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* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** Module to register and invoke callbacks *)
type proc_callback_args = {
get_proc_desc : Procname.t -> Procdesc.t option;
get_procs_in_file : Procname.t -> Procname.t list;
idenv : Idenv.t;
tenv : Tenv.t;
proc_name : Procname.t;
proc_desc : Procdesc.t;
type proc_callback_t = proc_callback_args -> unit
type cluster_callback_t =
Exe_env.t ->
Procname.t list ->
(Procname.t -> Procdesc.t option) ->
(Idenv.t * Tenv.t * Procname.t * Procdesc.t) list ->
let procedure_callbacks = ref []
let cluster_callbacks = ref []
let register_procedure_callback language_opt (callback: proc_callback_t) =
procedure_callbacks := (language_opt, callback):: !procedure_callbacks
let register_cluster_callback language_opt (callback: cluster_callback_t) =
cluster_callbacks := (language_opt, callback):: !cluster_callbacks
let unregister_all_callbacks () =
procedure_callbacks := [];
cluster_callbacks := []
(** Collect what we need to know about a procedure for the analysis. *)
let get_procedure_definition exe_env proc_name =
let tenv = Exe_env.get_tenv exe_env proc_name in
~f:(fun proc_desc ->
let idenv = Idenv.create proc_desc
and language = (Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc).ProcAttributes.language in
(idenv, tenv, proc_name, proc_desc, language))
(Exe_env.get_proc_desc exe_env proc_name)
let get_language proc_name = if Procname.is_java proc_name then Config.Java else Config.Clang
(** Invoke all registered procedure callbacks on the given procedure. *)
let iterate_procedure_callbacks exe_env caller_pname =
let procedure_language = get_language caller_pname in
Config.curr_language := procedure_language;
let get_proc_desc proc_name =
Exe_env.get_proc_desc exe_env proc_name in
let get_procs_in_file proc_name =
match Exe_env.get_cfg exe_env proc_name with
| Some cfg->
| ~f:Procdesc.get_proc_name (Cfg.get_defined_procs cfg)
| None ->
[] in
let update_time proc_name elapsed =
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| Some prev_summary ->
let stats_time = prev_summary.Specs.stats.Specs.stats_time +. elapsed in
let stats = { prev_summary.Specs.stats with Specs.stats_time = stats_time } in
let summary = { prev_summary with Specs.stats = stats } in
Specs.add_summary proc_name summary
| None -> () in
~f:(fun (idenv, tenv, proc_name, proc_desc, _) ->
~f:(fun (language_opt, proc_callback) ->
let language_matches = match language_opt with
| Some language -> Config.equal_language language procedure_language
| None -> true in
if language_matches then
let init_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. init_time in
update_time proc_name elapsed
(get_procedure_definition exe_env caller_pname)
(** Invoke all registered cluster callbacks on a cluster of procedures. *)
let iterate_cluster_callbacks all_procs exe_env proc_names =
let get_procdesc = Exe_env.get_proc_desc exe_env in
let procedure_definitions =
List.filter_map ~f:(get_procedure_definition exe_env) proc_names in
let environment =
~f:(fun (idenv, tenv, proc_name, proc_desc, _) -> (idenv, tenv, proc_name, proc_desc))
procedure_definitions in
(* Procedures matching the given language or all if no language is specified. *)
let relevant_procedures language_opt =
~f:(fun l -> List.filter ~f:(fun p -> Config.equal_language l (get_language p)) proc_names)
language_opt in
~f:(fun (language_opt, cluster_callback) ->
let proc_names = relevant_procedures language_opt in
if List.length proc_names > 0 then
cluster_callback exe_env all_procs get_procdesc environment)
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
let iterate_callbacks call_graph exe_env =
let procs_to_analyze =
(* analyze all the currently defined procedures *)
Cg.get_defined_nodes call_graph in
let originally_defined_procs =
Cg.get_defined_nodes call_graph in
let saved_language = !Config.curr_language in
let cluster_id proc_name =
match proc_name with
| Procname.Java pname_java ->
Procname.java_get_class_name pname_java
| _ ->
"unknown" in
let cluster proc_names =
let cluster_map =
~f:(fun map proc_name ->
let proc_cluster = cluster_id proc_name in
let bucket = try String.Map.find_exn map proc_cluster with Not_found -> [] in
String.Map.add ~key:proc_cluster ~data:(proc_name:: bucket) map)
proc_names in
(* Return all values of the map *)
| cluster_map in
let reset_summary proc_name =
let attributes_opt =
Specs.proc_resolve_attributes proc_name in
let should_reset =
is_none (Specs.get_summary proc_name) in
if should_reset
then Specs.reset_summary call_graph proc_name attributes_opt None in
(* Make sure summaries exists. *)
List.iter ~f:reset_summary procs_to_analyze;
(* Invoke callbacks. *)
~f:(iterate_procedure_callbacks exe_env)
~f:(iterate_cluster_callbacks originally_defined_procs exe_env)
(cluster procs_to_analyze);
(* Store all the summaries to disk *)
~f:(fun pname ->
let updated_summary_opt =
| (Specs.get_summary pname) ~f:Specs.increment_timestamp in
Option.iter ~f:(Specs.store_summary pname) updated_summary_opt)
Config.curr_language := saved_language