
148 lines
5.4 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let iter_captured_procs_and_callees f =
let db = ResultsDatabase.get_database () in
(* only load procedure info for those we have a CFG *)
let stmt =
Sqlite3.prepare db
"SELECT proc_name, callees FROM procedures WHERE cfg IS NOT NULL and attr_kind != 0"
SqliteUtils.result_fold_rows db ~log:"loading captured procs" stmt ~init:() ~f:(fun () stmt ->
let proc_name = Sqlite3.column stmt 0 |> Procname.SQLite.deserialize in
let callees : Procname.t list = Sqlite3.column stmt 1 |> Procname.SQLiteList.deserialize in
f proc_name callees )
type hashconsed_procname_info =
{name: Procname.t; mutable defined: bool; mutable callees: Procname.t list}
let hashcons_pname pname_info pname =
match Procname.Hash.find_opt pname_info pname with
| Some {name} ->
| None ->
Procname.Hash.add pname_info pname {name= pname; defined= false; callees= []} ;
let hashcons_and_update_pname pname_info pname callees =
let callees = ~f:(hashcons_pname pname_info) callees in
match Procname.Hash.find_opt pname_info pname with
| Some info when info.defined ->
L.die InternalError "SyntacticCallGraph: Tried to define %a twice.@." Procname.pp pname
| Some info ->
info.callees <- callees ;
info.defined <- true
| None ->
Procname.Hash.add pname_info pname {name= pname; defined= true; callees}
(* load and hashcons all captured procs and their callees ; return also number of defined procs *)
let pname_info_from_captured_procs () =
let pname_info = Procname.Hash.create 1009 in
let n_captured = ref 0 in
iter_captured_procs_and_callees (fun pname callees ->
incr n_captured ;
hashcons_and_update_pname pname_info pname callees ) ;
(pname_info, !n_captured)
let enqueue q pname = Procname.HashQueue.enqueue_back q pname pname |> ignore
let dequeue q = Procname.HashQueue.dequeue_front q
let queue_from_sources pname_info sources =
let q = Procname.HashQueue.create () in
List.iter sources ~f:(fun sf ->
SourceFiles.proc_names_of_source sf
|> List.iter ~f:(fun pname -> hashcons_pname pname_info pname |> enqueue q) ) ;
let rec bfs pname_info g q =
match dequeue q with
| Some pname ->
( match Procname.Hash.find_opt pname_info pname with
| Some {defined= true; callees} ->
CallGraph.create_node g pname callees ;
List.iter callees ~f:(fun pname ->
if not (CallGraph.mem_procname g pname) then enqueue q pname )
| _ ->
() ) ;
bfs pname_info g q
| _ ->
let build_from_sources sources =
let g = CallGraph.create CallGraph.default_initial_capacity in
let time0 = Mtime_clock.counter () in
L.progress "Building call graph...@\n%!" ;
let pname_info, n_captured = pname_info_from_captured_procs () in
let q = queue_from_sources pname_info sources in
bfs pname_info g q ;
if Config.debug_level_analysis > 0 then CallGraph.to_dotty g "" ;
"Built call graph in %a, from %d total procs, %d reachable defined procs and takes %d bytes@."
Mtime.Span.pp (Mtime_clock.count time0) n_captured (CallGraph.n_procs g)
(Obj.(reachable_words (repr g)) * (Sys.word_size / 8)) ;
let bottom_up sources : (, string) ProcessPool.TaskGenerator.t =
let open TaskSchedulerTypes in
let syntactic_call_graph = build_from_sources sources in
let remaining = ref (CallGraph.n_procs syntactic_call_graph) in
let remaining_tasks () = !remaining in
let pending : CallGraph.Node.t Queue.t = Queue.create () in
let fill_queue () =
CallGraph.iter_unflagged_leaves ~f:(Queue.enqueue pending) syntactic_call_graph
(* prime the pending queue so that [empty] doesn't immediately return true *)
fill_queue () ;
let scheduled = ref 0 in
let is_empty () =
let empty = Int.equal 0 !scheduled && Queue.is_empty pending in
if empty then (
remaining := 0 ;
L.progress "Finished call graph scheduling, %d procs remaining (in, or reaching, cycles).@."
(CallGraph.n_procs syntactic_call_graph) ;
if Config.debug_level_analysis > 0 then CallGraph.to_dotty syntactic_call_graph "" ;
(* save some memory *)
CallGraph.reset syntactic_call_graph ;
(* there is no equivalent to [Hashtbl.reset] so set capacity to min, freeing the old array *)
Queue.set_capacity pending 1 ) ;
let rec next () =
match Queue.dequeue pending with
| None ->
fill_queue () ;
if Queue.is_empty pending then None else next ()
| Some n when n.flag || not (CallGraph.mem syntactic_call_graph ->
next ()
| Some n ->
incr scheduled ;
CallGraph.flag syntactic_call_graph n.pname ;
Some (Procname n.pname)
let finished ~result:_ = function
| Procname pname ->
decr remaining ;
decr scheduled ;
CallGraph.remove syntactic_call_graph pname
| File _ | ProcUID _ ->
L.die InternalError "Only Procnames are scheduled but File/ProcUID target was received"
{remaining_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}
let make sources = ProcessPool.TaskGenerator.chain (bottom_up sources) (FileScheduler.make sources)