You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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116 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
exception ParseError of string
(* internally it uses reversed list to store qualified name, for example: ["get", "shared_ptr<int>", "std"]*)
type t = string list [@@deriving compare]
let empty = []
let append_qualifier quals ~qual = List.cons qual quals
let extract_last = function last :: rest -> Some (last, rest) | [] -> None
let strip_template_args quals =
let no_template_name s = List.hd_exn (String.split ~on:'<' s) in
| ~f:no_template_name quals
let append_template_args_to_last quals ~args =
match quals with
| [last; _] when String.contains last '<' ->
"expected qualified name without template args, but got %s, the last qualifier of %s"
last (String.concat ~sep:", " quals)))
| last :: rest ->
(last ^ args) :: rest
| [] ->
raise (ParseError "expected non-empty qualified name")
let to_list = List.rev
let to_rev_list = ident
let of_list = List.rev
let of_rev_list = ident
let cpp_separator = "::"
let from_field_qualified_name qual_name =
match qual_name with
| _ :: rest ->
| _ ->
raise (ParseError "expected non-empty qualified name")
(* define [cpp_separator_regex] here to compute it once *)
let cpp_separator_regex = Str.regexp_string cpp_separator
(* This is simplistic and will give the wrong answer in some cases, eg
"foo<bar::baz<goo>>::someMethod" will get parsed as ["foo<bar", "baz<goo>>",
"someMethod"]. Avoid using it if possible *)
let of_qual_string str = Str.split cpp_separator_regex str |> List.rev
let to_separated_string quals ~sep = List.rev quals |> String.concat ~sep
let to_qual_string = to_separated_string ~sep:cpp_separator
let pp fmt quals = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (to_qual_string quals)
module Match = struct
type quals_matcher = Str.regexp
let matching_separator = "#"
let regexp_string_of_qualifiers ?(prefix= false) quals =
Str.quote (to_separated_string ~sep:matching_separator quals) ^ if prefix then "" else "$"
let qualifiers_list_matcher ?prefix quals_list =
( if List.is_empty quals_list then "a^" (* regexp that does not match anything *)
List.rev_map ~f:(regexp_string_of_qualifiers ?prefix) quals_list |> String.concat ~sep:"\\|"
|> Str.regexp
let qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name qual_name =
(* Fail if we detect templates in the fuzzy name. Template instantiations are not taken into
account when fuzzy matching, and templates may produce wrong results when parsing qualified
names. *)
let colon_splits = String.split qual_name ~on:':' in
List.iter colon_splits ~f:(fun s ->
(* Filter out the '<' in operator< and operator<= *)
if not (String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"operator<") && String.contains s '<' then
raise (ParseError ("Unexpected template in fuzzy qualified name %s." ^ qual_name)) ) ;
of_qual_string qual_name
let of_fuzzy_qual_names ?prefix fuzzy_qual_names =
List.rev_map fuzzy_qual_names ~f:qualifiers_of_fuzzy_qual_name
|> qualifiers_list_matcher ?prefix
let match_qualifiers matcher quals =
(* qual_name may have qualifiers with template parameters - drop them to whitelist all
instantiations *)
let normalized_qualifiers = strip_template_args quals in
Str.string_match matcher (to_separated_string ~sep:matching_separator normalized_qualifiers) 0