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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module BoundEnd = struct
type t = LowerBound | UpperBound [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let neg = function LowerBound -> UpperBound | UpperBound -> LowerBound
let to_string = function LowerBound -> "lb" | UpperBound -> "ub"
module SymbolPath = struct
type deref_kind = Deref_ArrayIndex | Deref_COneValuePointer | Deref_CPointer | Deref_JavaPointer
let compare_deref_kind _ _ = 0
type field_typ = Typ.t option
let compare_field_typ _ _ = 0
let is_field_depth_beyond_limit =
match Config.bo_field_depth_limit with
| None ->
fun _depth -> false
| Some limit ->
fun depth -> depth > limit
include (* Enforce invariants on Field and StarField *) (
type partial =
| Pvar of Pvar.t
| Deref of deref_kind * partial
| Field of {fn: Fieldname.t; prefix: partial; typ: field_typ}
| Callsite of {ret_typ: Typ.t; cs: CallSite.t; obj_path: partial option [@compare.ignore]}
| StarField of {last_field: Fieldname.t; prefix: partial}
[@@deriving compare]
let of_pvar pvar = Pvar pvar
let of_callsite ?obj_path ~ret_typ cs = Callsite {ret_typ; cs; obj_path}
let deref ~deref_kind p = Deref (deref_kind, p)
let star_field p0 fn =
let rec aux = function
| Pvar _ | Callsite _ ->
StarField {last_field= fn; prefix= p0}
| Deref (_, p) | Field {prefix= p} ->
aux p
| StarField {last_field} as p when Fieldname.equal fn last_field ->
| StarField {prefix} ->
StarField {last_field= fn; prefix}
aux p0
let field ?typ p0 fn =
let rec aux ~depth p =
if is_field_depth_beyond_limit depth then star_field p0 fn
match p with
| Pvar _ | Callsite _ ->
Field {fn; prefix= p0; typ}
| Field {fn= fn'} when Fieldname.equal fn fn' ->
StarField {last_field= fn; prefix= p0}
| Field {prefix= p} | Deref (_, p) ->
aux ~depth:(depth + 1) p
| StarField {last_field} as p when Fieldname.equal fn last_field ->
| StarField {prefix} ->
StarField {last_field= fn; prefix}
aux ~depth:0 p0
end :
type partial = private
| Pvar of Pvar.t
| Deref of deref_kind * partial
| Field of {fn: Fieldname.t; prefix: partial; typ: field_typ}
| Callsite of {ret_typ: Typ.t; cs: CallSite.t; obj_path: partial option}
| StarField of {last_field: Fieldname.t; prefix: partial}
[@@deriving compare]
val of_pvar : Pvar.t -> partial
val of_callsite : ?obj_path:partial -> ret_typ:Typ.t -> CallSite.t -> partial
val deref : deref_kind:deref_kind -> partial -> partial
val field : ?typ:Typ.t -> partial -> Fieldname.t -> partial
val star_field : partial -> Fieldname.t -> partial
end )
type t =
| Normal of partial
| Offset of {p: partial; is_void: bool}
| Length of {p: partial; is_void: bool}
| Modeled of {p: partial; is_expensive: bool}
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let equal_partial = [%compare.equal: partial]
let normal p = Normal p
let offset p ~is_void = Offset {p; is_void}
let length p ~is_void = Length {p; is_void}
let modeled p ~is_expensive = Modeled {p; is_expensive}
let is_this = function Pvar pvar -> Pvar.is_this pvar || Pvar.is_self pvar | _ -> false
let rec get_pvar = function
| Pvar pvar ->
Some pvar
| Deref (_, partial) | Field {prefix= partial} | StarField {prefix= partial} ->
get_pvar partial
| Callsite _ ->
let is_request x =
Option.exists (get_pvar x) ~f:(fun pvar ->
String.equal (Pvar.get_simplified_name pvar) "request" )
let rec pp_partial_paren ~paren fmt = function
| Pvar pvar ->
if Config.bo_debug >= 3 then Pvar.pp_value fmt pvar else Pvar.pp_value_non_verbose fmt pvar
| Deref (Deref_JavaPointer, p) when Config.bo_debug < 3 ->
pp_partial_paren ~paren fmt p
| Deref (Deref_ArrayIndex, p) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a[*]" (pp_partial_paren ~paren:true) p
| Deref ((Deref_COneValuePointer | Deref_CPointer | Deref_JavaPointer), p) ->
pp_pointer ~paren fmt p
| Field {fn; prefix= Deref ((Deref_COneValuePointer | Deref_CPointer), p)} ->
BufferOverrunField.pp ~pp_lhs:(pp_partial_paren ~paren:true) ~sep:"->" fmt p fn
| Field {fn; prefix= p} ->
BufferOverrunField.pp ~pp_lhs:(pp_partial_paren ~paren:true) ~sep:"." fmt p fn
| Callsite {cs; obj_path= Some obj_path} ->
if paren then F.pp_print_string fmt "(" ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" (pp_partial_paren ~paren:false) obj_path
(Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:false)
(CallSite.pname cs) ;
if paren then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"
| Callsite {cs; obj_path= None} ->
Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:true fmt (CallSite.pname cs)
| StarField {last_field; prefix} ->
BufferOverrunField.pp ~pp_lhs:(pp_star ~paren:true) ~sep:"." fmt prefix last_field
and pp_pointer ~paren fmt p =
if paren then F.fprintf fmt "(" ;
F.fprintf fmt "*%a" (pp_partial_paren ~paren:false) p ;
if paren then F.fprintf fmt ")"
and pp_star ~paren fmt p = pp_partial_paren ~paren fmt p ; F.pp_print_string fmt ".*"
let pp_partial = pp_partial_paren ~paren:false
let pp_is_void fmt is_void = if is_void then F.fprintf fmt "(v)"
let pp fmt = function
| Modeled {p; is_expensive} ->
if is_expensive then F.fprintf fmt "%a(expensive call)" pp_partial p
else F.fprintf fmt "%a.modeled" pp_partial p
| Normal p ->
pp_partial fmt p
| Offset {p; is_void} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a.offset%a" pp_partial p pp_is_void is_void
| Length {p= Field {fn; prefix= p}; is_void}
when BufferOverrunField.is_java_collection_internal_array fn ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a.length%a" pp_partial p pp_is_void is_void
| Length {p= StarField {last_field= fn; prefix= p}; is_void}
when BufferOverrunField.is_java_collection_internal_array fn ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a.length%a" (pp_star ~paren:false) p pp_is_void is_void
| Length {p; is_void} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a.length%a" pp_partial p pp_is_void is_void
let pp_mark ~markup = if markup then MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced pp else pp
let rec represents_multiple_values = function
(* TODO depending on the result, the call might represent multiple values *)
| Callsite _ | Pvar _ ->
| Deref (Deref_ArrayIndex, _) | StarField _ ->
| Deref (Deref_CPointer, p)
(* Deref_CPointer is unsound here but avoids many FPs for non-array pointers *)
| Deref ((Deref_COneValuePointer | Deref_JavaPointer), p)
| Field {prefix= p} ->
represents_multiple_values p
let rec represents_multiple_values_sound = function
| Callsite _ | StarField _ ->
| Pvar _ ->
| Deref ((Deref_ArrayIndex | Deref_CPointer), _) ->
| Deref ((Deref_COneValuePointer | Deref_JavaPointer), p) | Field {prefix= p} ->
represents_multiple_values_sound p
let rec represents_callsite_sound_partial = function
| Callsite _ ->
| Pvar _ ->
| Deref (_, p) | Field {prefix= p} | StarField {prefix= p} ->
represents_callsite_sound_partial p
let rec exists_pvar_partial ~f = function
| Pvar pvar ->
f pvar
| Deref (_, p) | Field {prefix= p} | StarField {prefix= p} ->
exists_pvar_partial ~f p
| Callsite _ ->
let rec exists_str_partial ~f = function
| Pvar pvar ->
f (Pvar.to_string pvar)
| Deref (_, x) ->
exists_str_partial ~f x
| Field {fn= fld; prefix= x} | StarField {last_field= fld; prefix= x} ->
f (Fieldname.to_string fld) || exists_str_partial ~f x
| Callsite _ ->
let exists_str ~f = function
| Modeled {p} | Normal p | Offset {p} | Length {p} ->
exists_str_partial ~f p
let is_void_ptr_path = function
| Offset {is_void} | Length {is_void} ->
| Normal _ | Modeled _ ->
let is_cpp_vector_elem = function
| Field {fn} ->
BufferOverrunField.is_cpp_vector_elem fn
| _ ->
let rec is_global_partial = function
| Pvar pvar ->
Pvar.is_global pvar
| Deref (_, x) | Field {prefix= x} | StarField {prefix= x} ->
is_global_partial x
| Callsite _ ->
let is_global = function Normal p | Offset {p} | Length {p} | Modeled {p} -> is_global_partial p
module Symbol = struct
type extra_bool = bool
let compare_extra_bool _ _ = 0
(* NOTE: non_int represents the symbols that are not integer type,
so that their ranges are not used in the cost checker. *)
type t =
| PulseValue of PulseAbstractValue.t
| OneValue of {unsigned: extra_bool; non_int: extra_bool; path: SymbolPath.t}
| BoundEnd of
{unsigned: extra_bool; non_int: extra_bool; path: SymbolPath.t; bound_end: BoundEnd.t}
[@@deriving compare]
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt s ->
match s with
| PulseValue v ->
PulseAbstractValue.pp fmt v
| OneValue {unsigned; non_int; path} | BoundEnd {unsigned; non_int; path} ->
SymbolPath.pp fmt path ;
( if Config.developer_mode then
match s with
| BoundEnd {bound_end} ->
Format.fprintf fmt ".%s" (BoundEnd.to_string bound_end)
| PulseValue _ | OneValue _ ->
() ) ;
if Config.bo_debug > 1 then
F.fprintf fmt "(%c%s)" (if unsigned then 'u' else 's') (if non_int then "n" else "")
let compare s1 s2 =
match (s1, s2) with
| PulseValue _, (OneValue _ | BoundEnd _) ->
| (OneValue _ | BoundEnd _), PulseValue _ ->
| PulseValue x, PulseValue y -> x y
| OneValue _, BoundEnd _ ->
| BoundEnd _, OneValue _ ->
| OneValue {unsigned= unsigned1}, OneValue {unsigned= unsigned2}
| BoundEnd {unsigned= unsigned1}, BoundEnd {unsigned= unsigned2} ->
let r = compare s1 s2 in
if Int.equal r 0 && not (Bool.equal unsigned1 unsigned2) then (
L.internal_error "values are equal but their signs are different: %a <> %a" pp s1 pp s2 ; unsigned1 unsigned2 )
else r
type 'res eval = t -> BoundEnd.t -> 'res AbstractDomain.Types.bottom_lifted
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let paths_equal s1 s2 =
match (s1, s2) with
| PulseValue _, _ | _, PulseValue _ | OneValue _, BoundEnd _ | BoundEnd _, OneValue _ ->
| OneValue {path= path1}, OneValue {path= path2} | BoundEnd {path= path1}, BoundEnd {path= path2}
SymbolPath.equal path1 path2
type make_t = unsigned:bool -> ?non_int:bool -> SymbolPath.t -> t
let make_onevalue : make_t =
fun ~unsigned ?(non_int = false) path -> OneValue {unsigned; non_int; path}
let make_boundend : BoundEnd.t -> make_t =
fun bound_end ~unsigned ?(non_int = false) path -> BoundEnd {unsigned; non_int; path; bound_end}
let of_pulse_value v = PulseValue v
let pp_mark ~markup = if markup then MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced pp else pp
let is_unsigned : t -> bool = function
| PulseValue _ ->
| OneValue {unsigned} | BoundEnd {unsigned} ->
let is_non_int : t -> bool = function
| PulseValue _ ->
| OneValue {non_int} | BoundEnd {non_int} ->
let is_global : t -> bool = function
| PulseValue _ ->
| OneValue {path} | BoundEnd {path} ->
SymbolPath.is_global path
let get_pulse_value_exn : t -> PulseAbstractValue.t = function
| PulseValue v ->
| OneValue _ | BoundEnd _ ->
assert false
(* This should be called on non-pulse bound as of now. *)
let path = function PulseValue _ -> assert false | OneValue {path} | BoundEnd {path} -> path
(* NOTE: This may not be satisfied in the cost checker for simplifying its results. *)
let check_bound_end s be =
if Config.bo_debug >= 3 then
match s with
| PulseValue _ | OneValue _ ->
| BoundEnd {bound_end} ->
if not (BoundEnd.equal be bound_end) then
"Mismatch of symbol's boundend and its position: %a is in a place for %s." pp s
(BoundEnd.to_string be)
let exists_str ~f = function
| PulseValue _ ->
| OneValue {path} | BoundEnd {path} ->
SymbolPath.exists_str ~f path
module SymbolSet = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (Symbol)
let union3 x y z = union (union x y) z
module SymbolMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Symbol)
let for_all2 : f:(key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool =
fun ~f x y ->
match merge (fun k x y -> if f k x y then None else raise Exit) x y with
| _ ->
| exception Exit ->
module SymbolPathSet = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct
type t = SymbolPath.partial [@@deriving compare]
let pp = SymbolPath.pp_partial