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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! NS0
module type S = sig
type key
type +'a t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
module Provide_of_sexp (_ : sig
type t = key [@@deriving of_sexp]
end) : sig
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t
(** {1 Construct} *)
val empty : 'a t
val singleton : key -> 'a -> 'a t
val add_exn : key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val add : key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val add_multi : key:key -> data:'a -> 'a list t -> 'a list t
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val merge :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> f:
( key
-> [`Left of 'a | `Both of 'a * 'b | `Right of 'b]
-> 'c option)
-> 'c t
val merge_endo :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> f:
( key
-> [`Left of 'a | `Both of 'a * 'b | `Right of 'b]
-> 'a option)
-> 'a t
(** Like merge, but specialized to require [f] to preserve the type of the
left argument, which enables preserving [==] if [f] preserves [==] of
every value. *)
val union : 'a t -> 'a t -> f:(key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a t
val union_absent : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** [union_absent m1 m2] contains all the bindings of [m1] as well as
those of [m2] for keys not contained by [m1].
[union_absent m1 m2 == m1] if no bindings from [m2] are added. *)
val partition : 'a t -> f:(key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t * 'a t
val partition_map :
'a t -> f:(key -> 'a -> ('b, 'c) Either.t) -> 'b t * 'c t
(** {1 Query} *)
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val is_singleton : 'a t -> bool
val length : 'a t -> int
val only_binding : 'a t -> (key * 'a) option
val classify : 'a t -> [`Zero | `One of key * 'a | `Many]
val choose_key : 'a t -> key option
(** Find an unspecified key. Different keys may be chosen for equivalent
maps. [O(1)]. *)
val choose : 'a t -> (key * 'a) option
(** Find an unspecified binding. Different bindings may be chosen for
equivalent maps. [O(1)]. *)
val choose_exn : 'a t -> key * 'a
(** Find an unspecified binding. Different bindings may be chosen for
equivalent maps. [O(1)]. *)
val min_binding : 'a t -> (key * 'a) option
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a option
val find_exn : key -> 'a t -> 'a
val find_multi : key -> 'a list t -> 'a list
val find_and_remove : key -> 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option
(** Find and remove the binding for a key. *)
val find_or_add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> [`Added of 'a t | `Found of 'a]
(** Find the value bound to the given key if there is one, or otherwise
add a binding for the given key and value. *)
val pop : 'a t -> (key * 'a * 'a t) option
(** Find and remove an unspecified binding. Different bindings may be
chosen for equivalent maps. [O(1)]. *)
val pop_min_binding : 'a t -> (key * 'a * 'a t) option
(** Find and remove binding with minimum key. [O(log n)]. *)
(** {1 Transform} *)
val change : key -> 'a t -> f:('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t
val update : key -> 'a t -> f:('a option -> 'a) -> 'a t
val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val mapi : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val map_endo : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a) -> 'a t
(** Like map, but specialized to require [f] to be an endofunction, which
enables preserving [==] if [f] preserves [==] of every value. *)
val filter_mapi : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 'b option) -> 'b t
(** {1 Traverse} *)
val iter : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit
val iteri : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> unit) -> unit
val existsi : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> bool) -> bool
val for_alli : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> bool) -> bool
val fold : 'a t -> 's -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 's -> 's) -> 's
(** {1 Convert} *)
val keys : 'a t -> key iter
val values : 'a t -> 'a iter
val to_iter : 'a t -> (key * 'a) iter
val to_list : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
val to_list_rev : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
val of_iter : (key * 'a) iter -> 'a t
val of_list : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
val to_iter2 :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> (key * [`Left of 'a | `Both of 'a * 'b | `Right of 'b]) iter
val symmetric_diff :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> eq:('a -> 'b -> bool)
-> (key * [> `Left of 'a | `Unequal of 'a * 'b | `Right of 'b]) iter
(** {1 Pretty-print} *)
val pp : key pp -> 'a pp -> 'a t pp
val pp_diff :
?pre:(unit, unit) fmt
-> ?suf:(unit, unit) fmt
-> ?sep:(unit, unit) fmt
-> key pp
-> 'a pp
-> ('a * 'a) pp
-> eq:('a -> 'a -> bool)
-> ('a t * 'a t) pp