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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Singleton types for compare functions *)
(** A comparer [('a, 'compare_a) t] for type ['a] is a "compare" function of
type ['a -> 'a -> int] tagged with a phantom type ['compare_a] acting as
a singleton type denoting an individual compare function. *)
type ('a, 'compare_a) t = private 'a -> 'a -> int
module type S = sig
type ('a, 'compare_a) comparer := ('a, 'compare_a) t
type t
(** [compare] types are equipped with functions to support use of
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp] on types parameterized by such
singleton types for compare functions. These derived functions are
never actually called, since the compare type parameters are phantom. *)
type compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val comparer : (t, compare) comparer
(** [Make] takes a [compare] function, mints a fresh [compare] type to act
as a singleton type denoting that one compare function, and returns the
[compare] function at a type stamped with its singleton type. In this
way, [Make] applied to two different compare functions for the same type
of values yields comparers with incompatible types. *)
module Make (Ord : sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
end) : S with type t = Ord.t
(** [Counterfeit] takes a compare function and type and yields a comparer
that asserts that the given [compare] type is a singleton for the given
[compare] function. This is not checked by the type system. It is the
client's responsibility to ensure that distinct types are provided for
distinct compare functions. If the same type is used for multiple
functions, then [Counterfeit] will produce type-compatible comparers
even though the wrapped compare functions differ. *)
module Counterfeit (Ord : sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
type compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
end) : S with type t = Ord.t with type compare = Ord.compare
(** [Apply (F) (A)] takes a type [('a, 'compare_a) F.t] with a type
parameter ['a] and a compare type ['compare_a] for ['a], and a comparer
[A], and creates a comparer for [F.t] with ['a] instantiated to [A.t]. *)
module Apply (F : sig
type ('a, 'compare_a) t [@@deriving compare]
type 'compare_a compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
(A : S) : sig
type t = (A.t, A.compare) F.t [@@deriving compare]
include S with type t := t with type compare = A.compare F.compare
module type S1 = sig
type ('a, 'compare_a) comparer := ('a, 'compare_a) t
type 'a t
type 'compare_a compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val comparer :
('a, 'compare_a) comparer -> ('a t, 'compare_a compare) comparer
(** [Apply1 (F) (A)] takes a type [('a, 'b, 'compare_a) F.t] with two type
parameters ['a], ['b] and a compare type ['compare_a] for ['a], and a
comparer [A], and creates a comparer for [F.t] with ['a] instantiated to
[A.t]. *)
module Apply1 (F : sig
type ('a, 'b, 'compare_a) t [@@deriving compare]
type ('compare_a, 'compare_b) compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
(A : S) : sig
type 'b t = (A.t, 'b, A.compare) F.t [@@deriving compare]
with type 'b t := 'b t
with type 'compare_b compare = (A.compare, 'compare_b) F.compare