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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
include IterLabels
module Import = struct
type 'a iter = 'a t
let pop seq =
match head seq with Some x -> Some (x, drop 1 seq) | None -> None
let contains_dup (type elt) seq ~cmp =
let module S = CCSet.Make (struct
type t = elt
let compare = cmp
end) in
let exception Found_dup in
fold ~init:S.empty seq ~f:(fun elts x ->
let elts' = S.add x elts in
if elts' == elts then raise_notrace Found_dup else elts' )
|> ignore ;
with Found_dup -> true
let fold_opt seq ~init ~f =
let state = ref init in
let exception Stop in
seq (fun x ->
match f !state x with
| Some s -> state := s
| None -> raise_notrace Stop ) ;
Some !state
with Stop -> None
let fold_until (type res) seq ~init ~f ~finish =
let state = ref init in
let exception Stop of res in
seq (fun x ->
match f !state x with
| `Continue s -> state := s
| `Stop r -> raise_notrace (Stop r) ) ;
finish !state
with Stop r -> r