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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** log messages at different levels of verbosity *)
module F = Format
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
(* log files *)
(* make a copy of [f] *)
let copy_formatter f =
let out_string, flush = F.pp_get_formatter_output_functions f () in
let out_funs = F.pp_get_formatter_out_functions f () in
let new_f = F.make_formatter out_string flush in
F.pp_set_formatter_out_functions new_f out_funs;
(* Return a formatter that multiplexes to [fmt1] and [fmt2].
If [copy] is true then the formatter is created from a fresh copy of [fmt1].
If [copy] is false then [fmt1] is mutated instead. *)
let dup_formatter ~copy fmt1 fmt2 =
let out_funs1 = F.pp_get_formatter_out_functions fmt1 () in
let out_funs2 = F.pp_get_formatter_out_functions fmt2 () in
let f = if copy then copy_formatter fmt1 else fmt1 in
F.pp_set_formatter_out_functions f {
F.out_string = (fun s p n -> out_funs1.out_string s p n; out_funs2.out_string s p n);
out_flush = (fun () -> out_funs1.out_flush (); out_funs2.out_flush ());
out_newline = (fun () -> out_funs1.out_newline (); out_funs2.out_newline ());
out_spaces = (fun n -> out_funs1.out_spaces n; out_funs2.out_spaces n);
(* should be set up to emit to a file later on; initially a string buffer so that logging is not
lost in the meantime *)
let log_file =
let b = Buffer.create 256 in
let f = F.formatter_of_buffer b in
if Config.print_logs then dup_formatter ~copy:false f F.err_formatter |> ignore;
ref (f, `Buffer b)
type formatters = {
file : F.formatter; (** send to log file *)
console_file : F.formatter; (** send both to console and log file *)
let logging_formatters = ref []
(* shared ref is less punishing to sloppy accounting of newlines *)
let is_newline = ref true
let prev_category = ref ""
let mk_file_formatter category0 =
(* make a copy of file_fmt *)
let f = copy_formatter (fst !log_file) in
let out_functions_orig = F.pp_get_formatter_out_functions f () in
let prefix = Printf.sprintf "[%d][%s] " (Pid.to_int (Unix.getpid ())) category0 in
let print_prefix_if_newline () =
let category_has_changed =
(* take category + PID into account *)
not (phys_equal !prev_category prefix) in
if !is_newline || category_has_changed then (
if not !is_newline && category_has_changed then
(* category change but previous line has not ended: print newline *)
out_functions_orig.out_newline ();
is_newline := false;
prev_category := prefix;
out_functions_orig.out_string prefix 0 (String.length prefix)
) in
let out_string s p n =
print_prefix_if_newline ();
out_functions_orig.out_string s p n in
let out_newline () =
print_prefix_if_newline ();
out_functions_orig.out_newline ();
is_newline := true in
let out_spaces n =
print_prefix_if_newline ();
out_functions_orig.out_spaces n in
F.pp_set_formatter_out_functions f
{ F.out_string; out_flush=out_functions_orig.out_flush; out_newline; out_spaces };
let register_formatter =
let all_prefixes = ref [] in
fun ?(use_stdout=false) prefix ->
all_prefixes := prefix::!all_prefixes;
(* lazy so that we get a chance to register all prefixes before computing their max length for
alignment purposes *)
lazy (
let max_prefix = ~f:String.length !all_prefixes |> List.fold_left ~f:max ~init:0 in
let fill =
let n = max_prefix - (String.length prefix) in
String.make n ' ' in
let justified_prefix = fill ^ prefix in
let mk_formatters () =
let file = mk_file_formatter justified_prefix in
let console_file =
let console = if use_stdout then F.std_formatter else F.err_formatter in
dup_formatter ~copy:true console file in
{ file; console_file } in
let formatters = mk_formatters () in
let formatters_ref = ref formatters in
logging_formatters := ((formatters_ref, mk_formatters), formatters)
let flush_formatters {file; console_file} =
F.pp_print_flush file ();
F.pp_print_flush console_file ()
let reset_formatters () =
let refresh_formatter ((formatters_ref, mk_formatters), formatters) =
(* flush to be nice *)
flush_formatters formatters;
(* recreate formatters, in particular update PID info *)
formatters_ref := mk_formatters () in
let previous_formatters = !logging_formatters in
(* delete previous formatters *)
logging_formatters := [];
(* create new formatters *)
List.iter ~f:refresh_formatter previous_formatters;
if not !is_newline then F.pp_print_newline (fst !log_file) ();
is_newline := true
let close_logs () =
let close_fmt (_, formatters) = flush_formatters formatters in
List.iter ~f:close_fmt !logging_formatters;
let fmt, chan = !log_file in
F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
match chan with
| `Buffer b ->
"WARNING: log file is still a temporary buffer, with contents %s" (Buffer.contents b)
| `Channel c ->
Out_channel.close c
let () = Epilogues.register ~f:close_logs "flushing logs and closing log file"
let log ~to_console ?(to_file=true) (lazy formatters) =
match to_console, to_file with
| false, false ->
F.ifprintf F.std_formatter
| true, _ when not Config.print_logs ->
F.fprintf !formatters.console_file
| _ ->
(* to_console might be true, but in that case so is Config.print_logs so do not print to
stderr because it will get logs from the log file already *)
F.fprintf !formatters.file
let debug_file_fmts = register_formatter "debug"
let environment_info_file_fmts = register_formatter "environment"
let external_warning_file_fmts = register_formatter "extern warn"
let external_error_file_fmts = register_formatter "extern err"
let internal_error_file_fmts = register_formatter "intern err"
let progress_file_fmts = register_formatter "progress"
let result_file_fmts = register_formatter ~use_stdout:true "result"
let user_warning_file_fmts = register_formatter "user warn"
let user_error_file_fmts = register_formatter "user err"
let progress fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) progress_file_fmts fmt
let progress_bar text =
log ~to_console:(Config.show_progress_bar && not Config.quiet)
~to_file:true progress_file_fmts "%s@?" text
let progressbar_file () =
progress_bar Config.log_analysis_file
let progressbar_procedure () =
progress_bar Config.log_analysis_procedure
let progressbar_timeout_event failure_kind =
if Config.stats_mode || Config.debug_mode then
match failure_kind with
| SymOp.FKtimeout ->
progress_bar Config.log_analysis_wallclock_timeout
| SymOp.FKsymops_timeout _ ->
progress_bar Config.log_analysis_symops_timeout
| SymOp.FKrecursion_timeout _ ->
progress_bar Config.log_analysis_recursion_timeout
| SymOp.FKcrash msg ->
progress_bar (Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)" Config.log_analysis_crash msg)
let user_warning fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) user_warning_file_fmts fmt
let user_error fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) user_error_file_fmts fmt
type debug_level = Quiet | Medium | Verbose [@@deriving compare]
let debug_level_of_int n =
if n <= 0 then Quiet
else if Int.equal n 1 then Medium
else (* >= 2 *) Verbose
let analysis_debug_level = debug_level_of_int Config.debug_level_analysis
let bufferoverrun_debug_level = debug_level_of_int Config.bo_debug
let capture_debug_level = debug_level_of_int Config.debug_level_capture
let linters_debug_level = debug_level_of_int Config.debug_level_linters
let mergecapture_debug_level = Quiet
type debug_kind =
| Analysis
| BufferOverrun
| Capture
| Linters
| MergeCapture
let debug kind level fmt =
let base_level = match kind with
| Analysis -> analysis_debug_level
| BufferOverrun -> bufferoverrun_debug_level
| Capture -> capture_debug_level
| Linters -> linters_debug_level
| MergeCapture -> mergecapture_debug_level in
let to_file = compare_debug_level level base_level <= 0 in
log ~to_console:false ~to_file debug_file_fmts fmt
let result fmt =
log ~to_console:true result_file_fmts fmt
let environment_info fmt =
log ~to_console:false environment_info_file_fmts fmt
let external_warning fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) external_warning_file_fmts fmt
let external_error fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) external_error_file_fmts fmt
let internal_error fmt =
log ~to_console:(not Config.developer_mode) internal_error_file_fmts fmt
(** Type of location in ml source: __POS__ *)
type ml_loc = string * int * int * int
(** Convert a ml location to a string *)
let ml_loc_to_string (file, lnum, cnum, enum) =
Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d-%d:" file lnum cnum enum
(** Pretty print a location of ml source *)
let pp_ml_loc fmt ml_loc =
F.fprintf fmt "%s" (ml_loc_to_string ml_loc)
let pp_ml_loc_opt fmt ml_loc_opt =
if Config.developer_mode then match ml_loc_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some ml_loc -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_ml_loc ml_loc
(* create new channel from the log file, and dumps the contents of the temporary log buffer there *)
let setup_log_file () =
match !log_file with
| _, `Channel _ ->
(* already set up *)
| _, `Buffer b ->
let fmt, chan, preexisting_logfile =
if Config.buck_cache_mode then
(* suppress log file in order not to cause flakiness in the Buck cache *)
let devnull_chan = open_out "/dev/null" in
let devnull_fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel devnull_chan in
devnull_fmt, devnull_chan, true
(* assumes Config.results_dir exists already *)
let logfile_path = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.log_file in
let preexisting_logfile = PVariant.(=) (Sys.file_exists logfile_path) `Yes in
let chan = Pervasives.open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat] 0o666 logfile_path in
let file_fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
if Config.print_logs then dup_formatter ~copy:false file_fmt F.err_formatter |> ignore;
file_fmt, chan, preexisting_logfile in
log_file := fmt, `Channel chan;
if preexisting_logfile then is_newline := false;
reset_formatters ();
Buffer.output_buffer chan b
(** type of printable elements *)
type print_type =
| PTatom
| PTattribute
| PTdecrease_indent
| PTexp
| PTexp_list
| PThpred
| PTincrease_indent
| PTinstr
| PTinstr_list
| PTjprop_list
| PTjprop_short
| PTloc
| PTnode_instrs
| PToff
| PToff_list
| PTpath
| PTprop
| PTproplist
| PTprop_list_with_typ
| PTprop_with_typ
| PTpvar
| PTspec
| PTstr
| PTstr_color
| PTstrln
| PTstrln_color
| PTpathset
| PTpi
| PTsexp
| PTsexp_list
| PTsigma
| PTtexp_full
| PTsub
| PTtyp_full
| PTtyp_list
| PTwarning
| PTerror
| PTinfo
(** delayable print action *)
type print_action =
print_type * Obj.t (** data to be printed *)
let delayed_actions = ref []
(** hook for the current printer of delayed print actions *)
let printer_hook = ref (fun _ -> failwith "uninitialized printer hook")
(** extend the current print log *)
let add_print_action pact =
if Config.write_html then delayed_actions := pact :: !delayed_actions
else if not Config.test then !printer_hook (fst !log_file) pact
(** reset the delayed print actions *)
let reset_delayed_prints () =
delayed_actions := []
(** return the delayed print actions *)
let get_delayed_prints () =
(** set the delayed print actions *)
let set_delayed_prints new_delayed_actions =
delayed_actions := new_delayed_actions
(** dump a string *)
let d_str (s: string) = add_print_action (PTstr, Obj.repr s)
(** dump a string with the given color *)
let d_str_color (c: Pp.color) (s: string) = add_print_action (PTstr_color, Obj.repr (s, c))
(** dump an error string *)
let d_error (s: string) = add_print_action (PTerror, Obj.repr s)
(** dump a warning string *)
let d_warning (s: string) = add_print_action (PTwarning, Obj.repr s)
(** dump an info string *)
let d_info (s: string) = add_print_action (PTinfo, Obj.repr s)
(** dump a string plus newline *)
let d_strln (s: string) = add_print_action (PTstrln, Obj.repr s)
(** dump a string plus newline with the given color *)
let d_strln_color (c: Pp.color) (s: string) = add_print_action (PTstrln_color, Obj.repr (s, c))
(** dump a newline *)
let d_ln () = add_print_action (PTstrln, Obj.repr "")
(** dump an indentation *)
let d_indent indent =
let s = ref "" in
for _ = 1 to indent do s := " " ^ !s done;
if indent <> 0 then add_print_action (PTstr, Obj.repr !s)
(** dump command to increase the indentation level *)
let d_increase_indent (indent: int) =
add_print_action (PTincrease_indent, Obj.repr indent)
(** dump command to decrease the indentation level *)
let d_decrease_indent (indent: int) =
add_print_action (PTdecrease_indent, Obj.repr indent)