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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module SourceKind = struct
type t =
| CommandLineFlag of Var.t (** source that was read from a command line flag *)
| Endpoint of (Mangled.t * Typ.desc) (** source originating from formal of an endpoint *)
| EnvironmentVariable (** source that was read from an environment variable *)
| File (** source that was read from a file *)
| Other (** for testing or uncategorized sources *)
| UserControlledEndpoint of (Mangled.t * Typ.desc)
(** source originating from formal of an endpoint that is known to hold user-controlled data *)
[@@deriving compare]
let matches ~caller ~callee = Int.equal 0 (compare caller callee)
let of_string = function
| "CommandLineFlag" ->
L.die UserError "User-specified CommandLineFlag sources are not supported"
| "Endpoint" ->
Endpoint (Mangled.from_string "NONE", Typ.Tvoid)
| "EnvironmentVariable" ->
| "File" ->
| "UserControlledEndpoint" ->
Endpoint (Mangled.from_string "NONE", Typ.Tvoid)
| _ ->
let external_sources =
~f:(fun {QuandaryConfig.Source.procedure; kind; index} ->
(QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names [procedure], kind, index))
(QuandaryConfig.Source.of_json Config.quandary_sources)
let endpoints = String.Set.of_list (QuandaryConfig.Endpoint.of_json Config.quandary_endpoints)
(* return Some(source kind) if [procedure_name] is in the list of externally specified sources *)
let get_external_source qualified_pname =
let return = None in
~f:(fun (qualifiers, kind, index) ->
if QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers qualifiers qualified_pname then
let source_index = try Some (int_of_string index) with Failure _ -> return in
Some (of_string kind, source_index)
else None)
let get pname actuals _ =
let return = None in
match pname with
| Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp cpp_name
-> (
let qualified_pname = Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname in
( QualifiedCppName.to_list
(Typ.Name.unqualified_name (Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_type_name cpp_name))
, Typ.Procname.get_method pname )
| ( ["std"; ("basic_istream" | "basic_iostream")]
, ("getline" | "read" | "readsome" | "operator>>") ) ->
Some (File, Some 1)
| _ ->
get_external_source qualified_pname )
| Typ.Procname.C _ when Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__global_access
-> (
(* is this var a command line flag created by the popular C++ gflags library for creating
command-line flags ( *)
let is_gflag access_path =
let pvar_is_gflag pvar =
String.is_substring ~substring:"FLAGS_" (Pvar.get_simplified_name pvar)
match access_path with
| (Var.ProgramVar pvar, _), _ ->
Pvar.is_global pvar && pvar_is_gflag pvar
| _ ->
(* accessed global will be passed to us as the only parameter *)
match actuals with
| [(HilExp.AccessPath access_path)] when is_gflag access_path ->
let (global_pvar, _), _ = access_path in
Some (CommandLineFlag global_pvar, None)
| _ ->
None )
| Typ.Procname.C _ -> (
match Typ.Procname.to_string pname with
| "getenv" ->
Some (EnvironmentVariable, return)
| _ ->
get_external_source (Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname) )
| Typ.Procname.Block _ ->
| pname ->
L.(die InternalError) "Non-C++ procname %a in C++ analysis" Typ.Procname.pp pname
let get_tainted_formals pdesc tenv =
if PredSymb.equal_access (Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc).ProcAttributes.access PredSymb.Private
then Source.all_formals_untainted pdesc
let is_thrift_service cpp_pname =
let is_thrift_service_ typename _ =
match QualifiedCppName.to_list (Typ.Name.unqualified_name typename) with
| ["facebook"; "fb303"; "cpp2"; ("FacebookServiceSvIf" | "FacebookServiceSvAsyncIf")] ->
| _ ->
let typename = Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_type_name cpp_pname in
PatternMatch.supertype_exists tenv is_thrift_service_ typename
let taint_all ~make_source =
~f:(fun (name, typ) -> (name, typ, Some (make_source name typ.Typ.desc)))
(Procdesc.get_formals pdesc)
match Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc with
| Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp cpp_pname as pname ->
let qualified_pname =
F.sprintf "%s::%s"
(Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_name cpp_pname)
(Typ.Procname.get_method pname)
if String.Set.mem endpoints qualified_pname then
taint_all ~make_source:(fun name desc -> UserControlledEndpoint (name, desc))
else if is_thrift_service cpp_pname then
taint_all ~make_source:(fun name desc -> Endpoint (name, desc))
else Source.all_formals_untainted pdesc
| _ ->
Source.all_formals_untainted pdesc
let pp fmt = function
| Endpoint (formal_name, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Endpoint[%s]" (Mangled.to_string formal_name)
| EnvironmentVariable ->
F.fprintf fmt "EnvironmentVariable"
| File ->
F.fprintf fmt "File"
| CommandLineFlag var ->
F.fprintf fmt "CommandLineFlag[%a]" Var.pp var
| Other ->
F.fprintf fmt "Other"
| UserControlledEndpoint (formal_name, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "UserControlledEndpoint[%s]" (Mangled.to_string formal_name)
module CppSource = Source.Make (SourceKind)
module SinkKind = struct
type t =
| BufferAccess (** read/write an array *)
| HeapAllocation (** heap memory allocation *)
| ShellExec (** shell exec function *)
| SQL (** SQL query *)
| StackAllocation (** stack memory allocation *)
| Other (** for testing or uncategorized sinks *)
[@@deriving compare]
let matches ~caller ~callee = Int.equal 0 (compare caller callee)
let of_string = function
| "BufferAccess" ->
| "HeapAllocation" ->
| "ShellExec" ->
| "SQL" ->
| "StackAllocation" ->
| _ ->
let external_sinks =
~f:(fun {QuandaryConfig.Sink.procedure; kind; index} ->
(QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names [procedure], kind, index))
(QuandaryConfig.Sink.of_json Config.quandary_sinks)
(* taint the nth parameter (0-indexed) *)
let taint_nth n kind actuals =
if n < List.length actuals then Some (kind, IntSet.singleton n) else None
let taint_all kind actuals =
Some (kind, IntSet.of_list (List.mapi ~f:(fun actual_num _ -> actual_num) actuals))
(* return Some(sink kind) if [procedure_name] is in the list of externally specified sinks *)
let get_external_sink pname actuals =
let qualified_pname = Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname in
~f:(fun (qualifiers, kind, index) ->
if QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers qualifiers qualified_pname then
let kind = of_string kind in
let n = int_of_string index in
taint_nth n kind actuals
with Failure _ ->
(* couldn't parse the index, just taint everything *)
taint_all kind actuals
else None)
let get pname actuals _ =
let is_buffer_like pname =
(* assume it's a buffer class if it's "vector-y", "array-y", or "string-y". don't want to
report on accesses to maps etc., but also want to recognize custom vectors like fbvector
rather than overfitting to std::vector *)
let typename =
Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname |> QualifiedCppName.strip_template_args
|> QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string |> String.lowercase
String.is_substring ~substring:"vec" typename
|| String.is_substring ~substring:"array" typename
|| String.is_substring ~substring:"string" typename
match pname with
| Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp _ -> (
match Typ.Procname.get_method pname with
| "operator[]" when Config.developer_mode && is_buffer_like pname ->
taint_nth 1 BufferAccess actuals
| _ ->
get_external_sink pname actuals )
| Typ.Procname.C _
when Config.developer_mode && Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__array_access ->
taint_all BufferAccess actuals
| Typ.Procname.C _ when Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__set_array_length ->
(* called when creating a stack-allocated array *)
taint_nth 1 StackAllocation actuals
| Typ.Procname.C _ -> (
match Typ.Procname.to_string pname with
| "execl" | "execlp" | "execle" | "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "system" ->
taint_all ShellExec actuals
| "popen" ->
taint_nth 0 ShellExec actuals
| ("brk" | "calloc" | "malloc" | "realloc" | "sbrk") when Config.developer_mode ->
taint_all HeapAllocation actuals
| "strcpy" when Config.developer_mode ->
(* warn if source array is tainted *)
taint_nth 1 BufferAccess actuals
| "memcpy"
| "memmove"
| "memset"
| "strncpy"
| "wmemcpy"
| "wmemmove"
when Config.developer_mode ->
(* warn if count argument is tainted *)
taint_nth 2 BufferAccess actuals
| _ ->
get_external_sink pname actuals )
| Typ.Procname.Block _ ->
| pname ->
L.(die InternalError) "Non-C++ procname %a in C++ analysis" Typ.Procname.pp pname
let pp fmt kind =
F.fprintf fmt
( match kind with
| BufferAccess ->
| HeapAllocation ->
| ShellExec ->
| SQL ->
| StackAllocation ->
| Other ->
"Other" )
module CppSink = Sink.Make (SinkKind)
module CppSanitizer = struct
type t =
| Escape (** escaped string to sanitize SQL injection or ShellExec sinks *)
| All (** sanitizes all forms of taint *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let of_string = function "Escape" -> Escape | _ -> All
let external_sanitizers =
~f:(fun {QuandaryConfig.Sanitizer.procedure; kind} ->
(QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names [procedure], of_string kind))
(QuandaryConfig.Sanitizer.of_json Config.quandary_sanitizers)
let get pname =
let qualified_pname = Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname in
~f:(fun (qualifiers, kind) ->
if QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers qualifiers qualified_pname then Some kind
else None)
let pp fmt = function Escape -> F.fprintf fmt "Escape" | All -> F.fprintf fmt "All"
include Trace.Make (struct
module Source = CppSource
module Sink = CppSink
module Sanitizer = CppSanitizer
(* return true if code injection is possible because the source is a string/is not sanitized *)
let is_injection_possible ?typ sanitizers =
let is_escaped = List.mem sanitizers Sanitizer.Escape ~equal:Sanitizer.equal in
not is_escaped
match typ with
| Some (Typ.Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tvoid) ->
| _ ->
(* possible a string/object/struct type; assume injection possible *)
let get_report source sink sanitizers =
match (Source.kind source, Sink.kind sink) with
| _ when List.mem sanitizers Sanitizer.All ~equal:Sanitizer.equal ->
(* the All sanitizer clears any form of taint; don't report *)
| UserControlledEndpoint (_, typ), SQL ->
if is_injection_possible ~typ sanitizers then Some IssueType.sql_injection
(* no injection risk, but still user-controlled *)
Some IssueType.user_controlled_sql_risk
| Endpoint (_, typ), SQL ->
if is_injection_possible ~typ sanitizers then
(* code injection if the caller of the endpoint doesn't sanitize on its end *)
Some IssueType.remote_code_execution_risk
(* no injection risk, but still user-controlled *)
Some IssueType.user_controlled_sql_risk
| Endpoint (_, typ), ShellExec ->
(* code injection if the caller of the endpoint doesn't sanitize on its end *)
Option.some_if (is_injection_possible ~typ sanitizers) IssueType.remote_code_execution_risk
| UserControlledEndpoint (_, typ), ShellExec ->
(* we know the user controls the endpoint, so it's code injection without a sanitizer *)
Option.some_if (is_injection_possible ~typ sanitizers) IssueType.shell_injection
| UserControlledEndpoint _, BufferAccess ->
(* untrusted data from an endpoint flowing into a buffer *)
Some IssueType.quandary_taint_error
| Endpoint _, (BufferAccess | HeapAllocation | StackAllocation) ->
(* may want to report this in the future, but don't care for now *)
| (CommandLineFlag _ | EnvironmentVariable | File | Other), BufferAccess ->
(* untrusted flag, environment var, or file data flowing to buffer *)
Some IssueType.quandary_taint_error
| (CommandLineFlag _ | EnvironmentVariable | File | Other), ShellExec ->
(* untrusted flag, environment var, or file data flowing to shell *)
Option.some_if (is_injection_possible sanitizers) IssueType.shell_injection
| (CommandLineFlag _ | EnvironmentVariable | File | Other), SQL ->
(* untrusted flag, environment var, or file data flowing to SQL *)
Option.some_if (is_injection_possible sanitizers) IssueType.sql_injection
| ( (CommandLineFlag _ | UserControlledEndpoint _ | EnvironmentVariable | File | Other)
, HeapAllocation ) ->
(* untrusted data of any kind flowing to heap allocation. this can cause crashes or DOS. *)
Some IssueType.quandary_taint_error
| ( (CommandLineFlag _ | UserControlledEndpoint _ | EnvironmentVariable | File | Other)
, StackAllocation ) ->
(* untrusted data of any kind flowing to stack buffer allocation. trying to allocate a stack
buffer that's too large will cause a stack overflow. *)
Some IssueType.untrusted_variable_length_array
| Other, _ ->
(* Other matches everything *)
Some IssueType.quandary_taint_error
| _, Other ->
Some IssueType.quandary_taint_error