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206 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
include struct
(* ignore dead modules added by @@deriving fields *)
[@@@warning "-60"]
type t =
{ mutable summary_file_try_load: int
; mutable summary_read_from_disk: int
; mutable summary_cache_hits: int
; mutable summary_cache_misses: int
; mutable ondemand_procs_analyzed: int
; mutable ondemand_local_cache_hits: int
; mutable ondemand_local_cache_misses: int
; mutable proc_locker_lock_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable proc_locker_unlock_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable restart_scheduler_useful_time: ExecutionDuration.t
; mutable restart_scheduler_total_time: ExecutionDuration.t }
[@@deriving fields]
let global_stats =
{ summary_file_try_load= 0
; summary_read_from_disk= 0
; summary_cache_hits= 0
; summary_cache_misses= 0
; ondemand_procs_analyzed= 0
; ondemand_local_cache_hits= 0
; ondemand_local_cache_misses= 0
; proc_locker_lock_time=
; proc_locker_unlock_time=
; restart_scheduler_useful_time=
; restart_scheduler_total_time= }
let get () = global_stats
let update_with field ~f =
match Field.setter field with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "incr on non-mutable field %s" ( field)
| Some set ->
set global_stats (f (Field.get field global_stats))
let incr field = update_with field ~f:(( + ) 1)
let add field exe_duration = update_with field ~f:(ExecutionDuration.add exe_duration)
let incr_summary_file_try_load () = incr Fields.summary_file_try_load
let incr_summary_read_from_disk () = incr Fields.summary_read_from_disk
let incr_summary_cache_hits () = incr Fields.summary_cache_hits
let incr_summary_cache_misses () = incr Fields.summary_cache_misses
let incr_ondemand_procs_analyzed () = incr Fields.ondemand_procs_analyzed
let incr_ondemand_local_cache_hits () = incr Fields.ondemand_local_cache_hits
let incr_ondemand_local_cache_misses () = incr Fields.ondemand_local_cache_misses
let add_to_proc_locker_lock_time execution_duration =
add Fields.proc_locker_lock_time execution_duration
let add_to_proc_locker_unlock_time execution_duration =
add Fields.proc_locker_unlock_time execution_duration
let add_to_restart_scheduler_useful_time execution_duration =
add Fields.restart_scheduler_useful_time execution_duration
let add_to_restart_scheduler_total_time execution_duration =
add Fields.restart_scheduler_total_time execution_duration
let copy from ~into : unit =
let { summary_file_try_load
; summary_read_from_disk
; summary_cache_hits
; summary_cache_misses
; ondemand_procs_analyzed
; ondemand_local_cache_hits
; ondemand_local_cache_misses
; proc_locker_lock_time
; proc_locker_unlock_time
; restart_scheduler_useful_time
; restart_scheduler_total_time } =
Fields.Direct.set_all_mutable_fields into ~summary_file_try_load ~summary_read_from_disk
~summary_cache_hits ~summary_cache_misses ~ondemand_procs_analyzed ~ondemand_local_cache_hits
~ondemand_local_cache_misses ~proc_locker_lock_time ~proc_locker_unlock_time
~restart_scheduler_useful_time ~restart_scheduler_total_time
let merge stats1 stats2 =
{ summary_file_try_load= stats1.summary_file_try_load + stats2.summary_file_try_load
; summary_read_from_disk= stats1.summary_read_from_disk + stats2.summary_read_from_disk
; summary_cache_hits= stats1.summary_cache_hits + stats2.summary_cache_hits
; summary_cache_misses= stats1.summary_cache_misses + stats2.summary_cache_misses
; ondemand_procs_analyzed= stats1.ondemand_procs_analyzed + stats2.ondemand_procs_analyzed
; ondemand_local_cache_hits= stats1.ondemand_local_cache_hits + stats2.ondemand_local_cache_hits
; ondemand_local_cache_misses=
stats1.ondemand_local_cache_misses + stats2.ondemand_local_cache_misses
; proc_locker_lock_time=
ExecutionDuration.add stats1.proc_locker_lock_time stats2.proc_locker_lock_time
; proc_locker_unlock_time=
ExecutionDuration.add stats1.proc_locker_unlock_time stats2.proc_locker_unlock_time
; restart_scheduler_useful_time=
ExecutionDuration.add stats1.restart_scheduler_useful_time
; restart_scheduler_total_time=
ExecutionDuration.add stats1.restart_scheduler_total_time stats2.restart_scheduler_total_time
let initial =
{ summary_file_try_load= 0
; summary_read_from_disk= 0
; summary_cache_hits= 0
; summary_cache_misses= 0
; ondemand_procs_analyzed= 0
; ondemand_local_cache_hits= 0
; ondemand_local_cache_misses= 0
; proc_locker_lock_time=
; proc_locker_unlock_time=
; restart_scheduler_useful_time=
; restart_scheduler_total_time= }
let reset () = copy initial ~into:global_stats
let pp f stats =
let pp_hit_percent hit miss f =
let total = hit + miss in
if Int.equal total 0 then F.pp_print_string f "N/A%%" else F.fprintf f "%d%%" (hit * 100 / total)
let pp_int_field stats f field =
F.fprintf f "%s= %d@;" ( field) (Field.get field stats)
let pp_execution_duration_field stats f field =
let field_value = Field.get field stats in
let field_name = field in
F.fprintf f "%a@;" (ExecutionDuration.pp ~prefix:field_name) field_value
let pp_cache_hits stats cache_misses f cache_hits_field =
let cache_hits = Field.get cache_hits_field stats in
F.fprintf f "%s= %d (%t)@;" ( cache_hits_field) cache_hits
(pp_hit_percent cache_hits cache_misses)
let pp_stats stats f =
Fields.iter ~summary_file_try_load:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_read_from_disk:(pp_int_field stats f)
~summary_cache_hits:(pp_cache_hits stats stats.summary_cache_misses f)
~summary_cache_misses:(pp_int_field stats f) ~ondemand_procs_analyzed:(pp_int_field stats f)
~ondemand_local_cache_hits:(pp_cache_hits stats stats.ondemand_local_cache_misses f)
~ondemand_local_cache_misses:(pp_int_field stats f)
~proc_locker_lock_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~proc_locker_unlock_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~restart_scheduler_useful_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
~restart_scheduler_total_time:(pp_execution_duration_field stats f)
F.fprintf f "@[Backend stats:@\n@[<v2> %t@]@]@." (pp_stats stats)
let log_to_scuba stats =
let create_counter field =
[LogEntry.mk_count ~label:("backend_stats." ^ field) ~value:(Field.get field stats)]
let create_time_entry field =
Field.get field stats
|> ExecutionDuration.to_scuba_entries ~prefix:("backend_stats." ^ field)
let entries =
Fields.to_list ~summary_file_try_load:create_counter ~summary_read_from_disk:create_counter
~summary_cache_hits:create_counter ~summary_cache_misses:create_counter
~ondemand_procs_analyzed:create_counter ~ondemand_local_cache_hits:create_counter
~ondemand_local_cache_misses:create_counter ~proc_locker_lock_time:create_time_entry
~proc_locker_unlock_time:create_time_entry ~restart_scheduler_useful_time:create_time_entry
|> List.concat
ScubaLogging.log_many entries
let log_aggregate stats_list =
match stats_list with
| [] ->
L.internal_error "Empty list of backend stats to aggregate, weird!@\n"
| one :: rest ->
let stats = List.fold rest ~init:one ~f:(fun aggregate one -> merge aggregate one) in
L.debug Analysis Quiet "%a" pp stats ;
log_to_scuba stats