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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
type lock_effect =
| Lock of HilExp.t list
| Unlock of HilExp.t list
| LockedIfTrue of HilExp.t list
| GuardConstruct of {guard: HilExp.t; lock: HilExp.t; acquire_now: bool}
| GuardLock of HilExp.t
| GuardLockedIfTrue of HilExp.t
| GuardUnlock of HilExp.t
| GuardDestroy of HilExp.t
| NoEffect
type thread = BackgroundThread | MainThread | MainThreadIfTrue | UnknownThread
let is_thread_utils_type java_pname =
let pn = Procname.Java.get_class_name java_pname in
String.is_suffix ~suffix:"ThreadUtils" pn || String.is_suffix ~suffix:"ThreadUtil" pn
let is_thread_utils_method method_name_str = function
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
is_thread_utils_type java_pname
&& String.equal (Procname.Java.get_method java_pname) method_name_str
| _ ->
let get_thread_assert_effect = function
| Procname.Java java_pname when is_thread_utils_type java_pname -> (
match Procname.Java.get_method java_pname with
| "assertMainThread" | "assertOnUiThread" | "checkOnMainThread" | "checkIsOnMainThread" ->
| "isMainThread" | "isOnMainThread" | "isUiThread" ->
| "assertOnBackgroundThread"
| "assertOnNonUiThread"
| "checkOnNonUiThread"
| "checkOnWorkerThread" ->
| _ ->
UnknownThread )
| _ ->
module Clang : sig
val get_lock_effect : Procname.t -> HilExp.t list -> lock_effect
val is_recursive_lock_type : QualifiedCppName.t -> bool
end = struct
type lock_model =
{ classname: string
; lock: string list
; trylock: string list
; unlock: string list
; recursive: bool }
let lock_models =
let def =
{classname= ""; lock= ["lock"]; trylock= ["try_lock"]; unlock= ["unlock"]; recursive= false}
let shd =
{ def with
lock= "lock_shared" :: def.lock
; trylock= "try_lock_shared" :: def.trylock
; unlock= "unlock_shared" :: def.unlock }
let rwm =
{ def with
lock= ["acquireRead"; "acquireWrite"]
; trylock= ["attemptRead"; "attemptWrite"]
; unlock= ["release"] }
[ { def with
classname= "apache::thrift::concurrency::Monitor"
; trylock= "timedlock" :: def.trylock }
; {def with classname= "apache::thrift::concurrency::Mutex"; trylock= "timedlock" :: def.trylock}
; {rwm with classname= "apache::thrift::concurrency::NoStarveReadWriteMutex"}
; {rwm with classname= "apache::thrift::concurrency::ReadWriteMutex"}
; {shd with classname= "boost::shared_mutex"}
; {def with classname= "boost::mutex"}
; {def with classname= "folly::MicroSpinLock"}
; {shd with classname= "folly::RWSpinLock"}
; {shd with classname= "folly::SharedMutex"}
; {shd with classname= "folly::SharedMutexImpl"}
; {def with classname= "folly::SpinLock"}
; {def with classname= "std::mutex"}
; {def with classname= "std::recursive_mutex"; recursive= true}
; {def with classname= "std::recursive_timed_mutex"; recursive= true}
; {shd with classname= "std::shared_mutex"}
; {def with classname= "std::timed_mutex"} ]
let is_recursive_lock_type qname =
let qname_str = QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string qname in
match List.find lock_models ~f:(fun mdl -> String.equal qname_str mdl.classname) with
| None ->
L.debug Analysis Verbose "is_recursive_lock_type: Could not find lock type %a@."
QualifiedCppName.pp qname ;
| Some mdl ->
let mk_matcher methods =
let matcher = QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names methods in
fun pname -> QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers matcher (Procname.get_qualifiers pname)
let is_lock, is_unlock, is_trylock, is_std_lock =
(* TODO std::try_lock *)
let mk_model_matcher ~f =
let lock_methods =
List.concat_map lock_models ~f:(fun mdl ->
| (f mdl) ~f:(fun mtd -> mdl.classname ^ "::" ^ mtd) )
mk_matcher lock_methods
( mk_model_matcher ~f:(fun mdl -> mdl.lock)
, mk_model_matcher ~f:(fun mdl -> mdl.unlock)
, mk_model_matcher ~f:(fun mdl -> mdl.trylock)
, mk_matcher ["std::lock"] )
(** C++ guard classes used for scope-based lock management. NB we pretend all classes below
implement the mutex interface even though only [shared_lock] and [unique_lock] do, for
simplicity. The comments summarise which methods are implemented. *)
let guards =
(* TODO std::scoped_lock *)
[ (* no lock/unlock *)
; (* no lock/unlock *)
; (* only unlock *)
; (* only unlock *)
; (* read/write locks under operator() etc *)
; (* no lock/unlock *)
; (* no lock/unlock *)
; (* everything *)
; (* everything *)
"std::unique_lock" ]
let ( get_guard_constructor
, get_guard_destructor
, get_guard_lock
, get_guard_unlock
, get_guard_trylock ) =
let get_class_and_qual_name guard =
let qual_name = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string guard in
let class_name, _ = Option.value_exn (QualifiedCppName.extract_last qual_name) in
(class_name, qual_name)
let make_with_classname ~f guard =
let class_name, qual_name = get_class_and_qual_name guard in
let qual = f class_name in
let qual_constructor = QualifiedCppName.append_qualifier qual_name ~qual in
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string qual_constructor
let make_lock_unlock ~mthd guard =
let qual_name = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string guard in
let qual_mthd = QualifiedCppName.append_qualifier qual_name ~qual:mthd in
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string qual_mthd
let make_trylock ~mthds guard =
let qual_name = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string guard in
| mthds ~f:(fun qual ->
QualifiedCppName.append_qualifier qual_name ~qual |> QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string )
( make_with_classname ~f:(fun class_name -> class_name)
, make_with_classname ~f:(fun class_name -> "~" ^ class_name)
, make_lock_unlock ~mthd:"lock"
, make_lock_unlock ~mthd:"unlock"
, make_trylock ~mthds:["try_lock"; "owns_lock"] )
let is_guard_constructor, is_guard_destructor, is_guard_unlock, is_guard_lock, is_guard_trylock =
let make ~f =
let constructors = guards ~f in
mk_matcher constructors
let make_trylock ~f =
let methods = List.concat_map guards ~f in
mk_matcher methods
( make ~f:get_guard_constructor
, make ~f:get_guard_destructor
, make ~f:get_guard_unlock
, make ~f:get_guard_lock
, make_trylock ~f:get_guard_trylock )
let get_lock_effect pname actuals =
let log_parse_error error =
L.debug Analysis Verbose "%s pname:%a actuals:%a@." error Procname.pp pname
(PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:HilExp.pp)
let guard_action ~f ~error =
match actuals with [guard] -> f guard | _ -> log_parse_error error ; NoEffect
let fst_arg = match actuals with x :: _ -> [x] | _ -> [] in
if is_std_lock pname then Lock actuals
else if is_lock pname then Lock fst_arg
else if is_unlock pname then Unlock fst_arg
else if is_trylock pname then LockedIfTrue fst_arg
else if is_guard_constructor pname then (
match actuals with
| [guard; lock] ->
GuardConstruct {guard; lock; acquire_now= true}
| [guard; lock; _defer_lock] ->
GuardConstruct {guard; lock; acquire_now= false}
| _ ->
log_parse_error "Cannot parse guard constructor call" ;
NoEffect )
else if is_guard_lock pname then
guard_action ~f:(fun guard -> GuardLock guard) ~error:"Can't parse guard lock"
else if is_guard_unlock pname then
guard_action ~f:(fun guard -> GuardUnlock guard) ~error:"Can't parse guard unlock"
else if is_guard_destructor pname then
guard_action ~f:(fun guard -> GuardDestroy guard) ~error:"Can't parse guard destructor"
else if is_guard_trylock pname then
guard_action ~f:(fun guard -> GuardLockedIfTrue guard) ~error:"Can't parse guard trylock"
else NoEffect
module Java : sig
val get_lock_effect : Procname.t -> Procname.Java.t -> HilExp.t list -> lock_effect
end = struct
let std_locks =
[ "java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock"
; "java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock"
; "java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock"
; "java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$WriteLock" ]
let is_lock classname methodname =
List.mem std_locks classname ~equal:String.equal
&& List.mem ["lock"; "lockInterruptibly"] methodname ~equal:String.equal
|| String.equal classname "com.facebook.buck.util.concurrent.AutoCloseableReadWriteUpdateLock"
&& List.mem ["readLock"; "updateLock"; "writeLock"] methodname ~equal:String.equal
let is_unlock classname methodname =
String.equal methodname "unlock" && List.mem std_locks classname ~equal:String.equal
let is_trylock classname methodname =
String.equal methodname "tryLock" && List.mem std_locks classname ~equal:String.equal
let get_lock_effect pname java_pname actuals =
let fst_arg = match actuals with x :: _ -> [x] | _ -> [] in
if is_thread_utils_method "assertHoldsLock" pname then Lock fst_arg
let classname = Procname.Java.get_class_name java_pname in
let methodname = Procname.Java.get_method java_pname in
if is_lock classname methodname then Lock fst_arg
else if is_unlock classname methodname then Unlock fst_arg
else if is_trylock classname methodname then LockedIfTrue fst_arg
else NoEffect
let get_lock_effect pname actuals =
let fst_arg = match actuals with x :: _ -> [x] | _ -> [] in
if Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__set_locked_attribute then Lock fst_arg
else if Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__delete_locked_attribute then Unlock fst_arg
match pname with
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
Java.get_lock_effect pname java_pname actuals
| Procname.(ObjC_Cpp _ | C _) ->
Clang.get_lock_effect pname actuals
| _ ->
let get_current_class_and_annotated_superclasses is_annot tenv pname =
match pname with
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
let current_class = Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname in
let annotated_classes =
PatternMatch.find_superclasses_with_attributes is_annot tenv current_class
Some (current_class, annotated_classes)
| _ ->
let ui_matcher_records =
let open MethodMatcher in
let fragment_methods =
(* sort police: this is in lifecycle order *)
[ "onAttach"
; "onCreate"
; "onCreateView"
; "onActivityCreated"
; "onStart"
; "onResume"
; "onPause"
; "onStop"
; "onDestroyView"
; "onDestroy"
; "onDetach" ]
(* search_superclasses is true by default in how [default] is treated *)
[ {default with classname= ""; methods= fragment_methods}
; {default with classname= ""; methods= fragment_methods}
; {default with classname= ""; methods= fragment_methods}
; {default with classname= "android.content.ContentProvider"; methods= ["onCreate"]}
; {default with classname= "android.content.BroadcastReceiver"; methods= ["onReceive"]}
; { default with
classname= ""
; methods= ["onBind"; "onCreate"; "onDestroy"; "onStartCommand"] }
; {default with classname= ""; methods= ["onCreate"]}
; { default with
classname= ""
; methods= ["onCreate"; "onStart"; "onRestart"; "onResume"; "onPause"; "onStop"; "onDestroy"] }
; { default with
(* according to Android documentation, *all* methods of the View class run on UI thread, but
let's be a bit conservative and catch all methods that start with "on".
| *)
method_prefix= true
; classname= "android.view.View"
; methods= ["on"] }
; { default with
classname= "android.content.ServiceConnection"
; methods= ["onBindingDied"; "onNullBinding"; "onServiceConnected"; "onServiceDisconnected"] }
let is_modeled_ui_method =
let matchers = ui_matcher_records ~f:MethodMatcher.of_record in
(* we pass an empty actuals list because all matching is done on class and method name here *)
fun tenv pname -> MethodMatcher.of_list matchers tenv pname []
type annotation_trail = DirectlyAnnotated | Override of Procname.t | SuperClass of
[@@deriving compare]
let find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname is_annot tenv proc_name =
let is_annotated pn = Annotations.pname_has_return_annot pn ~attrs_of_pname is_annot in
let is_override = Staged.unstage (PatternMatch.has_same_signature proc_name) in
let rec find_override_or_superclass_aux class_name =
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_name with
| None ->
| Some tstruct when Annotations.struct_typ_has_annot tstruct is_annot ->
Some (SuperClass class_name)
| Some (tstruct : Struct.t) -> (
List.find_map tstruct.methods ~f:(fun pn ->
if is_override pn && is_annotated pn then Some (Override pn) else None )
| Some _ as result ->
| None ->
List.find_map tstruct.supers ~f:find_override_or_superclass_aux )
if is_annotated proc_name then Some DirectlyAnnotated
else Procname.get_class_type_name proc_name |> Option.bind ~f:find_override_or_superclass_aux
let annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname predicate tenv pname =
find_override_or_superclass_annotated ~attrs_of_pname predicate tenv pname |> Option.is_some
let annotated_as_worker_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_worker_thread tenv pname
let annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
annotated_as ~attrs_of_pname Annotations.ia_is_uithread_equivalent tenv pname
let runs_on_ui_thread ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname =
is_modeled_ui_method tenv pname || annotated_as_uithread_equivalent ~attrs_of_pname tenv pname
let is_recursive_lock_type = function
| Typ.CppClass (qname, _) ->
Clang.is_recursive_lock_type qname
| _ ->
(* non-C++ lock types are always considered recursive *)