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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present
* Programming Research Laboratory (ROPAS)
* Seoul National University, Korea
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module ItvPure = Itv.ItvPure
module MF = MarkupFormatter
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace.Set
(** unsound but ok for bug catching *)
let always_strong_update = true
module Val = struct
type astate =
{itv: Itv.astate; powloc: PowLoc.astate; arrayblk: ArrayBlk.astate; traces: TraceSet.t}
type t = astate
let bot : t = {itv=; powloc=; arrayblk=; traces= TraceSet.empty}
let pp fmt x =
if Config.bo_debug <= 1 then
F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a, %a)" Itv.pp PowLoc.pp x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk
F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a, %a, %a)" Itv.pp PowLoc.pp x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk
TraceSet.pp x.traces
let unknown : traces:TraceSet.t -> t =
fun ~traces -> {itv=; powloc= PowLoc.unknown; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.unknown; traces}
let unknown_from : callee_pname:_ -> location:_ -> t =
fun ~callee_pname ~location ->
let traces =
Trace.UnknownFrom (callee_pname, location) |> Trace.singleton |> TraceSet.singleton
unknown ~traces
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
Itv.( <= ) && PowLoc.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.powloc ~rhs:rhs.powloc
&& ArrayBlk.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.arrayblk ~rhs:rhs.arrayblk
let equal x y = phys_equal x y || ( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y && ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
{ itv= Itv.widen ~num_iters
; powloc= PowLoc.widen ~prev:prev.powloc ~next:next.powloc ~num_iters
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.widen ~prev:prev.arrayblk ~next:next.arrayblk ~num_iters
; traces= TraceSet.join prev.traces next.traces }
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
if phys_equal x y then x
{ itv= Itv.join
; powloc= PowLoc.join x.powloc y.powloc
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.join x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces }
let rec joins : t list -> t = function [] -> bot | [a] -> a | a :: b -> join a (joins b)
let get_itv : t -> Itv.t = fun x ->
let get_pow_loc : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> x.powloc
let get_array_blk : t -> ArrayBlk.astate = fun x -> x.arrayblk
let get_array_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> ArrayBlk.get_pow_loc x.arrayblk
let get_all_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> PowLoc.join x.powloc (get_array_locs x)
let get_traces : t -> TraceSet.t = fun x -> x.traces
let set_traces : TraceSet.t -> t -> t = fun traces x -> {x with traces}
let of_itv ?(traces= TraceSet.empty) itv = {bot with itv; traces}
let of_int n = of_itv (Itv.of_int n)
let of_pow_loc : PowLoc.t -> t = fun x -> {bot with powloc= x}
let of_array_blk : ArrayBlk.astate -> t = fun a -> {bot with arrayblk= a}
let modify_itv : Itv.t -> t -> t = fun i x -> {x with itv= i}
let make_sym : ?unsigned:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> (unit -> int) -> t =
fun ?(unsigned= false) pname new_sym_num ->
{bot with itv= Itv.make_sym ~unsigned pname new_sym_num}
let unknown_bit : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv=}
let neg : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.neg}
let lnot : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.lnot}
let lift_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y -> {bot with itv= f}
let has_pointer : t -> bool = fun x -> not (PowLoc.is_bot x.powloc && ArrayBlk.is_bot x.arrayblk)
let lift_cmp_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y ->
if has_pointer x || has_pointer y then {bot with itv= Itv.unknown_bool} else lift_itv f x y
let plus : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
{ x with
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.plus_offset x.arrayblk
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces }
let minus : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
let n = Itv.join (Itv.minus (ArrayBlk.diff x.arrayblk y.arrayblk) in
let a = ArrayBlk.minus_offset x.arrayblk in
{bot with itv= n; arrayblk= a; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let mult : t -> t -> t =
fun x y -> {(lift_itv Itv.mult x y) with traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let div : t -> t -> t =
fun x y -> {(lift_itv Itv.div x y) with traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let mod_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_itv Itv.mod_sem
let shiftlt : t -> t -> t = lift_itv Itv.shiftlt
let shiftrt : t -> t -> t = lift_itv Itv.shiftrt
let lt_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.lt_sem
let gt_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.gt_sem
let le_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.le_sem
let ge_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.ge_sem
let eq_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.eq_sem
let ne_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.ne_sem
let land_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_itv Itv.land_sem
let lor_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_itv Itv.lor_sem
let lift_prune1 : (Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t = fun f x -> {x with itv= f}
let lift_prune2
: (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> (ArrayBlk.astate -> ArrayBlk.astate -> ArrayBlk.astate) -> t
-> t -> t =
fun f g x y ->
{ x with
itv= f
; arrayblk= g x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces }
let prune_zero : t -> t = lift_prune1 Itv.prune_zero
let prune_comp : Binop.t -> t -> t -> t =
fun c -> lift_prune2 (Itv.prune_comp c) (ArrayBlk.prune_comp c)
let prune_eq : t -> t -> t = lift_prune2 Itv.prune_eq ArrayBlk.prune_eq
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t = lift_prune2 Itv.prune_ne ArrayBlk.prune_eq
let lift_pi : (ArrayBlk.astate -> Itv.t -> ArrayBlk.astate) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y -> {bot with arrayblk= f x.arrayblk; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let plus_pi : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> lift_pi ArrayBlk.plus_offset x y
let minus_pi : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> lift_pi ArrayBlk.minus_offset x y
let minus_pp : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
(* when we cannot precisely follow the physical memory model, return top *)
if not (PowLoc.is_bot x.powloc) && ArrayBlk.is_bot x.arrayblk
|| not (PowLoc.is_bot y.powloc) && ArrayBlk.is_bot y.arrayblk
then {bot with itv=}
{bot with itv= ArrayBlk.diff x.arrayblk y.arrayblk; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let get_symbols : t -> Itv.Symbol.t list =
fun x -> List.append (Itv.get_symbols (ArrayBlk.get_symbols x.arrayblk)
let normalize : t -> t =
fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.normalize; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.normalize x.arrayblk}
let subst
: t -> Itv.Bound.t bottom_lifted Itv.SubstMap.t * TraceSet.t Itv.SubstMap.t -> Location.t
-> t =
fun x (bound_map, trace_map) location ->
let symbols = get_symbols x in
let traces_caller =
List.fold symbols
~f:(fun traces symbol ->
try TraceSet.join (Itv.SubstMap.find symbol trace_map) traces with Not_found -> traces )
let traces = TraceSet.instantiate ~traces_caller ~traces_callee:x.traces location in
{x with itv= Itv.subst bound_map; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.subst x.arrayblk bound_map; traces}
|> normalize
(* normalize bottom *)
let add_trace_elem : Trace.elem -> t -> t =
fun elem x ->
let traces = TraceSet.add_elem elem x.traces in
{x with traces}
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a)" Itv.pp ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk
let set_array_size : Itv.t -> t -> t =
fun size v -> {v with arrayblk= ArrayBlk.set_size size v.arrayblk}
module Itv = struct
let nat = of_itv Itv.nat
let m1_255 = of_itv Itv.m1_255
let top = of_itv
module Stack = struct
include AbstractDomain.Map (Loc) (Val)
let bot = empty
let find : Loc.t -> astate -> Val.t = fun l m -> try find l m with Not_found ->
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> astate -> Val.t =
fun locs mem ->
let find_join loc acc = Val.join acc (find loc mem) in
PowLoc.fold find_join locs
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> astate -> astate =
fun temps mem ->
let remove_temp mem temp =
let temp_loc = Loc.of_id temp in
remove temp_loc mem
List.fold temps ~init:mem ~f:remove_temp
module Heap = struct
module PPMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Loc)
include AbstractDomain.Map (Loc) (Val)
let bot = empty
let find : Loc.t -> astate -> Val.t = fun l m -> try find l m with Not_found ->
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> astate -> Val.t =
fun locs mem ->
let find_join loc acc = Val.join acc (find loc mem) in
PowLoc.fold find_join locs
let transform : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> astate -> astate =
fun ~f locs mem -> PowLoc.fold (fun loc -> find loc mem |> f |> add loc) locs mem
let strong_update : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> astate -> astate =
fun locs v mem -> PowLoc.fold (fun x -> add x v) locs mem
let weak_update : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> astate -> astate =
fun locs v mem -> PowLoc.fold (fun x -> add x (Val.join v (find x mem))) locs mem
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> astate -> unit =
fun fmt mem ->
let pp_map fmt (k, v) = F.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a" Loc.pp k Val.pp_summary v in
F.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>{ " ;
F.pp_print_list pp_map fmt (bindings mem) ;
F.fprintf fmt " }@]"
let get_return : astate -> Val.t =
fun mem ->
let mem = filter (fun l _ -> Loc.is_return l) mem in
if is_empty mem then else snd (choose mem)
module AliasTarget = struct
type t = Simple of Loc.t | Empty of Loc.t [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let pp fmt = function Simple l -> Loc.pp fmt l | Empty l -> F.fprintf fmt "empty(%a)" Loc.pp l
let of_empty l = Empty l
let use l = function Simple l' | Empty l' -> Loc.equal l l'
let replace l = function Simple _ -> Simple l | Empty _ -> Empty l
(* Relations between values of logical variables(registers) and
program variables
"AliasTarget.Simple relation": Since Sil distinguishes logical and
program variables, we need a relation for pruning values of program
variables. For example, a C statement "if(x){...}" is translated
to "%r=load(x); if(%r){...}" in Sil. At the load statement, we
record the alias between the values of %r and x, then we can prune
not only the value of %r, but also that of x inside the if branch.
"AliasTarget.Empty relation": For pruning vector.size with
vector::empty() results, we adopt a specific relation between %r
and x, where %r=v.empty() and x=v.size. So, if %r!=0, x is pruned
by x=0. On the other hand, if %r==0, x is pruned by x>=1. *)
module AliasMap = struct
module M = Caml.Map.Make (Ident)
type t = AliasTarget.t M.t
type astate = t
let bot : t = M.empty
let ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool =
fun ~lhs ~rhs ->
let is_in_rhs k v =
match M.find k rhs with v' -> AliasTarget.equal v v' | exception Not_found -> false
M.for_all is_in_rhs lhs
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
let join_v _ v1_opt v2_opt =
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| None, None ->
| Some v, None | None, Some v ->
Some v
| Some v1, Some v2 ->
if AliasTarget.equal v1 v2 then Some v1 else assert false
M.merge join_v x y
let widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t =
fun ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ -> join prev next
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt ", @," in
let pp1 fmt (k, v) = F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" Ident.pp k AliasTarget.pp v in
(* F.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>Logical Variables :@,"; *)
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{ @," ;
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp1 fmt (M.bindings x) ;
F.fprintf fmt " }@]" ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let load : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t = fun id loc m -> M.add id loc m
let store : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun l _ m -> M.filter (fun _ y -> not (AliasTarget.use l y)) m
let find : Ident.t -> t -> AliasTarget.t option =
fun k m -> try Some (M.find k m) with Not_found -> None
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> t -> t =
fun temps m ->
let remove_temp m temp = M.remove temp m in
List.fold temps ~init:m ~f:remove_temp
module AliasRet = struct
type astate = Bot | L of AliasTarget.t | Top
let bot = Bot
let ( <= ) : lhs:astate -> rhs:astate -> bool =
fun ~lhs ~rhs ->
match (lhs, rhs) with
| Bot, _ | _, Top ->
| Top, _ | _, Bot ->
| L loc1, L loc2 ->
AliasTarget.equal loc1 loc2
let join : astate -> astate -> astate =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| Top, _ | _, Top ->
| Bot, a | a, Bot ->
| L loc1, L loc2 ->
if AliasTarget.equal loc1 loc2 then x else Top
let widen : prev:astate -> next:astate -> num_iters:int -> astate =
fun ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ -> join prev next
let pp : F.formatter -> astate -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
match x with
| Top ->
F.fprintf fmt "T"
| L loc ->
AliasTarget.pp fmt loc
| Bot ->
F.fprintf fmt "_|_"
let find : astate -> AliasTarget.t option = fun x -> match x with L loc -> Some loc | _ -> None
module Alias = struct
include AbstractDomain.Pair (AliasMap) (AliasRet)
let bot : astate = (,
let lift : (AliasMap.astate -> AliasMap.astate) -> astate -> astate =
fun f a -> (f (fst a), snd a)
let lift_v : (AliasMap.astate -> 'a) -> astate -> 'a = fun f a -> f (fst a)
let find : Ident.t -> astate -> AliasTarget.t option = fun x -> lift_v (AliasMap.find x)
let find_ret : astate -> AliasTarget.t option = fun x -> AliasRet.find (snd x)
let load : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> astate -> astate =
fun id loc -> lift (AliasMap.load id loc)
let store_simple : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> astate -> astate =
fun loc e a ->
let a = lift ( loc e) a in
match e with
| Exp.Var l when Loc.is_return loc ->
let update_ret retl = (fst a, AliasRet.L retl) in
Option.value_map (find l a) ~default:a ~f:update_ret
| _ ->
let store_empty : Val.t -> Loc.t -> Exp.t -> astate -> astate =
fun formal loc e a ->
let a = lift ( loc e) a in
let locs = Val.get_all_locs formal in
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then
(fst a, AliasRet.L (AliasTarget.of_empty (PowLoc.min_elt locs)))
else a
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> astate -> astate =
fun temps a -> (AliasMap.remove_temps temps (fst a), snd a)
module PrunePairs = struct
module PrunePair = struct
(* PrunePair.t is a pair of an abstract location and an abstract
value where the abstract location was updated with the abstract
value in the latest pruning. *)
type t = Loc.t * Val.t
let equal ((l1, v1) as x) ((l2, v2) as y) =
phys_equal x y || Loc.equal l1 l2 && Val.equal v1 v2
type t = PrunePair.t list
let empty = []
let equal x y = List.equal x y ~equal:PrunePair.equal
module LatestPrune = struct
(* Latest p: The pruned pairs 'p' has pruning information (which
abstract locations are updated by which abstract values) in the
latest pruning.
TrueBranch (x, p): After a pruning, the variable 'x' is assigned
by 1. There is no other memory updates after the latest pruning.
FalseBranch (x, p): After a pruning, the variable 'x' is assigned
by 0. There is no other memory updates after the latest pruning.
V (x, ptrue, pfalse): After two non-sequential prunings ('ptrue'
and 'pfalse'), the variable 'x' is assigned by 1 and 0,
respectively. There is no other memory updates after the latest
Top: No information about the latest pruning. *)
type astate =
| Latest of PrunePairs.t
| TrueBranch of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t
| FalseBranch of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t
| V of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t * PrunePairs.t
| Top
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
match (lhs, rhs) with
| _, Top ->
| Top, _ ->
| Latest p1, Latest p2 ->
PrunePairs.equal p1 p2
| TrueBranch (x1, p1), TrueBranch (x2, p2)
| FalseBranch (x1, p1), FalseBranch (x2, p2)
| TrueBranch (x1, p1), V (x2, p2, _)
| FalseBranch (x1, p1), V (x2, _, p2) ->
Pvar.equal x1 x2 && PrunePairs.equal p1 p2
| V (x1, ptrue1, pfalse1), V (x2, ptrue2, pfalse2) ->
Pvar.equal x1 x2 && PrunePairs.equal ptrue1 ptrue2 && PrunePairs.equal pfalse1 pfalse2
| _, _ ->
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| _, _ when ( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y ->
| _, _ when ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x ->
| FalseBranch (x', pfalse), TrueBranch (y', ptrue)
| TrueBranch (x', ptrue), FalseBranch (y', pfalse)
when Pvar.equal x' y' ->
V (x', ptrue, pfalse)
| _, _ ->
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let top = Top
module MemReach = struct
type astate =
{stack: Stack.astate; heap: Heap.astate; alias: Alias.astate; latest_prune: LatestPrune.astate}
type t = astate
let init : t = {stack=; heap=; alias=; latest_prune=}
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
Stack.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.stack ~rhs:rhs.stack && Heap.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.heap ~rhs:rhs.heap
&& Alias.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.alias ~rhs:rhs.alias
&& LatestPrune.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.latest_prune ~rhs:rhs.latest_prune
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
{ stack= Stack.widen ~prev:prev.stack ~next:next.stack ~num_iters
; heap= Heap.widen ~prev:prev.heap ~next:next.heap ~num_iters
; alias= Alias.widen ~prev:prev.alias ~next:next.alias ~num_iters
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.widen ~prev:prev.latest_prune ~next:next.latest_prune ~num_iters
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
{ stack= Stack.join x.stack y.stack
; heap= Heap.join x.heap y.heap
; alias= Alias.join x.alias y.alias
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.join x.latest_prune y.latest_prune }
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
F.fprintf fmt "Stack:@;" ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a@;" Stack.pp x.stack ;
F.fprintf fmt "Heap:@;" ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a" Heap.pp x.heap
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
F.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>Parameters:@," ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a" Heap.pp_summary x.heap ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let find_stack : Loc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k m -> Stack.find k m.stack
let find_stack_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k m -> Stack.find_set k m.stack
let find_heap : Loc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k m -> Heap.find k m.heap
let find_heap_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k m -> Heap.find_set k m.heap
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t =
fun k m -> Val.join (find_stack_set k m) (find_heap_set k m)
let find_alias : Ident.t -> t -> AliasTarget.t option = fun k m -> Alias.find k m.alias
let find_simple_alias : Ident.t -> t -> Loc.t option =
fun k m ->
match Alias.find k m.alias with
| Some AliasTarget.Simple l ->
Some l
| Some AliasTarget.Empty _ | None ->
let find_ret_alias : t -> AliasTarget.t option = fun m -> Alias.find_ret m.alias
let load_alias : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc m -> {m with alias= Alias.load id loc m.alias}
let store_simple_alias : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun loc e m -> {m with alias= Alias.store_simple loc e m.alias}
let store_empty_alias : Val.t -> Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun formal loc e m -> {m with alias= Alias.store_empty formal loc e m.alias}
let add_stack : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v m -> {m with stack= Stack.add k v m.stack}
let add_heap : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v m -> {m with heap= Heap.add k v m.heap}
let strong_update_heap : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun p v m -> {m with heap= Heap.strong_update p v m.heap}
let transform_heap : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f p m -> {m with heap= Heap.transform ~f p m.heap}
let weak_update_heap : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun p v m -> {m with heap= Heap.weak_update p v m.heap}
let get_return : t -> Val.t = fun m -> Heap.get_return m.heap
let can_strong_update : PowLoc.t -> bool =
fun ploc ->
if always_strong_update then true
else if Int.equal (PowLoc.cardinal ploc) 1 then Loc.is_var (PowLoc.choose ploc)
else false
let update_mem : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun ploc v s ->
if can_strong_update ploc then strong_update_heap ploc v s
let () =
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose) "Weak update for %a <- %a@." PowLoc.pp ploc Val.pp v
weak_update_heap ploc v s
let transform_mem : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f ploc s -> transform_heap ~f ploc s
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> t -> t =
fun temps m ->
{m with stack= Stack.remove_temps temps m.stack; alias= Alias.remove_temps temps m.alias}
let set_prune_pairs : PrunePairs.t -> t -> t =
fun prune_pairs m -> {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.Latest prune_pairs}
let apply_latest_prune : Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun e m ->
match (m.latest_prune, e) with
| LatestPrune.V (x, prunes, _), Exp.Var r
| LatestPrune.V (x, _, prunes), Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.Var r, _) -> (
match find_simple_alias r m with
| Some Loc.Var Var.ProgramVar y when Pvar.equal x y ->
List.fold_left prunes ~init:m ~f:(fun acc (l, v) -> update_mem (PowLoc.singleton l) v acc)
| _ ->
m )
| _ ->
let update_latest_prune : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun e1 e2 m ->
match (e1, e2, m.latest_prune) with
| Lvar x, Const Const.Cint i, LatestPrune.Latest p ->
if IntLit.isone i then {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.TrueBranch (x, p)}
else if IntLit.iszero i then {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.FalseBranch (x, p)}
else {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.Top}
| _, _, _ ->
{m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.Top}
let get_new_heap_locs : prev:t -> next:t -> PowLoc.t =
fun ~prev ~next ->
let add_loc loc _val acc = if Heap.mem loc prev.heap then acc else PowLoc.add loc acc in
Heap.fold add_loc next.heap PowLoc.empty
let get_reachable_locs_from : PowLoc.t -> t -> PowLoc.t =
let add_reachable1 ~root loc v acc =
if Loc.equal root loc then PowLoc.union acc (Val.get_all_locs v)
else if Loc.is_field_of ~loc:root ~field_loc:loc then PowLoc.add loc acc
else acc
let rec add_from_locs heap locs acc = PowLoc.fold (add_from_loc heap) locs acc
and add_from_loc heap loc acc =
if PowLoc.mem loc acc then acc
let reachable_locs = Heap.fold (add_reachable1 ~root:loc) heap PowLoc.empty in
add_from_locs heap reachable_locs (PowLoc.add loc acc)
fun locs m -> add_from_locs m.heap locs PowLoc.empty
module Mem = struct
include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted (MemReach)
type t = astate
let bot : t = Bottom
let init : t = NonBottom MemReach.init
let f_lift_default : 'a -> (MemReach.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a =
fun default f m -> match m with Bottom -> default | NonBottom m' -> f m'
let f_lift_default2 : 'a -> (MemReach.t -> MemReach.t -> 'a) -> t -> t -> 'a =
fun default f m1 m2 ->
match (m1, m2) with
| Bottom, _ | _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom m1', NonBottom m2' ->
f m1' m2'
let f_lift : (MemReach.t -> MemReach.t) -> t -> t =
fun f -> f_lift_default Bottom (fun m' -> NonBottom (f m'))
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt m ->
match m with
| Bottom ->
F.fprintf fmt "unreachable"
| NonBottom m' ->
MemReach.pp_summary fmt m'
let find_stack : Loc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_stack k)
let find_stack_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t =
fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_stack_set k)
let find_heap : Loc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_heap k)
let find_heap_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t =
fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_heap_set k)
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> t -> Val.t = fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_set k)
let find_alias : Ident.t -> t -> AliasTarget.t option =
fun k -> f_lift_default None (MemReach.find_alias k)
let find_simple_alias : Ident.t -> t -> Loc.t option =
fun k -> f_lift_default None (MemReach.find_simple_alias k)
let find_ret_alias : t -> AliasTarget.t option = f_lift_default None MemReach.find_ret_alias
let load_alias : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> f_lift (MemReach.load_alias id loc)
let load_simple_alias : Ident.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> load_alias id (AliasTarget.Simple loc)
let store_simple_alias : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun loc e -> f_lift (MemReach.store_simple_alias loc e)
let store_empty_alias : Val.t -> Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun formal loc e -> f_lift (MemReach.store_empty_alias formal loc e)
let add_stack : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v -> f_lift (MemReach.add_stack k v)
let add_heap : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v -> f_lift (MemReach.add_heap k v)
let strong_update_heap : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun p v -> f_lift (MemReach.strong_update_heap p v)
let weak_update_heap : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun p v -> f_lift (MemReach.weak_update_heap p v)
let get_return : t -> Val.t = f_lift_default MemReach.get_return
let get_new_heap_locs : prev:t -> next:t -> PowLoc.t =
fun ~prev ~next ->
f_lift_default2 PowLoc.empty
(fun m1 m2 -> MemReach.get_new_heap_locs ~prev:m1 ~next:m2)
prev next
let get_reachable_locs_from : PowLoc.t -> t -> PowLoc.t =
fun locs -> f_lift_default PowLoc.empty (MemReach.get_reachable_locs_from locs)
let update_mem : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun ploc v -> f_lift (MemReach.update_mem ploc v)
let transform_mem : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f ploc -> f_lift (MemReach.transform_mem ~f ploc)
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> t -> t = fun temps -> f_lift (MemReach.remove_temps temps)
let set_prune_pairs : PrunePairs.t -> t -> t =
fun prune_pairs -> f_lift (MemReach.set_prune_pairs prune_pairs)
let apply_latest_prune : Exp.t -> t -> t = fun e -> f_lift (MemReach.apply_latest_prune e)
let update_latest_prune : Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun e1 e2 -> f_lift (MemReach.update_latest_prune e1 e2)
let update_mem_in_prune : PrunePairs.t ref -> Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun prune_pairs lv v m ->
prune_pairs := (lv, v) :: !prune_pairs ;
update_mem (PowLoc.singleton lv) v m
module Summary = struct
type t = Mem.t * Mem.t * PO.ConditionSet.t
let get_input : t -> Mem.t = fst3
let get_output : t -> Mem.t = snd3
let get_cond_set : t -> PO.ConditionSet.t = trd3
let get_return : t -> Val.t = fun s -> Mem.get_return (get_output s)
let pp_symbol_map : F.formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt s -> Mem.pp_summary fmt (get_input s)
let pp_return : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt s -> F.fprintf fmt "Return value: %a" Val.pp_summary (get_return s)
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt s ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a@,%a" pp_symbol_map s pp_return s PO.ConditionSet.pp_summary
(get_cond_set s)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt (entry_mem, exit_mem, condition_set) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a@,%a@," Mem.pp entry_mem Mem.pp exit_mem PO.ConditionSet.pp condition_set