
let base_method_descr = Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true base_proc_name in
let overridden_method_descr =
Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true overridden_proc_name
match violation_type with
| InconsistentReturn ->
Format.asprintf "Method %a is annotated with %a but overrides unannotated method %a."
MF.pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr MF.pp_monospaced nullable_annotation
MF.pp_monospaced base_method_descr
| InconsistentParam {param_description; param_position} ->
let translate_position = function
| 1 ->
| 2 ->
| 3 ->
| n ->
string_of_int n ^ "th"
"%s parameter %a of method %a is not %a but is declared %ain the parent class method %a."
(translate_position param_position)
MF.pp_monospaced param_description MF.pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr
MF.pp_monospaced nullable_annotation MF.pp_monospaced nullable_annotation MF.pp_monospaced