204 lines
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204 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** LLAIR (Low-Level Analysis Internal Representation) is an IR tailored for
static analysis using a low-level model of memory. *)
(** Instructions for memory manipulation or other non-control effects. *)
type inst = private
| Move of {reg_exps: (Reg.t * Exp.t) iarray; loc: Loc.t}
(** Move each value [exp] into corresponding register [reg]. All of
the moves take effect simultaneously. *)
| Load of {reg: Reg.t; ptr: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Read a [len]-byte value from the contents of memory at address
[ptr] into [reg]. *)
| Store of {ptr: Exp.t; exp: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Write [len]-byte value [exp] into memory at address [ptr]. *)
| Memset of {dst: Exp.t; byt: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Store byte [byt] into [len] memory addresses starting from [dst]. *)
| Memcpy of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Copy [len] bytes starting from address [src] to [dst], undefined
if ranges overlap. *)
| Memmov of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Copy [len] bytes starting from address [src] to [dst]. *)
| Alloc of {reg: Reg.t; num: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Allocate a block of memory large enough to store [num] elements of
[len] bytes each and bind [reg] to the first address. *)
| Free of {ptr: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Deallocate the previously allocated block at address [ptr]. *)
| Nondet of {reg: Reg.t option; msg: string; loc: Loc.t}
(** Bind [reg] to an arbitrary value, representing non-deterministic
approximation of behavior described by [msg]. *)
| Abort of {loc: Loc.t} (** Trigger abnormal program termination *)
(** A (straight-line) command is a sequence of instructions. *)
type cmnd = inst iarray
(** A label is a name of a block. *)
type label = string
(** A jump to a block. *)
type jump = {mutable dst: block; mutable retreating: bool}
(** A call to a function. *)
and 'a call =
{ callee: 'a
; typ: Typ.t (** Type of the callee. *)
; actuals: Exp.t list (** Stack of arguments, first-arg-last. *)
; areturn: Reg.t option (** Register to receive return value. *)
; return: jump (** Return destination. *)
; throw: jump option (** Handler destination. *)
; mutable recursive: bool
(** Holds unless [callee] is definitely not recursive. *)
; loc: Loc.t }
(** Block terminators for function call/return or other control transfers. *)
and term = private
| Switch of {key: Exp.t; tbl: (Exp.t * jump) iarray; els: jump; loc: Loc.t}
(** Invoke the [jump] in [tbl] associated with the integer expression
[case] which is equal to [key], if any, otherwise invoke [els]. *)
| Iswitch of {ptr: Exp.t; tbl: jump iarray; loc: Loc.t}
(** Invoke the [jump] in [tbl] whose [dst] is equal to [ptr]. *)
| Call of Exp.t call
(** Call function with arguments. A [global] for non-virtual call. *)
| Return of {exp: Exp.t option; loc: Loc.t}
(** Invoke [return] of the dynamically most recent [Call]. *)
| Throw of {exc: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
(** Invoke [throw] of the dynamically most recent [Call] with [throw]
not [None]. *)
| Unreachable
(** Halt as control is assumed to never reach [Unreachable]. *)
(** A block is a destination of a jump with arguments, contains code. *)
and block = private
{ lbl: label
; cmnd: cmnd
; term: term
; mutable parent: func
; mutable sort_index: int
(** Position in a topological order, ignoring [retreating] edges. *)
(** A function is a control-flow graph with distinguished entry block, whose
parameters are the function parameters. *)
and func = private
{ name: Global.t
; formals: Reg.t list (** Formal parameters, first-param-last stack *)
; freturn: Reg.t option
; fthrow: Reg.t
; locals: Reg.Set.t (** Local registers *)
; entry: block }
type functions
type t = private
{ globals: Global.t iarray (** Global variable definitions. *)
; functions: functions (** (Global) function definitions. *) }
val pp : t pp
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val mk : globals:Global.t list -> functions:func list -> t
module Inst : sig
type t = inst
val pp : t pp
val move : reg_exps:(Reg.t * Exp.t) iarray -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val load : reg:Reg.t -> ptr:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val store : ptr:Exp.t -> exp:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val memset : dst:Exp.t -> byt:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val memcpy : dst:Exp.t -> src:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val memmov : dst:Exp.t -> src:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val alloc : reg:Reg.t -> num:Exp.t -> len:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val free : ptr:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val nondet : reg:Reg.t option -> msg:string -> loc:Loc.t -> inst
val abort : loc:Loc.t -> inst
val loc : inst -> Loc.t
val locals : inst -> Reg.Set.t
val fold_exps : inst -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Exp.t -> 'a) -> 'a
module Jump : sig
type t = jump [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
val pp : jump pp
val mk : string -> jump
module Term : sig
type t = term
val pp : t pp
val goto : dst:jump -> loc:Loc.t -> term
(** Construct a [Switch] representing an unconditional branch. *)
val branch : key:Exp.t -> nzero:jump -> zero:jump -> loc:Loc.t -> term
(** Construct a [Switch] representing a conditional branch. *)
val switch :
key:Exp.t -> tbl:(Exp.t * jump) iarray -> els:jump -> loc:Loc.t -> term
val iswitch : ptr:Exp.t -> tbl:jump iarray -> loc:Loc.t -> term
val call :
-> typ:Typ.t
-> actuals:Exp.t list
-> areturn:Reg.t option
-> return:jump
-> throw:jump option
-> loc:Loc.t
-> term
val return : exp:Exp.t option -> loc:Loc.t -> term
val throw : exc:Exp.t -> loc:Loc.t -> term
val unreachable : term
val loc : term -> Loc.t
module Block : sig
type t = block [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
val pp : t pp
val mk : lbl:label -> cmnd:cmnd -> term:term -> block
module Map : Map.S with type key := t
module Func : sig
type t = func
val pp : t pp
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val mk :
-> formals:Reg.t list
-> freturn:Reg.t option
-> fthrow:Reg.t
-> entry:block
-> cfg:block iarray
-> func
val mk_undefined :
-> formals:Reg.t list
-> freturn:Reg.t option
-> fthrow:Reg.t
-> t
val find : functions -> string -> func option
(** Look up a function of the given name in the given functions. *)
val is_undefined : func -> bool
(** Holds of functions that are declared but not defined. *)