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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
let early_callback = ref (fun () -> ())
let late_callback = ref (fun () -> ())
let register callback_ref ~f ~description =
let f_no_exn () =
try f ()
with exn ->
F.eprintf "%a: Error while running epilogue \"%s\":@ %a.@ Powering through...@." Pid.pp
(Unix.getpid ()) description Exn.pp exn
let g = !callback_ref in
callback_ref := fun () -> f_no_exn () ; g ()
let register_early ~f ~description = register early_callback ~f ~description
let register_late ~f ~description = register late_callback ~f ~description
let early () = !early_callback ()
let late () = !late_callback ()
let run () = early () ; late ()
(* Run the epilogues when we get SIGINT (Control-C). *)
let () =
let run_epilogues_on_signal s =
F.eprintf "*** %s: Caught %s, time to die@."
(Filename.basename Sys.executable_name)
(Signal.to_string s) ;
run ()
Signal.Expert.handle run_epilogues_on_signal
let reset () =
(early_callback := fun () -> ()) ;
late_callback := fun () -> ()
let register = register_early