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496 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <memory>
@interface AnotherObject : NSObject
- (int)someMethod:(int)param1;
@implementation AnotherObject
- (int)someMethod:(int)param1 {
return param1;
@interface SomeObject : NSObject
@property int x;
@property std::shared_ptr<int> ptr;
@property AnotherObject* anotherObject;
- (int)returnsPOD;
- (std::shared_ptr<int>)returnsnonPOD;
- (int)add:(int)param1 andParam2:(int)param2;
- (int*)getXPtr;
+ (SomeObject*)unknown;
+ (SomeObject*)returnsNil;
- (SomeObject*)get;
+ (NSString*)returnsStringNil;
@implementation SomeObject
- (int)returnsPOD {
return _x;
- (std::shared_ptr<int>)returnsnonPOD {
return std::shared_ptr<int>(new int(_x));
- (int)add:(int)param1 andParam2:(int)param2 {
return _x + param1 + param2;
- (int*)getXPtr {
return &_x;
+ (SomeObject*)returnsNil {
return nil;
- (int)callAnotherObjectMethod {
return [_anotherObject someMethod:[self returnsPOD]];
- (SomeObject*)get {
SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new];
return o;
+ (NSString*)returnsStringNil {
return nil;
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
static SomeObject* shared;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
auto obj = [SomeObject unknown];
if (obj) {
shared = [SomeObject new];
return shared;
- (int)methodNilDereferenceBad {
int* x = nil;
return *x;
int dereferenceNilBad() {
int* int_ptr = nil;
return *int_ptr;
int testCallMethodReturnsPODOk() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
return [obj returnsPOD];
std::shared_ptr<int> testCallMethodReturnsnonPODBad() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
std::shared_ptr<int> d = [obj returnsnonPOD]; // UB
return d;
std::shared_ptr<int> testSkippedOK() {
SomeObject* obj = [[SomeObject unknown] get];
std::shared_ptr<int> result = [obj returnsnonPOD];
return result;
std::shared_ptr<int> testNonPODTraceBad() {
SomeObject* obj = [[SomeObject returnsNil] get];
std::shared_ptr<int> result = [obj returnsnonPOD];
return result;
std::shared_ptr<int> testCallMethodReturnsnonPODLatent(bool b) {
SomeObject* obj;
if (b) {
obj = nil;
} else {
obj = [SomeObject new];
std::shared_ptr<int> d = [obj returnsnonPOD]; // UB if obj nil
return d;
std::shared_ptr<int> testCallMethodReturnsnonPODLatentBad(bool b) {
return testCallMethodReturnsnonPODLatent(true);
std::shared_ptr<int> testCallMethodReturnsnonPODLatentOk(bool b) {
return testCallMethodReturnsnonPODLatent(false);
int testAccessPropertyAccessorOk() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
return obj.x; // calls property accessor method
std::shared_ptr<int> testAccessPropertyAccessorBad() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
return obj.ptr; // calls property accessor method, but return type is non-POD
int methodReturnsPOD(SomeObject* obj) { return [obj returnsPOD]; };
int methodReturnsPODNilOk() { return methodReturnsPOD(nil); };
int methodReturnsPODNotNilOK() {
SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new];
return methodReturnsPOD(o);
int testFalsyReturnedValueOk() {
int x = testCallMethodReturnsPODOk();
if (x != 0) {
int* int_ptr = nil;
return *int_ptr;
int testParamsRemainTheSameOk() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
int x1 = 0;
int x2 = 5;
int x = [obj add:x1 andParam2:x2];
if (x1 != 0) {
int* int_ptr = nil;
return *int_ptr;
if (x2 != 5) {
int* int_ptr = nil;
return *int_ptr;
int testTraceBad() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
int* ptr = [obj getXPtr];
return *ptr;
void testUnknownNilSpecOk() {
NSString* const str = [SomeObject returnsStringNil];
if (str.length == 0) {
NSDictionary* dict = @{@"helloString" : str};
void addNilInDictBad(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
id value = nil;
[mDict setObject:value forKey:@"somestring"];
void addNSNullInDictOk(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
[mDict setObject:[NSNull null] forKey:@"somestring"];
void addObjectInDictOk(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new];
[mDict setObject:o forKey:@"somestring"];
void addObjectKeyNilInDictBad(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new];
[mDict setObject:o forKey:nil];
void addObjectInDict(NSMutableDictionary* mDict, id value) {
[mDict setObject:value forKey:@"somestring"];
void addNilInDictBracketsOk(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
mDict[@"key2"] = nil; // Passing nil will cause any object corresponding
// to a key to be removed from the dictionary.
void addNilKeyInDictBracketsBad(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
id key = nil;
mDict[key] = @"somestring";
void addInDictBracketsOk(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
mDict[@"key"] = @"somestring";
void removeObjectFromDict(NSMutableDictionary* mDict, id key) {
[mDict removeObjectForKey:key];
void removeObjectFromDictKeyNilBad(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
removeObjectFromDict(mDict, nil);
void removeObjectFromDictKeyNotNilOK(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
removeObjectFromDict(mDict, @"somestring");
void dictionaryWithSharedKeySetOk() {
id sharedKeySet = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:@[ @"key1", @"key2" ]];
NSMutableDictionary* mDict =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:sharedKeySet];
void dictionaryWithSharedKeySetBad() {
NSMutableDictionary* mDict =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithSharedKeySet:nil];
void testNilMessagingForModelNilNilOK_FP() { addObjectInDict(nil, nil); }
void testNilMessagingForModelNilStringOK() {
addObjectInDict(nil, @"somestring");
void testNilMessagingForModelNotNilDictBad(NSMutableDictionary* mDict) {
addObjectInDict(mDict, nil);
void addNilInArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) { [mArray addObject:nil]; }
void addObjectInArrayOk(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
[mArray addObject:[SomeObject new]];
void insertNilInArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
[mArray insertObject:nil atIndex:0];
void insertObjectInArrayOk(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
[mArray insertObject:[SomeObject new] atIndex:0];
void replaceNilInArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
[mArray replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:nil];
void replaceObjectInArrayOk(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
[mArray replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:[SomeObject new]];
void removeObjectsAtIndexesFromArray(NSMutableArray* mArray, id indexset) {
[mArray removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexset];
void removeObjectsAtIndexesFromArrayOK(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
NSIndexSet* indexset = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1];
removeObjectsAtIndexesFromArray(mArray, indexset);
void removeObjectsAtIndexesFromArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
removeObjectsAtIndexesFromArray(mArray, nil);
void replaceObjectsAtIndexesWithObjectsInArray(NSMutableArray* mArray,
id indexset,
id objects) {
[mArray replaceObjectsAtIndexes:indexset withObjects:objects];
void replaceObjectsAtIndexesWithObjectsInArrayOk(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
NSIndexSet* indexset = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0];
mArray, indexset, @[ [SomeObject new] ]);
void replaceObjectsAtNilIndexesWithObjectsInArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
replaceObjectsAtIndexesWithObjectsInArray(mArray, nil, @[ [SomeObject new] ]);
void replaceObjectsAtIndexesWithNilObjectsInArrayBad(NSMutableArray* mArray) {
NSIndexSet* indexset = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0];
replaceObjectsAtIndexesWithObjectsInArray(mArray, indexset, nil);
void addInDictBracketsDefault(NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>* mDict,
NSString* key) {
mDict[key] = @"default";
void accessZeroElementOk(NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>* mDict) {
NSArray<NSString*>* array =
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"key"];
NSString* key = array[0];
addInDictBracketsDefault(mDict, key);
void addObjectInMSet(NSMutableSet* mSet, id object) { [mSet addObject:object]; }
void addObjectInMSetOk(NSMutableSet* mSet) {
addObjectInMSet(mSet, @"somestring");
void addObjectInMSetBad(NSMutableSet* mSet) { addObjectInMSet(mSet, nil); }
void removeObjectFromMSet(NSMutableSet* mSet, id object) {
[mSet removeObject:object];
void removeObjectFromMSetOk(NSMutableSet* mSet) {
removeObjectFromMSet(mSet, @"somestring");
void removeObjectFromMSetBad(NSMutableSet* mSet) {
removeObjectFromMSet(mSet, nil);
void dictionaryLiteral(id key, id object) {
NSDictionary* dict = @{key : object};
void dictionaryLiteralOk() { dictionaryLiteral(@"key", @"obj"); }
void dictionaryLiteralKeyNilBad() { dictionaryLiteral(nil, @"obj"); }
void dictionaryLiteralObjectNilBad() { dictionaryLiteral(@"key", nil); }
void dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCount(id key, id object) {
NSString* values[1];
values[0] = object;
NSString* keys[1];
keys[0] = key;
NSDictionary* dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:values
void dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCountOk() {
dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCount(@"key", @"somestring");
void FN_dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCountKeyNilBad() {
dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCount(nil, @"somestring");
void FN_dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCountObjectNilBad() {
dictionaryWithObjectsForKeysCount(@"key", nil);
void dictionaryWithObjectForKey(id key, id object) {
NSDictionary* dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:object forKey:key];
void dictionaryWithObjectForKeyOk() {
dictionaryWithObjectForKey(@"key", @"somestring");
void dictionaryWithObjectForKeyNilBad() {
dictionaryWithObjectForKey(nil, @"somestring");
void dictionaryWithNilObjectForKeyBad() {
dictionaryWithObjectForKey(@"key", nil);
void dictionaryWithSharedKeySetForKeys(id keys) {
id sharedKeySet = [NSDictionary sharedKeySetForKeys:keys];
void dictionaryWithSharedKeySetForKeysOk() {
dictionaryWithSharedKeySetForKeys(@[ @"key1", @"key2" ]);
void dictionaryWithSharedKeySetForKeysBad() {
void setWithObject(id object) { NSSet* set = [NSSet setWithObject:object]; }
void setWithObjectOk() { setWithObject(@"obj"); }
void setWithObjectBad() { setWithObject(nil); }
void setByAddingObject(id object) {
NSSet* set = [NSSet set];
set = [set setByAddingObject:object];
void setByAddingObjectOk() { setByAddingObject(@"obj"); }
void setByAddingObjectBad() { setByAddingObject(nil); }
void setWithObjectsForCount(id object) {
NSString* values[1];
values[0] = object;
NSSet* set = [NSSet setWithObjects:values count:1];
void setWithObjectsForCountOk() { setWithObjectsForCount(@"obj"); }
void FN_setWithObjectsForCountBad() { setWithObjectsForCount(nil); }
void setInitWithObjectsForCount(id object) {
NSString* values[1];
values[0] = object;
NSSet* set = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:values count:1];
void setInitWithObjectsForCountOk() { setInitWithObjectsForCount(@"obj"); }
void FN_setInitWithObjectsForCountBad() { setInitWithObjectsForCount(nil); }
void arrayLiteral(id object) { NSArray* array = @[ object ]; }
void arrayLiteralOk() { arrayLiteral(@"obj"); }
void arrayLiteralNilBad() { arrayLiteral(nil); }
void arrayWithObject(id object) {
NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObject:object];
void arrayWithObjectOK() { arrayWithObject(@"obj"); }
void arrayWithObjectNilBad() { arrayWithObject(nil); }
void arrayWithObjects(id object) {
NSString* values[1];
values[0] = object;
NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:values count:1];
void arrayWithObjectsOk() { arrayWithObjects(@"obj"); }
void FN_arrayWithObjectsNilBad() { arrayWithObjects(nil); }
std::shared_ptr<int> unknown_call_twice_FP() {
if (![SomeObject sharedInstance]) {
return std::make_shared<int>(0);
return [[SomeObject sharedInstance] returnsnonPOD];
int testAnotherObjectUseSelfOk() {
auto const obj = [SomeObject returnsNil];
return [obj callAnotherObjectMethod];