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(** Propositional formulas *)
include Propositional_intf
module Make (Trm : sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
end) =
module Fml1 = struct
type compare [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type t =
| Tt
| Eq of Trm.t * Trm.t
| Distinct of Trm.t array
| Eq0 of Trm.t
| Pos of Trm.t
| Not of t
| And of {pos: set; neg: set}
| Or of {pos: set; neg: set}
| Iff of t * t
| Cond of {cnd: t; pos: t; neg: t}
| Lit of Predsym.t * Trm.t array
and set = (t, compare) Set.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
module Fml2 = struct
include Comparer.Counterfeit (Fml1)
include Fml1
(** Sets of formulas *)
module Fmls = struct
include Set.Make_from_Comparer (Fml2)
include Provide_of_sexp (Fml2)
(** Formulas, built from literals with predicate symbols from various
theories, and propositional constants and connectives. Denote sets of
structures. *)
module Fml = struct
include Fml2
let invariant f =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] f [%sexp_of: t] in
match f with
(* formulas are in negation-normal form *)
| Not (Not _ | And _ | Or _ | Cond _) -> assert false
(* conjunction and disjunction formulas are: *)
| And {pos; neg} | Or {pos; neg} ->
(* not "zero" (the negation of their unit) *)
assert (Fmls.disjoint pos neg) ;
(* not singleton *)
assert (Fmls.cardinal pos + Fmls.cardinal neg > 1)
(* conditional formulas are in "positive condition" form *)
| Cond {cnd= Not _ | Or _} -> assert false
| _ -> ()
let sort x y = if compare x y <= 0 then (x, y) else (y, x)
(** Some normalization is necessary for [embed_into_fml] (defined below)
to be left inverse to [embed_into_cnd]. Essentially
[0 ≠ (p ? 1 : 0)] needs to normalize to [p], by way of
[0 ≠ (p ? 1 : 0)] ==> [(p ? 0 ≠ 1 : 0 ≠ 0)] ==>
[(p ? tt : ff)] ==> [p]. *)
let tt = Tt |> check invariant
let ff = Not Tt |> check invariant
let mk_Tt () = tt
let bool b = if b then tt else ff
let rec _Not p =
( match p with
| Not x -> x
| And {pos; neg} -> Or {pos= neg; neg= pos}
| Or {pos; neg} -> And {pos= neg; neg= pos}
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> Cond {cnd; pos= _Not pos; neg= _Not neg}
| Tt | Eq _ | Distinct _ | Eq0 _ | Pos _ | Lit _ | Iff _ -> Not p )
|> check invariant
let _Join cons unit zero ~pos ~neg =
let pos = Fmls.remove unit pos in
let neg = Fmls.remove zero neg in
Fmls.mem zero pos
|| Fmls.mem unit neg
|| not (Fmls.disjoint pos neg)
then zero
match Fmls.classify neg with
| Zero -> (
match Fmls.classify pos with
| Zero -> unit
| One p -> p
| Many -> cons ~pos ~neg )
| One n when Fmls.is_empty pos -> _Not n
| _ -> cons ~pos ~neg
let _And ~pos ~neg =
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold pos (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| And {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b pos), Fmls.union n neg)
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold neg (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| Or {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union n pos, Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b neg))
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> And {pos; neg}) tt ff ~pos ~neg
let _Or ~pos ~neg =
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold pos (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| Or {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b pos), Fmls.union n neg)
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
let pos, neg =
Fmls.fold neg (pos, neg) ~f:(fun b (pos, neg) ->
match b with
| And {pos= p; neg= n} ->
(Fmls.union n pos, Fmls.union p (Fmls.remove b neg))
| _ -> (pos, neg) )
_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> Or {pos; neg}) ff tt ~pos ~neg
let join _Cons zero split_pos_neg p q =
( if equal p zero || equal q zero then zero
let pp, pn = split_pos_neg p in
if Fmls.is_empty pp && Fmls.is_empty pn then q
let qp, qn = split_pos_neg q in
if Fmls.is_empty qp && Fmls.is_empty qn then p
let pos = Fmls.union pp qp in
let neg = Fmls.union pn qn in
_Cons ~pos ~neg )
|> check invariant
let and_ p q =
(_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> And {pos; neg}) tt ff)
| And {pos; neg} -> (pos, neg)
| Tt -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.empty)
| Not p -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.of_ p)
| p -> (Fmls.of_ p, Fmls.empty) )
p q
let or_ p q =
(_Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> Or {pos; neg}) ff tt)
| Or {pos; neg} -> (pos, neg)
| Not Tt -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.empty)
| Not p -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.of_ p)
| p -> (Fmls.of_ p, Fmls.empty) )
p q
let rec eval_iff p q =
match (p, q) with
| p, Not p' | Not p', p -> if equal p p' then Some false else None
| And {pos= ap; neg= an}, Or {pos= op; neg= on}
|Or {pos= op; neg= on}, And {pos= ap; neg= an}
when Fmls.equal ap on && Fmls.equal an op ->
Some false
| Cond {cnd= c; pos= p; neg= n}, Cond {cnd= c'; pos= p'; neg= n'} ->
if equal c c' then
match eval_iff p p' with
| Some false -> (
match eval_iff n n' with
| Some false -> Some false
| _ -> None )
| Some true -> if equal n n' then Some true else None
| None -> None
else None
| _ -> if equal p q then Some true else None
let _Iff p q =
( match (p, q) with
| Tt, p | p, Tt -> p
| Not Tt, p | p, Not Tt -> _Not p
| _ -> (
match eval_iff p q with
| Some b -> bool b
| None ->
let p, q = sort p q in
Iff (p, q) ) )
|> check invariant
let is_negative = function Not _ | Or _ -> true | _ -> false
let _Cond cnd pos neg =
( match (cnd, pos, neg) with
(* (tt ? p : n) ==> p *)
| Tt, _, _ -> pos
(* (ff ? p : n) ==> n *)
| Not Tt, _, _ -> neg
(* (c ? tt : ff) ==> c *)
| _, Tt, Not Tt -> cnd
(* (c ? ff : tt) ==> ¬c *)
| _, Not Tt, Tt -> _Not cnd
(* (c ? p : ff) ==> c ∧ p *)
| _, _, Not Tt -> and_ cnd pos
(* (c ? ff : n) ==> ¬c ∧ n *)
| _, Not Tt, _ -> and_ (_Not cnd) neg
(* (c ? tt : n) ==> c n *)
| _, Tt, _ -> or_ cnd neg
(* (c ? p : tt) ==> ¬c p *)
| _, _, Tt -> or_ (_Not cnd) pos
| _ -> (
match eval_iff pos neg with
(* (c ? p : p) ==> c *)
| Some true -> cnd
(* (c ? p : ¬p) ==> c <=> p *)
| Some false -> _Iff cnd pos
(* (¬c ? n : p) ==> (c ? p : n) *)
| None when is_negative cnd ->
Cond {cnd= _Not cnd; pos= neg; neg= pos}
(* (c ? p : n) *)
| _ -> Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ) )
|> check invariant
let _Eq x y = Eq (x, y) |> check invariant
let _Distinct xs = Distinct xs |> check invariant
let _Eq0 x = Eq0 x |> check invariant
let _Pos x = Pos x |> check invariant
let _Lit p xs = Lit (p, xs) |> check invariant
let iter_pos_neg ~pos ~neg ~f =
let f_not p = f (_Not p) in
Fmls.iter ~f pos ;
Fmls.iter ~f:f_not neg
let rec iter_trms p ~f =
match p with
| Tt -> ()
| Eq (x, y) ->
f x ;
f y
| Distinct xs -> Array.iter ~f xs
| Eq0 x | Pos x -> f x
| Not x -> iter_trms ~f x
| And {pos; neg} | Or {pos; neg} ->
iter_pos_neg ~f:(iter_trms ~f) ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) ->
iter_trms ~f x ;
iter_trms ~f y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
iter_trms ~f cnd ;
iter_trms ~f pos ;
iter_trms ~f neg
| Lit (_, xs) -> Array.iter ~f xs
let trms p = Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_trms p)
type polarity = Con | Dis
let map_join polarity b ~pos ~neg f =
let pos_to_flatten = ref [] in
let neg_to_flatten = ref [] in
let pos0, neg0 = (pos, neg) in
let pos = pos ~f:(fun p ->
let p' = f p in
if p' == p then p
match (polarity, p') with
| Con, And {pos; neg} | Dis, Or {pos; neg} ->
pos_to_flatten := (p, pos, neg) :: !pos_to_flatten ;
| _ -> p' )
let neg = neg ~f:(fun n ->
let n' = f n in
if n' == n then n
match (polarity, n') with
| Con, Or {pos; neg} | Dis, And {pos; neg} ->
neg_to_flatten := (n, pos, neg) :: !neg_to_flatten ;
| _ -> n' )
let pos, neg =
if List.is_empty !pos_to_flatten then (pos, neg)
List.fold !pos_to_flatten (pos, neg)
~f:(fun (p, p', n') (pos, neg) ->
(Fmls.union p' (Fmls.remove p pos), Fmls.union n' neg) )
let pos, neg =
if List.is_empty !neg_to_flatten then (pos, neg)
List.fold !neg_to_flatten (pos, neg)
~f:(fun (n, p', n') (pos, neg) ->
(Fmls.union n' pos, Fmls.union p' (Fmls.remove n neg)) )
if pos0 == pos && neg0 == neg then b
match polarity with
| Con -> _Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> And {pos; neg}) tt ff ~pos ~neg
| Dis -> _Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> Or {pos; neg}) ff tt ~pos ~neg
let map_and = map_join Con
let map_or = map_join Dis