437 lines
14 KiB
437 lines
14 KiB
(* ocamldot.mll, July 1999, Trevor Jim *)
module StringSet =
Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
module StringMap =
Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
let dependencies = ref []
let currentSource = ref ""
let addDepend t =
let s = !currentSource in
if s<>t
then dependencies := (s,t)::(!dependencies)
rule processSource = parse
['.' '-' '/' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246'
'\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9' ]+ '.' ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']+
[' ' '\009']* ':'
{ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let i = String.rindex s '.' in
let s = String.sub s 0 i in
let s = Filename.basename s in
let s = String.capitalize s in
currentSource := s;
processTargets lexbuf }
| eof
{ () }
| _
{ processSource lexbuf }
and processTargets = parse
[' ' '\009']+
{ processTargets lexbuf }
| '\\' [' ' '\009']* ['\010' '\013']+ [' ' '\009']+
{ processTargets lexbuf }
| ['.' '/' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246'
'\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9' ]+ '.' ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']+
{ let t = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let i = String.rindex t '.' in
let t = String.sub t 0 i in
let t = Filename.basename t in
let t = String.capitalize t in
addDepend t;
processTargets lexbuf }
| eof
{ () }
| _
{ processSource lexbuf }
(* Utility functions for graphs *)
(* A graph is represented by a (string * StringSet) list, *)
(* that is, a list of (source,targets) pairs. *)
let emptyGraph = []
(* divideGraph graph source = (sourceTargets, graphWithoutSource) *)
(* *)
(* Return the targets of a source in a graph and the graph with the *)
(* source substracted from the sources. GraphWithoutSources may *)
(* still contain source as a target. *)
let divideGraph graph source =
let rec aux l =
match l with
[] -> (StringSet.empty,[])
| (s,ts)::tl ->
if s=source then (ts,tl)
let (sourceTargets,tlWithoutSource) = aux tl in
(sourceTargets,(s,ts)::tlWithoutSource) in
aux graph
(* Add the edge (source,target) to the graph *)
let addEdge graph source target =
let (sourceTargets,graphWithoutSource) = divideGraph graph source in
(source,StringSet.add target sourceTargets)::graphWithoutSource
(* Add the edges { (source,t) | t in targets } to the graph *)
let addEdges graph source targets =
let (sourceTargets,graphWithoutSource) = divideGraph graph source in
(source,StringSet.union targets sourceTargets)::graphWithoutSource
(* Remove the edge (source,target) from the graph *)
let removeEdge graph source target =
let rec loop l =
match l with
[] -> []
| (s,ts)::tl ->
if s=source
then (s,StringSet.remove target ts)::tl
else (s,ts)::(loop tl)
in loop graph
(* Remove the edges { (source,t) | t in targets } from the graph *)
let removeEdges graph source targets =
let rec loop l =
match l with
[] -> []
| (s,ts)::tl ->
if s=source
then (s,StringSet.diff ts targets)::tl
else (s,ts)::(loop tl)
in loop graph
(* Convert between an edge-list representation of graphs and our *)
(* representation. *)
let edgesOfGraph graph =
(fun (s,ts) ->
List.map (fun t -> (s,t)) (StringSet.elements ts))
let graphOfEdges edges =
(fun g (s,t) -> addEdge g s t)
(* Is an edge in the graph? *)
let isEdge graph source target =
let sourceTargets = List.assoc source graph in
StringSet.mem target sourceTargets
with Not_found -> false
(* Print a graph *)
let printGraph graph =
let printEdges(source,targets) =
(fun t -> Printf.printf " \"%s\" -> \"%s\" ;\n" source t)
targets in
List.iter printEdges graph
(* Targets of a node in a graph *)
let targetsOf graph node = (* A set of nodes *)
try List.assoc node graph
with Not_found -> StringSet.empty
(* Sources that target a node in a graph *)
let sourcesOf graph node = (* A list of nodes *)
let rec aux l =
match l with
[] -> []
| (s,ts)::tl ->
if StringSet.mem node ts then s::(aux tl)
else aux tl in
aux graph
(* Add an edge to a transitively closed graph, and return the new *)
(* transitive closure. *)
let addEdgeTc graph source target =
let targetTargets = targetsOf graph target in
let (sourceTargets,graphWithoutSource) = divideGraph graph source in
let sourceSources = sourcesOf graphWithoutSource source in
let newSourceTargets =
StringSet.add target
(StringSet.union sourceTargets targetTargets) in
(fun s g -> addEdges g s newSourceTargets)
(* Compute the transitive closure of a graph from scratch *)
let tc graph =
let loop graph (source,targets) =
let reachableFromSource =
(fun r (s,ts) ->
if StringSet.mem s r then StringSet.union r ts
else r)
graph in
(fun (s,ts) ->
if StringSet.mem source ts
then (s,StringSet.union ts reachableFromSource)
else (s,ts))
graph) in
List.fold_left loop [] graph
(* The transitive kernel (tk) of a dag is a subset of the dag whose *)
(* transitive closure is the same as the transitive closure of the dag. *)
(* *)
(* Add an edge to a kernel dag and return the new kernel and transitive *)
(* closure of the new kernel. Requires the transitive closure of the *)
(* old kernel. *)
let addEdgeTk kernel tcKernel source target =
if isEdge tcKernel source target
then (kernel,tcKernel)
else if source=target
then (addEdge kernel source target,tcKernel)
let (sourceTargets,kernelWithoutSource) = divideGraph kernel source in
let targetTargets = StringSet.add target (targetsOf tcKernel target) in
let sourceSources = sourcesOf tcKernel source in
let kernelWithoutSource =
(fun kws s -> removeEdges kws s targetTargets)
sourceSources in
StringSet.add target
(StringSet.diff sourceTargets targetTargets))
addEdgeTc tcKernel source target)
(* The transitive kernel of a dag *)
let tk dag =
let edges = edgesOfGraph dag in
let (kernel,tcKernel) =
(fun (k,tck) (s,t) -> addEdgeTk k tck s t)
edges in
(* Print the dependencies *)
let doKernel = ref true
let printDepend graph =
if (!doKernel) then printGraph (tk graph)
else printGraph graph
let calledOnFile = ref false
let getDependFromFile file =
calledOnFile := true;
let ic = open_in file in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
processSource lexbuf;
close_in ic
with Sys_error msg -> ()
| Exit -> ()
let getDependFromStdin () =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
processSource lexbuf
with Sys_error msg -> ()
| Exit -> ()
(* Color and Cluster by directory *)
let fold_dir f init path =
let collect cur_dir path (acum, dirs) =
let full_path = Filename.concat cur_dir path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path then
(acum, full_path :: dirs)
(f acum full_path, dirs)
with Sys_error _ ->
(acum, dirs) in
let rec fold_dir_ (acum, dirs) =
match dirs with
| [] ->
| dir :: dirs ->
fold_dir_ (Array.fold_left (fun ad p -> collect dir p ad) (acum, dirs) (Sys.readdir dir)) in
if Sys.is_directory path then
fold_dir_ (init, [path])
f init path
let dir_to_mod_names graph dir =
let nodes =
List.fold_left (fun nodes (source, targets) ->
StringSet.add source (StringSet.union targets nodes)
) StringSet.empty graph in
fold_dir (fun dir_to_mod_names path ->
let file = Filename.basename path in
let mod_name = String.capitalize (try Filename.chop_extension file with _ -> file) in
if ((Filename.check_suffix file ".ml" || Filename.check_suffix file ".re")
&& StringSet.mem mod_name nodes)
let dir = Filename.dirname path in
let files = mod_name :: (try StringMap.find dir dir_to_mod_names with Not_found -> []) in
StringMap.add dir files dir_to_mod_names
) StringMap.empty dir
let printColors dir_to_mod_names =
let num_dirs = StringMap.cardinal dir_to_mod_names in
let hsv i s v = Printf.sprintf "\"%f %f %f\"" ((float)i *. (1. /. (float)num_dirs)) s v in
StringMap.fold (fun dir mod_names i ->
List.iter (fun mod_name ->
Printf.printf "\"%s\" [style = filled, fillcolor = %s] ;\n" mod_name (hsv i 0.5 0.9) ;
) mod_names ;
i + 1
) dir_to_mod_names 0
|> ignore
let printClusters clusterDirs dir_to_mod_names =
StringMap.iter (fun dir mod_names ->
let base = Filename.basename dir in
if StringSet.mem base clusterDirs then (
Printf.printf "subgraph cluster_%s { label=\"%s\" ;\n" base base;
List.iter (fun mod_name ->
Printf.printf "\"%s\" ;\n" mod_name
) mod_names ;
Printf.printf "}\n"
) dir_to_mod_names
let colorAndCluster clusterDirs graph dir =
let dir_to_mod_names = dir_to_mod_names graph dir in
printColors dir_to_mod_names ;
printClusters clusterDirs dir_to_mod_names
(* Entry point *)
let usage = "Usage: ocamldot [options] <files>"
let clusters = ref []
let leftToRight = ref false
let landscape = ref false
let roots = ref []
Arg.parse (Arg.align
Arg.String(fun s -> clusters := s::!clusters),
"<c> cluster the modules in the <c> directory in the graph");
Arg.Clear doKernel,
" draw the full graph (default is to draw only the kernel)");
Arg.Set landscape,
" output in landscape format (default is portrait)");
Arg.Set leftToRight,
" draw graph from left to right (default is top to bottom)");
Arg.String(fun s -> roots := s::!roots),
"<r> use <r> as a root in the graph; nodes reachable from <r> will be shown")
getDependFromFile usage;
if not(!calledOnFile) then getDependFromStdin();
print_string "digraph G {\n";
if !landscape
then print_string " size=\"10,7.5\" ;\n rotate=90 ;\n"
else print_string " size=\"7.5,10\" ;\n";
if (!leftToRight) then print_string " rankdir = LR ;\n"
else print_string " rankdir = TB ;\n";
let graph = graphOfEdges(!dependencies) in
match !roots with
[] -> printDepend graph
| roots ->
(* Set up the graph so that the roots are printed at the same level *)
print_string " { rank=same ;\n";
(fun r ->
print_string " ";
print_string r;
print_string " ;\n")
print_string " };\n";
(* Find the graph reachable from the roots *)
let tcGraph = tc graph in
let reachable node =
(List.exists (fun r -> r=node) roots)
(List.exists (fun r -> isEdge tcGraph r node) roots) in
let reachableFromRoots =
(fun (source,targets) ->
if reachable source
then [(source,targets)]
else [])
graph) in
printDepend reachableFromRoots;
let clusterDirs = List.fold_left (fun z s -> StringSet.add s z) StringSet.empty !clusters in
colorAndCluster clusterDirs reachableFromRoots (Sys.getcwd ())
print_string "}\n";
exit 0