220 lines
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220 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
package codetoanalyze.java.litho;
import com.facebook.litho.Column;
import com.facebook.litho.Component;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
enum ResType {
@Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.FIELD})
@interface Prop {
ResType resType() default ResType.NONE;
boolean optional() default false;
class MyComponent extends Component {
@Prop Object prop1; // implicitly non-optional
@Prop(optional = true)
Object prop2; // explicitly optional
@Prop(optional = false)
Object prop3; // explicitly non-optional
Object nonProp;
public Builder create() {
return new Builder();
static class Builder extends Component.Builder {
MyComponent mMyComponent;
public Builder prop1(Object o) {
this.mMyComponent.prop1 = o;
return this;
public Builder prop2(Object o) {
this.mMyComponent.prop2 = o;
return this;
public Builder prop3(Object o) {
this.mMyComponent.prop3 = o;
return this;
public MyComponent build() {
return mMyComponent;
* using @Prop(resType = ..) allows you to set the Prop with any of .propname, .propnameRes, or
* .propnameAttr
class ResPropComponent extends Component {
@Prop(resType = ResType.SOME)
Object prop; // implicitly non-optional with resType
public Builder create() {
return new Builder();
static class Builder extends Component.Builder {
ResPropComponent mResPropComponent;
public Builder prop(Object o) {
this.mResPropComponent.prop = o;
return this;
public Builder propRes(Object o) {
this.mResPropComponent.prop = o;
return this;
public Builder propAttr(Object o) {
this.mResPropComponent.prop = o;
return this;
public ResPropComponent build() {
return mResPropComponent;
public class RequiredProps {
public MyComponent mMyComponent;
public ResPropComponent mResPropComponent;
public MyComponent buildWithAllOk() {
return mMyComponent
.prop1(new Object())
.prop2(new Object())
.prop3(new Object())
// prop 2 is optional
public MyComponent buildWithout2Ok() {
return mMyComponent.create().prop1(new Object()).prop3(new Object()).build();
// prop 1 is required
public MyComponent buildWithout1Bad() {
return mMyComponent.create().prop2(new Object()).prop3(new Object()).build();
// prop3 is required
public MyComponent buildWithout3Bad() {
return mMyComponent.create().prop1(new Object()).prop2(new Object()).build();
private static MyComponent.Builder setProp1(MyComponent.Builder builder) {
return builder.prop1(new Object());
private static MyComponent.Builder setProp3(MyComponent.Builder builder) {
return builder.prop3(new Object());
public MyComponent setProp1InCalleeOk() {
return setProp1(mMyComponent.create().prop2(new Object())).prop3(new Object()).build();
public MyComponent setProp3InCalleeOk() {
return setProp3(mMyComponent.create().prop1(new Object()).prop2(new Object())).build();
public MyComponent setProp3InCalleeButForgetProp1Bad() {
return setProp3(mMyComponent.create()).prop2(new Object()).build();
public MyComponent setRequiredOnOneBranchBad(boolean b) {
MyComponent.Builder builder = mMyComponent.create();
if (b) {
builder = builder.prop1(new Object());
return builder.prop2(new Object()).prop3(new Object()).build();
public MyComponent FP_setRequiredOnBothBranchesOk(boolean b) {
MyComponent.Builder builder = mMyComponent.create();
if (b) {
builder = builder.prop1(new Object());
} else {
builder = builder.prop1(new Object());
return builder.prop2(new Object()).prop3(new Object()).build();
// don't want to report here; want to report at clients that don't pass prop1
private MyComponent buildSuffix(MyComponent.Builder builder) {
return builder.prop2(new Object()).prop3(new Object()).build();
// shouldn't report here; prop 1 passed
public MyComponent callBuildSuffixWithRequiredOk() {
return buildSuffix(mMyComponent.create().prop1(new Object()));
// should report here; forgot prop 1
public MyComponent callBuildSuffixWithoutRequiredBad() {
return buildSuffix(mMyComponent.create());
public Object generalTypeForgot3Bad() {
MyComponent.Builder builder1 = mMyComponent.create();
Component.Builder builder2 = (Component.Builder) builder1.prop1(new Object());
// don't fail to find required @Prop's for MyComponent.Builder even though the static type that
// build is invoked on is [builder2]
return builder2.build();
public void buildWithColumnChildBad() {
Column.Builder builder = Column.create();
MyComponent.Builder childBuilder = mMyComponent.create().prop1(new Object());
// forgot prop 3, and builder.child() will invoke build() on childBuilder
public void buildPropResWithNormalOk() {
mResPropComponent.create().prop(new Object()).build();
public void buildPropResWithResOk() {
mResPropComponent.create().propRes(new Object()).build();
public void buildPropResWithAttrOk() {
mResPropComponent.create().propAttr(new Object()).build();
public void buildPropResMissingBad() {