You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
451 lines
19 KiB
451 lines
19 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Printers for the analysis results *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils (* No abbreviation for Util, as every module can depend on it *)
(** return true if the node was visited during footprint and during re-execution*)
let is_visited_phase node =
let proc_desc = Cfg.Node.get_proc_desc node in
let proc_name = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| None -> false, false
| Some summary ->
let stats = summary.Specs.stats in
let is_visited_fp = IntSet.mem (Cfg.Node.get_id node) stats.Specs.nodes_visited_fp in
let is_visited_re = IntSet.mem (Cfg.Node.get_id node) stats.Specs.nodes_visited_re in
is_visited_fp, is_visited_re
(** return true if the node was visited during analysis *)
let is_visited node =
let visited_fp, visited_re = is_visited_phase node in
visited_fp || visited_re
(** current formatter for the html output *)
let html_formatter = ref F.std_formatter
(* =============== START of module Log_nodes =============== *)
(** Print information when starting and finishing the processing of a node *)
module Log_nodes : sig
val start_node :
int -> Location.t -> Procname.t -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> Cfg.node list -> bool
val finish_node : int -> unit
end = struct
let log_files = Hashtbl.create 11
let id_to_fname id = "node" ^ string_of_int id
let start_node nodeid loc proc_name preds succs exn =
let node_fname = id_to_fname nodeid in
let modified = Io_infer.Html.modified_during_analysis ["nodes"; node_fname] in
let needs_initialization, (fd, fmt) =
if modified then
(false, Io_infer.Html.open_out ["nodes"; node_fname])
(true, Io_infer.Html.create DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir ["nodes"; node_fname]) in
html_formatter := fmt;
Hashtbl.replace log_files (node_fname, !DB.current_source) fd;
if needs_initialization then
(F.fprintf fmt "<center><h1>Cfg Node %a</h1></center>"
(Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link ~text: (Some (string_of_int nodeid)) [".."])
F.fprintf fmt "PROC: %a LINE:%a\n"
(Io_infer.Html.pp_proc_link [".."] proc_name)
(Escape.escape_xml (Procname.to_string proc_name))
(Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link [".."]) loc.Location.line;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>PREDS:@\n";
list_iter (fun node ->
Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) preds;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>SUCCS: @\n";
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) succs;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>EXN: @\n";
list_iter (fun node -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [".."] ""
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs node))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn node))
(is_visited node) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) exn;
F.fprintf fmt "<br>@\n";
F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
else false
let finish_node nodeid =
let fname = id_to_fname nodeid in
let fd = Hashtbl.find log_files (fname, !DB.current_source) in
Unix.close fd;
html_formatter := F.std_formatter
(* =============== END of module Log_nodes =============== *)
(** printing functions *)
let force_delayed_print fmt =
let pe_default = if !Config.write_html then pe_html Black else pe_text in
| (L.PTatom, a) ->
let (a: Sil.atom) = Obj.obj a in
Sil.pp_atom pe_default fmt a
| (L.PTdecrease_indent, n) ->
let (n: int) = Obj.obj n in
for i = 1 to n do F.fprintf fmt "@]" done
| (L.PTexp, e) ->
let (e: Sil.exp) = Obj.obj e in
Sil.pp_exp pe_default fmt e
| (L.PTexp_list, el) ->
let (el: Sil.exp list) = Obj.obj el in
Sil.pp_exp_list pe_default fmt el
| (L.PThpred, hpred) ->
let (hpred: Sil.hpred) = Obj.obj hpred in
Sil.pp_hpred pe_default fmt hpred
| (L.PTincrease_indent, n) ->
let (n: int) = Obj.obj n in
let s = ref "" in
for i = 1 to n do s := " " ^ !s done;
F.fprintf fmt "%s@[" !s
| (L.PTinstr, i) ->
let (i: Sil.instr) = Obj.obj i in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Sil.pp_instr (pe_html Green)) i Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else Sil.pp_instr pe_text fmt i
| (L.PTinstr_list, il) ->
let (il: Sil.instr list) = Obj.obj il in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Sil.pp_instr_list (pe_html Green)) il Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else Sil.pp_instr_list pe_text fmt il
| (L.PTjprop_list, shallow_jpl) ->
let ((shallow: bool), (jpl: Prop.normal Specs.Jprop.t list)) = Obj.obj shallow_jpl in
Specs.Jprop.pp_list pe_default shallow fmt jpl
| (L.PTjprop_short, jp) ->
let (jp: Prop.normal Specs.Jprop.t) = Obj.obj jp in
Specs.Jprop.pp_short pe_default fmt jp
| (L.PTloc, loc) ->
let (loc: Location.t) = Obj.obj loc in
Location.pp fmt loc
| (L.PTnode_instrs, b_n) ->
let (b: bool), (io: Sil.instr option), (n: Cfg.node) = Obj.obj b_n in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Cfg.Node.pp_instr (pe_html Green) io ~sub_instrs: b) n Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "%a" (Cfg.Node.pp_instr pe_text io ~sub_instrs: b) n
| (L.PToff, off) ->
let (off: Sil.offset) = Obj.obj off in
Sil.pp_offset pe_default fmt off
| (L.PToff_list, offl) ->
let (offl: Sil.offset list) = Obj.obj offl in
Sil.pp_offset_list pe_default fmt offl
| (L.PTpathset, ps) ->
let (ps: Paths.PathSet.t) = Obj.obj ps in
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" (Paths.PathSet.pp pe_default) ps
| (L.PTpi, pi) ->
let (pi: Sil.atom list) = Obj.obj pi in
Prop.pp_pi pe_default fmt pi
| (L.PTpath, path) ->
let (path: Paths.Path.t) = Obj.obj path in
Paths.Path.pp fmt path
| (L.PTprop, p) ->
let (p: Prop.normal Prop.t) = Obj.obj p in
Prop.pp_prop pe_default fmt p
| (L.PTproplist, x) ->
let (p : Prop.normal Prop.t), (pl: Prop.normal Prop.t list) = Obj.obj x in
Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_default "PROP" (p, false) fmt pl
| (L.PTprop_list_with_typ, plist) ->
let (pl: Prop.normal Prop.t list) = Obj.obj plist in
F.fprintf fmt "%a" (Prop.pp_proplist_with_typ pe_default) pl
| (L.PTprop_with_typ, p) ->
let (p: Prop.normal Prop.t) = Obj.obj p in
Prop.pp_prop_with_typ pe_default fmt p
| (L.PTpvar, pvar) ->
let (pvar: Sil.pvar) = Obj.obj pvar in
Sil.pp_pvar pe_default fmt pvar
| (L.PTsexp, se) ->
let (se: Sil.strexp) = Obj.obj se in
Sil.pp_sexp pe_default fmt se
| (L.PTsexp_list, sel) ->
let (sel: Sil.strexp list) = Obj.obj sel in
Sil.pp_sexp_list pe_default fmt sel
| (L.PTsigma, sigma) ->
let (sigma: Sil.hpred list) = Obj.obj sigma in
Prop.pp_sigma pe_default fmt sigma
| (L.PTspec, spec) ->
let (spec: Prop.normal Specs.spec) = Obj.obj spec in
Specs.pp_spec (if !Config.write_html then pe_html Blue else pe_text) None fmt spec
| (L.PTstr, s) ->
let (s: string) = Obj.obj s in
F.fprintf fmt "%s" s
| (L.PTstr_color, s) ->
let (s: string), (c: color) = Obj.obj s in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%s%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color c s Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "%s" s
| (L.PTstrln, s) ->
let (s: string) = Obj.obj s in
F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" s
| (L.PTstrln_color, s) ->
let (s: string), (c: color) = Obj.obj s in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%a%s%a@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color c s Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" s
| (L.PTsub, sub) ->
let (sub: Sil.subst) = Obj.obj sub in
Prop.pp_sub pe_default fmt sub
| (L.PTtexp_full, te) ->
let (te: Sil.exp) = Obj.obj te in
Sil.pp_texp_full pe_default fmt te
| (L.PTtyp_full, t) ->
let (t: Sil.typ) = Obj.obj t in
Sil.pp_typ_full pe_default fmt t
| (L.PTtyp_list, tl) ->
let (tl: Sil.typ list) = Obj.obj tl in
(pp_seq (Sil.pp_typ pe_default)) fmt tl
| (L.PTerror, s) ->
let (s: string) = Obj.obj s in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%aERROR: %s%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Red s Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "ERROR: %s" s
| (L.PTwarning, s) ->
let (s: string) = Obj.obj s in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%aWARNING: %s%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Orange s Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "WARNING: %s" s
| (L.PTinfo, s) ->
let (s: string) = Obj.obj s in
if !Config.write_html then F.fprintf fmt "%aINFO: %s%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Blue s Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf fmt "INFO: %s" s
(** set printer hook as soon as this module is loaded *)
let () = L.printer_hook := force_delayed_print
(** Execute the delayed print actions *)
let force_delayed_prints () =
Config.forcing_delayed_prints := true;
F.fprintf !html_formatter "@?"; (* flush html stream *)
list_iter (force_delayed_print !html_formatter) (list_rev (L.get_delayed_prints ()));
F.fprintf !html_formatter "@?";
L.reset_delayed_prints ();
Config.forcing_delayed_prints := false
(** Start a session, and create a new html fine for the node if it does not exist yet *)
let _start_session node (loc: Location.t) proc_name session =
let node_id = Cfg.Node.get_id node in
(if Log_nodes.start_node node_id loc proc_name (Cfg.Node.get_preds node) (Cfg.Node.get_succs node) (Cfg.Node.get_exn node)
then F.fprintf !html_formatter "%a@[<v>%a@]%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Green (Cfg.Node.pp_instr (pe_html Green) None ~sub_instrs: true) node Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ());
F.fprintf !html_formatter "%a%a"
Io_infer.Html.pp_hline ()
(Io_infer.Html.pp_session_link ~with_name: true [".."])
(node_id, session, loc.Location.line);
F.fprintf !html_formatter "<LISTING>%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Black
let start_session node loc proc_name session =
if !Config.write_html then _start_session node loc proc_name session
(** Finish a session, and perform delayed print actions if required *)
let finish_session node =
if !Config.test == false then force_delayed_prints ()
else L.reset_delayed_prints ();
if !Config.write_html then begin
F.fprintf !html_formatter "</LISTING>%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ();
Log_nodes.finish_node (Cfg.Node.get_id node)
(** Write log file for the proc *)
let _proc_write_log whole_seconds cfg pname =
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg pname with
| Some pdesc ->
let nodes = list_sort (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) in
let linenum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc (list_hd nodes)).Location.line in
let fd, fmt =
Io_infer.Html.create DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir [Procname.to_filename pname] in
F.fprintf fmt "<center><h1>Procedure %a</h1></center>@\n"
(Io_infer.Html.pp_line_link ~text: (Some (Escape.escape_xml (Procname.to_string pname))) [])
(fun n -> Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link []
(Cfg.Node.get_description (pe_html Black) n)
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds n))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs n))
(list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn n))
(is_visited n) false fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id n))
(match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
Specs.pp_summary (pe_html Black) whole_seconds fmt summary;
Io_infer.Html.close (fd, fmt))
| None -> ()
let proc_write_log whole_seconds cfg pname =
if !Config.write_html then _proc_write_log whole_seconds cfg pname
(** Creare a hash table mapping line numbers to the set of errors occurring on that line *)
let create_errors_per_line err_log =
let err_per_line = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let add_err node_id_key loc ekind in_footprint err_name desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
let err_str = Localise.to_string err_name ^ " " ^ (pp_to_string Localise.pp_error_desc desc) in
(* if in_footprint then *)
let set = Hashtbl.find err_per_line loc.Location.line in
Hashtbl.replace err_per_line loc.Location.line (StringSet.add err_str set)
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add err_per_line loc.Location.line (StringSet.singleton err_str) in
Errlog.iter add_err err_log;
(** create err message for html file *)
let create_err_message err_string =
"\n<div class=\"msg\" style=\"margin-left:9ex\">" ^ err_string ^ "</div>"
(** Module to read specific lines from files.
The data from any file will stay in memory until the handle is collected by the gc *)
module LineReader : sig
type t
(** create a line reader *)
val create : unit -> t
(** get the line from a source file and line number *)
val from_file_linenum_original : t -> DB.source_file -> int -> string option
(** get the line from a source file and line number looking for the copy of the file in the results dir *)
val from_file_linenum : t -> DB.source_file -> int -> string option
(** get the line from a location looking for the copy of the file in the results dir *)
val from_loc : t -> Location.t -> string option
end = struct
(* map a file name to an array of string, one for each line in the file *)
type t = (DB.source_file, string array) Hashtbl.t
let create () =
Hashtbl.create 1
let read_file fname =
let cin = open_in fname in
let lines = ref [] in
while true do
let line_raw = input_line cin in
let line =
let len = String.length line_raw in
if len > 0 && String.get line_raw (len -1) = '\013' then
String.sub line_raw 0 (len -1)
else line_raw in
lines := line :: !lines
assert false (* execution never reaches here *)
with End_of_file ->
(close_in cin;
Array.of_list (list_rev !lines))
let file_data (hash: t) fname =
Some (Hashtbl.find hash fname)
with Not_found ->
let lines_arr = read_file (DB.source_file_to_string fname) in
Hashtbl.add hash fname lines_arr;
Some lines_arr
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn -> None
let from_file_linenum_original hash fname linenum =
match file_data hash fname with
| None -> None
| Some lines_arr ->
if linenum > 0 && linenum <= Array.length lines_arr
then Some lines_arr.(linenum -1)
else None
let from_file_linenum hash fname linenum =
let fname_in_resdir = DB.source_file_in_resdir fname in
let sourcefile_in_resdir = DB.abs_source_file_from_path (DB.filename_to_string fname_in_resdir) in
from_file_linenum_original hash sourcefile_in_resdir linenum
let from_loc hash loc =
from_file_linenum hash loc.Location.file loc.Location.line
(** Create filename.c.html with line numbers and links to nodes *)
let c_file_write_html proc_is_active linereader fname tenv cfg =
let proof_cover = ref Specs.Visitedset.empty in
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 11 in
let process_node n =
let lnum = (Cfg.Node.get_loc n).Location.line in
let curr_nodes =
try Hashtbl.find tbl lnum
with Not_found -> [] in
Hashtbl.replace tbl lnum (n:: curr_nodes) in
let fname_encoding = DB.source_file_encoding fname in
let (fd, fmt) = Io_infer.Html.create DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir [".."; fname_encoding] in
let global_err_log = Errlog.empty () in
let do_proc proc_name proc_desc = (* add the err_log of this proc to [global_err_log] *)
let proc_loc = (Cfg.Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc) in
if proc_is_active proc_name &&
Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined proc_desc &&
(DB.source_file_equal proc_loc.Location.file !DB.current_source) then
list_iter process_node (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes proc_desc);
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
(fun sp -> proof_cover := Specs.Visitedset.union sp.Specs.visited !proof_cover)
(Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary);
Errlog.update global_err_log summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.err_log
end in
Cfg.iter_proc_desc cfg do_proc;
let err_per_line = create_errors_per_line global_err_log in
(let s = "<center><h1>File " ^ (DB.source_file_to_string !DB.current_source) ^ "</h1></center>\n" ^
"<table class=\"code\">\n" in
F.fprintf fmt "%s" s);
let linenum = ref 0 in
while true do
incr linenum;
let line_html = match LineReader.from_file_linenum linereader !DB.current_source !linenum with
| Some line_raw -> Escape.escape_xml line_raw
| None -> raise End_of_file in
let nodes_at_linenum =
try Hashtbl.find tbl !linenum
with Not_found -> [] in
let errors_at_linenum =
let errset = Hashtbl.find err_per_line !linenum in
StringSet.elements errset
with Not_found -> [] in
let linenum_str = string_of_int !linenum in
let line_str = "LINE" ^ linenum_str in
let str =
"<tr><td class=\"num\" id=\"" ^ line_str ^ "\">" ^ linenum_str ^ "</td><td class=\"line\">" ^ line_html in
F.fprintf fmt "%s" str;
list_iter (fun n ->
let isproof = Specs.Visitedset.mem (Cfg.Node.get_id n, []) !proof_cover in
Io_infer.Html.pp_node_link [fname_encoding] (Cfg.Node.get_description (pe_html Black) n) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_preds n)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_succs n)) (list_map Cfg.Node.get_id (Cfg.Node.get_exn n)) (is_visited n) isproof fmt (Cfg.Node.get_id n)) nodes_at_linenum;
list_iter (fun n -> match Cfg.Node.get_kind n with
| Cfg.Node.Start_node proc_desc ->
let proc_name = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let num_specs = list_length (Specs.get_specs proc_name) in
let label = (Escape.escape_xml (Procname.to_string proc_name)) ^ ": " ^ (string_of_int num_specs) ^ " specs" in
Io_infer.Html.pp_proc_link [fname_encoding] proc_name fmt label
| _ -> ()) nodes_at_linenum;
list_iter (fun err_string -> F.fprintf fmt "%s" (create_err_message err_string)) errors_at_linenum;
F.fprintf fmt "%s" "</td></tr>\n"
with End_of_file ->
(F.fprintf fmt "%s" "</table>\n";
Errlog.pp_html [fname_encoding] fmt global_err_log;
Io_infer.Html.close (fd, fmt))
let c_files_write_html linereader exe_env =
let proc_is_active = Exe_env.proc_is_active exe_env in
if !Config.write_html then Exe_env.iter_files (c_file_write_html proc_is_active linereader) exe_env