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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
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open! IStd
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
exception Not_One_Symbol
open Ints
type sign = Plus | Minus [@@deriving compare]
module Sign = struct
type t = sign [@@deriving compare]
let neg = function Plus -> Minus | Minus -> Plus
let eval_big_int x i1 i2 = match x with Plus -> Z.(i1 + i2) | Minus -> Z.(i1 - i2)
let eval_neg_if_minus x i = match x with Plus -> i | Minus -> Z.neg i
let pp ~need_plus : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt -> function
| Plus ->
if need_plus then F.pp_print_char fmt '+'
| Minus ->
F.pp_print_char fmt '-'
module SymLinear = struct
module M = Symb.SymbolMap
(** Map from symbols to integer coefficients. [{ x -> 2, y -> 5 }] represents the value
[2 * x + 5 * y] *)
type t = NonZeroInt.t M.t [@@deriving compare]
let empty : t = M.empty
let is_empty : t -> bool = fun x -> M.is_empty x
let singleton_one : Symb.Symbol.t -> t = fun s -> M.singleton s
let singleton_minus_one : Symb.Symbol.t -> t = fun s -> M.singleton s NonZeroInt.minus_one
let is_le_zero : t -> bool =
fun x -> M.for_all (fun s v -> Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s && NonZeroInt.is_negative v) x
let is_ge_zero : t -> bool =
fun x -> M.for_all (fun s v -> Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s && NonZeroInt.is_positive v) x
let le : t -> t -> bool =
fun x y ->
phys_equal x y
let le_one_pair s v1_opt v2_opt =
let v1 = NonZeroInt.opt_to_big_int v1_opt in
let v2 = NonZeroInt.opt_to_big_int v2_opt in
Z.(equal v1 v2) || (Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s && Z.leq v1 v2)
M.for_all2 ~f:le_one_pair x y
let pp1 : markup:bool -> is_beginning:bool -> F.formatter -> Symb.Symbol.t -> NonZeroInt.t -> unit
fun ~markup ~is_beginning f s c ->
let c = (c :> Z.t) in
let c =
if is_beginning then c
else if c then (
F.pp_print_string f " + " ;
c )
else (
F.pp_print_string f " - " ;
Z.neg c )
if Z.(equal c one) then (Symb.Symbol.pp_mark ~markup) f s
else if Z.(equal c minus_one) then F.fprintf f "-%a" (Symb.Symbol.pp_mark ~markup) s
else F.fprintf f "%a%s%a" Z.pp_print c SpecialChars.dot_operator (Symb.Symbol.pp_mark ~markup) s
let pp : markup:bool -> is_beginning:bool -> F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun ~markup ~is_beginning f x ->
if M.is_empty x then if is_beginning then F.pp_print_string f "0" else ()
( M.fold
(fun s c is_beginning ->
pp1 ~markup ~is_beginning f s c ;
false )
x is_beginning
: bool )
|> ignore
let zero : t = M.empty
let is_zero : t -> bool = M.is_empty
let neg : t -> t = fun x -> NonZeroInt.( ~- ) x
let remove_positive_length_symbol : t -> t =
M.filter (fun symb coeff ->
let path = Symb.Symbol.path symb in
not (NonZeroInt.is_positive coeff && Symb.SymbolPath.is_length path) )
let plus : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
let plus_coeff _ c1 c2 = c1 c2 in
PhysEqual.optim2 x y ~res:(M.union plus_coeff x y)
let mult_const : NonZeroInt.t -> t -> t =
fun n x -> if NonZeroInt.is_one n then x else (NonZeroInt.( * ) n) x
let exact_div_const_exn : t -> NonZeroInt.t -> t =
fun x n -> if NonZeroInt.is_one n then x else (fun c -> NonZeroInt.exact_div_exn c n) x
(* Returns a symbol when the map contains only one symbol s with a
given coefficient. *)
let one_symbol_of_coeff : NonZeroInt.t -> t -> Symb.Symbol.t option =
fun coeff x ->
match M.is_singleton_or_more x with
| IContainer.Singleton (k, v) when Z.equal (v :> Z.t) (coeff :> Z.t) ->
Some k
| _ ->
let fold m ~init ~f =
let f s coeff acc = f acc s coeff in
M.fold f m init
let get_one_symbol_opt : t -> Symb.Symbol.t option = one_symbol_of_coeff
let get_mone_symbol_opt : t -> Symb.Symbol.t option = one_symbol_of_coeff NonZeroInt.minus_one
let get_one_symbol : t -> Symb.Symbol.t =
fun x -> match get_one_symbol_opt x with Some s -> s | None -> raise Not_One_Symbol
let get_mone_symbol : t -> Symb.Symbol.t =
fun x -> match get_mone_symbol_opt x with Some s -> s | None -> raise Not_One_Symbol
let is_one_symbol : t -> bool =
fun x -> match get_one_symbol_opt x with Some _ -> true | None -> false
let is_mone_symbol : t -> bool =
fun x -> match get_mone_symbol_opt x with Some _ -> true | None -> false
let is_one_symbol_of_common get_symbol_opt ?(weak = false) s x =
Option.exists (get_symbol_opt x) ~f:(fun s' ->
(if weak then Symb.Symbol.paths_equal else Symb.Symbol.equal) s s' )
let is_one_symbol_of : ?weak:bool -> Symb.Symbol.t -> t -> bool =
is_one_symbol_of_common get_one_symbol_opt
let is_mone_symbol_of : ?weak:bool -> Symb.Symbol.t -> t -> bool =
is_one_symbol_of_common get_mone_symbol_opt
let is_signed_one_symbol_of : ?weak:bool -> Sign.t -> Symb.Symbol.t -> t -> bool =
fun ?weak sign s x ->
match sign with Plus -> is_one_symbol_of ?weak s x | Minus -> is_mone_symbol_of ?weak s x
let get_symbols : t -> Symb.SymbolSet.t =
fun x -> M.fold (fun symbol _coeff acc -> Symb.SymbolSet.add symbol acc) x Symb.SymbolSet.empty
(* we can give integer bounds (obviously 0) only when all symbols are unsigned *)
let big_int_lb x = if is_ge_zero x then Some else None
let big_int_ub x = if is_le_zero x then Some else None
(** When two following symbols are from the same path, simplify what would lead to a zero sum.
E.g. 2 * - x.ub = *)
let simplify_bound_ends_from_paths : t -> t =
fun x ->
let f (prev_opt, to_add) symb coeff =
match prev_opt with
| Some (prev_coeff, prev_symb)
when Symb.Symbol.paths_equal prev_symb symb
&& Bool.(NonZeroInt.is_positive coeff <> NonZeroInt.is_positive prev_coeff) ->
let add_coeff =
(if NonZeroInt.is_positive coeff then NonZeroInt.max else NonZeroInt.min)
prev_coeff (NonZeroInt.( ~- ) coeff)
let to_add =
to_add |> M.add symb add_coeff |> M.add prev_symb (NonZeroInt.( ~- ) add_coeff)
(None, to_add)
| _ ->
(Some (coeff, symb), to_add)
let _, to_add = fold x ~init:(None, zero) ~f in
plus x to_add
let get_same_one_symbol x1 x2 =
match (get_one_symbol_opt x1, get_one_symbol_opt x2) with
| Some s1, Some s2 when Symb.Symbol.paths_equal s1 s2 ->
Some (Symb.Symbol.path s1)
| _ ->
let exists_str ~f x = M.exists (fun k _ -> Symb.Symbol.exists_str ~f k) x
module Bound = struct
type min_max = Min | Max [@@deriving compare]
module MinMax = struct
type t = min_max [@@deriving compare]
let neg = function Min -> Max | Max -> Min
let eval_big_int x i1 i2 = match x with Min -> Z.min i1 i2 | Max -> Z.max i1 i2
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt -> function Min -> F.pp_print_string fmt "min" | Max -> F.pp_print_string fmt "max"
type t =
| MInf (** -oo *)
| Linear of Z.t * SymLinear.t
(** [Linear (c, se)] represents [c+se] where [se] is Σ(c⋅x). *)
| MinMax of Z.t * Sign.t * MinMax.t * Z.t * Symb.Symbol.t
(** [MinMax] represents a bound of "int [+|-] [min|max](int, symbol)" format. For example,
[MinMax (1, Minus, Max, 2, s)] represents [1-max(2,s)]. *)
| MinMaxB of MinMax.t * t * t (** [MinMaxB] represents a min/max of two bounds. *)
| MultB of Z.t * t * t
(** [MultB] represents a multiplication of two bounds. For example, [MultB (1, x, y)]
represents [1 + x × y]. *)
| PInf (** +oo *)
[@@deriving compare]
type eval_sym = t Symb.Symbol.eval
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let mask_min_max_constant b =
match b with
| Linear (_c, x) ->
Linear (, x)
| MinMax (_c, Plus, _m, _d, x) ->
Linear (, SymLinear.singleton_one x)
| MinMax (c, Minus, _m, _d, x) ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_minus_one x)
| _ ->
let rec pp_mark : markup:bool -> F.formatter -> t -> unit =
let pp_c f c =
if not Z.(equal c zero) then
if c then F.fprintf f " + %a" Z.pp_print c
else F.fprintf f " - %a" Z.pp_print (Z.neg c)
fun ~markup f -> function
| MInf ->
F.pp_print_string f "-oo"
| PInf ->
F.pp_print_string f "+oo"
| Linear (c, x) ->
if SymLinear.is_zero x then Z.pp_print f c
else (
SymLinear.pp ~markup ~is_beginning:true f x ;
pp_c f c )
| MinMax (c, sign, m, d, x) ->
if Z.(equal c zero) then (Sign.pp ~need_plus:false) f sign
else F.fprintf f "%a%a" Z.pp_print c (Sign.pp ~need_plus:true) sign ;
F.fprintf f "%a(%a, %a)" MinMax.pp m Z.pp_print d (Symb.Symbol.pp_mark ~markup) x
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
F.fprintf f "%a(%a, %a)" MinMax.pp m (pp_mark ~markup) x (pp_mark ~markup) y
| MultB (c, x, y) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%s%a%a" (pp_mark ~markup) x SpecialChars.multiplication_sign
(pp_mark ~markup) y pp_c c
let pp = pp_mark ~markup:false
let of_bound_end = function Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound -> MInf | Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound -> PInf
let of_big_int : Z.t -> t = fun n -> Linear (n, SymLinear.empty)
let of_int : int -> t = fun n -> of_big_int (Z.of_int n)
let minf = MInf
let mone = of_big_int Z.minus_one
let z255 = of_int 255
let zero = of_big_int
let one = of_big_int
let pinf = PInf
let is_some_const : Z.t -> t -> bool =
fun c x -> match x with Linear (c', y) -> Z.equal c c' && SymLinear.is_zero y | _ -> false
let is_zero : t -> bool = is_some_const
let is_infty : t -> bool = function MInf | PInf -> true | _ -> false
let is_not_infty : t -> bool = function MInf | PInf -> false | _ -> true
let is_minf = function MInf -> true | _ -> false
let is_pinf = function PInf -> true | _ -> false
let of_sym : SymLinear.t -> t = fun s -> Linear (, s)
let of_foreign_id id = of_sym (SymLinear.singleton_one (Symb.Symbol.of_foreign_id id))
let of_path path_of_partial make_symbol ~unsigned ?non_int partial =
let s = make_symbol ~unsigned ?non_int (path_of_partial partial) in
of_sym (SymLinear.singleton_one s)
let of_normal_path = of_path Symb.SymbolPath.normal
let of_offset_path ~is_void =
of_path (Symb.SymbolPath.offset ~is_void) ~unsigned:false ~non_int:false
let of_length_path ~is_void =
of_path (Symb.SymbolPath.length ~is_void) ~unsigned:true ~non_int:false
let of_modeled_path = of_path Symb.SymbolPath.modeled ~unsigned:true ~non_int:false
let is_path_of ~f = function
| Linear (n, se) when Z.(equal n zero) ->
Option.value_map (SymLinear.get_one_symbol_opt se) ~default:false ~f:(fun s ->
f (Symb.Symbol.path s) )
| _ ->
let is_offset_path_of path =
is_path_of ~f:(function
| Symb.SymbolPath.Offset {p} ->
Symb.SymbolPath.equal_partial p path
| _ ->
false )
let is_length_path_of path =
is_path_of ~f:(function
| Symb.SymbolPath.Length {p} ->
Symb.SymbolPath.equal_partial p path
| _ ->
false )
let rec is_symbolic : t -> bool = function
| MInf | PInf ->
| Linear (_, se) ->
not (SymLinear.is_empty se)
| MinMax _ ->
| MinMaxB (_, x, y) | MultB (_, x, y) ->
is_symbolic x || is_symbolic y
let is_incr_of path = function
| Linear (i, se) ->
Z.(equal i one)
&& Option.value_map (SymLinear.get_one_symbol_opt se) ~default:false ~f:(fun sym ->
Symb.SymbolPath.equal (Symb.SymbolPath.normal path) (Symb.Symbol.path sym) )
| _ ->
let mk_MinMax (c, sign, m, d, s) =
if Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s && Z.(leq d zero) then
match m with
| Min ->
of_big_int (Sign.eval_big_int sign c d)
| Max -> (
match sign with
| Plus ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_one s)
| Minus ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_minus_one s) )
else MinMax (c, sign, m, d, s)
let mk_MultB (n, x, y) =
(* NOTE: We have some simplication opportunities here. *)
MultB (n, x, y)
let big_int_ub_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c + d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Max, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c - d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, _, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some c
| MinMax _ ->
| MinMaxB _ | MultB _ | MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
assert false
let big_int_lb_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Max, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c + d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c - d)
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, _, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some c
| MinMax _ ->
| MinMaxB _ | MultB _ | MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
assert false
let big_int_of_minmax = function
| Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
| Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound ->
let rec big_int_lb = function
| MInf | MultB _ ->
| PInf ->
assert false
| MinMax _ as b ->
big_int_lb_of_minmax b
| Linear (c, se) ->
SymLinear.big_int_lb se |> ~f:(Z.( + ) c)
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
Option.map2 (big_int_lb x) (big_int_lb y) ~f:(MinMax.eval_big_int m)
let rec big_int_ub = function
| MInf ->
assert false
| PInf | MultB _ ->
| MinMax _ as b ->
big_int_ub_of_minmax b
| Linear (c, se) ->
SymLinear.big_int_ub se |> ~f:(Z.( + ) c)
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
Option.map2 (big_int_ub x) (big_int_ub y) ~f:(MinMax.eval_big_int m)
let linear_ub_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, _, x) ->
Some (Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_one x))
| MinMax (c, Minus, Max, _, x) ->
Some (Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_minus_one x))
| MinMax _ ->
| MinMaxB _ | MultB _ | MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
assert false
let linear_lb_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Max, _, x) ->
Some (Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_one x))
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, _, x) ->
Some (Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_minus_one x))
| MinMax _ ->
| MinMaxB _ | MultB _ | MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
assert false
let le_minmax_by_int x y =
match (big_int_ub_of_minmax x, big_int_lb_of_minmax y) with
| Some n, Some m ->
Z.leq n m
| _, _ ->
let le_opt1 le opt_n m = Option.value_map opt_n ~default:false ~f:(fun n -> le n m)
let le_opt2 le n opt_m = Option.value_map opt_m ~default:false ~f:(fun m -> le n m)
let rec le : t -> t -> bool =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| MInf, _ | _, PInf ->
| _, MInf | PInf, _ ->
| MultB (xc, x1, x2), MultB (yc, y1, y2) ->
(* NOTE: We define the order for only straightforward cases. *)
Z.leq xc yc && equal x1 y1 && equal x2 y2
| MultB _, _ | _, MultB _ ->
| Linear (c0, x0), Linear (c1, x1) ->
Z.leq c0 c1 && SymLinear.le x0 x1
| MinMax _, MinMax _ when le_minmax_by_int x y ->
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Min, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Max, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
Z.leq c1 c2
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
Z.leq v1 v2
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, _, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
Z.leq c1 c2
| MinMax _, MinMax _ ->
| MinMax _, Linear (c, se) ->
(SymLinear.is_ge_zero se && le_opt1 Z.leq (big_int_ub_of_minmax x) c)
|| le_opt1 le (linear_ub_of_minmax x) y
| Linear (c, se), MinMax _ ->
(SymLinear.is_le_zero se && le_opt2 Z.leq c (big_int_lb_of_minmax y))
|| le_opt2 le x (linear_lb_of_minmax y)
| MinMaxB (Max, x1, x2), y ->
le x1 y && le x2 y
| MinMaxB (Min, x1, x2), y ->
le x1 y || le x2 y
| x, MinMaxB (Max, y1, y2) ->
le x y1 || le x y2
| x, MinMaxB (Min, y1, y2) ->
le x y1 && le x y2
let rec lt : t -> t -> bool =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| MInf, Linear _ | MInf, MinMax _ | MInf, PInf | Linear _, PInf | MinMax _, PInf ->
| MultB (xc, x1, x2), MultB (yc, y1, y2) ->
(* NOTE: We define the order for only straightforward cases. *) xc yc && equal x1 y1 && equal x2 y2
| MultB _, _ | _, MultB _ ->
| Linear (c, x), _ ->
le (Linear (Z.succ c, x)) y
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, x), _ ->
le (mk_MinMax (Z.succ c, sign, min_max, d, x)) y
| MinMaxB (Max, x1, x2), y ->
lt x1 y && lt x2 y
| MinMaxB (Min, x1, x2), y ->
lt x1 y || lt x2 y
| x, MinMaxB (Max, y1, y2) ->
lt x y1 || lt x y2
| x, MinMaxB (Min, y1, y2) ->
lt x y1 && lt x y2
| _, _ ->
let gt : t -> t -> bool = fun x y -> lt y x
let eq : t -> t -> bool = fun x y -> le x y && le y x
let mk_MinMaxB (m, x, y) =
if le x y then match m with Min -> x | Max -> y
else if le y x then match m with Min -> y | Max -> x
match (x, y) with
| (Linear _ | MinMax _), (Linear _ | MinMax _) ->
MinMaxB (m, x, y)
| _, _ -> (
match m with Min -> MInf | Max -> PInf )
let of_minmax_bound_min x y = mk_MinMaxB (Min, x, y)
let of_minmax_bound_max x y = mk_MinMaxB (Max, x, y)
let xcompare = PartialOrder.of_le ~le
let is_const : t -> bool = function Linear (_, se) -> SymLinear.is_zero se | _ -> false
let rec neg : t -> t = function
| MInf ->
| PInf ->
| Linear (c, x) as b ->
if Z.(equal c zero) && SymLinear.is_zero x then b else Linear (Z.neg c, SymLinear.neg x)
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, x) ->
mk_MinMax (Z.neg c, Sign.neg sign, min_max, d, x)
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
mk_MinMaxB (MinMax.neg m, neg x, neg y)
| MultB (c, x, y) ->
mk_MultB (Z.neg c, neg x, y)
let rec remove_positive_length_symbol b =
match b with
| MInf | PInf ->
| Linear (c, x) ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.remove_positive_length_symbol x)
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, x) ->
if Symb.Symbol.is_length x then
Linear (Sign.eval_big_int sign c (MinMax.eval_big_int min_max d, SymLinear.empty)
else b
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
mk_MinMaxB (m, remove_positive_length_symbol x, remove_positive_length_symbol y)
| MultB (c, x, y) ->
mk_MultB (c, remove_positive_length_symbol x, remove_positive_length_symbol y)
let exact_min : otherwise:(t -> t -> t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~otherwise b1 b2 ->
if le b1 b2 then b1
else if le b2 b1 then b2
match (b1, b2) with
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_zero x1 && SymLinear.is_one_symbol x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c2, Plus, Min, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x2)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_one_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(c2 - c1), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x1)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_zero x1 && SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c2, Minus, Max, Z.(c2 - c1), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x2)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x1)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), _, s)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), _, s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(c2 - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign, minmax, d, s)
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, s1), Linear (c2, s2)
| Linear (c2, s2), MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, s1)
when SymLinear.is_one_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let d = Z.(c1 + d1) in
mk_MinMax (c, Plus, Min, Z.(d - c), s1)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, s1), Linear (c2, s2)
| Linear (c2, s2), MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, s1)
when SymLinear.is_mone_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let d = Z.(c1 - d1) in
mk_MinMax (c, Minus, Max, Z.(c - d), s1)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let v = MinMax.eval_big_int minmax v1 v2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(v - c) in
mk_MinMax (c, sign, minmax, d, s1)
| b1, b2 ->
otherwise b1 b2
let rec underapprox_min b1 b2 =
exact_min b1 b2 ~otherwise:(fun b1 b2 ->
match (b1, b2) with
| MinMax (c1, sign, _, d1, _s), Linear (_c2, se)
| Linear (_c2, se), MinMax (c1, sign, _, d1, _s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
Linear (Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1,
There is no best abstraction, we could also use:
For Plus, Max: mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(c2 - c1), s)
For Minus, Min: mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), s)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _) ->
fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Max, d1, _), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, _)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Min, d1, _), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, _) ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
Linear (Z.min v1 v2,
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Max as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Min as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
let v = Z.min v1 v2 in
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(v - c) in
mk_MinMax (c, sign, minmax, d, s1)
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), (Max as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), (Min as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let v = Z.min v1 v2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| b1, b2 ->
fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2 )
and fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2 =
match big_int_lb b2 with
| Some v2 when not (is_const b2) ->
underapprox_min b1 (Linear (v2,
| _ -> (
match big_int_lb b1 with
| Some v1 when not (is_const b1) ->
underapprox_min (Linear (v1, b2
| _ ->
MInf )
let overapprox_min original_b1 b2 =
let overapprox_min b1 b2 =
exact_min b1 b2 ~otherwise:(fun b1 b2 ->
match (b1, b2) with
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
let v = Z.(min vmeet (min v1 v2)) in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
Linear (Z.(max vmeet (max v1 v2)),
| (MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, s1) as b), MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, s2), (MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, s1) as b)
| (MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, s1) as b), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, s2), (MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, s1) as b)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, _, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
if Z.leq c1 c2 then b1 else b2
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), (Max as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), (Min as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmin, vmax = if Z.leq v1 v2 then (v1, v2) else (v2, v1) in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
let v = if Z.leq vmin vmeet && Z.leq vmeet vmax then vmeet else vmax in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| Linear (c1, x1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign), Max, d2, _)
| Linear (c1, x1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign), Min, d2, _)
when SymLinear.is_one_symbol x1 ->
let d = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(d - c1), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x1)
| Linear (c1, x1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign), Max, d2, _)
| Linear (c1, x1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign), Min, d2, _)
when SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x1 ->
let d = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - d), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x1)
| _ ->
(* When the result is not representable, our best effort is to return the first original argument. Any other deterministic heuristics would work too. *)
original_b1 )
overapprox_min original_b1 b2
let underapprox_max b1 b2 =
let res = neg (overapprox_min (neg b1) (neg b2)) in
if equal res b1 then b1 else if equal res b2 then b2 else res
let overapprox_max b1 b2 =
let res = neg (underapprox_min (neg b1) (neg b2)) in
if equal res b1 then b1 else if equal res b2 then b2 else res
let approx_max = function
| Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
| Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound ->
module Thresholds : sig
type bound = t
type t
val make_inc : Z.t list -> t
val make_dec : Z.t list -> t
val widen :
cond:(threshold:bound -> bound -> bool) -> default:bound -> bound -> bound -> t -> bound
end = struct
type bound = t
type t = bound list
let default_thresholds = []
let make ~compare thresholds =
List.dedup_and_sort ~compare (default_thresholds @ thresholds) |> ~f:of_big_int
(* It makes a list of thresholds that will be applied with the increasing order. *)
let make_inc = make
(* It makes a list of thresholds that will be applied with the decreasing order. *)
let make_dec = make ~compare:(fun x y -> x y)
let rec widen ~cond ~default x y = function
| [] ->
| threshold :: thresholds ->
if cond ~threshold x && cond ~threshold y then threshold
else widen ~default ~cond x y thresholds
let widen_l_thresholds : thresholds:Z.t list -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~thresholds x y ->
match (x, y) with
| PInf, _ | _, PInf ->
L.(die InternalError) "Lower bound cannot be +oo."
| MinMax (n1, Plus, Max, _, s1), Linear (n2, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_one_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
| MinMax (n1, Minus, Min, _, s1), Linear (n2, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_mone_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Plus as sign1), Min, n3, _)
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Minus as sign1), Max, n3, _)
when Z.equal n1 (Sign.eval_big_int sign1 n2 n3) && SymLinear.is_empty s1 ->
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Plus as sign1), Min, _, s2)
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Minus as sign1), Max, _, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_signed_one_symbol_of sign1 s2 s1 ->
| _ ->
if le x y then x
let cond ~threshold x = le threshold x in
Thresholds.widen ~cond ~default:MInf x y (Thresholds.make_dec thresholds)
let widen_l : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> widen_l_thresholds ~thresholds:[] x y
let widen_u_thresholds : thresholds:Z.t list -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~thresholds x y ->
match (x, y) with
| MInf, _ | _, MInf ->
L.(die InternalError) "Upper bound cannot be -oo."
| MinMax (n1, Plus, Min, _, s1), Linear (n2, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_one_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
| MinMax (n1, Minus, Max, _, s1), Linear (n2, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_mone_symbol_of s1 s2 ->
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Plus as sign1), Max, n3, _)
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Minus as sign1), Min, n3, _)
when Z.equal n1 (Sign.eval_big_int sign1 n2 n3) && SymLinear.is_empty s1 ->
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Plus as sign1), Max, _, s2)
| Linear (n1, s1), MinMax (n2, (Minus as sign1), Min, _, s2)
when Z.equal n1 n2 && SymLinear.is_signed_one_symbol_of sign1 s2 s1 ->
| _ ->
if le y x then x
let cond ~threshold x = le x threshold in
Thresholds.widen ~cond ~default:PInf x y (Thresholds.make_inc thresholds)
let widen_u : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> widen_u_thresholds ~thresholds:[] x y
let get_const : t -> Z.t option =
fun x -> match x with Linear (c, y) when SymLinear.is_zero y -> Some c | _ -> None
let rec plus_exact : weak:bool -> otherwise:(t -> t -> t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~weak ~otherwise x y ->
if is_zero x then y
else if is_zero y then x
match (x, y) with
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) ->
Linear (Z.(c1 + c2), x1 x2)
| MinMax (c1, sign, min_max, d1, x1), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, sign, min_max, d1, x1)
when SymLinear.is_zero x2 ->
mk_MinMax (Z.(c1 + c2), sign, min_max, d1, x1)
| MinMax (c1, sign, min_max, d, x1), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, sign, min_max, d, x1)
when SymLinear.is_signed_one_symbol_of ~weak (Sign.neg sign) x1 x2 ->
let c = Sign.eval_big_int sign Z.(c1 + c2) d in
mk_MinMax (c, Sign.neg sign, MinMax.neg min_max, d, x1)
| MinMaxB (m, x, y), z ->
mk_MinMaxB (m, plus_exact ~weak ~otherwise x z, plus_exact ~weak ~otherwise y z)
| (MultB (c, x1, x2), Linear (d, se) | Linear (d, se), MultB (c, x1, x2))
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
mk_MultB (Z.add c d, x1, x2)
| _ ->
otherwise x y
let plus_l : weak:bool -> t -> t -> t =
plus_exact ~otherwise:(fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, d1, _), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, d1, _) ->
Linear (Z.(c1 + d1 + c2), x2)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, d1, _), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, d1, _) ->
Linear (Z.(c1 - d1 + c2), x2)
| _, _ ->
MInf )
let plus_u : weak:bool -> t -> t -> t =
plus_exact ~otherwise:(fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, _), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, _) ->
Linear (Z.(c1 + d1 + c2), x2)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, _), Linear (c2, x2)
| Linear (c2, x2), MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, _) ->
Linear (Z.(c1 - d1 + c2), x2)
| _, _ ->
PInf )
let plus = function
| Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
plus_l ~weak:false
| Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound ->
plus_u ~weak:false
let rec mult_const : Symb.BoundEnd.t -> NonZeroInt.t -> t -> t =
fun bound_end n x ->
if NonZeroInt.is_one n then x
match x with
| MInf ->
if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then MInf else PInf
| PInf ->
if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then PInf else MInf
| Linear (c, x') ->
Linear (Z.(c * (n :> Z.t)), SymLinear.mult_const n x')
| MinMax _ -> (
let int_bound =
let bound_end' =
if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then bound_end else Symb.BoundEnd.neg bound_end
big_int_of_minmax bound_end' x
match int_bound with
| Some i ->
of_big_int Z.(i * (n :> Z.t))
| None ->
of_bound_end bound_end )
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
mk_MinMaxB (m, mult_const bound_end n x, mult_const bound_end n y)
| MultB _ ->
of_bound_end bound_end
let mult_const_l = mult_const Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound
let mult_const_u = mult_const Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound
let overapprox_minmax_div_const x (n : NonZeroInt.t) =
let c = if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then big_int_ub_of_minmax x else big_int_lb_of_minmax x in c ~f:(fun c -> Z.(c / (n :> Z.t)))
let underapprox_minmax_div_const x (n : NonZeroInt.t) =
let c = if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then big_int_lb_of_minmax x else big_int_ub_of_minmax x in c ~f:(fun c -> Z.(c / (n :> Z.t)))
let div_const : Symb.BoundEnd.t -> t -> NonZeroInt.t -> t option =
fun bound_end x n ->
if NonZeroInt.is_one n then Some x
match x with
| MInf ->
Some (if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then MInf else PInf)
| PInf ->
Some (if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then PInf else MInf)
| Linear (c, x') when SymLinear.is_zero x' ->
Some (Linear (Z.(c / (n :> Z.t)),
| Linear (c, x') when NonZeroInt.is_multiple c n -> (
match SymLinear.exact_div_const_exn x' n with
| x'' ->
Some (Linear (Z.(c / (n :> Z.t)), x''))
| exception NonZeroInt.DivisionNotExact ->
None )
| MinMax _ ->
let c =
match bound_end with
| Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
underapprox_minmax_div_const x n
| Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound ->
overapprox_minmax_div_const x n
in c ~f:of_big_int
| _ ->
let div_const_l = div_const Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound
let div_const_u = div_const Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound
let rec get_symbols : t -> Symb.SymbolSet.t = function
| MInf | PInf ->
| Linear (_, se) ->
SymLinear.get_symbols se
| MinMax (_, _, _, _, s) ->
Symb.SymbolSet.singleton s
| MinMaxB (_, x, y) | MultB (_, x, y) ->
Symb.SymbolSet.union (get_symbols x) (get_symbols y)
let has_void_ptr_symb x =
(fun s -> Symb.SymbolPath.is_void_ptr_path (Symb.Symbol.path s))
(get_symbols x)
let are_similar b1 b2 = Symb.SymbolSet.equal (get_symbols b1) (get_symbols b2)
(** Substitutes ALL symbols in [x] with respect to [eval_sym]. Under/over-Approximate as good as
possible according to [subst_pos]. *)
let rec subst : subst_pos:Symb.BoundEnd.t -> t -> eval_sym -> t bottom_lifted =
let lift1 : (t -> t) -> t bottom_lifted -> t bottom_lifted =
fun f x -> match x with Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x -> NonBottom (f x)
let lift2 : (t -> t -> t) -> t bottom_lifted -> t bottom_lifted -> t bottom_lifted =
fun f x y ->
match (x, y) with
| Bottom, _ | _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom x, NonBottom y ->
NonBottom (f x y)
fun ~subst_pos x eval_sym ->
let get s bound_position =
if Language.curr_language_is Java && Symb.Symbol.is_global s then
NonBottom (of_sym (SymLinear.singleton_one s))
match eval_sym s bound_position with
| NonBottom x when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
NonBottom (approx_max subst_pos x zero)
| x ->
let get_mult_const s coeff =
let bound_position =
if NonZeroInt.is_positive coeff then subst_pos else Symb.BoundEnd.neg subst_pos
if NonZeroInt.is_one coeff then get s bound_position
else if NonZeroInt.is_minus_one coeff then get s bound_position |> lift1 neg
match eval_sym s bound_position with
| Bottom -> (
(* For unsigned symbols, we can over/under-approximate with zero depending on [bound_position]. *)
match (Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s, bound_position) with
| true, Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
NonBottom zero
| _ ->
Bottom )
| NonBottom x ->
let x = mult_const subst_pos coeff x in
if Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s then NonBottom (approx_max subst_pos x zero)
else NonBottom x
match x with
| MInf | PInf ->
NonBottom x
| Linear (c, se) ->
if SymLinear.is_empty se then NonBottom x
SymLinear.fold se
~init:(NonBottom (of_big_int c))
~f:(fun acc s coeff -> lift2 (plus subst_pos) acc (get_mult_const s coeff))
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, s) -> (
let bound_position =
match sign with Plus -> subst_pos | Minus -> Symb.BoundEnd.neg subst_pos
match get s bound_position with
| Bottom ->
Option.value_map (big_int_of_minmax subst_pos x) ~default:Bottom ~f:(fun i ->
NonBottom (of_big_int i) )
| NonBottom x' ->
let res =
match (sign, min_max, x') with
| Plus, Min, (MInf | MinMaxB _ | MultB _) | Minus, Max, (PInf | MinMaxB _ | MultB _)
| Plus, Max, (PInf | MinMaxB _ | MultB _) | Minus, Min, (MInf | MinMaxB _ | MultB _)
| sign, Min, PInf | sign, Max, MInf ->
of_big_int (Sign.eval_big_int sign c d)
| _, _, Linear (c2, se) -> (
if SymLinear.is_zero se then
of_big_int (Sign.eval_big_int sign c (MinMax.eval_big_int min_max d c2))
else if SymLinear.is_one_symbol se then
( Sign.eval_big_int sign c c2
, sign
, min_max
, Z.(d - c2)
, SymLinear.get_one_symbol se )
else if SymLinear.is_mone_symbol se then
( Sign.eval_big_int sign c c2
, Sign.neg sign
, MinMax.neg min_max
, Z.(c2 - d)
, SymLinear.get_mone_symbol se )
match big_int_of_minmax subst_pos x with
| Some i ->
of_big_int i
| None ->
of_bound_end subst_pos )
| _, _, MinMax (c2, sign2, min_max2, d2, s2) -> (
match (min_max, sign2, min_max2) with
| Min, Plus, Min | Max, Plus, Max ->
let c' = Sign.eval_big_int sign c c2 in
let d' = MinMax.eval_big_int min_max Z.(d - c2) d2 in
mk_MinMax (c', sign, min_max, d', s2)
| Min, Minus, Max | Max, Minus, Min ->
let c' = Sign.eval_big_int sign c c2 in
let d' = MinMax.eval_big_int min_max2 Z.(c2 - d) d2 in
mk_MinMax (c', Sign.neg sign, min_max2, d', s2)
| _ ->
let bound_end =
match sign with Plus -> subst_pos | Minus -> Symb.BoundEnd.neg subst_pos
(Sign.eval_big_int sign c
(MinMax.eval_big_int min_max d
(big_int_of_minmax bound_end x' |> Option.value ~default:d))) )
NonBottom res )
| MinMaxB (m, x, y) ->
subst2_merge ~subst_pos x y eval_sym ~f:(fun x y -> mk_MinMaxB (m, x, y))
| MultB (c, x, y) when le zero x && le zero y ->
subst2_merge ~subst_pos x y eval_sym ~f:(fun x y -> mk_MultB (c, x, y))
| MultB (c, x, y) when le x zero && le y zero ->
let subst_pos = Symb.BoundEnd.neg subst_pos in
subst2_merge ~subst_pos x y eval_sym ~f:(fun x y -> mk_MultB (c, x, y))
| MultB _ ->
NonBottom (of_bound_end subst_pos)
and subst2_merge ~subst_pos x y eval_sym ~f =
match (subst ~subst_pos x eval_sym, subst ~subst_pos y eval_sym) with
| Bottom, _ | _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom x, NonBottom y ->
NonBottom (f x y)
let subst_lb x eval_sym = subst ~subst_pos:Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound x eval_sym
let subst_ub x eval_sym = subst ~subst_pos:Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound x eval_sym
(* When a positive bound is expected, min(1,x) can be simplified to 1. *)
let simplify_min_one b =
match b with
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, d, _x) when Z.(equal c zero) && Z.(equal d one) ->
Linear (d,
| _ ->
let rec simplify_bound_ends_from_paths x =
match x with
| MInf | PInf | MinMax _ ->
| Linear (c, se) ->
let se' = SymLinear.simplify_bound_ends_from_paths se in
if phys_equal se se' then x else Linear (c, se')
| MinMaxB (m, a, b) ->
let a' = simplify_bound_ends_from_paths a in
let b' = simplify_bound_ends_from_paths b in
if phys_equal a a' && phys_equal b b' then x else mk_MinMaxB (m, a', b')
| MultB (c, a, b) ->
let a' = simplify_bound_ends_from_paths a in
let b' = simplify_bound_ends_from_paths b in
if phys_equal a a' && phys_equal b b' then x else mk_MultB (c, a', b')
let simplify_minimum_length x =
match x with
| MultB _ | Linear _ | MInf | PInf | MinMaxB _ ->
| MinMax (c1, sign, Min, c2, symb) ->
let path = Symb.Symbol.path symb in
if Symb.SymbolPath.is_length path then
let z = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 (Z.min c2 in
Linear (z, SymLinear.empty)
else x
| MinMax _ ->
let get_same_one_symbol b1 b2 =
match (b1, b2) with
| Linear (n1, se1), Linear (n2, se2) when Z.(equal n1 zero) && Z.(equal n2 zero) ->
SymLinear.get_same_one_symbol se1 se2
| _ ->
let is_same_one_symbol b1 b2 = Option.is_some (get_same_one_symbol b1 b2)
let rec exists_str ~f = function
| MInf | PInf ->
| Linear (_, s) ->
SymLinear.exists_str ~f s
| MinMax (_, _, _, _, s) ->
Symb.Symbol.exists_str ~f s
| MinMaxB (_, x, y) | MultB (_, x, y) ->
exists_str ~f x || exists_str ~f y
type ('c, 's, 't) valclass = Constant of 'c | Symbolic of 's | ValTop of 't
module BoundTrace = struct
type t =
| Loop of Location.t
| Call of {callee_pname: Procname.t; callee_trace: t; location: Location.t}
| ModeledFunction of {pname: string; location: Location.t}
| ArcFromNonArc of {pname: string; location: Location.t}
| FuncPtr of {path: Symb.SymbolPath.partial; location: Location.t}
[@@deriving compare]
let rec length = function
| Loop _ | ModeledFunction _ | ArcFromNonArc _ | FuncPtr _ ->
| Call {callee_trace} ->
1 + length callee_trace
let compare t1 t2 = [%compare: int * t] (length t1, t1) (length t2, t2)
let join x y = if length x <= length y then x else y
let rec pp f = function
| Loop loc ->
F.fprintf f "Loop (%a)" Location.pp loc
| ModeledFunction {pname; location} ->
F.fprintf f "ModeledFunction `%s` (%a)" pname Location.pp location
| ArcFromNonArc {pname; location} ->
F.fprintf f "ArcFromNonArc `%s` (%a)" pname Location.pp location
| Call {callee_pname; callee_trace; location} ->
F.fprintf f "%a -> Call `%a` (%a)" pp callee_trace Procname.pp callee_pname Location.pp
| FuncPtr {path; location} ->
F.fprintf f "FuncPtr `%a` (%a)" Symb.SymbolPath.pp_partial path Location.pp location
let call ~callee_pname ~location callee_trace = Call {callee_pname; callee_trace; location}
let rec is_func_ptr = function
| Call {callee_trace} ->
is_func_ptr callee_trace
| FuncPtr _ ->
| Loop _ | ModeledFunction _ | ArcFromNonArc _ ->
let rec make_err_trace_of_non_func_ptr ~depth trace =
match trace with
| Loop loop_head_loc ->
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth loop_head_loc "Loop" []]
| Call {callee_pname; location; callee_trace} ->
let desc = F.asprintf "Call to %a" Procname.pp callee_pname in
Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []
:: make_err_trace_of_non_func_ptr ~depth:(depth + 1) callee_trace
| ModeledFunction {pname; location} ->
let desc = F.asprintf "Modeled call to %s" pname in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []]
| ArcFromNonArc {pname; location} ->
let desc = F.asprintf "ARC function call to %s from non-ARC caller" pname in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []]
| FuncPtr _ ->
assert false
let make_err_trace ~depth trace =
(* Function pointer trace is suppressed. *)
if is_func_ptr trace then [] else make_err_trace_of_non_func_ptr ~depth trace
let of_loop location = Loop location
let of_modeled_function pname location = ModeledFunction {pname; location}
let of_arc_from_non_arc pname location = ArcFromNonArc {pname; location}
let of_function_ptr path location = FuncPtr {path; location}
let rec subst ~get_autoreleasepool_trace x =
match x with
| Call {callee_pname; callee_trace; location} ->
subst ~get_autoreleasepool_trace callee_trace
|> ~f:(fun callee_trace' ->
if phys_equal callee_trace callee_trace' then x
else Call {callee_pname; callee_trace= callee_trace'; location} )
| FuncPtr {path} ->
get_autoreleasepool_trace path
| Loop _ | ModeledFunction _ | ArcFromNonArc _ ->
Some x
(** A NonNegativeBound is a Bound that is either non-negative or symbolic but will be evaluated to a
non-negative value once instantiated *)
module NonNegativeBound = struct
type t = Bound.t * BoundTrace.t [@@deriving compare]
let leq ~lhs:(bound_lhs, _) ~rhs:(bound_rhs, _) = Bound.le bound_lhs bound_rhs
let join (bound_x, trace_x) (bound_y, trace_y) =
(Bound.overapprox_max bound_x bound_y, BoundTrace.join trace_x trace_y)
let widen ~prev:(bound_prev, trace_prev) ~next:(bound_next, trace_next) ~num_iters:_ =
(Bound.widen_u bound_prev bound_next, BoundTrace.join trace_prev trace_next)
let make_err_trace (b, t) =
let b = F.asprintf "{%a}" Bound.pp b in
(b, BoundTrace.make_err_trace ~depth:0 t)
let pp ~hum fmt (bound, t) =
Bound.pp fmt bound ;
if not hum then F.fprintf fmt ": %a" BoundTrace.pp t
let mask_min_max_constant (b, bt) = (Bound.mask_min_max_constant b, bt)
let zero loop_head_loc = (, BoundTrace.Loop loop_head_loc)
let check_le_zero b = if Bound.le b then else b
let of_bound ~trace b = (check_le_zero b, trace)
let of_loop_bound loop_head_loc = of_bound ~trace:(BoundTrace.Loop loop_head_loc)
let of_modeled_function pname location b =
if b then (* we shouldn't have negative modeled bounds *)
assert false
else (b, BoundTrace.ModeledFunction {pname; location})
let of_big_int ~trace c = (Bound.of_big_int c, trace)
let int_lb (b, _) =
Bound.big_int_lb b
|> Option.bind ~f:NonNegativeInt.of_big_int
|> Option.value
let int_ub (b, _) = Bound.big_int_ub b |> ~f:NonNegativeInt.of_big_int_exn
let classify (b, trace) =
match b with
| Bound.PInf ->
ValTop trace
| Bound.MInf ->
assert false
| b -> (
match Bound.get_const b with
| None ->
Symbolic (b, trace)
| Some c ->
Constant (NonNegativeInt.of_big_int_exn c) )
let subst callee_pname location (b, callee_trace) map =
match Bound.subst_ub b map with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom b ->
of_bound b ~trace:( ~callee_pname ~location callee_trace) |> classify
let split_mult (b, trace) =
match b with Bound.MultB (_, b1, b2) -> Some ((b1, trace), (b2, trace)) | _ -> None