116 lines
3.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
# of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
# This is mostly a copy-paste-adapt of other integration tests with the twist that the code to
# analyze in placed in a path that contains utf8 characters. This does not provide a 'compile'
# or 'analyze' target.
TESTS_DIR = ../..
include $(TESTS_DIR)/java.make
include $(TESTS_DIR)/base.make
UTF8_DIR = $(shell printf '../codetoanalyze/utf8_\u03B9n_pwd')
CMAKE_DIR = $(UTF8_DIR)/cmake
CMAKE_SOURCES_DIR = ../codetoanalyze/cmake
GRADLE_DIR = $(UTF8_DIR)/gradle
GRADLE_SOURCES_DIR = $(ROOT_DIR)/examples/java_hello
JAVAC_DIR = $(UTF8_DIR)/javac
JAVAC_SOURCES = $(ROOT_DIR)/examples/Hello.java
MAKE_DIR = $(UTF8_DIR)/make
MAKE_SOURCES_DIR = ../codetoanalyze/make
ANALYZER = checkers
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
default: print
$(QUIET)rsync -aL --exclude='_build*' $(CMAKE_SOURCES_DIR)/ $@/
$(QUIET)touch $@
$(QUIET)rsync -a $(GRADLE_SOURCES_DIR)/ $@/
$(QUIET)touch $@
$(QUIET)rsync -a $(JAVAC_SOURCES) $@
$(QUIET)touch $@
$(QUIET)rsync -a $(MAKE_SOURCES_DIR)/ $@/
$(QUIET)touch $@
infer-out-cmake/report.json: $(CMAKE_DIR) $(CMAKE_SOURCES_DIR)/CMakeLists.txt $(CLANG_DEPS)
$(call silent_on_success,Testing\
Infer/CMake is immune to UTF-8 in PWD: Makefile generation,\
$(INFER_BIN) compile --project-root $(CMAKE_DIR) --results-dir $(CURDIR)/$(@D) -- cmake ..)
$(call silent_on_success,Testing\
Infer/CMake is immune to UTF-8 in PWD: Makefile execution,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --results-dir $(CURDIR)/$(@D) -- make)
$(QUIET)sed -i -e 's#$(abspath $(CMAKE_DIR))/##g' $@
infer-out-gradle/report.json: $(JAVA_DEPS) $(GRADLE_DIR)
# mock version of gradle
$(QUIET)PATH=$(CURDIR)/../mock:"$$PATH"; \
cd $(GRADLE_DIR) && \
$(call silent_on_success,Testing Infer/gradle is immune to UTF-8 in PWD,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --results-dir $(CURDIR)/$(@D) -- gradle build)
infer-out-javac/report.json: $(JAVA_DEPS) $(JAVAC_DIR)
$(QUIET)cd $(JAVAC_DIR) && \
$(call silent_on_success,Testing Infer/javac is immune to UTF-8 in PWD,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --results-dir $(CURDIR)/$(@D) -- \
$(JAVAC) -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(foreach source,$(JAVAC_SOURCES),$(notdir $(source))))
infer-out-make/report.json: $(CLANG_DEPS) $(MAKE_DIR)
$(QUIET)cd $(MAKE_DIR) && \
$(call silent_on_success,Testing Infer/make is immune to UTF-8 in PWD,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --results-dir $(CURDIR)/$(@D) -- \
make clean all)
issues-%.exp.test: infer-out-%/report.json $(INFER_BIN)
$(QUIET)$(INFER_BIN) report -q -a $(ANALYZER) $(INFERPRINT_OPTIONS) $@ --from-json-report $<
issues.exp.test: issues-cmake.exp.test issues-gradle.exp.test issues-javac.exp.test \
$(QUIET)cat $^ > $@
.PHONY: print
print: issues.exp.test
.PHONY: test
test: issues.exp.test
$(QUIET)cd $(TESTS_DIR) && \
$(call check_no_diff,$(TEST_REL_DIR)/issues.exp,$(TEST_REL_DIR)/issues.exp.test)
.PHONY: replace
replace: issues.exp.test
cp $< issues.exp
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(UTF8_DIR) issues*.exp.test* infer-out-*