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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module TaskGenerator = struct
type ('a, 'b) t =
{ remaining_tasks: unit -> int
; is_empty: unit -> bool
; finished: result:'b option -> 'a -> unit
; next: unit -> 'a option }
let chain (gen1 : ('a, 'b) t) (gen2 : ('a, 'b) t) : ('a, 'b) t =
let remaining_tasks () = gen1.remaining_tasks () + gen2.remaining_tasks () in
let gen1_returned_empty = ref false in
let gen1_is_empty () =
gen1_returned_empty := !gen1_returned_empty || gen1.is_empty () ;
let is_empty () = gen1_is_empty () && gen2.is_empty () in
let finished ~result work_item =
if gen1_is_empty () then gen2.finished ~result work_item else gen1.finished ~result work_item
let next x = if gen1_is_empty () then x else x in
{remaining_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}
let of_list (lst : 'a list) : ('a, _) t =
let content = ref lst in
let length = ref (List.length lst) in
let remaining_tasks () = !length in
let is_empty () = List.is_empty !content in
let finished ~result:_ _work_item = decr length in
let next () =
match !content with
| [] ->
| x :: xs ->
content := xs ;
Some x
{remaining_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}
let log_or_die fmt = if Config.keep_going then L.internal_error fmt else L.die InternalError fmt
type child_info = {pid: Pid.t; down_pipe: Out_channel.t}
(** The master's abstraction of state for workers. See [worker_message] and [boss_message] below for
transitions between states.
- [Initializing] is the state a newly-forked worker is in.
- [Idle] is the state a worker goes to after it finishes initializing, or finishes processing a
work item.
- [Processing x] means the worker is currently processing [x]. *)
type 'a child_state = Initializing | Idle | Processing of 'a
(** the state of the pool *)
type ('work, 'final, 'result) t =
{ jobs: int
(** number of jobs running in parallel, i.e. number of children we are responsible for *)
; slots: child_info Array.t
(** array of child processes with their pids and channels we can use to send work down to
each child *)
; children_states: 'work child_state Array.t (** array tracking the state of each worker *)
; children_updates: Unix.File_descr.t list
(** each child has it's own pipe to send updates to the pool *)
; task_bar: TaskBar.t
; tasks: ('work, 'result) TaskGenerator.t (** generator for work remaining to be done *)
; file_lock: Utils.file_lock (** file lock for sending worker messages *) }
(** {2 Constants} *)
(** refresh rate of the task bar (worst case: it also refreshes on children updates) this is now
mandatory to allow checking for new work packets, when none were previously available *)
let refresh_timeout =
let frames_per_second = 12 in
`After (Time_ns.Span.of_int_ms (1_000 / frames_per_second))
(** size of the buffer for communicating with children --standard pipe buffer size *)
let buffer_size = 65_535
(** {2 parmap} *)
(** Messages from child processes to the parent process. Each message includes the identity of the
child sending the process as its index (slot) in the array [pool.slots].
LIMITATION: the messages must not be bigger than [buffer_size] once marshalled, or reading from
the pipe will crash in the parent process. This is a limitation of the way we read from the pipe
for now. To lift it, it should be possible to extend the buffer to the required length if we
notice that we are trying to read more than [buffer_size] for example. *)
type 'result worker_message =
| UpdateStatus of int * Mtime.t * string
(** [(i, t, status)]: starting a task from slot [i], at start time [t], with description
[status]. Watch out that [status] must not be too close in length to [buffer_size]. *)
| Ready of {worker: int; result: 'result}
(** Sent after finishing initializing or after finishing a given task. When received by
master, this moves the worker state from [Initializing] or [Processing _] to [Idle]. *)
| Crash of int (** there was an error and the child is no longer receiving messages *)
(** messages from the parent process down to worker processes *)
type 'a boss_message =
| Do of 'a
(** [Do x] is sent only when the worker is [Idle], and moves worker state to [Processing x] *)
| GoHome (** all tasks done, prepare for teardown *)
(** convenience function to send data down pipes without forgetting to flush *)
let marshal_to_pipe ?file_lock fd x =
PerfEvent.log (fun logger ->
PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~categories:["sys"] ~name:"send to pipe" () ) ;
Option.iter file_lock ~f:(fun {Utils.lock} -> lock ()) ;
Marshal.to_channel fd x [] ;
(* Channel flush should be inside the critical section. *)
Out_channel.flush fd ;
Option.iter file_lock ~f:(fun {Utils.unlock} -> unlock ()) ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
(** like [] but reads until [len] bytes have been read *)
let rec really_read ?(pos = 0) ~len fd ~buf =
if len <= 0 then ()
let read = ~pos ~len fd ~buf in
if Int.equal read 0 then raise End_of_file ;
really_read ~pos:(pos + read) ~len:(len - read) fd ~buf
(** return a list of all updates coming from workers. The first update is expected for up to the
timeout [refresh_timeout]. After that, all already received updates are consumed but with zero
timeout. If there is none left, return the list. *)
let wait_for_updates pool buffer =
let rec aux acc ~timeout =
(* Use select(2) so that we can both wait on the pipe of children updates and wait for a
timeout. The timeout is for giving a chance to the taskbar of refreshing from time to time,
as well as for checking for new work where none were previously available. *)
let { read_fds} =
| ~read:pool.children_updates ~write:[] ~except:[] ~timeout ()
match read_fds with
| [] ->
(* no updates, break loop *) acc
| _ ->
(* Read one OCaml value at a time. This is done by first reading the header of the marshalled
value (fixed size), then get the total size of the data from that header, then request a
read of the full OCaml value.
This way the buffer is used for only one OCaml value at a time. This is simpler (values do
not overlap across the end of a read and the beginning of another) and means we do not need
a large buffer as long as messages are never bigger than the buffer.
This works somewhat like [Marshal.from_channel] but uses the file descriptor directly
instead of an [in_channel]. Do *not* read from the pipe via an [in_channel] as they read
as much as possible eagerly. This can empty the pipe without us having a way to tell that
there is more to read anymore since the [select] call will return that there is nothing to
read. *)
let messages =
(* Read one message from each file descriptor for fairness *)
List.fold read_fds ~init:acc ~f:(fun msgs_acc file_descr ->
really_read file_descr ~buf:buffer ~len:Marshal.header_size ;
let data_size = Marshal.data_size buffer 0 in
really_read file_descr ~buf:buffer ~pos:Marshal.header_size ~len:data_size ;
Marshal.from_bytes buffer 0 :: msgs_acc )
aux messages ~timeout:`Immediately
aux [] ~timeout:refresh_timeout |> List.rev
let wait_for_updates pool buffer =
PerfEvent.log (fun logger ->
PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~categories:["sys"] ~name:"wait for event" () ) ;
let update = wait_for_updates pool buffer in
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
let killall pool ~slot status =
Array.iter pool.slots ~f:(fun {pid} ->
match Signal.send Signal.term (`Pid pid) with `Ok | `No_such_process -> () ) ;
Array.iter pool.slots ~f:(fun {pid} ->
try Unix.wait (`Pid pid) |> ignore
with Unix.Unix_error (ECHILD, _, _) ->
(* some children may have died already, it's fine *) () ) ;
L.die InternalError "Subprocess %d: %s" slot status
let has_dead_child pool =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Unix.wait_nohang `Any
>>= fun (dead_pid, status) ->
(* Some joker can [exec] an infer binary from a process that already has children. When some of
these pre-existing children die they'll get detected here but won't appear in our list of
workers. Just return [None] in that case. *)
Array.find_mapi pool.slots ~f:(fun slot {pid} ->
if Pid.equal pid dead_pid then Some slot else None )
>>| fun slot -> (slot, status)
let child_is_idle = function Idle -> true | _ -> false
let all_children_idle pool = Array.for_all pool.children_states ~f:child_is_idle
let send_work_to_child pool slot =
assert (child_is_idle pool.children_states.(slot)) ;
| ()
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun x ->
let {down_pipe} = pool.slots.(slot) in
pool.children_states.(slot) <- Processing x ;
marshal_to_pipe down_pipe (Do x) )
(* this should not be called in any other arch than Linux *)
let should_throttle =
let currently_throttled = ref false in
fun threshold ->
( match Utils.get_available_memory_MB () with
| None ->
L.die UserError "Can't obtain available memory even though oom detection was requested.@."
| Some available_memory when available_memory < threshold ->
if not !currently_throttled then
"Available memory (%d MB) is below configured threshold, throttling back scheduling \
analysis work.@."
available_memory ;
currently_throttled := true
| Some available_memory ->
if !currently_throttled then
"Available memory (%d MB) exceeds configured threshold, resuming scheduling analysis \
available_memory ;
currently_throttled := false ) ;
let send_work_to_child pool slot =
let throttled = Option.exists Config.oom_threshold ~f:should_throttle in
if not throttled then send_work_to_child pool slot
(** main dispatch function that responds to messages from worker processes and updates the taskbar
periodically *)
let process_updates pool buffer =
(* abort everything if some child has died unexpectedly *)
has_dead_child pool
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun (slot, status) ->
killall pool ~slot (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ) ;
wait_for_updates pool buffer
|> List.iter ~f:(function
| UpdateStatus (slot, t, status) ->
TaskBar.update_status pool.task_bar ~slot t status
| Crash slot ->
(* NOTE: the workers only send this message if {!Config.keep_going} is not [true] so if
we receive it we know we should fail hard *)
let {pid} = pool.slots.(slot) in
(* clean crash, give the child process a chance to cleanup *)
Unix.wait (`Pid pid) |> ignore ;
killall pool ~slot "see backtrace above"
| Ready {worker= slot; result} ->
( match pool.children_states.(slot) with
| Initializing ->
| Processing work ->
pool.tasks.finished ~result work
| Idle ->
L.die InternalError "Received a Ready message from an idle worker@." ) ;
TaskBar.set_remaining_tasks pool.task_bar (pool.tasks.remaining_tasks ()) ;
TaskBar.update_status pool.task_bar ~slot ( ()) "idle" ;
pool.children_states.(slot) <- Idle ) ;
(* try to schedule more work if there are idle workers *)
if not (pool.tasks.is_empty ()) then
Array.iteri pool.children_states ~f:(fun slot state ->
match state with Idle -> send_work_to_child pool slot | Initializing | Processing _ -> () )
type 'a final_worker_message = Finished of int * 'a option | FinalCrash of int
let collect_results (pool : (_, 'final, _) t) =
let failed = ref false in
(* use [Array.init] just to collect n messages, the order in the array will not be the same as the
slots of the workers but that's ok *)
Array.init ~f:(fun i ->
if !failed then None
let updates_in = List.nth_exn pool.children_updates i |> Unix.in_channel_of_descr in
match (Marshal.from_channel updates_in : 'final final_worker_message) with
| exception (End_of_file | Failure _) ->
failed := true ;
log_or_die "@[<v>error reading %dth final values from children@]%!" i ;
| FinalCrash slot ->
(* NOTE: the workers only send this message if {!Config.keep_going} is not [true] so if
we receive it we know we should fail hard *)
killall pool ~slot "see backtrace above"
| Finished (_slot, data) ->
data )
(** terminate all worker processes *)
let wait_all pool =
(* tell each alive worker to go home *)
Array.iter pool.slots ~f:(fun {down_pipe} ->
marshal_to_pipe down_pipe GoHome ;
Out_channel.close down_pipe ) ;
let results = collect_results pool in
(* wait(2) workers one by one; the order doesn't matter since we want to wait for all of them
eventually anyway. *)
let errors =
Array.foldi ~init:[] pool.slots ~f:(fun slot errors {pid} ->
match Unix.wait (`Pid pid) with
| _pid, Ok () ->
| _pid, (Error _ as status) ->
(* Collect all children errors and die only at the end to avoid creating zombies. *)
(slot, status) :: errors )
( if not (List.is_empty errors) then
let pp_error f (slot, status) =
F.fprintf f "Error in infer subprocess %d: %s@." slot
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)
log_or_die "@[<v>%a@]%!" (Pp.seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break ~sep:"" pp_error) errors ) ;
(** worker loop: wait for tasks and run [f] on them until we are told to go home *)
let rec child_loop ~slot send_to_parent send_final receive_from_parent ~f ~epilogue ~prev_result =
send_to_parent (Ready {worker= slot; result= prev_result}) ;
match receive_from_parent () with
| GoHome -> (
match epilogue () with
| data ->
send_final (Finished (slot, Some data))
| exception e ->
IExn.reraise_if e ~f:(fun () ->
if Config.keep_going then (
L.internal_error "Error running epilogue in subprocess %d: %a@." slot Exn.pp e ;
send_final (Finished (slot, None)) ;
false )
else (
(* crash hard, but first let the master know that we have crashed *)
send_final (FinalCrash slot) ;
true ) ) )
| Do stuff ->
let result =
try f stuff
with e ->
IExn.reraise_if e ~f:(fun () ->
if Config.keep_going then (
L.internal_error "Error in subprocess %d: %a@." slot Exn.pp e ;
(* do not raise and continue accepting jobs *)
false )
else (
(* crash hard, but first let the master know that we have crashed *)
send_to_parent (Crash slot) ;
true ) ) ;
child_loop ~slot send_to_parent send_final receive_from_parent ~f ~epilogue
(** Fork a new child and start it so that it is ready for work.
The child inherits [updates_w] to send updates up to the parent, and a new pipe is set up for
the parent to send instructions down to the child. *)
let fork_child ~file_lock ~child_prelude ~slot (updates_r, updates_w) ~f ~epilogue =
let to_child_r, to_child_w = Unix.pipe () in
match Unix.fork () with
| `In_the_child ->
Unix.close updates_r ;
Unix.close to_child_w ;
(* Pin to a core. [setcore] does the modulo <number of cores> for us. *)
Utils.set_best_cpu_for slot ;
ProcessPoolState.in_child := true ;
ProcessPoolState.reset_pid () ;
child_prelude () ;
let updates_oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr updates_w in
let send_to_parent (message : 'b worker_message) =
marshal_to_pipe ~file_lock updates_oc message
let send_final (final_message : 'a final_worker_message) =
marshal_to_pipe ~file_lock updates_oc final_message
(* Function to send updates up the pipe to the parent instead of directly to the task
bar. This is because only the parent knows about all the children, hence it's in charge of
actually updating the task bar. *)
let update_status t status =
match Config.progress_bar with
| `Quiet | `Plain ->
| `MultiLine ->
let status =
(* Truncate status if too big: it's pointless to spam the status bar with long status, and
also difficult to achieve technically over pipes (it's easier if all the messages fit
into a buffer of reasonable size). *)
if String.length status > 100 then String.subo ~len:100 status ^ "..." else status
send_to_parent (UpdateStatus (slot, t, status))
ProcessPoolState.update_status := update_status ;
let orders_ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr to_child_r in
let receive_from_parent () =
PerfEvent.log (fun logger ->
PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~categories:["sys"] ~name:"receive from pipe" () ) ;
let x = Marshal.from_channel orders_ic in
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
child_loop ~slot send_to_parent send_final receive_from_parent ~f ~epilogue ~prev_result:None ;
Out_channel.close updates_oc ;
In_channel.close orders_ic ;
| () ;
Stdlib.exit 0
| `In_the_parent pid ->
Unix.close to_child_r ;
Unix.close updates_w ;
{pid; down_pipe= Unix.out_channel_of_descr to_child_w}
let rec create_pipes n = if Int.equal n 0 then [] else Unix.pipe () :: create_pipes (n - 1)
let create :
-> child_prelude:(unit -> unit)
-> f:('work -> 'result option)
-> child_epilogue:(unit -> 'final)
-> tasks:(unit -> ('work, 'result) TaskGenerator.t)
-> ('work, 'final, 'result) t =
fun ~jobs ~child_prelude ~f ~child_epilogue ~tasks ->
let file_lock = Utils.create_file_lock () in
let task_bar = TaskBar.create ~jobs in
let children_pipes = create_pipes jobs in
let slots =
Array.init jobs ~f:(fun slot ->
let child_pipe = List.nth_exn children_pipes slot in
fork_child ~file_lock ~child_prelude ~slot child_pipe ~f ~epilogue:child_epilogue )
(* we have forked the child processes and are now in the parent *)
let children_updates = children_pipes ~f:(fun (pipe_child_r, _) -> pipe_child_r) in
let children_states = Array.create ~len:jobs Initializing in
{slots; children_updates; jobs; task_bar; tasks= tasks (); children_states; file_lock}
let run pool =
Utils.with_file_lock ~file_lock:pool.file_lock ~f:(fun () ->
let total_tasks = pool.tasks.remaining_tasks () in
TaskBar.set_tasks_total pool.task_bar total_tasks ;
TaskBar.tasks_done_reset pool.task_bar ;
(* allocate a buffer for reading children updates once for the whole run *)
let buffer = Bytes.create buffer_size in
(* wait for all children to run out of tasks *)
while not (pool.tasks.is_empty () && all_children_idle pool) do
process_updates pool buffer ;
TaskBar.refresh pool.task_bar
done ;
let results = wait_all pool in
TaskBar.finish pool.task_bar ;
results )
let run pool =
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_instant_event logger ~name:"start process pool" Global)) ;
let results = run pool in
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_instant_event logger ~name:"end process pool" Global)) ;