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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Programming Research Laboratory (ROPAS)
* Seoul National University, Korea
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module BoUtils = BufferOverrunUtils
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Models = BufferOverrunModels
module OndemandEnv = BufferOverrunOndemandEnv
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
type analysis_data =
{ interproc: BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t InterproceduralAnalysis.t
; get_summary: BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.get_summary
; get_formals: BoUtils.get_formals
; oenv: OndemandEnv.t }
module CFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module Init = struct
let initial_state {interproc= {proc_desc; tenv}; get_summary; oenv} start_node =
let try_decl_local =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let model_env =
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash start_node in
let location = CFG.Node.loc start_node in
let integer_type_widths = oenv.OndemandEnv.integer_type_widths in
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths get_summary
fun (mem, inst_num) {; typ} ->
let loc = Loc.of_pvar ( name pname) in
BoUtils.Exec.decl_local model_env (mem, inst_num) (loc, typ)
let mem = Dom.Mem.init get_summary oenv in
let mem, _ = List.fold ~f:try_decl_local ~init:(mem, 1) (Procdesc.get_locals proc_desc) in
module TransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Dom.Mem
type nonrec analysis_data = analysis_data
let instantiate_latest_prune ~ret_id ~callee_exit_mem eval_sym_trace location mem =
Dom.Mem.get_latest_prune callee_exit_mem
|> Dom.LatestPrune.subst ~ret_id eval_sym_trace location
| Ok latest_prune' ->
(* Note that we are losing some precisions here, e.g., the best results should be "and" of
caller's and callee's pruned conditions. For now, we defer the implementation of the
"and" since we haven't seen a case where "and" would help yet. *)
if Dom.LatestPrune.is_top latest_prune' then mem
else Dom.Mem.set_latest_prune latest_prune' mem
| Error `SubstBottom ->
| Error `SubstFail ->
let instantiate_mem_reachable ret_id callee_formals callee_pname ~callee_exit_mem
({Dom.eval_locpath} as eval_sym_trace) mem location =
let formal_locs =
List.fold callee_formals ~init:LocSet.empty ~f:(fun acc (formal, _) ->
LocSet.add (Loc.of_pvar formal) acc )
let copy_reachable_locs_from locs mem =
let copy loc acc =
Option.value_map (Dom.Mem.find_opt loc callee_exit_mem) ~default:acc ~f:(fun v ->
let locs = PowLoc.subst_loc loc eval_locpath in
let v = Dom.Val.subst v eval_sym_trace location in
PowLoc.fold (fun loc acc -> Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v acc) locs acc )
let reachable_locs = Dom.Mem.get_reachable_locs_from callee_formals locs callee_exit_mem in
LocSet.fold copy (LocSet.diff reachable_locs formal_locs) mem
let instantiate_ret_alias mem =
let subst_loc l =
Option.find_map (Loc.get_path l) ~f:(fun partial ->
let locs = eval_locpath partial in
match PowLoc.is_singleton_or_more locs with
| IContainer.Singleton loc ->
Some loc
| _ ->
with Not_found_s _ | Caml.Not_found -> None )
match Dom.Mem.find_ret_alias callee_exit_mem with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom tgts ->
let ret_alias = Dom.AliasTargets.subst tgts ~subst_loc in
Dom.AliasTargets.fold (Dom.Mem.load_alias ret_id) ret_alias mem
let ret_var = Loc.of_var (Var.of_id ret_id) in
let ret_val =
match Procdesc.load callee_pname with
| Some callee_pdesc when Procdesc.has_added_return_param callee_pdesc ->
Dom.Val.of_loc (Loc.of_pvar (Pvar.get_ret_param_pvar callee_pname))
| _ ->
Dom.Mem.find (Loc.of_pvar (Pvar.get_ret_pvar callee_pname)) callee_exit_mem
Dom.Mem.add_stack ret_var (Dom.Val.subst ret_val eval_sym_trace location) mem
|> instantiate_ret_alias
|> copy_reachable_locs_from
(LocSet.union formal_locs (Dom.Val.get_all_locs ret_val |> PowLoc.to_set))
|> instantiate_latest_prune ~ret_id ~callee_exit_mem eval_sym_trace location
let instantiate_mem :
-> Typ.IntegerWidths.t
-> Ident.t
-> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list
-> Procname.t
-> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
-> Dom.Mem.t
-> BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t
-> Location.t
-> Dom.Mem.t =
fun ~is_params_ref integer_type_widths ret_id callee_formals callee_pname params caller_mem
callee_exit_mem location ->
let eval_sym_trace =
Sem.mk_eval_sym_trace ~is_params_ref integer_type_widths callee_formals params caller_mem
let mem =
instantiate_mem_reachable ret_id callee_formals callee_pname ~callee_exit_mem eval_sym_trace
caller_mem location
if Language.curr_language_is Java then
Dom.Mem.incr_iterator_simple_alias_on_call eval_sym_trace ~callee_exit_mem mem
else mem
let rec is_array_access_exp = function
| Exp.BinOp ((PlusPI | MinusPI), _, _) | Exp.Lindex _ ->
| Exp.Cast (_, x) ->
is_array_access_exp x
| _ ->
let is_java_enum_values tenv callee_pname =
Option.exists (Procname.get_class_type_name callee_pname) ~f:(fun callee_class_name ->
PatternMatch.Java.is_enum tenv callee_class_name
&& String.equal (Procname.get_method callee_pname) "values" )
let assign_java_enum_values get_summary id ~caller_pname ~callee_pname mem =
let caller_class_name = Procname.get_class_type_name caller_pname in
let callee_class_name = Procname.get_class_type_name callee_pname in
let is_caller_class_initializer =
IOption.exists2 caller_class_name callee_class_name
~f:(fun caller_class_name callee_class_name ->
Procname.is_java_class_initializer caller_pname
&& Typ.equal_name caller_class_name callee_class_name )
match callee_class_name with
| Some (JavaClass class_name as typename) ->
let clinit_mem =
if is_caller_class_initializer then Some (Dom.Mem.unset_oenv mem)
else get_summary (Procname.Java (Procname.Java.get_class_initializer typename))
Option.value_map clinit_mem ~default:mem ~f:(fun clinit_mem ->
let loc =
let class_var =
let class_mangled = Mangled.from_string (JavaClassName.to_string class_name) in
Loc.of_var (Var.of_pvar (Pvar.mk_global class_mangled))
let fn = Fieldname.make typename "$VALUES" in
Loc.append_field class_var fn
let v = Dom.Mem.find loc clinit_mem in
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v mem in
if is_caller_class_initializer then mem
let arr_locs = Dom.Val.get_all_locs v in
let arr_v = Dom.Mem.find_set arr_locs clinit_mem in
Dom.Mem.add_heap_set arr_locs arr_v mem )
| _ ->
assert false
let join_java_static_final =
let known_java_static_fields = String.Set.of_list [".EMPTY"] in
let is_known_java_static_field fn =
let fieldname = Fieldname.to_string fn in
String.Set.exists known_java_static_fields ~f:(fun suffix ->
String.is_suffix fieldname ~suffix )
let copy_reachable_locs_from loc ~from_mem ~to_mem =
let copy loc acc =
Option.value_map (Dom.Mem.find_opt loc from_mem) ~default:acc ~f:(fun v ->
Dom.Mem.add_heap loc v acc )
let reachable_locs = Dom.Mem.get_reachable_locs_from [] (LocSet.singleton loc) from_mem in
LocSet.fold copy reachable_locs to_mem
fun tenv get_summary exp mem ->
Option.value_map (Exp.get_java_class_initializer tenv exp) ~default:mem
~f:(fun (clinit_pname, pvar, fn, field_typ) ->
let copy_from_class_init () =
Option.value_map (get_summary clinit_pname) ~default:mem ~f:(fun clinit_mem ->
let field_loc = Loc.append_field ~typ:field_typ (Loc.of_pvar pvar) fn in
copy_reachable_locs_from field_loc ~from_mem:clinit_mem ~to_mem:mem )
match field_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc= Tstruct _}, _) when is_known_java_static_field fn ->
(* It copies all of the reachable values when the contents of the field are commonly
used as immutable, e.g., values of enum. *)
copy_from_class_init ()
| Typ.Tptr ({desc= Tarray _}, _) ->
copy_from_class_init ()
| _ ->
mem )
let java_store_linked_list_next locs v mem =
PowLoc.get_linked_list_next ~lhs:locs ~rhs:(Dom.Val.get_all_locs v)
|> Option.value_map ~default:mem ~f:(fun loc ->
let linked_list_index = Loc.append_field loc BufferOverrunField.java_linked_list_index in
let v = Dom.Mem.find linked_list_index mem |> Dom.Val.plus_a in
Dom.Mem.add_heap linked_list_index v mem )
let modeled_load_of_empty_collection_opt =
let known_empty_collections = String.Set.of_list ["EMPTY_LIST"; "EMPTY_SET"; "EMPTY_MAP"] in
fun exp model_env ret mem ->
match exp with
| Exp.Lfield (_, fieldname, typ)
when String.Set.mem known_empty_collections (Fieldname.get_field_name fieldname)
&& String.equal "java.util.Collections" (Typ.to_string typ) ->
Models.Collection.create_collection model_env ~ret mem |> Option.some
| _ ->
let modeled_range_of_exp location exp mem =
match exp with
| Exp.Lindex (arr_exp, _) ->
let length =
Sem.eval_array_locs_length (Sem.eval_locs arr_exp mem) mem |> Dom.Val.get_itv
| (Itv.get_const length)
~f:(Dom.ModeledRange.of_big_int ~trace:(Bounds.BoundTrace.of_loop location))
| _ ->
let load_global_constant get_summary ((id, _) as ret) pvar location mem ~find_from_initializer =
match Pvar.get_initializer_pname pvar with
| Some callee_pname -> (
match get_summary callee_pname with
| Some callee_mem ->
let v = find_from_initializer callee_mem in
Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v mem
| None ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "/!\\ Unknown initializer of global constant %a" (Pvar.pp Pp.text)
pvar ;
Dom.Mem.add_unknown_from ret ~callee_pname ~location mem )
| None ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "/!\\ Failed to get initializer name of global constant %a"
(Pvar.pp Pp.text) pvar ;
Dom.Mem.add_unknown ret ~location mem
let call {interproc= {tenv}; get_summary; get_formals; oenv= {integer_type_widths}} node location
((id, _) as ret) callee_pname params mem =
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack_loc (Loc.of_id id) mem in
let fun_arg_list =
| params ~f:(fun (exp, typ) ->
ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{exp; typ; arg_payload= ()} )
match Models.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname fun_arg_list with
| Some {Models.exec} ->
let model_env =
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash node in
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env callee_pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths
exec model_env ~ret mem
| None -> (
let {BoUtils.ReplaceCallee.pname= callee_pname; params; is_params_ref} =
BoUtils.ReplaceCallee.replace_make_shared tenv get_formals callee_pname params
match (get_summary callee_pname, get_formals callee_pname) with
| Some callee_exit_mem, Some callee_formals ->
instantiate_mem ~is_params_ref integer_type_widths id callee_formals callee_pname params
mem callee_exit_mem location
| _, _ ->
(* This may happen for procedures with a biabduction model too. *)
L.d_printfln_escaped "/!\\ Unknown call to %a" Procname.pp callee_pname ;
ScubaLogging.cost_log_message ~label:"unmodeled_function_inferbo"
~message:(F.asprintf "Unmodeled Function[Inferbo] : %a" Procname.pp callee_pname) ;
Dom.Mem.add_unknown_from ret ~callee_pname ~location mem )
let unknown_call location ((id, _) as ret) mem =
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack_loc (Loc.of_id id) mem in
Dom.Mem.add_unknown ret ~location mem
let exec_instr : Dom.Mem.t -> analysis_data -> CFG.Node.t -> Sil.instr -> Dom.Mem.t =
fun mem
({interproc= {proc_desc; tenv}; get_summary; oenv= {integer_type_widths}} as analysis_data)
node instr ->
match instr with
| Load {id} when Ident.is_none id ->
| Load {id; e= Exp.Lvar pvar; typ; loc= location}
when Pvar.is_compile_constant pvar || Pvar.is_ice pvar ->
load_global_constant get_summary (id, typ) pvar location mem
~find_from_initializer:(fun callee_mem -> Dom.Mem.find (Loc.of_pvar pvar) callee_mem)
| Load {id; e= Exp.Lindex (Exp.Lvar pvar, _); typ; loc= location}
when Pvar.is_compile_constant pvar || Pvar.is_ice pvar
|| (Pvar.is_constant_array pvar && Pvar.is_const pvar) ->
load_global_constant get_summary (id, typ) pvar location mem
~find_from_initializer:(fun callee_mem ->
let locs = Dom.Mem.find (Loc.of_pvar pvar) callee_mem |> Dom.Val.get_all_locs in
Dom.Mem.find_set locs callee_mem )
| Load {id; e= exp; typ; loc= location} -> (
let model_env =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash node in
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths
match modeled_load_of_empty_collection_opt exp model_env (id, typ) mem with
| Some mem' ->
| None ->
let mem =
if Language.curr_language_is Java then join_java_static_final tenv get_summary exp mem
else mem
let represents_multiple_values = is_array_access_exp exp in
let modeled_range = modeled_range_of_exp location exp mem in
BoUtils.Exec.load_locs ~represents_multiple_values ~modeled_range id typ
(Sem.eval_locs exp mem) mem )
| Store {e2= Exn _} when Language.curr_language_is Java ->
| Store {e1= tgt_exp; e2= Const (Const.Cstr _) as src; loc= location}
when Language.curr_language_is Java ->
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash node in
let model_env =
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths
let tgt_locs = Sem.eval_locs tgt_exp mem in
let tgt_deref =
let allocsite =
Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:1 ~dimension:1 ~path:None
PowLoc.singleton (Loc.of_allocsite allocsite)
Dom.Mem.update_mem tgt_locs (Dom.Val.of_pow_loc ~traces:Trace.Set.bottom tgt_deref) mem
|> Models.JavaString.constructor_from_char_ptr model_env tgt_deref src
| Store {e1= exp1; e2= Const (Const.Cstr s); loc= location} ->
let locs = Sem.eval_locs exp1 mem in
let model_env =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash node in
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths
let do_alloc = not (Sem.is_stack_exp exp1 mem) in
BoUtils.Exec.decl_string model_env ~do_alloc locs s mem
| Store {e1= exp1; typ; e2= exp2; loc= location} ->
let locs = Sem.eval_locs exp1 mem in
let v =
Sem.eval integer_type_widths exp2 mem |> Dom.Val.add_assign_trace_elem location locs
let mem = Dom.Mem.update_mem locs v mem in
let mem = java_store_linked_list_next locs v mem in
let mem =
if Language.curr_language_is Clang && Typ.is_char typ then
BoUtils.Exec.set_c_strlen ~tgt:(Sem.eval integer_type_widths exp1 mem) ~src:v mem
else mem
let mem =
match PowLoc.is_singleton_or_more locs with
| IContainer.Singleton loc_v ->
Dom.Mem.store_simple_alias loc_v exp2 mem
| _ ->
let mem = Dom.Mem.update_latest_prune ~updated_locs:locs exp1 exp2 mem in
| Prune (exp, location, _, _) ->
Sem.Prune.prune location integer_type_widths exp mem
| Call ((id, _), Const (Cfun callee_pname), _, _, _) when is_java_enum_values tenv callee_pname
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack_loc (Loc.of_id id) mem in
assign_java_enum_values get_summary id
~caller_pname:(Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
~callee_pname mem
| Call (ret, Const (Cfun callee_pname), params, location, _) ->
call analysis_data node location ret callee_pname params mem
| Call (ret, fun_exp, params, location, _) -> (
let func_ptrs = Sem.eval integer_type_widths fun_exp mem |> Dom.Val.get_func_ptrs in
match FuncPtr.Set.is_singleton_or_more func_ptrs with
| Singleton (Closure {name= callee_pname}) ->
call analysis_data node location ret callee_pname params mem
| More ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "/!\\ Call to multiple functions %a" Exp.pp fun_exp ;
unknown_call location ret mem
| Empty | Singleton (Path _) ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "/!\\ Call to non-const function %a" Exp.pp fun_exp ;
unknown_call location ret mem )
| Metadata (VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar, typ, location)) when Pvar.is_global pvar ->
let model_env =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let node_hash = CFG.Node.hash node in
BoUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths
let mem, _ = BoUtils.Exec.decl_local model_env (mem, 1) (Loc.of_pvar pvar, typ) in
| Metadata (ExitScope (dead_vars, _)) ->
Dom.Mem.remove_temps (List.filter_map dead_vars ~f:Var.get_ident) mem
| Metadata (Abstract _ | Nullify _ | Skip | VariableLifetimeBegins _) ->
let pp_session_name node fmt = F.fprintf fmt "bufferoverrun %a" CFG.Node.pp_id ( node)
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.MakeWTO (TransferFunctions)
type invariant_map = Analyzer.invariant_map
type memory_summary = BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t
let extract_pre = Analyzer.extract_pre
let extract_post = Analyzer.extract_post
let extract_state = Analyzer.extract_state
let compute_invariant_map :
BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t InterproceduralAnalysis.t -> invariant_map =
fun ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; exe_env; analyze_dependency} as interproc) ->
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in
let analysis_data =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let get_summary proc_name = analyze_dependency proc_name >>| snd in
let get_formals callee_pname =
AnalysisCallbacks.proc_resolve_attributes callee_pname >>| ProcAttributes.get_pvar_formals
let integer_type_widths = Exe_env.get_integer_type_widths exe_env proc_name in
let oenv = proc_desc tenv integer_type_widths in
{interproc; get_summary; get_formals; oenv}
let initial = Init.initial_state analysis_data (CFG.start_node cfg) in
Analyzer.exec_pdesc ~do_narrowing:true ~initial analysis_data proc_desc
let cached_compute_invariant_map =
let cache_get, cache_set = Procname.UnitCache.create () in
fun ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc} as analysis_data) ->
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
match cache_get pname with
| Some inv_map ->
| None ->
let inv_map = compute_invariant_map analysis_data in
cache_set pname inv_map ;
let compute_summary : (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list -> CFG.t -> invariant_map -> memory_summary =
fun formals cfg inv_map ->
let exit_node_id = CFG.exit_node cfg |> in
match extract_post exit_node_id inv_map with
| Some exit_mem ->
exit_mem |> Dom.Mem.forget_unreachable_locs ~formals |> Dom.Mem.unset_oenv
| None ->
let analyze_procedure ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc} as analysis_data) =
let inv_map = cached_compute_invariant_map analysis_data in
let formals = Procdesc.get_pvar_formals proc_desc in
let cfg = CFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in
Some (compute_summary formals cfg inv_map)