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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd;
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl;
type clang_field_info = {qual_class: QualifiedCppName.t, field_name: string} [@@deriving compare];
type t =
| Hidden /* Backend relies that Hidden is the smallest (first) field in Abs.should_raise_objc_leak */
| Clang clang_field_info
| Java string
[@@deriving compare];
let hidden_str = ".hidden";
let equal = [%compare.equal : t];
module Set =
Caml.Set.Make {
type nonrec t = t;
let compare = compare;
module Map =
Caml.Map.Make {
type nonrec t = t;
let compare = compare;
module Clang = {
let from_qualified qual_class field_name => Clang {qual_class, field_name};
module Java = {
let from_string n => Java n;
/** Convert a fieldname to a string. */
let to_string =
| Hidden => hidden_str
| Java fname => fname
| Clang {field_name} => field_name;
/** Convert a fieldname to a simplified string with at most one-level path. */
let to_simplified_string fn => {
let s = to_string fn;
switch (String.rsplit2 s on::'.') {
| Some (s1, s2) =>
switch (String.rsplit2 s1 on::'.') {
| Some (_, s4) => s4 ^ "." ^ s2
| _ => s
| _ => s
/** Convert a fieldname to a flat string without path. */
let to_flat_string fn => {
let s = to_string fn;
switch (String.rsplit2 s on::'.') {
| Some (_, s2) => s2
| _ => s
let pp f =>
| Hidden => Format.fprintf f "%s" hidden_str
| Java field_name
| Clang {field_name} => Format.fprintf f "%s" field_name;
let pp_latex style f fn => Latex.pp_string style f (to_string fn);
/** Returns the class part of the fieldname */
let java_get_class fn => {
let fn = to_string fn;
let ri = String.rindex_exn fn '.';
String.slice fn 0 ri
/** Returns the last component of the fieldname */
let java_get_field fn => {
let fn = to_string fn;
let ri = 1 + String.rindex_exn fn '.';
String.slice fn ri 0
/** Equality for field names ignoring the struct or class which contains the field. */
let equal_modulo_parent x y =>
switch (x, y) {
| (Hidden, Hidden) => true
| (Clang a, Clang b) => Int.equal 0 (compare_clang_field_info a b)
| (Java _, Java _) => String.equal (java_get_field x) (java_get_field y)
| _ => false
/** Check if the field is the synthetic this$n of a nested class, used to access the n-th outher instance. */
let java_is_outer_instance fn => {
let fn = to_string fn;
let fn_len = String.length fn;
fn_len != 0 && {
let this = ".this$";
let last_char = fn.[fn_len - 1];
(last_char >= '0' && last_char <= '9') &&
String.is_suffix fn suffix::(this ^ String.of_char last_char)
let clang_get_qual_class =
| Clang {qual_class} => Some qual_class
| _ => None;
/** hidded fieldname constant */
let hidden = Hidden;
/** hidded fieldname constant */
let is_hidden fn => equal fn hidden;