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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type id = ChangedFunctions | Logs | Specs | Temporary | TestDeterminatorReport
[@@deriving enumerate]
type cleanup_action = Delete | Keep [@@deriving equal]
type entry_kind = Directory | File
type t =
{ rel_path: string (** path inside infer-out/ *)
; kind: entry_kind (** unused for now, useful for documentation *)
; before_incremental_analysis: cleanup_action
(** whether this should be deleted before an incremental analysis *)
; before_caching_capture: cleanup_action
(** whether this should be deleted before sending to a remote cache for the capture phase,
e.g., a distributed Buck cache. *) }
let of_id = function
| ChangedFunctions ->
{ rel_path= "changed_functions.json"
; kind= File
; before_incremental_analysis= Delete
; before_caching_capture= Keep }
| Logs ->
{ rel_path= "logs"
; kind= File
; before_incremental_analysis= Keep
; before_caching_capture= Delete }
| Specs ->
{ rel_path= "specs"
; kind= Directory
; before_incremental_analysis= Keep
; before_caching_capture= Delete }
| Temporary ->
{ rel_path= "tmp"
; kind= Directory
; before_incremental_analysis= Keep
; before_caching_capture= Delete }
| TestDeterminatorReport ->
{ rel_path= "test_determinator.json"
; kind= File
; before_incremental_analysis= Delete
; before_caching_capture= Keep }
let path_of_entry ~results_dir {rel_path; _} = results_dir ^/ rel_path
let get_path ~results_dir id = path_of_entry ~results_dir (of_id id)
let get_filtered_paths ~results_dir ~f =
List.filter_map all_of_id ~f:(fun id ->
let entry = of_id id in
if f entry then Some (path_of_entry ~results_dir entry) else None )
let to_delete_before_incremental_capture_and_analysis ~results_dir =
get_filtered_paths ~results_dir ~f:(fun {before_incremental_analysis; _} ->
equal_cleanup_action before_incremental_analysis Delete )
let to_delete_before_caching_capture ~results_dir =
get_filtered_paths ~results_dir ~f:(fun {before_caching_capture; _} ->
equal_cleanup_action before_caching_capture Delete )