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377 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! Core
module F = Format
type copyright_event = CopyrightMalformed | CopyrightModified
exception CopyrightEvent of copyright_event
let exit_code_of_event = function CopyrightModified -> 1 | CopyrightMalformed -> 3
type comment_style =
| Line of string * bool
(** line comments, eg "#" for shell, and whether there should be a
newline before the copyright notice *)
| Block of string * string * string * bool (** block comments, eg ("(*", "*", "*)") for ocaml *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_comment_style = [%compare.equal: comment_style]
let comment_style_al = Line ("//", false)
let comment_style_c = Block ("/*", "*", "*/", false)
let comment_style_llvm = Line (";", true)
let comment_style_m4 = Line ("dnl", false)
let comment_style_make = Line ("#", false)
let comment_style_ocaml = Block ("(*", "*", "*)", false)
let comment_style_php = Line ("//", true)
let comment_style_python = Line ("#", false)
let comment_style_shell = Line ("#", true)
let comment_styles_lang =
[ (comment_style_al, "AL")
; (comment_style_c, "C")
; (comment_style_llvm, "LLVM")
; (comment_style_m4, "M4")
; (comment_style_make, "Makefile")
; (comment_style_ocaml, "OCaml")
; (comment_style_php, "PHP")
; (comment_style_python, "python")
; (comment_style_shell, "shell") ]
let lang_of_comment_style style =
List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:equal_comment_style comment_styles_lang style
let comment_styles = comment_styles_lang ~f:fst
let starts_with_newline = function
| Line (_, starts_with_newline) | Block (_, _, _, starts_with_newline) ->
let default_start_line_of_com_style style = if starts_with_newline style then 1 else 0
let indent_of_comment_style = function
| Line _ ->
| Block (_, inter, _, _) ->
String.make (String.length inter) ' '
let keep_going = ref false
(** If true, update the copyright message of the files. *)
let update_files = ref false
let show_diff = ref false
let line_contains_copyright line = String.is_substring ~substring:"opyright " line
let find_copyright_line lines =
List.findi lines ~f:(fun _ line -> line_contains_copyright line) |> ~f:fst
let array_rev_find_mapi_from array ~from ~f =
let i = ref from in
let found = ref None in
while !i >= 0 && Option.is_none !found do
found := f !i array.(!i) ;
decr i
done ;
let find_comment_start_and_style lines n =
(* are we in a line comment? *)
let cur_line_comment =
List.find comment_styles ~f:(function
| Line (s, starts_with_newline) when String.is_prefix ~prefix:s lines.(n) ->
if starts_with_newline then n <> 0 else true
| _ ->
false )
let is_start i line =
match cur_line_comment with
| Some (Line _) ->
| Some (Block _) | None ->
List.find comment_styles ~f:(function
| Block (s, _, _, starts_with_newline) when String.is_substring ~substring:s line ->
if starts_with_newline then i <> 0 else true
| _ ->
false )
let find_in_line i line = is_start i line |> ~f:(fun style -> (i, style)) in
array_rev_find_mapi_from lines ~from:n ~f:find_in_line
let find_comment_end lines n com_style =
let is_end line =
match com_style with
| Line (s, _) ->
(not (String.is_prefix ~prefix:s line), `After)
| Block (_, _, s, _) ->
(String.is_substring ~substring:s line, `OnIt)
let i = ref (n + 1) in
let len = Array.length lines in
let found = ref (len - 1) in
while !i < len && !found = len - 1 do
( match is_end lines.(!i) with
| true, `OnIt ->
found := !i
| true, `After ->
found := !i - 1
| false, _ ->
() ) ;
incr i
done ;
match com_style with Line _ -> !found | Block _ -> !found
(** Heuristic to check if this looks like a copyright message. *)
let looks_like_copyright_message cstart cend lines =
let max_len = 100 in
let check_len () =
let ok = ref true in
for i = cstart to cend do
if String.length lines.(i) > max_len then ok := false
done ;
cstart >= 0 && cend - cstart <= 10 && check_len ()
let contains_string ~substring cstart cend lines =
let found = ref false in
for i = cstart to cend do
if String.is_substring ~substring lines.(i) then found := true
done ;
let contains_monoidics cstart cend lines = contains_string ~substring:"Monoidics" cstart cend lines
let contains_ropas cstart cend lines = contains_string ~substring:"ROPAS" cstart cend lines
let pp_copyright ~monoidics ~ropas com_style fmt =
let running_comment = match com_style with Line (s, _) | Block (_, s, _, _) -> s in
let indent = indent_of_comment_style com_style in
let pp_line str =
F.kfprintf (fun fmt -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n") fmt ("%s%s" ^^ str) indent running_comment
let pp_start () =
match com_style with Line _ -> () | Block (start, _, _, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" start
let pp_end () =
match com_style with
| Line _ ->
| Block (_, _, finish, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s@\n" indent finish
pp_start () ;
if ropas then (
pp_line " Copyright (c) 2016-present, Programming Research Laboratory (ROPAS)" ;
pp_line " Seoul National University, Korea" )
else if monoidics then pp_line " Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd." ;
pp_line " Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates." ;
pp_line "" ;
pp_line " This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the" ;
pp_line " LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree." ;
pp_end ()
let copyright_has_changed fname lines ~notice_range:(cstart, cend) ~monoidics ~ropas com_style =
let old_copyright =
let r = ref "" in
for i = cstart to cend do
r := !r ^ lines.(i) ^ "\n"
done ;
let new_copyright = Format.asprintf "%t" (pp_copyright ~monoidics ~ropas com_style) in
let changed = not (String.equal old_copyright new_copyright) in
if !show_diff && changed then (
let with_suffix fname suff = Filename.basename fname ^ suff in
let orig_fname = with_suffix fname ".orig" in
let new_fname = with_suffix fname ".new" in
Out_channel.write_lines orig_fname [old_copyright] ;
Out_channel.write_lines new_fname [new_copyright] ;
() ) ;
let com_style_of_lang =
[ (".ac", comment_style_m4)
; (".al", comment_style_al)
; (".atd", comment_style_ocaml)
; (".c", comment_style_c)
; (".cpp", comment_style_c)
; (".h", comment_style_c)
; (".inc", comment_style_c)
; (".java", comment_style_c)
; (".ll", comment_style_llvm)
; (".m", comment_style_c)
; (".m4", comment_style_m4)
; (".make", comment_style_make)
; (".mk", comment_style_make)
; (".ml", comment_style_ocaml)
; (".mli", comment_style_ocaml)
; (".mll", comment_style_ocaml)
; (".mly", comment_style_c)
; (".mm", comment_style_c)
; (".php", comment_style_php)
; (".py", comment_style_python)
; (".re", comment_style_c)
; (".rei", comment_style_c)
; (".sh", comment_style_shell)
; ("", comment_style_ocaml)
; ("", comment_style_ocaml)
; ("", comment_style_ocaml)
; ("", comment_style_llvm)
; ("Makefile", comment_style_make) ]
let comment_style_of_filename fname =
List.Assoc.find com_style_of_lang ~equal:Filename.check_suffix fname
let output_diff ~fname lines ?notice_range ?(monoidics = false) ?(ropas = false) com_style =
let lang = lang_of_comment_style com_style in
let pp_range_opt fmt = function
| None ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "none"
| Some (s, e) ->
F.fprintf fmt "%d-%d" s e
F.eprintf "%s (lang:%s notice:%a monoidics:%b ropas:%b)\n%!" fname lang pp_range_opt notice_range
monoidics ropas ;
let pp_newfile fmt =
let copy_lines_before, copy_lines_after =
match notice_range with
| Some (s, e) ->
(s - 1, e + 1)
| None ->
let insert_notice_at = default_start_line_of_com_style com_style in
(insert_notice_at - 1, insert_notice_at)
for i = 0 to copy_lines_before do
F.fprintf fmt "%s\n" lines.(i)
done ;
starts_with_newline com_style && copy_lines_before > 0 && lines.(copy_lines_before - 1) <> ""
then F.fprintf fmt "@\n" ;
pp_copyright ~monoidics ~ropas com_style fmt ;
for i = copy_lines_after to Array.length lines - 1 do
F.fprintf fmt "%s\n" lines.(i)
done ;
F.fprintf fmt "%!"
if !update_files then
Out_channel.with_file fname ~f:(fun cout ->
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
pp_newfile fmt )
else pp_newfile F.std_formatter
let check_copyright fname =
let lines_list = In_channel.read_lines fname in
let lines = Array.of_list lines_list in
match (find_copyright_line lines_list, comment_style_of_filename fname) with
| None, None ->
| None, Some com_style ->
output_diff ~fname lines com_style ;
raise (CopyrightEvent CopyrightModified)
| Some n, fname_com_style ->
let cstart, contents_com_style =
find_comment_start_and_style lines n |> Option.value ~default:(0, Line ("#", false))
let com_style =
match fname_com_style with
| None ->
| Some fname_com_style ->
let inferred_styles_agree =
match (fname_com_style, contents_com_style) with
| Line (fs, _), Line (cs, _) ->
String.equal fs cs
| Block (fstart, fbody, fend, _), Block (cstart, cbody, cend, _) ->
String.equal fstart cstart && String.equal fbody cbody && String.equal fend cend
| _ ->
if not inferred_styles_agree then (
"Inferred comment style doesn't match the filename '%s':@\n\
From the filename I was expecting the %s comment style, but looking inside the \
file I found %s instead.@."
(lang_of_comment_style fname_com_style)
(lang_of_comment_style contents_com_style) ;
raise (CopyrightEvent CopyrightMalformed) ) ;
(* hack to detect shebangs regardless of the inferred style *)
let com_style =
match com_style with
| Line ("#", false) when String.is_prefix ~prefix:"#!" lines.(0) ->
| _ ->
let cend = find_comment_end lines n com_style in
if not (looks_like_copyright_message cstart cend lines) then (
F.eprintf "Copyright not recognized: %s@." fname ;
raise (CopyrightEvent CopyrightMalformed) ) ;
let monoidics = contains_monoidics cstart cend lines in
let ropas = contains_ropas cstart cend lines in
if copyright_has_changed fname lines ~notice_range:(cstart, cend) ~monoidics ~ropas com_style
then (
output_diff ~fname lines ~notice_range:(cstart, cend) ~monoidics ~ropas com_style ;
raise (CopyrightEvent CopyrightModified) )
let speclist =
[ ("-i", Arg.Set update_files, "Update copyright notice in-place")
; ("--inplace", Arg.Set update_files, "Update copyright notice in-place")
; ("-k", Arg.Set keep_going, "Exit with code 0 no matter what")
; ("--keep-going", Arg.Set keep_going, "Exit with code 0 no matter what")
; ( "--show-diff"
, Arg.Set show_diff
, "Write file.orig and files to inspect the differences found" ) ]
let usage_msg = "checkCopyright [-i] [-k] [--show-diff] file1 ..."
let () =
let to_check = ref [] in
let add_file_to_check fname =
(* hack: LICENSE looks copyrightable but is not... *)
if not (String.is_prefix ~prefix:"LICENSE" (Filename.basename fname)) then
to_check := fname :: !to_check
Arg.parse (Arg.align speclist) add_file_to_check usage_msg ;
let to_check = List.rev !to_check in
let exit_code = ref 0 in
List.iter to_check ~f:(fun file ->
try check_copyright file
with CopyrightEvent event -> if not !keep_going then exit_code := exit_code_of_event event ) ;
exit !exit_code