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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Configuration options *)
let trace_conv =
let parse s =
Trace.parse s
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun _ -> `Msg ("Invalid trace spec: " ^ s))
let print fs {trace_all; trace_mods_funs} =
let pf fmt = Format.fprintf fs fmt in
if trace_all then pf "*"
Map.iteri trace_mods_funs
~f:(fun ~key:mod_name ~data:{trace_mod; trace_funs} ->
( match trace_mod with
| Some true -> pf "+%s" mod_name
| Some false -> pf "-%s" mod_name
| None -> () ) ;
Map.iteri trace_funs ~f:(fun ~key:fun_name ~data:fun_enabled ->
if fun_enabled then pf "+%s.%s" mod_name fun_name
else pf "-%s.%s" mod_name fun_name ) )
(parse, print)
type t =
{ compile_only: bool [@aka ["c"]]
(** Do not analyze: terminate after translating input LLVM to LLAIR. *)
; input: string [@pos 0] [@docv "input.bc"]
(** LLVM bitcode file to analyze, in either binary $(b,.bc) or
textual $(b,.ll) form. *)
; output: string option [@aka ["o"]] [@docv "output.llair"]
(** Dump $(i,input.bc) translated to LLAIR in human-readable form to
$(i,output.llair), or $(b,-) for $(b,stdout). *)
; trace: Trace.config
[@aka ["t"]] [@docv "spec"] [@conv trace_conv] [@default Trace.none]
(** Enable debug tracing according to $(i,spec), which is a sequence
of module and function names separated by $(b,+) or $(b,-). For
example, $(b,Control-Control.exec_inst) enables all tracing in
the $(b,Control) module except the $(b,Control.exec_inst)
function. The $(i,spec) value $(b,* )enables all debug tracing. *)
[@@deriving cmdliner]
let run main =
let info = "sledge" ~version:Version.version in
Cmdliner.Term.eval (cmdliner_term (), info)
|> function
| `Error _ -> Caml.exit 1
| `Help | `Version -> Caml.exit 0
| `Ok {compile_only; input; output; trace} ->
Trace.init ~config:trace () ;
main ~input ~output ~compile_only