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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Functions for logging and printing exceptions *)
(** visibility of the exception *)
type visibility =
| Exn_user (** always add to error log *)
| Exn_developer (** only add to error log in developer mode *)
| Exn_system (** never add to error log *)
[@@deriving compare]
val equal_visibility : visibility -> visibility -> bool
val string_of_visibility : visibility -> string
(** severity of the report *)
type severity = Advice | Error | Info | Like | Warning [@@deriving compare]
val equal_severity : severity -> severity -> bool
(** class of error *)
type err_class = Checker | Prover | Nocat | Linters
val equal_err_class : err_class -> err_class -> bool
exception Abduction_case_not_implemented of Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Analysis_stops of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos option
exception Array_of_pointsto of Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l1 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l2 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Array_out_of_bounds_l3 of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Bad_footprint of Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Cannot_star of Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Class_cast_exception of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Codequery of Localise.error_desc
exception Comparing_floats_for_equality of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Condition_always_true_false of Localise.error_desc * bool * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Custom_error of string * Localise.error_desc
exception Dummy_exception of Localise.error_desc
Dangling_pointer_dereference of
PredSymb.dangling_kind option * Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Deallocate_stack_variable of Localise.error_desc
exception Deallocate_static_memory of Localise.error_desc
exception Deallocation_mismatch of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Double_lock of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Divide_by_zero of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Field_not_null_checked of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Empty_vector_access of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Eradicate of IssueType.t * Localise.error_desc
exception Checkers of IssueType.t * Localise.error_desc
exception Frontend_warning of (string * string option) * Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Inherently_dangerous_function of Localise.error_desc
exception Internal_error of Localise.error_desc
exception Java_runtime_exception of Typ.Name.t * string * Localise.error_desc
Leak of
* Sil.hpred
* (visibility * Localise.error_desc)
* bool
* PredSymb.resource
* Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Missing_fld of Typ.Fieldname.t * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Premature_nil_termination of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Null_dereference of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Null_test_after_dereference of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Parameter_not_null_checked of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Pointer_size_mismatch of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Precondition_not_found of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Precondition_not_met of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Retain_cycle of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Registered_observer_being_deallocated of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Return_expression_required of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Return_statement_missing of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Return_value_ignored of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Skip_function of Localise.error_desc
exception Skip_pointer_dereference of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Stack_variable_address_escape of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Symexec_memory_error of Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Unknown_proc
exception Unreachable_code_after of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Unsafe_guarded_by_access of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Use_after_free of Localise.error_desc * Logging.ocaml_pos
exception Wrong_argument_number of Logging.ocaml_pos
val err_class_string : err_class -> string
(** string describing an error class *)
val severity_string : severity -> string
(** string describing an error kind *)
val handle_exception : exn -> bool
(** Return true if the exception is not serious and should be handled in timeout mode *)
val print_exception_html : string -> exn -> unit
(** print a description of the exception to the html output *)
val pp_err :
Location.t -> severity -> IssueType.t -> Localise.error_desc -> Logging.ocaml_pos option
-> Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
(** pretty print an error *)
type t =
{ name: IssueType.t
; description: Localise.error_desc
; ocaml_pos: Logging.ocaml_pos option (** location in the infer source code *)
; visibility: visibility
; severity: severity option
; category: err_class }
val recognize_exception : exn -> t