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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
open! PVariant
open Javalib_pack
module L = Logging
let register_perf_stats_report source_file =
let stats_dir = Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.frontend_stats_dir_name in
let abbrev_source_file = SourceFile.encoding source_file in
let stats_file = Config.perf_stats_prefix ^ "_" ^ abbrev_source_file ^ ".json" in
Utils.create_dir Config.results_dir ;
Utils.create_dir stats_dir ;
PerfStats.register_report_at_exit (Filename.concat stats_dir stats_file)
let init_global_state source_file =
if not Config.buck_cache_mode then register_perf_stats_report source_file ;
Config.curr_language := Config.Java;
DB.Results_dir.init source_file;
Ident.NameGenerator.reset ();
JContext.reset_exn_node_table ()
let store_icfg source_file tenv cg cfg =
let source_dir = DB.source_dir_from_source_file source_file in
let cfg_file = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cfg" in
let cg_file = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cg" in
if Config.create_harness then Harness.create_harness cfg cg tenv;
Cg.store_to_file cg_file cg;
Cfg.store_cfg_to_file ~source_file cfg_file cfg;
if Config.debug_mode || Config.frontend_tests then
Dotty.print_icfg_dotty source_file cfg;
Cg.save_call_graph_dotty source_file Specs.get_specs cg
(* NOTE: nothing should be written to source_dir after this *)
DB.mark_file_updated (DB.source_dir_to_string source_dir)
(* Given a source file, its code is translated, and the call-graph, control-flow-graph and type *)
(* environment are obtained and saved. *)
let do_source_file
linereader classes program tenv
source_basename package_opt source_file =
L.out_debug "\nfilename: %a (%s)@."
SourceFile.pp source_file source_basename;
let call_graph, cfg =
linereader classes program tenv
source_basename package_opt source_file in
store_icfg source_file tenv call_graph cfg
let capture_libs linereader program tenv =
let capture_class tenv cn node =
match node with
| Javalib.JInterface _ -> ()
| Javalib.JClass _ when JFrontend.is_classname_cached cn -> ()
| Javalib.JClass _ ->
let fake_source_file =
SourceFile.from_abs_path (JFrontend.path_of_cached_classname cn) in
init_global_state fake_source_file;
let call_graph, cfg =
JFrontend.compute_class_icfg fake_source_file linereader program tenv node in
store_icfg fake_source_file tenv call_graph cfg;
JFrontend.cache_classname cn;
end in
JBasics.ClassMap.iter (capture_class tenv) (JClasspath.get_classmap program)
(* load a stored global tenv if the file is found, and create a new one otherwise *)
let load_tenv () =
match Tenv.load_from_file DB.global_tenv_fname with
| None ->
Tenv.create ()
| Some _ when Config.models_mode ->
"Unexpected tenv file %s found while generating the models"
(DB.filename_to_string DB.global_tenv_fname)
| Some tenv ->
(* Store to a file the type environment containing all the types required to perform the analysis *)
let save_tenv tenv =
if not Config.models_mode then JTransType.add_models_types tenv;
(* TODO: this prevents per compilation step incremental analysis at this stage *)
if DB.file_exists DB.global_tenv_fname then DB.file_remove DB.global_tenv_fname;
L.out_debug "writing new tenv %s@." (DB.filename_to_string DB.global_tenv_fname);
Tenv.store_to_file DB.global_tenv_fname tenv
(* The program is loaded and translated *)
let do_all_files classpath sources classes =
L.do_out "Translating %d source files (%d classes)@."
(String.Map.length sources)
(JBasics.ClassSet.cardinal classes);
let program = JClasspath.load_program classpath classes in
let tenv = load_tenv () in
let linereader = Printer.LineReader.create () in
let skip source_file =
let is_path_matching path =
~f:(fun pattern -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp pattern) path 0)
Config.skip_analysis_in_path in
is_path_matching (SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file)
|| Inferconfig.skip_translation_matcher source_file Procname.empty_block in
let translate_source_file basename (package_opt, _) source_file =
init_global_state source_file;
if not (skip source_file) then
do_source_file linereader classes program tenv basename package_opt source_file in
~f:(fun ~key:basename ~data:file_entry ->
match file_entry with
| JClasspath.Singleton source_file ->
translate_source_file basename (None, source_file) source_file
| JClasspath.Duplicate source_files ->
(fun (package, source_file) ->
translate_source_file basename (Some package, source_file) source_file)
if Config.dependency_mode then
capture_libs linereader program tenv;
save_tenv tenv;
JClasspath.cleanup program;
L.out_debug "done @."
(* loads the source files and translates them *)
let main load_sources_and_classes =
(match Config.models_mode, Sys.file_exists Config.models_jar = `Yes with
| true, false ->
| false, false ->
failwith "Java model file is required"
| true, true ->
failwith "Not expecting model file when analyzing the models"
| false, true ->
JClasspath.add_models Config.models_jar
JBasics.set_permissive true;
let classpath, sources, classes = match load_sources_and_classes with
| `FromVerboseOut verbose_out_file ->
JClasspath.load_from_verbose_output verbose_out_file
| `FromArguments path ->
JClasspath.load_from_arguments path in
if String.Map.is_empty sources then
failwith "Failed to load any Java source code"
do_all_files classpath sources classes
let from_arguments path = main (`FromArguments path)
let from_verbose_out verbose_out_file = main (`FromVerboseOut verbose_out_file)