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286 lines
9.6 KiB
286 lines
9.6 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Core.Std
module F = Format
let copyright_modified_exit_code = 1
let copyright_malformed_exit_code = 3 (* error code 2 is for OCaml uncaught exceptions *)
type comment_style =
| Line of string * bool (** line comments, eg "#" for shell, and whether there should be a
newline before the copyright notice *)
| Block of string * string * string (** block comments, eg ("(*", "*", "*)") for ocaml *)
let comment_style_ocaml = Block ("(*", "*", "*)")
let comment_style_c = Block ("/*", "*", "*/")
let comment_style_shell = Line ("#", true)
let comment_style_make = Line ("#", false)
let comment_style_llvm = Line (";", true)
let comment_styles = [
let lang_of_com_style style =
if style = comment_style_ocaml then "ocaml"
else if style = comment_style_c then "c"
else if style = comment_style_shell then "shell"
else if style = comment_style_llvm then "llvm"
else if style = comment_style_make then "make"
else "??unknown??"
let default_start_line_of_com_style style =
match style with
| Line (_, true) -> 2
| Line (_, false) -> 0
| Block _ -> 0
let prefix_of_comment_style = function
| Line _ -> ""
| Block (_, inter, _) -> String.make (String.length inter) ' '
(** If true, update the copyright message of the files. *)
let update_files = ref false
let line_contains_copyright line =
String.is_substring ~substring:"opyright " line
let rec find_copyright_line lines n = match lines with
| [] -> None
| line :: lines' ->
if line_contains_copyright line then Some n
else find_copyright_line lines' (n + 1)
let find_comment_start_and_style lines_arr n =
(* are we in a line comment? *)
let cur_line_comment =
List.find comment_styles ~f:(function
| Line (s, starts_with_newline) when String.is_prefix ~prefix:s lines_arr.(n) ->
if starts_with_newline then n <> 0 else true
| _ -> false
) in
let is_start line = match cur_line_comment with
| Some (Line _) ->
| _ ->
List.find comment_styles ~f:(function
| Block(s, _, _) -> String.is_substring ~substring:s line
| _ -> false
) in
let i = ref (max (n - 1) 0) in
(* hacky fake line comment to avoid an option type *)
let found = ref (-1, Line(">>>>>>>>>>>", false)) in
while !i >= 0 && fst (!found) = -1 do
match is_start lines_arr.(!i) with
| Some style -> found := (!i, style);
| None -> decr i
let find_comment_end lines_arr n com_style =
let is_end line = match com_style with
| Line (s, _) -> not (String.is_prefix ~prefix:s line)
| Block (_, _, s) -> String.is_substring ~substring:s line in
let i = ref (n + 1) in
let len = Array.length lines_arr in
let found = ref (len - 1) in
while !i < len && !found = len - 1 do
if is_end lines_arr.(!i) then found := !i;
incr i
match com_style with
| Line _ -> !found
| Block _ -> !found
(** Heuristic to check if this looks like a copyright message. *)
let looks_like_copyright_message cstart cend lines_arr =
let max_len = 100 in
let check_len () =
let ok = ref true in
for i = cstart to cend do
if String.length lines_arr.(i) > max_len then ok := false
!ok in
cstart >= 0 && (cend - cstart) <= 10 && check_len ()
let contains_monoidics cstart cend lines_arr =
let found = ref false in
for i = cstart to cend do
if String.is_substring ~substring:"Monoidics" lines_arr.(i) then found := true
let get_fb_year cstart cend lines_arr =
let found = ref None in
let do_line line =
let fmt_re = Str.regexp "[0-9]+" in
let _ = Str.search_forward fmt_re line 0 in
let fmt_match = Str.matched_string line in
if String.length fmt_match = 4 then
found := Some (int_of_string fmt_match)
with _ -> ()
with Not_found -> () in
for i = cstart to cend do
let line = lines_arr.(i) in
if String.is_substring ~substring:"Facebook" line then
do_line line
let pp_copyright mono fb_year com_style fmt _prefix =
let running_comment = match com_style with | Line (s, _) | Block (_, s, _) -> s in
let prefix = _prefix ^ running_comment in
let pp_line str = F.fprintf fmt "%s%s@\n" prefix str in
let pp_start () = match com_style with
| Line (_, starts_with_newline) -> if starts_with_newline then F.fprintf fmt "@\n";
| Block (start, _, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" start in
let pp_end () = match com_style with
| Line _ -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n";
| Block (_, _, finish) -> F.fprintf fmt "%s%s@\n" _prefix finish in
pp_start ();
if mono then
pp_line " Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.";
pp_line (F.sprintf " Copyright (c) %d - present Facebook, Inc." fb_year);
pp_line " All rights reserved.";
pp_line "";
pp_line " This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the";
pp_line " LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant";
pp_line " of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.";
pp_end ()
let copyright_has_changed mono fb_year com_style prefix cstart cend lines_arr =
let old_copyright =
let r = ref "" in
for i = cstart to cend do
r := !r ^ lines_arr.(i) ^ "\n"
!r in
let new_copyright =
let pp fmt = pp_copyright mono fb_year com_style fmt prefix in
Format.asprintf "%t" pp in
old_copyright <> new_copyright
let update_file fname mono fb_year com_style prefix cstart cend lines_arr =
let cout = open_out fname in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
for i = 0 to cstart - 1 do
F.fprintf fmt "%s@." lines_arr.(i)
pp_copyright mono fb_year com_style fmt prefix;
for i = cend + 1 to Array.length lines_arr - 1 do
F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" lines_arr.(i)
F.fprintf fmt "@?";
Out_channel.close cout
with _ -> ()
let com_style_of_lang = [
(".ml", comment_style_ocaml);
(".mli", comment_style_ocaml);
(".mly", comment_style_c);
(".mll", comment_style_ocaml);
(".re", comment_style_c);
(".rei", comment_style_c);
(".c", comment_style_c);
(".h", comment_style_c);
(".cpp", comment_style_c);
(".m", comment_style_c);
(".mm", comment_style_c);
(".ll", comment_style_llvm);
(".java", comment_style_c);
(".sh", comment_style_shell);
(".py", comment_style_shell);
("Makefile", comment_style_make);
(".make", comment_style_make);
let file_should_have_copyright fname =
List.Assoc.mem com_style_of_lang ~equal:Filename.check_suffix fname
let output_diff fname lines_arr cstart n cend len mono fb_year com_style prefix =
let range = cend - cstart in
let lang = lang_of_com_style com_style in
F.eprintf "%s (start:%d n:%d end:%d len:%d range:%d lang:%s mono:%b year:%d)@."
fname cstart n cend len range lang mono fb_year;
for i = cstart to cend do
F.printf "%s@." lines_arr.(i)
F.printf "-----@.";
F.printf "@[<v>%a@]" (pp_copyright mono fb_year com_style) prefix;
if !update_files then
update_file fname mono fb_year com_style prefix cstart cend lines_arr
let check_copyright fname =
let lines = In_channel.with_file fname ~f:In_channel.input_lines in
let lines_arr = Array.of_list lines in
match find_copyright_line lines 0 with
| None ->
if file_should_have_copyright fname then
let year = 1900 + (Unix.localtime (Unix.time ())).Unix.tm_year in
let com_style =
List.Assoc.find_exn com_style_of_lang ~equal:Filename.check_suffix fname in
let prefix = prefix_of_comment_style com_style in
let start = default_start_line_of_com_style com_style in
output_diff fname lines_arr start (-1) (-1) 0 false year com_style prefix;
exit copyright_modified_exit_code
| Some n ->
let line = lines_arr.(n) in
let (cstart, com_style) = find_comment_start_and_style lines_arr n in
let cend = find_comment_end lines_arr n com_style in
if looks_like_copyright_message cstart cend lines_arr then
let mono = contains_monoidics cstart cend lines_arr in
match get_fb_year cstart cend lines_arr with
| None ->
F.eprintf "Can't find fb year: %s@." fname;
exit copyright_malformed_exit_code
| Some fb_year ->
let prefix = prefix_of_comment_style com_style in
if copyright_has_changed mono fb_year com_style prefix cstart cend lines_arr then
let len = String.length line in
output_diff fname lines_arr cstart n cend len mono fb_year com_style prefix;
exit copyright_modified_exit_code
F.eprintf "Copyright not recognized: %s@." fname;
exit copyright_malformed_exit_code
let speclist = [
Arg.Set update_files,
"Update copyright notice in-place"
let usage_msg = "checkCopyright [-i] file1 ..."
let () =
let to_check = ref [] in
let add_file_to_check fname =
to_check := fname :: !to_check in
Arg.parse (Arg.align speclist) add_file_to_check usage_msg;
List.iter ~f:check_copyright (List.rev !to_check);
exit 0