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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module L = Logging
module Make
(C : ProcCfg.Wrapper)
(Sched : Scheduler.S)
(A : AbstractDomain.S)
(T : TransferFunctions.S with type astate = A.astate) = struct
module S = Sched (C)
module M = ProcCfg.NodeIdMap (C)
type state = { pre: A.astate; post: A.astate; visit_count: int; }
(* invariant map from node id -> abstract state representing postcondition for node id *)
type inv_map = state M.t
(** extract the state of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_state node_id inv_map =
Some (M.find node_id inv_map)
with Not_found ->
L.err "Warning: No state found for node %a" C.pp_node_id node_id;
(** extract the postcondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_post node_id inv_map =
match extract_state node_id inv_map with
| Some state -> Some
| None -> None
(** extract the precondition of node [n] from [inv_map] *)
let extract_pre node_id inv_map =
match extract_state node_id inv_map with
| Some state -> Some state.pre
| None -> None
let exec_node node astate_pre work_queue inv_map proc_data =
let exec_instrs astate_acc instr =
if A.is_bottom astate_acc
then astate_acc
else T.exec_instr astate_acc proc_data instr in
let node_id = C.node_id node in
L.out "Doing analysis of node %a from pre %a@." C.pp_node_id node_id A.pp astate_pre;
let instrs = C.instrs node in
let astate_post =
IList.fold_left exec_instrs astate_pre instrs in
L.out "Post for node %a is %a@." C.pp_node_id node_id A.pp astate_post;
if M.mem node_id inv_map then
let old_state = M.find node_id inv_map in
let widened_post =
A.widen ~next:astate_post ~num_iters:old_state.visit_count in
if A.(<=) ~lhs:widened_post
L.out "Old state contains new, not adding succs@.";
inv_map, work_queue
L.out "Widening: %a <widen> %a = %a@."
A.pp astate_post A.pp A.pp widened_post;
let inv_map' =
let visit_count = old_state.visit_count + 1 in
M.add node_id { pre=astate_pre; post=widened_post; visit_count; } inv_map in
inv_map', S.schedule_succs work_queue node
(* first time visiting this node *)
let inv_map' =
let visit_count = 0 in
M.add node_id { pre=astate_pre; post=astate_post; visit_count; } inv_map in
inv_map', S.schedule_succs work_queue node
let rec exec_worklist cfg work_queue inv_map proc_data =
let compute_pre node inv_map =
(* if the [pred] -> [node] transition was normal, use post([pred]) *)
let extract_post_ pred = extract_post (C.node_id pred) inv_map in
let normal_posts = extract_post_ (C.normal_preds cfg node) in
(* if the [pred] -> [node] transition was exceptional, use pre([pred]) *)
let extract_pre_f acc pred = extract_pre (C.node_id pred) inv_map :: acc in
let all_posts = IList.fold_left extract_pre_f normal_posts (C.exceptional_preds cfg node) in
match IList.flatten_options all_posts with
| post :: posts -> Some (IList.fold_left A.join post posts)
| [] -> None in
match S.pop work_queue with
| Some (_, [], work_queue') ->
exec_worklist cfg work_queue' inv_map proc_data
| Some (node, _, work_queue') ->
let inv_map_post, work_queue_post = match compute_pre node inv_map with
| Some astate_pre -> exec_node node astate_pre work_queue' inv_map proc_data
| None -> inv_map, work_queue' in
exec_worklist cfg work_queue_post inv_map_post proc_data
| None ->
(* compute and return an invariant map for [cfg] *)
let exec_cfg cfg proc_data =
let start_node = C.start_node cfg in
let inv_map', work_queue' = exec_node start_node A.initial (S.empty cfg) M.empty proc_data in
exec_worklist cfg work_queue' inv_map' proc_data
(* compute and return an invariant map for [pdesc] *)
let exec_pdesc ({ ProcData.pdesc; } as proc_data) =
L.out "Starting analysis of %a@." Procname.pp (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc);
exec_cfg (C.from_pdesc pdesc) proc_data
(* compute and return the postcondition of [pdesc] *)
let compute_post ({ ProcData.pdesc; } as proc_data) =
let cfg = C.from_pdesc pdesc in
let inv_map = exec_cfg cfg proc_data in
extract_post (C.node_id (C.exit_node cfg)) inv_map
module Interprocedural (Summ : Summary.S with type summary = A.astate) = struct
let checker { Callbacks.get_proc_desc; proc_desc; proc_name; tenv; } =
let post_opt = ref None in
let analyze_ondemand pdesc =
match compute_post (ProcData.make pdesc tenv) with
| Some post ->
Summ.write_summary (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) post;
post_opt := Some post
| None ->
post_opt := None in
let callbacks =
} in
if Ondemand.procedure_should_be_analyzed proc_name
Ondemand.set_callbacks callbacks;
analyze_ondemand proc_desc;
Ondemand.unset_callbacks ();