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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module F = Format;;
(* Initialization *)
F.set_margin 100
let set_minor_heap_size nMb = (* increase the minor heap size to speed up gc *)
let ctrl = Gc.get () in
let oneMb = 1048576 in
let new_size = max ctrl.Gc.minor_heap_size (nMb * oneMb)
in Gc.set { ctrl with Gc.minor_heap_size = new_size };;
set_minor_heap_size 1
let from_env_variable var_name =
let _ = Sys.getenv var_name in true
with Not_found -> false
let attributes_dir_name = "attributes"
let captured_dir_name = "captured"
let sources_dir_name = "sources"
let specs_dir_name = "specs"
let default_in_zip_results_dir = "infer"
let default_buck_out = "buck-out"
let proc_stats_filename = "proc_stats.json"
let global_tenv_filename = "global.tenv"
(** List of paths to the directories containing specs for library functions. *)
let specs_library = ref []
(** path to lib/specs to retrieve the default models *)
let models_dir =
let bin_dir = Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name in
let lib_dir = Filename.concat (Filename.concat bin_dir Filename.parent_dir_name) "lib" in
let lib_specs_dir = Filename.concat lib_dir specs_dir_name in
module JarCache =
let infer_cache : string option ref = ref None
let mkdir s =
Unix.mkdir s 0o700;
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
let extract_specs dest_dir jarfile =
let zip_channel = Zip.open_in jarfile in
let entries = Zip.entries zip_channel in
let extract_entry entry =
let dest_file = Filename.concat dest_dir (Filename.basename entry.Zip.filename) in
if Filename.check_suffix entry.Zip.filename ".specs"
then Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry dest_file in
List.iter extract_entry entries;
Zip.close_in zip_channel
let handle_jar jarfile =
match !infer_cache with
| Some cache_dir ->
let basename = Filename.basename jarfile in
let key = basename ^ CRC.crc16 jarfile in
let key_dir = Filename.concat cache_dir key in
if (mkdir key_dir)
then extract_specs key_dir jarfile;
specs_library := !specs_library @ [key_dir]
| None -> ()
type zip_library = {
zip_filename: string;
zip_channel: Zip.in_file;
models: bool;
let zip_filename zip_library =
let zip_channel zip_library =
(** list of the zip files to search for specs files *)
let zip_libraries : zip_library list ref = ref []
let add_zip_library zip_filename =
if !JarCache.infer_cache != None
JarCache.handle_jar zip_filename
(* The order matters, the jar files should be added following the order *)
(* specs files should be searched in them *)
zip_libraries := !zip_libraries @ [{ zip_filename = zip_filename; zip_channel = Zip.open_in zip_filename; models = false }]
let add_models zip_filename =
zip_libraries := !zip_libraries @ [{ zip_filename = zip_filename; zip_channel = Zip.open_in zip_filename; models = true }]
let project_root : string option ref = ref None
(** Flag for abstracting fields of structs
0 = no
1 = forget some fields during matching (and so lseg abstraction) *)
let abs_struct = ref 1
(** Flag for abstracting numerical values
0 = no abstraction.
1 = evaluate all expressions abstractly.
2 = 1 + abstract constant integer values during join.
let abs_val = ref 2
(** if true, completely ignore the possibility that errors can be caused by unknown procedures
* during the symbolic execution phase *)
let angelic_execution = ref true
(** Flag for forgetting memory leak
false = no
true = forget leaked memory cells during abstraction
let allowleak = ref false
(** Flag for ignoring arrays and pointer arithmetic.
0 = treats both features soundly.
1 = assumes that the size of every array is infinite.
2 = assumes that all heap dereferences via array indexing and pointer arithmetic are correct.
let array_level = ref 0
(** Check whether to report Analysis_stops message in user mode *)
let analysis_stops = ref false
type os_type = Unix | Win32 | Cygwin
let os_type = match Sys.os_type with
| "Win32" -> Win32
| "Cygwin" -> Cygwin
| _ -> Unix
(** default path of the project results directory *)
let default_results_dir =
Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "infer-out"
(** If true shows internal exceptions*)
let developer_mode = ref false
(** flag: dotty output filename **)
let dotty_output = ref ""
(** command line option to activate the eradicate checker. *)
let eradicate = ref false
(** should the checkers be run? *)
let checkers_enabled () = not !eradicate
(** flag to activate ondemand mode. *)
let ondemand_enabled = ref false
(** Flag for footprint discovery mode *)
let footprint = ref true
(** Set in the middle of forcing delayed prints *)
let forcing_delayed_prints = ref false
(** If true, treat calls to no-arg getters as idempotent w.r.t non-nullness *)
let idempotent_getters = ref true
(** if true, changes to code are checked at the procedure level; if false, at the file level *)
let incremental_procs = ref true
(** Flag to activate intraprocedural-only analysis *)
let intraprocedural = ref false
(** if active, join x+j and x+k for constants j and k *)
let join_plus = ref true
(** Flag to tune the final information-loss check used by the join
0 = use the most aggressive join for preconditions
1 = use the least aggressive join for preconditions
let join_cond = ref 1
(** Flag for turning on the transformation that
null is assigned to a program variable when it becomes dead.
let liveness = ref true
(** if true, give static procs a long name filename::procname *)
let long_static_proc_names = ref false
(** Number of lines of code in original file *)
let nLOC = ref 0
(** max number of procedures in each cluster *)
let max_cluster_size = ref 2000
(** Maximum level of recursion during the analysis, after which a timeout is generated *)
let max_recursion = ref 5
(** Flag to tune the level of applying the meet operator for
preconditions during the footprint analysis.
0 = do not use the meet.
1 = use the meet to generate new preconditions.
let meet_level = ref 1
(** Monitor the size of the props, and print every time the current max is exceeded *)
let monitor_prop_size = ref false
(** Flag for using the nonempty lseg only **)
let nelseg = ref false
(** Flag to activate nonstop mode: the analysis continues after in encounters errors *)
let nonstop = ref false
(** Flag for the on-the-fly predicate discovery *)
let on_the_fly = ref true
(** if true, skip the re-execution phase *)
let only_footprint = ref false
(** flag: only analyze procedures which were analyzed before but have no specs *)
let only_nospecs = ref false
(** flag: only analyze procedures dependent on previous skips which now have a .specs file *)
let only_skips = ref false
(** if true, user simple pretty printing *)
let pp_simple = ref true
(** flag: if true print full type info *)
let print_types = ref false
(** if true, acrtivate color printing by diff'ing w.r.t. previous prop *)
let print_using_diff = ref true
(** path of the project results directory *)
let results_dir = ref default_results_dir
(** If not "", only consider functions recursively called by function [!slice_fun] *)
let slice_fun = ref ""
(** Flag to tune the level of abstracting the postconditions of specs discovered
by the footprint analysis.
0 = nothing special.
1 = filter out redundant posts implied by other posts. *)
let spec_abs_level = ref 1
(** Flag for test mode *)
let test = ref true
(** Flag set to enable detailed tracing informatin during error explanation *)
let trace_error = ref false
(** Flag set to enable detailed tracing information during re-arrangement *)
let trace_rearrange = ref false
(** Flag set to enable detailed tracing information during join *)
let trace_join = ref false
(** Flag set to enable detailed tracing information during array abstraction *)
let trace_absarray = ref false
(** Consider the size of types during analysis, e.g. cannot use an int pointer to write to a char *)
let type_size = ref false
(** if true, compact summaries before saving *)
let save_compact_summaries = ref true
(** If true, save the execution time in summaries.
This makes the analysis nondeterministic. *)
let save_time_in_summaries = ref false
(** flag: if true enables printing proposition compatible for the SMT project *)
let smt_output = ref false
(** flag: if true performs taint analysis *)
let taint_analysis = ref false
(** set to true to printing tracing information for the analysis *)
let trace_anal = ref false
(** Flag for turning on the optimization based on locality
0 = no
1 = based on reachability
let undo_join = ref true
(** visit mode for the worklist:
0 depth - fist visit
1 bias towards exit node
2 least visited first *)
let worklist_mode = ref 0
(** flag: if true write dot files in db dir*)
let write_dotty = ref false
(** flag: if true write html files in db dir *)
let write_html = ref false
let subtype_multirange = ref true
let optimistic_cast = ref false
(** if true, filter out errors in low likelyhood buckets, and only show then in developer mode *)
let filter_buckets = ref false
(** if true, show buckets in textual description of errors *)
let show_buckets = ref false
(** if true, show memory leak buckets in textual description of errors *)
let show_ml_buckets = ref false
(** if true, print cfg nodes in the dot file that are not defined in that file *)
let dotty_cfg_libs = ref true
(** if true, it deals with messages (method calls) in objective-c using the objective-c
typical semantics. That is: if the receiver is nil then the method is nop and it returns 0.
When the flag is false we deal with messages as standard method / function calls *)
let objc_method_call_semantics = ref true
(** if true, generate preconditions for runtime exceptions in Java and report errors for the public
methods having preconditions to throw runtime exceptions *)
let report_runtime_exceptions = ref false
(** if true, sanity-check inferred preconditions against Nullable annotations and report
inconsistencies *)
let report_nullable_inconsistency = ref true
(** true if the current objective-c source file is compiled with automatic reference counting (ARC) *)
let arc_mode = ref false
let objc_memory_model_on = ref false
let report_assertion_failure = from_env_variable "INFER_REPORT_ASSERTION_FAILURE"
let default_failure_name = "ASSERTION_FAILURE"
let analyze_models = from_env_variable "INFER_ANALYZE_MODELS"
module Experiment = struct
(** if true, activate the subtyping routines in C++ as well, not just in Java *)
let activate_subtyping_in_cpp = ref false
(** if true, a precondition with e.g. index 3 in an array does not require the caller to have index 3 too
this mimics what happens with direct access to the array without a procedure call, where the index is simply materialized if not there *)
let allow_missing_index_in_proc_call = ref true
(** if true, a procedure call succeeds even when there is a bound error
this mimics what happens with a direct array access where an error is produced and the analysis continues *)
let bound_error_allowed_in_procedure_call = ref true
let source_file_extentions = [".java"; ".m"; ".mm"; ".c"; ".cc"; ".cpp"; ".h"]
let anonymous_block_prefix = "__objc_anonymous_block_"
let anonymous_block_num_sep = "______"
let property_attributes = "property_attributes"
let ivar_attributes = "ivar_attributes"
let unsafe_unret = "<\"Unsafe_unretained\">"
let weak = "<\"Weak\">"
let assign = "<\"Assign\">"
(** Programming language. *)
type language = C_CPP | Java
(** current language *)
let curr_language = ref C_CPP
let string_of_language = function
| Java -> "Java"
| C_CPP -> "C_CPP"