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53 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
let create_fake_jsonbug ?(bug_type = "bug_type") ?(qualifier = "qualifier")
?(severity = "severity") ?(visibility = "visibility") ?(line = 1) ?(column = 1)
?(procedure = "procedure") ?(procedure_start_line = 1) ?(file = "file/at/a/certain/")
?(bug_trace = []) ?(key = "File|method|TYPE") ?(node_key = Some "1234") ?(hash = "1")
?(dotty = None) ?(infer_source_loc = None) ?(linters_def_file = Some "file/at/certain/")
?doc_url () : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug =
{ bug_type
; qualifier
; severity
; visibility
; line
; column
; procedure
; procedure_start_line
; file
; bug_trace
; node_key
; key
; hash
; dotty
; infer_source_loc
; bug_type_hum= bug_type
; linters_def_file
; doc_url
; traceview_id= None
; censored_reason= ""
; access= None
; extras= None }
let pp_diff_of_list ~pp group_name fmt (expected, actual) =
Format.fprintf fmt "[%s]: Expected: [%a] Found: [%a]" group_name (Pp.comma_seq pp) expected
(Pp.comma_seq pp) actual
let pp_diff_of_string_list = pp_diff_of_list ~pp:Format.pp_print_string
let pp_diff_of_int_list = pp_diff_of_list ~pp:Format.pp_print_int
(* Sort hashes to make things easier to compare *)
let sorted_hashes_of_issues (issues : =
let hash (i : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) = i.Jsonbug_t.hash in
List.sort (List.rev_map ~f:hash issues)