You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
836 lines
34 KiB
836 lines
34 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Definition and parsing of command line arguments *)
open! IStd
module F = Format
module YBU = Yojson.Basic.Util
let (=) = String.equal
let is_env_var_set v =
Option.value ( (Sys.getenv v) ~f:((=) "1")) ~default:false
(** The working directory of the initial invocation of infer, to which paths passed as command line
options are relative. *)
let init_work_dir, is_originator =
match Sys.getenv "INFER_CWD" with
| Some dir ->
(dir, false)
| None ->
let real_cwd = Utils.realpath (Sys.getcwd ()) in
Unix.putenv ~key:"INFER_CWD" ~data:real_cwd;
(real_cwd, true)
let strict_mode = is_env_var_set "INFER_STRICT_MODE"
let warnf =
if strict_mode then failwithf
else if not is_originator then fun fmt -> F.ifprintf F.err_formatter fmt
else F.eprintf
let terminal_width = lazy (
let open Ctypes in
let module T = IOCtl.Types(IOCtl_types) in
let winsize = make IOCtl.winsize in
let return =
ExternStubs.ioctl_stub_1_ioctl 0 T.Request.request_TIOCGWINSZ
(ExternStubs.CI.cptr (addr winsize)) in
if return >= 0 then
Ok (Unsigned.UShort.to_int (getf winsize IOCtl.ws_col))
Error return
(** This is the subset of Arg.spec that we actually use. What's important is that all these specs
call back functions. We use this to mark deprecated arguments. What's not important is that, eg,
Arg.Float is missing. *)
type spec =
| Unit of (unit -> unit)
| String of (string -> unit)
| Symbol of string list * (string -> unit)
| Rest of (string -> unit)
let to_arg_spec = function
| Unit f -> Arg.Unit f
| String f -> Arg.String f
| Symbol (symbols, f) -> Arg.Symbol (symbols, f)
| Rest f -> Arg.Rest f
let to_arg_spec_triple (x, spec, y) = (x, to_arg_spec spec, y)
let to_arg_speclist = ~f:to_arg_spec_triple
type section =
Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Print | Quandary
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_section = [%compare.equal : section ]
let all_sections =
[ Analysis; BufferOverrun; Checkers; Clang; Crashcontext; Driver; Java; Print; Quandary ]
(* NOTE: All variants must be also added to `all_parse_tags` below *)
type 'a parse = Differential | Infer of 'a | Javac | NoParse [@@deriving compare]
type parse_mode = section list parse [@@deriving compare]
type parse_action = section parse [@@deriving compare]
let equal_parse_action = [%compare.equal : parse_action ]
(* NOTE: All variants must be also added to `all_parse_tags` below *)
type parse_tag = AllInferTags | OneTag of unit parse [@@deriving compare]
let equal_parse_tag = [%compare.equal : parse_tag ]
let all_parse_tags = [
AllInferTags; OneTag Differential; OneTag (Infer ()); OneTag Javac; OneTag NoParse
let to_parse_tag parse =
match parse with
| Differential -> OneTag Differential
| Infer _ -> OneTag (Infer ())
| Javac -> OneTag Javac
| NoParse -> OneTag NoParse
let accept_unknown_args = function
| Infer Print | Javac | NoParse -> true
| Infer (Analysis | BufferOverrun | Checkers | Clang | Crashcontext | Driver | Java | Quandary)
| Differential -> false
type desc = {
long: string; short: string; meta: string; doc: string; spec: spec;
(** how to go from an option in the json config file to a list of command-line options *)
decode_json: inferconfig_dir:string -> Yojson.Basic.json -> string list ;
let dashdash long =
match long with
| "" | "--" -> long
| _ -> "--" ^ long
let short_meta {short; meta; spec} =
String.concat ~sep:" "
((if short = "" then [] else ["| -" ^ short]) @
(match spec with
| Symbol (symbols, _) ->
["{ " ^ (String.concat ~sep:" | " symbols) ^ " }" ^ meta]
| _ ->
if meta = "" then [] else ["<" ^ meta ^ ">"]))
let left_length long short_meta =
(String.length (dashdash long)) + (String.length short_meta)
let max_left_length limit current ({long; spec} as desc) =
let short_meta =
match spec with
| Symbol _ -> short_meta {desc with spec = Unit (fun () -> ())}
| _ -> short_meta desc in
let length = left_length long short_meta in
if length > limit then current else max current length
let xdesc {long; short; spec; doc} =
let key long short =
match long, short with
| "", "" -> ""
| "--", _ -> "--"
| "", _ -> "-" ^ short
| _ -> "--" ^ long
let xspec long spec =
match spec with
(* translate Symbol to String for better formatting of --help messages *)
| Symbol (symbols, action) ->
String (fun arg ->
if List.mem ~equal:String.equal symbols arg then
action arg
raise (Arg.Bad (F.sprintf "wrong argument '%s'; option '%s' expects one of: %s"
arg (dashdash long) (String.concat ~sep:" | " symbols)))
| _ ->
(key long short, xspec long spec, doc)
let wrap_line indent_string wrap_length line =
let indent_length = String.length indent_string in
let word_sep = " " in
let words = Str.split (Str.regexp_string word_sep) line in
let add_word_to_paragraph (rev_lines, non_empty, line, line_length) word =
let word_length = String.length word in
let new_length = line_length + (String.length word_sep) + word_length in
let new_non_empty = non_empty || word <> "" in
if new_length > wrap_length && non_empty then
(line::rev_lines, true, indent_string ^ word, indent_length + word_length)
let sep = if Int.equal line_length indent_length then "" else word_sep in
let new_line = line ^ sep ^ word in
if new_length > wrap_length && new_non_empty then
(new_line::rev_lines, false, indent_string, indent_length)
(rev_lines, new_non_empty, new_line, String.length new_line) in
let (rev_lines, _, line, _) =
List.fold ~f:add_word_to_paragraph ~init:([], false, "", 0) words in
List.rev (line::rev_lines)
let pad_and_xform doc_width left_width desc =
match desc with
| {doc = ""} ->
xdesc desc
| {long; doc} ->
let indent_doc doc =
(* 2 blank columns before option + 2 columns of gap between flag and doc *)
let left_indent = 4 + left_width in
(* align every line after the first one of [doc] *)
let doc = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "\n")
("\n" ^ String.make left_indent ' ') doc in
(* align the first line of [doc] *)
let short_meta = short_meta desc in
let gap = left_width - (left_length long short_meta) in
if gap < 0 then
short_meta ^ "\n" ^ (String.make left_indent ' ') ^ doc
short_meta ^ (String.make (gap + 1) ' ') ^ doc
let wrapped_lines =
let lines = Str.split (Str.regexp_string "\n") doc in
let wrap_line s =
if String.length s > doc_width then
wrap_line "" doc_width s
else [s] in
| ~f:wrap_line lines in
let doc = indent_doc (String.concat ~sep:"\n" (List.concat wrapped_lines)) in
xdesc {desc with doc}
let align desc_list =
let min_term_width = 80 in
let cur_term_width =
match Lazy.force terminal_width with
| Ok width -> width
| Error _ -> min_term_width in
(* 2 blank columns before option + 2 columns of gap between flag and doc *)
let extra_space = 4 in
let min_left_width = 15 in
let max_left_width = 49 in
let doc_width term_width left_width = term_width - extra_space - left_width in
let term_width doc_width left_width = left_width + extra_space + doc_width in
let max_doc_width = 100 in
let max_term_width = term_width max_left_width max_doc_width in
(* how many columns to reserve for the option names
NOTE: this doesn't take into account "--help | -h" nor "--help-full", but fortunately these
have short names *)
let left_width =
let opt_left_width =
List.fold ~f:(max_left_length max_left_width) ~init:0 desc_list in
let (--) a b = float_of_int a -. float_of_int b in
let multiplier = (max_left_width -- min_left_width) /. (max_term_width -- min_term_width) in
(* at 80 columns use min_left_width then use extra columns until opt_left_width *)
let cols_after_min_width = float_of_int (max 0 (cur_term_width - min_term_width)) in
min (int_of_float (cols_after_min_width *. multiplier) + min_left_width) opt_left_width in
let doc_width = min max_doc_width (doc_width cur_term_width left_width) in
( ~f:(pad_and_xform doc_width left_width) desc_list, (doc_width, left_width))
let check_no_duplicates desc_list =
let rec check_for_duplicates_ = function
| [] | [_] ->
| (x, _, _) :: (y, _, _) :: _ when x <> "" && x = y ->
failwith ("Multiple definitions of command line option: " ^ x)
| _ :: tl ->
check_for_duplicates_ tl
check_for_duplicates_ (List.sort ~cmp:(fun (x, _, _) (y, _, _) -> x y) desc_list)
let parse_tag_desc_lists = ~f:(fun parse_tag -> (parse_tag, ref [])) all_parse_tags
let infer_section_desc_lists = ~f:(fun section -> (section, ref [])) all_sections
(** add [desc] to the one relevant parse_tag_desc_lists for the purposes of parsing, and, in the
case of Infer, include [desc] in --help only for the relevant sections. *)
let add parse_mode desc =
let add_to_tag tag =
let desc_list = List.Assoc.find_exn parse_tag_desc_lists tag in
desc_list := desc :: !desc_list in
(match parse_mode with
| Javac | NoParse -> ()
| Differential | Infer _ -> add_to_tag AllInferTags
add_to_tag (to_parse_tag parse_mode);
match parse_mode with
| Differential | Javac | NoParse -> ()
| Infer sections ->
List.iter infer_section_desc_lists ~f:(fun (section, desc_list) ->
let desc = if List.mem ~equal:equal_section sections section then
{desc with meta = ""; doc = ""} in
desc_list := desc :: !desc_list)
let deprecate_desc parse_mode ~long ~short ~deprecated desc =
let warn () = match parse_mode with
| Javac | NoParse -> ()
| Differential | Infer _ ->
warnf "WARNING: '-%s' is deprecated. Use '--%s'%s instead.@."
deprecated long (if short = "" then "" else Printf.sprintf " or '-%s'" short) in
let warn_then_f f x = warn (); f x in
let deprecated_spec = match desc.spec with
| Unit f -> Unit (warn_then_f f)
| String f -> String (warn_then_f f)
| Symbol (symbols, f) -> Symbol (symbols, warn_then_f f)
| Rest _ as spec -> spec in
let deprecated_decode_json ~inferconfig_dir j =
warnf "WARNING: in .inferconfig: '%s' is deprecated. Use '%s' instead.@." deprecated long;
desc.decode_json ~inferconfig_dir j in
{ long = ""; short = deprecated; meta = ""; doc = "";
spec = deprecated_spec; decode_json = deprecated_decode_json }
let mk ?(deprecated=[]) ?(parse_mode=Infer [])
~long ?short:short0 ~default ~meta doc ~default_to_string ~decode_json ~mk_setter ~mk_spec =
let variable = ref default in
let closure = mk_setter variable in
let setter str =
try closure str
with exc ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("bad value " ^ str ^ " for flag " ^ long
^ " (" ^ (Exn.to_string exc) ^ ")")) in
let spec = mk_spec setter in
let doc =
let default_string = default_to_string default in
if default_string = "" then doc
else doc ^ " (default: " ^ default_string ^ ")" in
let short = match short0 with Some c -> String.of_char c | None -> "" in
let desc = {long; short=short; meta; doc; spec; decode_json} in
(* add desc for long option, with documentation (which includes any short option) for exes *)
if long <> "" then add parse_mode desc ;
(* add desc for short option only for parsing, without documentation *)
let parse_mode_no_sections = match parse_mode with
| Infer _ -> Infer []
| Differential | Javac | NoParse -> parse_mode in
if short <> "" then
add parse_mode_no_sections {desc with long = ""; meta = ""; doc = ""} ;
(* add desc for deprecated options only for parsing, without documentation *)
List.iter deprecated ~f:(fun deprecated ->
deprecate_desc parse_mode ~long ~short:short ~deprecated desc
|> add parse_mode_no_sections) ;
(* begin parsing state *)
(* arguments passed to Arg.parse_argv_dynamic, susceptible to be modified on the fly when parsing *)
let args_to_parse : string array ref = ref (Array.of_list [])
(* reference used by Arg.parse_argv_dynamic to track the index of the argument being parsed *)
let arg_being_parsed : int ref = ref 0
(* list of arg specifications currently being used by Arg.parse_argv_dynamic *)
let curr_speclist : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list ref = ref []
let unknown_args_action = ref `Reject
let rev_anon_args = ref []
let anon_fun arg = match !unknown_args_action with
| `Skip ->
| `Add ->
rev_anon_args := arg::!rev_anon_args
| `Reject ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("unexpected anonymous argument: " ^ arg))
(* keep track of the final parse action to drive the remainder of the program *)
let final_parse_action = ref (Infer Driver)
(* end parsing state *)
type 'a t =
?deprecated:string list -> long:Arg.key -> ?short:char ->
?parse_mode:parse_mode -> ?meta:string -> Arg.doc ->
let string_json_decoder ~long ~inferconfig_dir:_ json =
[dashdash long; YBU.to_string json]
let path_json_decoder ~long ~inferconfig_dir json =
let abs_path =
let path = YBU.to_string json in
if Filename.is_relative path then inferconfig_dir ^/ path
else path in
[dashdash long; abs_path]
let list_json_decoder json_decoder ~inferconfig_dir json =
List.concat (YBU.convert_each (json_decoder ~inferconfig_dir) json)
let mk_set var value ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let setter () = var := value in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:() ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun () -> "")
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> setter ())
~mk_spec:(fun _ -> Unit setter) )
let mk_option ?(default=None) ?(default_to_string=fun _ -> "") ~f
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := f str)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_bool ?(deprecated_no=[]) ?(default=false) ?(f=fun b -> b)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let nolong =
let len = String.length long in
if len > 3 && String.sub long ~pos:0 ~len:3 = "no-" then
String.sub long ~pos:3 ~len:(len - 3)
"no-" ^ long
and noshort =
| ~f:(fun short ->
if Char.is_lowercase short then Char.uppercase short
else Char.lowercase short
) short
let doc long short =
match short with
| Some short -> doc ^ " (Conversely: --" ^ long ^ " | -" ^ String.of_char short ^ ")"
| None -> doc ^ " (Conversely: --" ^ long ^ ")"
let doc, nodoc =
if not default then
("Activates: " ^ doc nolong noshort, "")
("", "Deactivates: " ^ doc long short) in
let default_to_string _ = "" in
let mk_spec set = Unit (fun () -> set "") in
let var =
mk ~long ?short ~deprecated ~default ?parse_mode
~meta doc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun var _ -> var := f true)
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then long else nolong)])
~mk_spec in
mk ~long:nolong ?short:noshort ~deprecated:deprecated_no ~default:(not default) ?parse_mode
~meta nodoc ~default_to_string ~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> var := f false)
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash (if YBU.to_bool json then nolong else long)])
~mk_spec );
let mk_bool_group ?(deprecated_no=[]) ?(default=false)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc children no_children =
let f b =
List.iter ~f:(fun child -> child := b) children ;
List.iter ~f:(fun child -> child := not b) no_children ;
mk_bool ~deprecated ~deprecated_no ~default ~long ?short ~f ?parse_mode ~meta doc
let mk_int ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (int_of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_int_opt ?default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let default_to_string = function Some f -> string_of_int f | None -> "" in
let f s = Some (int_of_string s) in
mk_option ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ~default_to_string ~f ?parse_mode ~meta doc
let mk_float ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (float_of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_float_opt ?default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let default_to_string = function Some f -> string_of_float f | None -> "" in
let f s = Some (float_of_string s) in
mk_option ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ~default_to_string ~f ?parse_mode ~meta doc
let mk_string ~default ?(f=fun s -> s) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun s -> s)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := f str)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_string_opt ?default ?(f=fun s -> s) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode
?(meta="") doc =
let default_to_string = function Some s -> s | None -> "" in
let f s = Some (f s) in
mk_option ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ~default_to_string ~f ?parse_mode ~meta doc
let mk_string_list ?(default=[]) ?(f=fun s -> s)
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(String.concat ~sep:", ")
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := (f str) :: !var)
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (string_json_decoder ~long))
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta ~decode_json doc =
let normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed str =
if Filename.is_relative str then (
(* Replace relative paths with absolute ones on the fly in the args being parsed. This assumes
that [!arg_being_parsed] points at the option name position in [!args_to_parse], as is the
case e.g. when calling
[Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse ...]. *)
let root = Unix.getcwd () in
let abs_path = Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root str in
(!args_to_parse).(!arg_being_parsed + 1) <- abs_path;
) else
str in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~decode_json ~default_to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var str ->
let abs_path = normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed str in
setter var abs_path)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_path ~default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := x)
~decode_json:(path_json_decoder ~long)
~default_to_string:(fun s -> s)
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
let mk_path_opt ?default ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := Some x)
~decode_json:(path_json_decoder ~long)
~default_to_string:(function Some s -> s | None -> "")
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
let mk_path_list ?(default=[]) ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="path") =
~setter:(fun var x -> var := x :: !var)
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (path_json_decoder ~long))
~default_to_string:(String.concat ~sep:", ")
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~meta
let mk_symbol ~default ~symbols ~eq ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let strings = ~f:fst symbols in
let sym_to_str = ~f:(fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) symbols in
let of_string str = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:String.equal symbols str in
let to_string sym = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:eq sym_to_str sym in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun s -> to_string s)
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := of_string str)
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Symbol (strings, set))
let mk_symbol_opt ~symbols ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let strings = ~f:fst symbols in
let of_string str = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:String.equal symbols str in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:None ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun _ -> "")
~mk_setter:(fun var str -> var := Some (of_string str))
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> Symbol (strings, set))
let mk_symbol_seq ?(default=[]) ~symbols ~eq ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode
?(meta="") doc =
let sym_to_str = ~f:(fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) symbols in
let of_string str = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:String.equal symbols str in
let to_string sym = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:eq sym_to_str sym in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ~meta:(",-separated sequence" ^ meta) doc
~default_to_string:(fun syms -> String.concat ~sep:" " ( ~f:to_string syms))
~mk_setter:(fun var str_seq ->
var := ~f:of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ",") str_seq))
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json ->
[dashdash long;
String.concat ~sep:"," (YBU.convert_each YBU.to_string json)])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_set_from_json ~default ~default_to_string ~f
?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="json") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default ~default_to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var json -> var := f (Yojson.Basic.from_string json))
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_json ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="json") doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default:(`List []) ~default_to_string:Yojson.Basic.to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var json -> var := Yojson.Basic.from_string json)
~decode_json:(fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ json -> [dashdash long; Yojson.Basic.to_string json])
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
(** [mk_anon] always return the same ref. Anonymous arguments are only accepted if
[parse_action_accept_unknown_args] is true. *)
let mk_anon () = rev_anon_args
let mk_rest ?(parse_mode=Infer []) doc =
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = Rest (fun arg -> rest := arg :: !rest) in
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~usage ?(parse_all=false) parse_action =
let full_speclist = ref [] in
let curr_usage status =
prerr_endline (String.concat_array ~sep:" " !args_to_parse) ;
Arg.usage !curr_speclist usage ;
exit status
and full_usage status =
Arg.usage (to_arg_speclist !full_speclist) usage ;
exit status
(* "-help" and "--help" are automatically recognized by Arg.parse, so we have to give them special
treatment *)
let add_or_suppress_help (speclist, (doc_width,left_width)) =
let unknown opt =
(opt, Unit (fun () -> raise (Arg.Bad ("unknown option '" ^ opt ^ "'"))), "") in
let mk_spec ~long ?(short="") spec doc =
pad_and_xform doc_width left_width {
long; short; meta=""; spec; doc;
decode_json=fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> raise (Arg.Bad long);
} in
speclist @ [
mk_spec ~long:"help" ~short:"h"
(Unit (fun () -> curr_usage 0))
"Display this list of options";
mk_spec ~long:"help-full"
(Unit (fun () -> full_usage 0))
"Display the full list of options, including internal and experimental options";
(unknown "-help")
let normalize speclist =
let norm k =
let remove_no s =
let len = String.length k in
if len > 3 && String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:3 = "no-"
then String.sub s ~pos:3 ~len:(len - 3)
else s in
let remove_weird_chars = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[^a-z0-9-]") "" in
remove_weird_chars @@ String.lowercase @@ remove_no k in
let compare_specs {long = x} {long = y} =
match x, y with
| "--", "--" -> 0
| "--", _ -> 1
| _, "--" -> -1
| _ ->
let lower_norm s = String.lowercase @@ norm s in
| (lower_norm x) (lower_norm y) in
let sort speclist = List.sort ~cmp:compare_specs speclist in
align (sort speclist)
let add_to_curr_speclist ?(add_help=false) ?header parse_action =
let mk_header_spec heading =
("", Unit (fun () -> ()), "\n## " ^ heading ^ "\n") in
let exe_descs = match parse_all, parse_action with
| true, _ ->
List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_tag parse_tag_desc_lists AllInferTags
| false, Infer section ->
List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_section infer_section_desc_lists section
| false, (Differential | Javac | NoParse) ->
to_parse_tag parse_action
|> List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_tag parse_tag_desc_lists in
let (exe_speclist, widths) = normalize !exe_descs in
let exe_speclist = if add_help
then add_or_suppress_help (exe_speclist, widths)
else exe_speclist in
let exe_speclist = to_arg_speclist exe_speclist in
(* Return false if the same option appears in [speclist], unless [doc] is non-empty and the
documentation in [speclist] is empty. The goal is to keep only one instance of each option,
and that instance is the one that has a non-empty docstring if there is one. *)
let is_not_dup_with_doc speclist (opt, _, doc) =
opt = "" ||
List.for_all ~f:(fun (opt', _, doc') ->
(doc <> "" && doc' = "") || (not (String.equal opt opt'))) speclist in
let unique_exe_speclist = List.filter ~f:(is_not_dup_with_doc !curr_speclist) exe_speclist in
curr_speclist := List.filter ~f:(is_not_dup_with_doc unique_exe_speclist) !curr_speclist @
(match header with
| Some s -> (to_arg_spec_triple (mk_header_spec s)):: unique_exe_speclist
| None -> unique_exe_speclist)
(* speclist includes args for current exe with docs, and all other args without docs, so
that all args can be parsed, but --help and parse failures only show external args for
current exe *)
(* reset the speclist between calls to this function *)
curr_speclist := [];
if equal_parse_action parse_action (Infer Driver) then (
add_to_curr_speclist ~add_help:true ~header:"Driver options" (Infer Driver);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Checkers options" (Infer Checkers);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Clang-specific options" (Infer Clang);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Java-specific options" (Infer Java);
add_to_curr_speclist ~header:"Quandary checker options" (Infer Quandary)
) else
add_to_curr_speclist ~add_help:true parse_action
assert( check_no_duplicates !curr_speclist )
let full_desc_list =
let parse_tag = if parse_all then AllInferTags else to_parse_tag parse_action in
List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_tag parse_tag_desc_lists parse_tag in
full_speclist := add_or_suppress_help (normalize !full_desc_list)
let select_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action =
let usage = set_curr_speclist_for_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action in
unknown_args_action := if accept_unknown_args action then `Add else `Reject;
final_parse_action := action;
let mk_rest_actions ?(parse_mode=Infer []) doc ~usage decode_action =
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = String (fun arg ->
rest := List.rev (Array.to_list (Array.slice !args_to_parse (!arg_being_parsed + 1) 0)) ;
select_parse_action ~usage (decode_action arg) |> ignore;
(* stop accepting new anonymous arguments *)
unknown_args_action := `Skip) in
add parse_mode {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
let mk_switch_parse_action
parse_action ~usage ?(deprecated=[]) ~long ?short ?parse_mode ?(meta="") doc =
let switch () =
select_parse_action ~usage parse_action |> ignore in
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default:() ?parse_mode ~meta doc
~default_to_string:(fun () -> "")
~decode_json:(string_json_decoder ~long)
~mk_setter:(fun _ _ -> switch ())
~mk_spec:(fun _ -> Unit switch))
let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
let json = match Utils.read_json_file path with
| Ok json ->
| Error msg ->
warnf "WARNING: Could not read or parse Infer config in %s:@\n%s@." path msg ;
`Assoc [] in
let desc_list = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_parse_tag parse_tag_desc_lists AllInferTags in
let json_config = YBU.to_assoc json in
let inferconfig_dir = Filename.dirname path in
let one_config_item result (key, json_val) =
let {decode_json} =
~f:(fun {long; short} ->
String.equal key long
|| (* for deprecated options *) String.equal key short)
!desc_list in
decode_json ~inferconfig_dir json_val @ result
| Not_found ->
warnf "WARNING: while reading config file %s:@\nUnknown option %s@." path key ;
| YBU.Type_error (msg, json) ->
warnf "WARNING: while reading config file %s:@\nIll-formed value %s for option %s: %s@."
path (Yojson.Basic.to_string json) key msg ;
result in
List.fold ~f:one_config_item ~init:[] json_config
(** separator of argv elements when encoded into environment variables *)
let env_var_sep = '^'
let encode_argv_to_env argv =
String.concat ~sep:(String.make 1 env_var_sep)
(List.filter ~f:(fun arg ->
not (String.contains arg env_var_sep)
|| (
warnf "Ignoring unsupported option containing '%c' character: %s@\n"
env_var_sep arg ;
) argv)
let decode_env_to_argv env =
Str.split (Str.regexp_string (String.make 1 env_var_sep)) env
(** [prefix_before_rest (prefix @ ["--" :: rest])] is [prefix] where "--" is not in [prefix]. *)
let rev_prefix_before_rest args =
let rec rev_prefix_before_rest_ rev_keep = function
| [] | "--" :: _ -> rev_keep
| keep :: args -> rev_prefix_before_rest_ (keep :: rev_keep) args in
rev_prefix_before_rest_ [] args
(** environment variable use to pass arguments from parent to child processes *)
let args_env_var = "INFER_ARGS"
let extra_env_args = ref []
let extend_env_args args =
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
let parse_args ~usage ?parse_all action args =
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
arg_being_parsed := 0;
let curr_usage = select_parse_action ~usage ?parse_all action in
(* tests if msg indicates an unknown option, as opposed to a known option with bad argument *)
let is_unknown msg = String.is_substring msg ~substring:": unknown option" in
let rec parse_loop () =
Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse curr_speclist
anon_fun usage
| Arg.Bad usage_msg ->
if !unknown_args_action <> `Reject && is_unknown usage_msg then (
anon_fun !args_to_parse.(!arg_being_parsed);
parse_loop ()
) else (
Pervasives.prerr_string usage_msg;
exit 2
| Arg.Help usage_msg -> Pervasives.print_string usage_msg; exit 0
parse_loop ();
let parse ?config_file ~usage action =
let env_args = decode_env_to_argv (Option.value (Sys.getenv args_env_var) ~default:"") in
let inferconfig_args =
| ~f:decode_inferconfig_to_argv config_file |> Option.value ~default:[] in
let args_to_export = ref "" in
let add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export () =
(* reread args_to_parse instead of using all_args since mk_path_helper may have modified them *)
let prog_args =
(rev_prefix_before_rest (Array.to_list !args_to_parse))
(List.rev !extra_env_args) in
(* do not include program path in args passed via env var *)
let args = Option.value ( prog_args) ~default:[] in
if not (List.is_empty args) then
let arg_string =
if String.equal !args_to_export "" then encode_argv_to_env args
else !args_to_export ^ String.of_char env_var_sep ^ encode_argv_to_env args in
args_to_export := arg_string in
(* read .inferconfig first, then env vars, then command-line options *)
parse_args ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) inferconfig_args |> ignore;
(* NOTE: do not add the contents of .inferconfig to INFER_ARGS. This helps avoid hitting the
command line size limit. *)
parse_args ~usage ~parse_all:true (Infer Driver) env_args |> ignore;
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
let curr_usage =
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in
let curr_usage = parse_args ~usage action cl_args in
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
curr_usage in
Unix.putenv ~key:args_env_var ~data:!args_to_export;
!final_parse_action, curr_usage