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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
type t =
{ exec: string
; argv: string list
; orig_argv: string list
; quoting_style:
; is_driver: bool }
(** name of the plugin to use *)
let plugin_name = "BiniouASTExporter"
let value_of_argv_option argv opt_name =
~f:(fun (prev_arg, result) arg ->
let result' =
if Option.is_some result then result
else if String.equal opt_name prev_arg then Some arg
else None
(arg, result') )
~init:("", None) argv
|> snd
let value_of_option {orig_argv} = value_of_argv_option orig_argv
let has_flag {orig_argv} flag = List.exists ~f:(String.equal flag) orig_argv
let can_attach_ast_exporter cmd =
let is_supported_language cmd =
match value_of_option cmd "-x" with
| None ->
if cmd.is_driver then (* let's continue and ask clang -### *) true
else (
L.external_warning "malformed -cc1 command has no \"-x\" flag!" ;
false )
| Some "cuda" ->
| Some lang when String.is_prefix ~prefix:"assembler" lang ->
| Some _ ->
(* -Eonly is -cc1 flag that gets produced by 'clang -M -### ...' *)
let is_preprocessor_only cmd = has_flag cmd "-E" || has_flag cmd "-Eonly" in
(cmd.is_driver || has_flag cmd "-cc1")
&& is_supported_language cmd
&& not (is_preprocessor_only cmd)
let may_capture cmd = can_attach_ast_exporter cmd
let argv_cons a b = a :: b
let argv_do_if cond action x = if cond then action x else x
let file_arg_cmd_sanitizer cmd =
let file = ClangQuotes.mk_arg_file "clang_command_" cmd.quoting_style cmd.argv in
{cmd with argv= [Format.sprintf "@%s" file]}
let libcxx_include_to_override_regex = ~f:Str.regexp Config.clang_libcxx_include_to_override_regex
(** Filter arguments from [args], looking into argfiles too. [replace_options_arg prev arg] returns
[arg'], where [arg'] is the new version of [arg] given the preceding arguments (in reverse
order) [prev]. *)
let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg = fun _ s -> s) ?(post_args = [])
?(pre_args = []) args =
(* [prev] is the previously seen argument, [res_rev] is the reversed result, [changed] is true if
some change has been performed *)
let rec aux in_argfiles (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, changed) args =
match args with
| [] ->
(prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, changed)
| _ :: tl when prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg ->
(* in the unlikely event that a blacklisted flag with arg sits as the last option in some
arg file, we need to remove its argument now *)
aux in_argfiles (false, res_rev, true) tl
| at_argfile :: tl
when String.is_prefix at_argfile ~prefix:"@" && not (String.Set.mem in_argfiles at_argfile)
-> (
let in_argfiles' = String.Set.add in_argfiles at_argfile in
let argfile = String.slice at_argfile 1 (String.length at_argfile) in
match In_channel.read_lines argfile with
| lines ->
(* poor parsing of arguments with some stripping supported; hope that tools generating
argfiles more or less put one argument per line *)
let strip s =
String.strip s
|> Utils.strip_balanced_once ~drop:(function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false)
let last_in_file_is_blacklisted, rev_res_with_file_args, changed_file = ~f:strip lines
|> aux in_argfiles' (prev_is_blacklisted_with_arg, res_rev, false)
if changed_file then
aux in_argfiles' (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, rev_res_with_file_args, true) tl
(* keep the same argfile if we haven't needed to change anything in it *)
aux in_argfiles' (last_in_file_is_blacklisted, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl
| exception e ->
L.external_warning "Error reading argument file '%s': %s@\n" at_argfile
(Exn.to_string e) ;
aux in_argfiles' (false, at_argfile :: res_rev, changed) tl )
| flag :: tl
when List.mem ~equal:String.equal Config.clang_blacklisted_flags flag
|| String.lsplit2 ~on:'=' flag
|> function
| Some (flag, _arg) ->
List.mem ~equal:String.equal Config.clang_blacklisted_flags_with_arg flag
| None ->
false ->
aux in_argfiles (false, res_rev, true) tl
| flag :: tl when List.mem ~equal:String.equal Config.clang_blacklisted_flags_with_arg flag ->
(* remove the flag and its arg separately in case we are at the end of an argfile *)
aux in_argfiles (true, res_rev, true) tl
| arg :: tl ->
let arg' = replace_options_arg res_rev arg in
aux in_argfiles (false, arg' :: res_rev, changed || not (phys_equal arg arg')) tl
match aux String.Set.empty (false, [], false) args with
| _, res_rev, _ ->
(* return non-reversed list *)
List.append pre_args (List.rev_append res_rev post_args)
(** Work around various path or library issues occurring when one tries to substitute Apple's
version of clang with a different version. Also mitigate version discrepancies in clang's fatal
warnings. *)
let clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer cmd =
let replace_args arg = function
| Some override_regex when Str.string_match override_regex arg 0 ->
Config.fcp_dir ^/ "clang" ^/ "install" ^/ "lib" ^/ "clang" ^/ "9.0.0" ^/ "include"
| _ ->
(* command line options not supported by the opensource compiler or the plugins *)
let replace_options_arg options arg =
match (options, arg) with
| [], _ ->
| "-arch" :: _, "armv7k" ->
(* replace armv7k arch with armv7 *) "armv7"
| _, arg when String.is_suffix arg ~suffix:"dep.tmp" ->
(* compilation-database Buck integration produces path to `dep.tmp` file that doesn't exist. Create it *)
Unix.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname arg) ;
| "-dependency-file" :: _, _
when Option.exists Config.buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_compilation_db ->
(* In compilation database mode, dependency files are not assumed to exist *)
| "-idirafter" :: _, arg ->
replace_args arg Config.clang_idirafter_to_override_regex
| "-isystem" :: _, arg ->
replace_args arg Config.clang_isystem_to_override_regex
| "-I" :: _, arg -> (
match libcxx_include_to_override_regex with
| Some libcxx_include_to_override_regex
when Str.string_match libcxx_include_to_override_regex arg 0 ->
Config.fcp_dir ^/ "clang" ^/ "install" ^/ "include" ^/ "c++" ^/ "v1"
| _ ->
arg )
| _ ->
let explicit_sysroot_passed = has_flag cmd "-isysroot" in
(* supply isysroot only when SDKROOT is not set up and explicit isysroot is not provided,
for details on the effects of setting SDKROOT *)
let implicit_sysroot =
if not explicit_sysroot_passed then Config.implicit_sdk_root ~f:(fun x -> ["-isysroot"; x]) |> Option.value ~default:[]
else []
let pre_args_rev = [] |> List.rev_append implicit_sysroot in
let post_args_rev =
|> List.rev_append ["-include"; Config.lib_dir ^/ "clang_wrappers" ^/ "global_defines.h"]
|> (* Never error on warnings. Clang is often more strict than Apple's version. These arguments
are appended at the end to override previous opposite settings. How it's done: suppress
all the warnings, since there are no warnings, compiler can't elevate them to error
level. *)
argv_cons "-Wno-everything"
let clang_arguments =
filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ~replace_options_arg ~post_args:(List.rev post_args_rev)
~pre_args:(List.rev pre_args_rev) cmd.argv
file_arg_cmd_sanitizer {cmd with argv= clang_arguments}
let mk ~is_driver quoting_style ~prog ~args =
(* Some arguments break the compiler so they need to be removed even before the normalization step *)
let sanitized_args = filter_and_replace_unsupported_args args in
let sanitized_args =
if is_driver then sanitized_args @ List.rev Config.clang_extra_flags else sanitized_args
{exec= prog; orig_argv= sanitized_args; argv= sanitized_args; quoting_style; is_driver}
let to_unescaped_args cmd =
let mk_exec_argv normalizer =
let {exec; argv} = normalizer cmd in
exec :: argv
if can_attach_ast_exporter cmd then mk_exec_argv clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer
else if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"clang" (Filename.basename cmd.exec) then
(* `clang` supports argument files and the commands can be longer than the maximum length of the
command line, so put arguments in a file *)
mk_exec_argv file_arg_cmd_sanitizer
else (* other commands such as `ld` do not support argument files *)
mk_exec_argv (fun x -> x)
let pp f cmd = to_unescaped_args cmd |> Pp.cli_args f
let command_to_run cmd =
to_unescaped_args cmd
|> ~f:(ClangQuotes.quote cmd.quoting_style)
|> String.concat ~sep:" "
let with_plugin_args args =
let plugin_arg_flag = "-plugin-arg-" ^ plugin_name in
let args_before_rev =
|> (* -cc1 has to be the first argument or clang will think it runs in driver mode *)
argv_cons "-cc1"
|> List.rev_append
[ "-load"
; Config.clang_plugin_path
; (* (t7400979) this is a workaround to avoid that clang crashes when the -fmodules flag and the
YojsonASTExporter plugin are used. Since the -plugin argument disables the generation of .o
files, we invoke apple clang again to generate the expected artifacts. This will keep
xcodebuild plus all the sub-steps happy. *)
(if has_flag args "-fmodules" then "-plugin" else "-add-plugin")
; plugin_name
; plugin_arg_flag
; "-"
; plugin_arg_flag
; plugin_arg_flag
; "MAX_STRING_SIZE=" ^ string_of_int CFrontend_config.biniou_buffer_size ]
(* add -O0 option to avoid compiler obfuscation of AST *)
let args_after_rev =
[] |> argv_cons "-O0" |> argv_do_if Config.fcp_syntax_only (argv_cons "-fsyntax-only")
{args with argv= List.rev_append args_before_rev (args.argv @ List.rev args_after_rev)}
let prepend_arg arg clang_args = {clang_args with argv= arg :: clang_args.argv}
let append_args args clang_args = {clang_args with argv= clang_args.argv @ args}
let get_orig_argv {exec; orig_argv} = exec :: orig_argv