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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
(** Module to merge the results of capture for different buck targets. *)
let use_multilinks = true
(** Flag to control whether the timestamp of symbolic links
is used to determine whether a captured directory needs to be merged. *)
let check_timestamp_of_symlinks = true
let buck_out () = Filename.concat Config.project_root "buck-out"
let infer_deps () = Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.buck_infer_deps_file_name
let modified_targets = ref String.Set.empty
let modified_file file =
match Utils.read_file file with
| Some targets ->
modified_targets := IList.fold_left String.Set.add String.Set.empty targets
| None ->
let debug = 0
type stats =
mutable files_linked: int;
mutable files_multilinked: int;
mutable targets_merged: int;
let empty_stats () =
files_linked = 0;
files_multilinked = 0;
targets_merged = 0;
let link_exists s =
let _ = Unix.lstat s in
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
(* Table mapping directories to multilinks.
Used for the hashed directories where attrbute files are stored. *)
let multilinks_dir_table = String.Table.create ~size:16 ()
(* Add a multilink for attributes to the internal per-directory table.
The files will be created by create_multilinks. *)
let add_multilink_attr ~stats src dst =
let attr_dir = Filename.dirname dst in
let attr_dir_name = Filename.basename attr_dir in
let multilinks =
String.Table.find_exn multilinks_dir_table attr_dir_name
| Not_found ->
let multilinks = match ~dir:attr_dir with
| Some multilinks ->
(* incremental merge: start from the existing file on disk *)
| None ->
Multilinks.create () in
String.Table.set multilinks_dir_table ~key:attr_dir_name ~data:multilinks;
multilinks in
Multilinks.add multilinks src;
stats.files_multilinked <- stats.files_multilinked + 1
let create_link ~stats src dst =
if link_exists dst then Unix.unlink dst;
Unix.symlink ~src ~dst;
(* Set the accessed and modified time of the original file slightly in the past. Due to
the coarse precision of the timestamps, it is possible for the source and destination of a
link to have the same modification time. When this happens, the files will be considered to
need re-analysis every time, indefinitely. *)
let near_past = Unix.gettimeofday () -. 1. in
Unix.utimes src ~access:near_past ~modif:near_past;
stats.files_linked <- stats.files_linked + 1
let create_multilinks () =
let do_dir ~key:dir ~data:multilinks =
let attributes_dir =
Filename.concat (Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.attributes_dir_name) dir in
Multilinks.write multilinks ~dir:attributes_dir in
String.Table.iteri ~f:do_dir multilinks_dir_table
(** Create symbolic links recursively from the destination to the source.
Replicate the structure of the source directory in the destination,
with files replaced by links to the source. *)
let rec slink ~stats ~skiplevels src dst =
if debug >=3
then L.stderr "slink src:%s dst:%s skiplevels:%d@." src dst skiplevels;
if Sys.is_directory src = `Yes
if (Sys.file_exists dst) <> `Yes
then Unix.mkdir dst ~perm:0o700;
let items = Sys.readdir src in
~f:(fun item ->
slink ~stats ~skiplevels:(skiplevels - 1)
(Filename.concat src item) (Filename.concat dst item))
else if skiplevels > 0 then ()
else if use_multilinks && Filename.check_suffix dst ".attr"
then add_multilink_attr ~stats src dst
else create_link ~stats src dst
(** Determine if the destination should link to the source.
To check if it was linked before, check if all the captured source files
from the source are also in the destination.
And for each of the files inside (.cfg, .cg, etc), check that the destinations
of symbolic links were not modified after the links themselves. *)
let should_link ~target ~target_results_dir ~stats infer_out_src infer_out_dst =
let num_captured_files = ref 0 in
let symlink_up_to_date file =
let filename = DB.filename_from_string file in
let time_orig = DB.file_modified_time ~symlink:false filename in
let time_link = DB.file_modified_time ~symlink:true filename in
if debug >= 2 then
L.stderr "file:%s time_orig:%f time_link:%f@."
file time_orig time_link;
time_link > time_orig in
let symlinks_up_to_date captured_file =
if Sys.is_directory captured_file = `Yes then
let contents = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir captured_file) in
(fun file ->
let file_path = Filename.concat captured_file file in
Sys.file_exists file_path = `Yes &&
(not check_timestamp_of_symlinks || symlink_up_to_date file_path))
else true in
let check_file captured_file =
Sys.file_exists captured_file = `Yes &&
symlinks_up_to_date captured_file in
let was_copied () =
let captured_src = Filename.concat infer_out_src Config.captured_dir_name in
let captured_dst = Filename.concat infer_out_dst Config.captured_dir_name in
if Sys.file_exists captured_src = `Yes && Sys.is_directory captured_src = `Yes
let captured_files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir captured_src) in
num_captured_files := IList.length captured_files;
(fun file ->
check_file (Filename.concat captured_dst file))
true in
let was_modified () =
String.Set.mem !modified_targets target in
let r =
was_modified () ||
not (was_copied ()) in
if r then stats.targets_merged <- stats.targets_merged + 1;
if debug >= 2
then L.stderr "lnk:%s:%d %s@." (if r then "T" else "F") !num_captured_files target_results_dir
else if debug >= 1 && r
then L.stderr "%s@."target_results_dir;
(** should_link needs to know whether the source file has changed,
and to determine whether the destination has never been copied.
In both cases, perform the link. *)
let process_merge_file deps_file =
let infer_out_dst = Config.results_dir in
let stats = empty_stats () in
let process_line line =
match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp (Str.quote "\t")) line with
| target :: _ :: target_results_dir :: _ ->
let infer_out_src =
if Filename.is_relative target_results_dir then
Filename.dirname (buck_out ()) ^/ target_results_dir
else target_results_dir in
let skiplevels = 2 in (* Don't link toplevel files, definitely not .start *)
if should_link ~target ~target_results_dir ~stats infer_out_src infer_out_dst
then slink ~stats ~skiplevels infer_out_src infer_out_dst
| _ ->
() in
~f:(fun lines -> IList.iter process_line lines)
(Utils.read_file deps_file);
create_multilinks ();
L.stdout "Captured results merged.@.";
L.stdout "Targets merged: %d@." stats.targets_merged;
L.stdout "Files linked: %d@." stats.files_linked;
L.stdout "Files multilinked: %d@." stats.files_multilinked
let merge_captured_targets () =
process_merge_file (infer_deps ())