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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
let count_newlines (path: string): int =
let open! Core.Std in
let f file = In_channel.fold_lines file ~init:0 ~f:(fun i _ -> i + 1) in
In_channel.with_file path ~f
type t =
| Absolute of string
| RelativeProjectRoot of string (* relative to project root *)
| RelativeInferModel of string (* relative to infer models *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal sf1 sf2 =
compare sf1 sf2 = 0
module OrderedSourceFile =
(* Don't use nonrec due to *)
type _t = t [@@deriving compare]
type t = _t [@@deriving compare]
module Map = Map.Make(OrderedSourceFile)
module Set = Set.Make(OrderedSourceFile)
let rel_path_from_abs_path root fname =
let relative_complemented_fname = filename_to_relative root fname in
if String.is_prefix ~prefix:root fname &&
Filename.is_relative relative_complemented_fname then
Some relative_complemented_fname
else None (* The project root is not a prefix of the file name *)
let from_abs_path fname =
if Filename.is_relative fname then
"ERROR: Path %s is relative, when absolute path was expected .@."
(* try to get realpath of source file. Use original if it fails *)
let fname_real = try realpath fname with Unix.Unix_error _ -> fname in
let project_root_real = realpath Config.project_root in
let models_dir_real = Config.models_src_dir in
match rel_path_from_abs_path project_root_real fname_real with
| Some path -> RelativeProjectRoot path
| None -> (
match rel_path_from_abs_path models_dir_real fname_real with
| Some path -> RelativeInferModel path
| None -> Absolute fname (* fname is absolute already *)
let curr_encoding = `Enc_crc
let to_string fname =
match fname with
| RelativeInferModel path -> "INFER_MODEL/" ^ path
| RelativeProjectRoot path
| Absolute path -> path
let pp fmt fname =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_string fname)
(* Checking if the path exists may be needed only in some cases, hence the flag check_exists *)
let to_abs_path fname =
match fname with
| RelativeProjectRoot path -> Filename.concat Config.project_root path
| RelativeInferModel path -> Filename.concat Config.models_src_dir path
| Absolute path -> path
let line_count source_file =
let abs_path = to_abs_path source_file in
count_newlines abs_path
let to_rel_path fname =
match fname with
| RelativeProjectRoot path -> path
| _ -> to_abs_path fname
(** string encoding of a source file (including path) as a single filename *)
let encoding source_file =
let prefix = match source_file with
| RelativeProjectRoot _ -> "P"
| RelativeInferModel _ -> "MOD"
| Absolute _ -> "ABS" in
let source_file_s = to_string source_file in
match curr_encoding with
| `Enc_base ->
Filename.basename source_file_s
| `Enc_path_with_underscores ->
prefix ^ Escape.escape_path source_file_s
| `Enc_crc ->
let base = Filename.basename source_file_s in
let dir = prefix ^ Filename.dirname source_file_s in
string_append_crc_cutoff ~key:dir base
let empty = Absolute ""
let is_infer_model source_file = match source_file with
| RelativeProjectRoot _ | Absolute _ -> false
| RelativeInferModel _ -> true
(** Returns true if the file is a C++ model *)
let is_cpp_model file =
match file with
| RelativeInferModel path ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:Config.relative_cpp_models_dir path
| _ -> false
let is_under_project_root = function
| RelativeProjectRoot _ -> true
| Absolute _ | RelativeInferModel _ -> false
let exists_cache = String.Table.create ~size:256 ()
let path_exists abs_path =
try String.Table.find_exn exists_cache abs_path
with Not_found ->
let result = Sys.file_exists abs_path in
String.Table.set exists_cache ~key:abs_path ~data:result;
let of_header header_file =
let abs_path = to_abs_path header_file in
let source_exts = ["c"; "cc"; "cpp"; "cxx"; "m"; "mm"] in
let header_exts = ["h"; "hh"; "hpp"; "hxx"] in
let file_no_ext, ext_opt = Core.Std.Filename.split_extension abs_path in
let file_opt = match ext_opt with
| Some ext when IList.mem String.equal ext header_exts -> (
let possible_files = (fun ext -> file_no_ext ^ "." ^ ext) source_exts in
try Some (IList.find path_exists possible_files)
with Not_found -> None
| _ -> None in from_abs_path file_opt
let changed_files_set =
let create_source_file path =
if Filename.is_relative path then
(* sources in changed-files-index may be specified relative to project root *)
RelativeProjectRoot path
from_abs_path path in
Option.map_default read_file None Config.changed_files_index |> (
(fun changed_files line ->
let source_file = create_source_file line in
let changed_files' = Set.add source_file changed_files in
(* Add source corresponding to changed header if it exists *)
match of_header source_file with
| Some src -> Set.add src changed_files'
| None -> changed_files'