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(** Arithmetic terms *)
include Arithmetic_intf
module Int = struct
include Int
include Comparer.Make (Int)
module Q = struct
include Q
include Comparer.Make (Q)
type ('trm, 'compare_trm) mono = ('trm, int, 'compare_trm) Multiset.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type 'compare_trm compare_mono =
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type ('trm, 'compare_trm) t =
(('trm, 'compare_trm) mono, Q.t, 'compare_trm compare_mono) Multiset.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
module Make (Trm0 : sig
type t [@@deriving equal, sexp]
include Comparer.S with type t := t
end) =
module Prod = Multiset.Make (Trm0) (Int)
module Mono = struct
type t = Prod.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let num_den m = Prod.partition m ~f:(fun _ i -> i >= 0)
let ppx pp_trm ppf power_product =
let pp_factor ppf (indet, exponent) =
if exponent = 1 then pp_trm ppf indet
else Format.fprintf ppf "%a^%i" pp_trm indet exponent
let pp_num ppf num =
if Prod.is_empty num then Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "1" ppf
else Prod.pp "@ @<2>× " pp_factor ppf num
let pp_den ppf den =
if not (Prod.is_empty den) then
Format.fprintf ppf "@ / %a"
(Prod.pp "@ / " pp_factor)
(Prod.map_counts ~f:Int.neg den)
let num, den = num_den power_product in
if Prod.is_singleton num && Prod.is_empty den then
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@]" pp_num num
else Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>(%a%a)@]" pp_num num pp_den den
(** [one] is the empty product Πᵢ₌₁⁰ xᵢ^pᵢ *)
let one = Prod.empty
let equal_one = Prod.is_empty
(** [of_ x₁ p₁] is the singleton product Πᵢ₌₁¹ x₁^p₁ *)
let of_ x p = Prod.of_ x p
(** [pow (Πᵢ₌₁ⁿ xᵢ^pᵢ) p] is Πᵢ₌₁ⁿ xᵢ^(pᵢ×p) *)
let pow mono = function
| 0 -> Prod.empty
| 1 -> mono
| power -> Prod.map_counts ~f:(Int.mul power) mono
let mul x y = Prod.union x y
(** [get_trm m] is [Some x] iff [equal m (of_ x 1)] *)
let get_trm mono =
match Prod.only_elt mono with Some (trm, 1) -> Some trm | _ -> None
(* traverse *)
let trms mono =
Iter.from_iter (fun f -> Prod.iter mono ~f:(fun trm _ -> f trm))
module Sum = Multiset.Make (Prod) (Q)
module Poly = Sum
include Poly
module S0 = struct
let ppx pp_trm ppf poly =
if Sum.is_empty poly then Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "0" ppf
let pp_coeff_mono ppf (m, c) =
if Mono.equal_one m then Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" ppf Q.pp c
else if Q.equal c then
Format.fprintf ppf "%a" (Mono.ppx pp_trm) m
else Format.fprintf ppf "%a@<1>×%a" Q.pp c (Mono.ppx pp_trm) m
if Sum.is_singleton poly then
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@]" (Sum.pp "@ + " pp_coeff_mono) poly
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>(%a)@]"
(Sum.pp "@ + " pp_coeff_mono)
let trms poly =
Iter.from_iter (fun f ->
Sum.iter poly ~f:(fun mono _ ->
Prod.iter mono ~f:(fun trm _ -> f trm) ) )
(* core invariant *)
let mono_invariant mono =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] mono [%sexp_of: Mono.t] in
Prod.iter mono ~f:(fun _ power ->
(* powers are non-zero *)
assert (not (Int.equal power)) )
let invariant poly =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] poly [%sexp_of: t] in
Sum.iter poly ~f:(fun mono coeff ->
(* coefficients are non-zero *)
assert (not (Q.equal coeff)) ;
mono_invariant mono )
(* embed a term into a polynomial *)
let trm trm = Sum.of_ (Mono.of_ trm 1)
(* constants *)
let const q = Sum.of_ q |> check invariant
let zero = const |> check (fun p -> assert (Sum.is_empty p))
let one = const
(* core constructors *)
let neg poly = Sum.map_counts ~f:Q.neg poly |> check invariant
let add p q = Sum.union p q |> check invariant
let sub p q = add p (neg q)
let mulc coeff poly =
( if Q.equal coeff then poly
else if Q.equal coeff then zero
else Sum.map_counts ~f:(Q.mul coeff) poly )
|> check invariant
(* transform *)
let split_const poly =
match Sum.find_and_remove poly with
| Some c, p_c -> (p_c, c)
| None, _ -> (poly,
let partition_sign poly =
Sum.partition_map poly ~f:(fun _ coeff ->
if Q.sign coeff >= 0 then Left coeff else Right (Q.neg coeff) )
(* projections and embeddings *)
type kind = Trm of Trm0.t | Const of Q.t | Interpreted | Uninterpreted
let classify poly =
match Sum.classify poly with
| Zero2 -> Const
| One2 (mono, coeff) -> (
match Prod.classify mono with
| Zero2 -> Const coeff
| One2 (trm, 1) ->
if Q.equal coeff then Trm trm else Interpreted
| _ -> Uninterpreted )
| Many2 -> Interpreted
let is_uninterpreted poly =
match Sum.only_elt poly with
| Some (mono, _) -> (
match Prod.classify mono with
| Zero2 -> false
| One2 (_, 1) -> false
| _ -> true )
| None -> false
let get_const poly =
match Sum.classify poly with
| Zero2 -> Some
| One2 (mono, coeff) when Mono.equal_one mono -> Some coeff
| _ -> None
let get_mono poly =
match Sum.only_elt poly with
| Some (mono, coeff) when Q.equal coeff -> Some mono
| _ -> None
(** Project out the term embedded into a polynomial, if possible *)
let get_trm poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono.get_trm mono
| None -> None
include S0
module Embed
(Var : Var_intf.S)
(Trm : TRM with type t = Trm0.t with type var := Var.t)
(Embed : EMBEDDING with type trm := Trm0.t with type t := t) =
module Mono = struct
include Mono
let pp = ppx Trm.pp
let vars p = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (trms p)
let fv p = Var.Set.of_iter (vars p)
include Poly
include S0
(** hide S0.trm and S0.trms that ignore the embedding, shadowed below *)
let[@warning "-32"] trm, trms = ((), ())
let pp = ppx Trm.pp
(** Embed a polynomial into a term *)
let trm_of_poly = Embed.to_trm
(** Embed a monomial into a term, flattening if possible *)
let trm_of_mono mono =
match Mono.get_trm mono with
| Some trm -> trm
| None -> trm_of_poly (Sum.of_ mono
(* traverse *)
let vars poly = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (S0.trms poly)
let monos poly =
Iter.from_iter (fun f ->
Sum.iter poly ~f:(fun mono _ ->
if not (Mono.equal_one mono) then f mono ) )
let trms poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono.trms mono
| None -> ~f:trm_of_mono (monos poly)
let mono_invariant mono =
mono_invariant mono ;
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] mono [%sexp_of: Mono.t] in
Prod.iter mono ~f:(fun base _ ->
match Embed.get_arith base with
| None -> ()
| Some poly -> (
match Sum.classify poly with
| Many2 -> ()
| Zero2 | One2 _ ->
(* polynomial factors are not constant or singleton, which
should have been flattened into the parent monomial *)
assert false ) ) ;
match Mono.get_trm mono with
| None -> ()
| Some trm -> (
match Embed.get_arith trm with
| None -> ()
| Some _ ->
(* singleton monomials are not polynomials, which should have
been flattened into the parent polynomial *)
assert false )
let invariant poly =
invariant poly ;
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] poly [%sexp_of: t] in
Sum.iter poly ~f:(fun mono _ -> mono_invariant mono)
(** Terms of a polynomial: product of a coefficient and a monomial *)
module CM = struct
type t = Q.t * Prod.t
let mul (c1, m1) (c2, m2) = (Q.mul c1 c2, Mono.mul m1 m2)
(** Monomials [Mono.t] have [trm] indeterminates, which include, via
[get_arith], polynomials [t] over monomials themselves. To avoid
redundant representations, singleton polynomials are flattened. *)
let of_trm : ?power:int -> Trm.t -> t =
fun ?(power = 1) base ->
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a^%i" Trm.pp base power)
~retn:(fun {pf} (c, m) -> pf "%a×%a" Q.pp c Mono.pp m)
@@ fun () ->
match Embed.get_arith base with
| Some poly -> (
match Sum.classify poly with
(* 0 ^ p₁ ==> 0 × 1 *)
| Zero2 -> (,
(* (Σᵢ₌₁¹ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ^ p₁ ==> cᵢ^p₁ × Πⱼ₌₁¹ Xⱼ^pⱼ *)
| One2 (mono, coeff) -> (Q.pow coeff power, Mono.pow mono power)
(* (Σᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ^ p₁ ==> 1 × Πⱼ₌₁¹ (Σᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ)^pⱼ *)
| Many2 -> (, Mono.of_ base power) )
(* X₁ ^ p₁ ==> 1 × Πⱼ₌₁¹ Xⱼ^pⱼ *)
| None -> (, Mono.of_ base power)
(** Polynomials [t] have [trm] indeterminates, which, via [get_arith],
include polynomials themselves. To avoid redundant
representations, singleton monomials are flattened. Also, constant
multiplication is not interpreted in [Prod], so constant
polynomials are multiplied by their coefficients directly. *)
let to_poly : t -> Poly.t =
fun (coeff, mono) ->
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a×%a" Q.pp coeff Mono.pp mono)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
( match Mono.get_trm mono with
| Some trm -> (
match Embed.get_arith trm with
(* c × (Σᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ==> Σᵢ₌₁ⁿ c×cᵢ × Xᵢ *)
| Some poly -> mulc coeff poly
(* c₁ × X₁ ==> Σᵢ₌₁¹ cᵢ × Xᵢ *)
| None -> Sum.of_ mono coeff )
(* c₁ × (Πⱼ₌₁ᵐ X₁ⱼ^p₁ⱼ) ==> Σᵢ₌₁¹ cᵢ × (Πⱼ₌₁ᵐ Xᵢⱼ^pᵢⱼ) *)
| None -> Sum.of_ mono coeff )
|> check invariant
(** Embed a term into a polynomial, by projecting a polynomial out of
the term if possible *)
let trm trm =
( match Embed.get_arith trm with
| Some poly -> poly
| None -> S0.trm trm )
|> check (fun poly ->
assert (equal poly (CM.to_poly (CM.of_trm trm))) )
(* constructors over indeterminates *)
let mul e1 e2 = CM.to_poly (CM.mul (CM.of_trm e1) (CM.of_trm e2))
let div n d =
CM.to_poly (CM.mul (CM.of_trm n) (CM.of_trm d ~power:(-1)))
let pow base power = CM.to_poly (CM.of_trm base ~power)
(** map over [trms] *)
let map poly ~f =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" pp poly)
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
( match get_mono poly with
| Some mono ->
let mono', (coeff, mono_delta) =
Prod.fold mono
(mono, (,
~f:(fun base power (mono', delta) ->
let base' = f base in
if base' == base then (mono', delta)
( Prod.remove base mono'
, CM.mul delta (CM.of_trm ~power base') ) )
if mono' == mono then poly
else CM.to_poly (coeff, Mono.mul mono' mono_delta)
| None ->
let poly', delta =
Sum.fold poly (poly, Sum.empty)
~f:(fun mono coeff (poly', delta) ->
if Mono.equal_one mono then (poly', delta)
let e = trm_of_mono mono in
let e' = f e in
if e == e' then (poly', delta)
( Sum.remove mono poly'
, Sum.union delta (mulc coeff (trm e')) ) )
Sum.union poly' delta )
|> check invariant
(* solve *)
let exists_fv_in vs poly =
Iter.exists ~f:(fun v -> Var.Set.mem v vs) (vars poly)
(** [solve_for_mono r c m p] solves [0 = r + (c×m) + p] as [m = q]
([Some (m, q)]) such that [r + (c×m) + p = m - q] *)
let solve_for_mono rejected_poly coeff mono poly =
~call:(fun {pf} ->
pf "@ 0 = %a + (%a×%a) + %a" pp rejected_poly Q.pp coeff Mono.pp
mono pp poly )
~retn:(fun {pf} s ->
pf "%a"
(Option.pp "%a" (fun fs (v, q) ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a ↦ %a" pp v pp q ))
s )
@@ fun () ->
if Mono.equal_one mono || exists_fv_in (Mono.fv mono) poly then None
( Sum.of_ mono
, mulc (Q.inv (Q.neg coeff)) (Sum.union rejected_poly poly) )
(** [solve_poly r p] solves [0 = r + p] as [m = q] ([Some (m, q)]) such
that [r + p = m - q] *)
let rec solve_poly rejected poly =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ 0 = (%a) + (%a)" pp rejected pp poly)
~retn:(fun {pf} s ->
pf "%a"
(Option.pp "%a" (fun fs (v, q) ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a ↦ %a" pp v pp q ))
s )
@@ fun () ->
let* mono, coeff, poly = Sum.pop_min_elt poly in
match solve_for_mono rejected coeff mono poly with
| Some _ as soln -> soln
| None -> solve_poly (Sum.add mono coeff rejected) poly
(** solve [0 = e] *)
let solve_zero_eq ?for_ e =
~call:(fun {pf} ->
pf "@ 0 = %a%a" Trm.pp e (Option.pp " for %a" Trm.pp) for_ )
~retn:(fun {pf} s ->
pf "%a"
(Option.pp "%a" (fun fs (c, r) ->
Format.fprintf fs "%a ↦ %a" pp c pp r ))
s ;
match (for_, s) with
| Some f, Some (c, _) -> assert (equal (trm f) c)
| _ -> () )
@@ fun () ->
let a = trm e in
match for_ with
| None -> solve_poly Sum.empty a
| Some for_ -> (
let for_poly = trm for_ in
match get_mono for_poly with
| Some m ->
let c, p = Sum.find_and_remove m a in
let* c = c in
solve_for_mono Sum.empty c m p
| _ -> None )