118 lines
3.5 KiB
118 lines
3.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
module PointerOrd = struct
type t = int
let compare (i : int) (j : int) = i - j
module PointerMap = Map.Make (PointerOrd)
let declMap = ref PointerMap.empty
let stmtMap = ref PointerMap.empty
let typeMap = ref PointerMap.empty
let ivarToPropertyMap = ref PointerMap.empty
let empty_v = Clang_ast_visit.empty_visitor
(* This function is not thread-safe *)
let visit_ast ?(visit_decl = empty_v) ?(visit_stmt = empty_v) ?(visit_type = empty_v)
?(visit_src_loc = empty_v) top_decl =
Clang_ast_visit.decl_visitor := visit_decl ;
Clang_ast_visit.stmt_visitor := visit_stmt ;
Clang_ast_visit.type_visitor := visit_type ;
Clang_ast_visit.source_location_visitor := visit_src_loc ;
(* visit *)
ignore (Clang_ast_v.validate_decl [] top_decl)
let get_ptr_from_node node =
match node with
| `DeclNode decl ->
let decl_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
| `StmtNode stmt ->
let stmt_info, _ = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
| `TypeNode c_type ->
let type_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_type_tuple c_type in
let get_val_from_node node =
match node with `DeclNode decl -> decl | `StmtNode stmt -> stmt | `TypeNode c_type -> c_type
let add_node_to_cache node cache =
let key = get_ptr_from_node node in
let value = get_val_from_node node in
cache := PointerMap.add key value !cache
let process_decl _path decl =
add_node_to_cache (`DeclNode decl) declMap ;
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCPropertyDecl (_, _, obj_c_property_decl_info) -> (
match obj_c_property_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opdi_ivar_decl with
| Some decl_ref ->
let ivar_pointer = decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_decl_pointer in
ivarToPropertyMap := PointerMap.add ivar_pointer decl !ivarToPropertyMap
| None ->
() )
| _ ->
let add_stmt_to_cache _path stmt = add_node_to_cache (`StmtNode stmt) stmtMap
let add_type_to_cache _path c_type = add_node_to_cache (`TypeNode c_type) typeMap
let previous_sloc = {Clang_ast_t.sl_file= None; sl_line= None; sl_column= None}
let get_sloc current previous = match current with None -> previous | Some _ -> current
let mutate_sloc sloc file line column =
let open Clang_ast_t in
sloc.sl_file <- file ;
sloc.sl_line <- line ;
sloc.sl_column <- column
let reset_sloc sloc = mutate_sloc sloc None None None
let complete_source_location _path source_loc =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let file = get_sloc source_loc.sl_file previous_sloc.sl_file in
let line = get_sloc source_loc.sl_line previous_sloc.sl_line in
let column = get_sloc source_loc.sl_column previous_sloc.sl_column in
mutate_sloc source_loc file line column ;
mutate_sloc previous_sloc file line column
let reset_cache () =
declMap := PointerMap.empty ;
stmtMap := PointerMap.empty ;
typeMap := PointerMap.empty ;
ivarToPropertyMap := PointerMap.empty ;
reset_sloc previous_sloc
(* This function is not thread-safe *)
let index_node_pointers top_decl =
(* just in case *)
reset_cache () ;
(* populate cache *)
visit_ast ~visit_decl:process_decl ~visit_stmt:add_stmt_to_cache ~visit_type:add_type_to_cache
~visit_src_loc:complete_source_location top_decl ;
let result = (!declMap, !stmtMap, !typeMap, !ivarToPropertyMap) in
reset_cache () ;