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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
type std_vector_function =
| Assign
| Clear
| Emplace
| EmplaceBack
| Insert
| PushBack
| Reserve
| ShrinkToFit
[@@deriving compare]
let pp_std_vector_function f = function
| Assign ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::assign"
| Clear ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::clear"
| Emplace ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::emplace"
| EmplaceBack ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::emplace_back"
| Insert ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::insert"
| PushBack ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::push_back"
| Reserve ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::reserve"
| ShrinkToFit ->
F.fprintf f "std::vector::shrink_to_fit"
type t =
| CFree of HilExp.AccessExpression.t
| CppDelete of HilExp.AccessExpression.t
| GoneOutOfScope of Pvar.t * Typ.t
| Nullptr
| StdVector of std_vector_function * HilExp.AccessExpression.t
[@@deriving compare]
let issue_type_of_cause = function
| CFree _ ->
| CppDelete _ ->
| GoneOutOfScope _ ->
| Nullptr ->
| StdVector _ ->
let describe f = function
| CFree access_expr ->
F.fprintf f "was invalidated by call to `free()` on `%a`" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp
| CppDelete access_expr ->
F.fprintf f "was invalidated by `delete` on `%a`" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr
| GoneOutOfScope (pvar, typ) ->
let pp_var f pvar =
if Pvar.is_cpp_temporary pvar then
F.fprintf f "is the address of a C++ temporary of type `%a`" (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ
else F.fprintf f "is the address of a stack variable `%a`" Pvar.pp_value pvar
F.fprintf f "%a whose lifetime has ended" pp_var pvar
| Nullptr ->
F.fprintf f "is the null pointer"
| StdVector (std_vector_f, access_expr) ->
F.fprintf f "was potentially invalidated by `%a()` on `%a`" pp_std_vector_function
std_vector_f HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr
let pp f invalidation =
match invalidation with
| CFree _ ->
F.fprintf f "CFree(%a)" describe invalidation
| CppDelete _ ->
F.fprintf f "CppDelete(%a)" describe invalidation
| GoneOutOfScope _ ->
describe f invalidation
| Nullptr ->
describe f invalidation
| StdVector _ ->
F.fprintf f "StdVector(%a)" describe invalidation