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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
type 'astate error =
| PotentialInvalidAccess of
{ astate: 'astate
; address: AbstractValue.t
; must_be_valid: Trace.t * Invalidation.must_be_valid_reason option }
| PotentialInvalidAccessSummary of
{ astate: AbductiveDomain.summary
; address: AbstractValue.t
; must_be_valid: Trace.t * Invalidation.must_be_valid_reason option }
| ReportableError of {astate: 'astate; diagnostic: Diagnostic.t}
| ISLError of 'astate
type ('a, 'astate) base_t = ('a, 'astate error) result
type 'a t = ('a, AbductiveDomain.t) base_t
type 'astate abductive_error =
[ `ISLError of 'astate
| `PotentialInvalidAccess of
'astate * AbstractValue.t * (Trace.t * Invalidation.must_be_valid_reason option)
| `PotentialInvalidAccessSummary of
AbductiveDomain.summary * AbstractValue.t * (Trace.t * Invalidation.must_be_valid_reason option)
let of_abductive_error = function
| `ISLError astate ->
ISLError astate
| `PotentialInvalidAccess (astate, address, must_be_valid) ->
PotentialInvalidAccess {astate; address; must_be_valid}
| `PotentialInvalidAccessSummary (astate, address, must_be_valid) ->
PotentialInvalidAccessSummary {astate; address; must_be_valid}
let of_abductive_result abductive_result = Result.map_error abductive_result ~f:of_abductive_error
let of_abductive_access_result access_trace abductive_result =
Result.map_error abductive_result ~f:(function
| `InvalidAccess (invalidation, invalidation_trace, astate) ->
{ astate
; diagnostic=
{ calling_context= []
; invalidation
; invalidation_trace
; access_trace
; must_be_valid_reason= None } }
| (`ISLError _ | `PotentialInvalidAccess _ | `PotentialInvalidAccessSummary _) as error ->
of_abductive_error error )